PN remembers the frame-up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says the last 25 years have seen Malta acquire the culture of freedom and the strengthening of democracy.

Guido de Marco was defense counsel for Pietru Pawl Busuttil (centre).
Guido de Marco was defense counsel for Pietru Pawl Busuttil (centre).

The Nationalist Party today concluded a series of events and activities aimed at commemorating the political unrest of the 1980s. This morning's activity in Hal Safi remembered the frame-up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil,

Busuttil was framed for the murder of Raymond Caruana in 1986.

"Democracy was stolen was 30 years ago," Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said. "25 years ago Raymond Caruana's life was taken and the attempt to incriminate an innocent man threatened our democracy."

Gonzi said this morning's activitiy was not to look back at the past but to look at what Malta has today and where it is heading.

"It feels like yesterday when society cried for democracy, as the government hindered liberty. The 80s saw a time of conflict instead of development. But those times have now changed."

Gonzi said people respected the institutions, as today's government respects democracy and respects election results.

He said, amendments to the Constitution can be discussed made guaranteeing Malta a neutral role, but not cut off from the rest of the world.

"Today, we have all the ingredients for our country to continue move forward. We acquired the culture of freedom ... it is the backbone of this country," Gonzi said.

He added more needs to be done, but it is clear the country's economy is no longer led by the State but open to businesses.

Gonzi recalled the investment done in the education, health and social services; the freedom of media and pluralism; and the police force serving the needs of the public.

"People can now open a case against government in court, something which a Labour government had removed," he said, adding government will continue to strengthen human rights, justice institutions and increase Courts efficiency.

PN interviews Pietru Pawl Busuttil

During the activity, Safi mayor Pietru Pawl Busuttil recalled in detail what he went through during the years of the frame-up. He said, courage, determination and the late President Guido de Marco had helped him overcome the ordeal.

Recalling moment by moment what happened on the day when police officers had knocked on the front door of his house, Busuttil said he could never predict what was to face him:

"They had tried to frame my brother-in-law, but the plan failed when they were caught trying to climb up his farm. Someone then advised them to frame me. I remember passing outside my farm and seeing Lorry Sant. I thought he had come down to carry out plans on road asphalting. But it was the beginning of the plan."

Busuttil said in the evening, police knocked on his door and said they wanted to go to his farm: "They seemed to know where to drive to, as I started noticing more cars following us. I immediately noticed something was wrong when I opened the door to the farm. It wasn't as I had left it."

He said, the police inspector knew exactly where to look at: "He pointed at the hay - which was not there when I left - and asked me to look what was underneath. I refused to touch it - I knew they wanted my fingerprints there."

Under the hay police found explosives, a boiler suit and bullets, Busuttil said. As more photographs were taken, Busutill spent the night with the police at the garage. Because it was night, they couldn't search the area where he kept the animals.

"Early in the morning my wife came and I told her to contact Guido de Marco. Then, I went to feed the animals and noticed another car had arrived. The police arrived later and started their second search. Inspector Mula immediately saw another sack which wasn't mine.

"He once again told me to open it but I refused. I told him it wasn't mine. So he opened it. There, he found the gun. He asked me to show him how I use it and again I refused. He started shouting and the police commissioner came in."

Busutill adds the worst moment of his life was when the commissioner told him: "Do you know your life is over? Imagine yourself in a boiling volcano..."

When he took the police and a photographer on the roof, Busuttil immediately realised from where the people had got in: "They had probably sprayed my dog to calm her down with an insect repellent. I saw the net on the roof was thorn and scratches on the wall."

Busuttil said his second worst moment was when the court read out the nine charges he was accused of: "The worst accusation was that I killed Raymond Caruana. I saw Guido de Marco and he hugged me and I cried. It was a nightmare."

The Safi mayor says he still suffers from heart conditions due to the shock suffered.  "I was like a bird who is caged. They threw me in a small room, with a small round window just for your eye to see. Then I ended up in hospital. It was a shock, slowly taking away my life."

Remembering de Marco, Busuttil said it was him who saved his life. "He used to visit me often and talk to me. He told me my name was going to be cleared and to pluck up courage. If it weren't for him, I would have given up."


Micheal Bonanno
@Schreck. I agree with you 100%!
Future and new governments should be free and unencumbered from the mundane obligations towards the big, greedy a money thirsty fish which linger in their shadow every single minute. Even though it has the political sense of wanting to do the right thing for the sake of being re-elected, the present PN government cannot operate freely because it is burdened with numerous benefactors and friends all demanding that they be given priority over all others. The interest of these ‘parasites’ is now more important for the PN than the national interest. And that is why, whether one likes it or not, the country badly needs a change of government.
Li tiftakar fil passat hu tajjeb ghax jghalmek minn fejn bdejt imma li tqarraq u idawwar fatti li graw fil passat hu diaboliku, bhal ghaliex minn Supretindent fi zmien il Gvern tas sena 1987 hekk kif telgha il Partit Nazzjonalista sar Assisitent Kumissarju ta xhiex kien il grazzi, wara li l istess persuna nstabet hatja li kisret id drittijiet tal bniedem> Hemm xi hadd iwiegeb?
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. Your scaremongering will get you nowhere. Just point out where Joseph glorified the Mintoff regime. He only glorified the reforms which Mintoff had started and continued by subsequent governments. What corrupt dictatorship? Corrupt yes, because long years in government will get the better of you, such is human nature, but dictatorial, that's a long one to swallow! And about the thugs, why not point out which are the thugs that being encouraged. If you don't have any proof, then one thing remains for you to do, and you know what I mean!
Gonzi said this morning's activitiy was not to look back at the past but to look at what Malta has today and where it is heading. Hekk qal il Kapo ipokrita tal Pe Ne bie ma inharsux lura.....Iva dan ma jafx kemm ilhom jinqdew B'Raymond caruana u issa il vittma (LOL) P.P Busu....ghall skopijiet politici,,,Halluna issa il Maltin jafu kollox kif jaf ukoll kollox (ghall inqas hekk kien qal EFA) min jaf x'sar dak iz-zmien sakem EFA hataf Malta taht idejh u baqa igib il firda ...U ghadu sal lum.
Joseph Muscat is playing a very dangerous game by glorifying the Mintoff regime and bringing back the hierarchs who are tainted by their connection with that corrupt dictatorship. This is, unfortunately, encouraging thugs to become more and more violent and we will witness it when the PL wins the next elections.
Micheal Bonanno
@Bond. Mintoff was never and will never be on par with those dictators. Mintoff was like any other European leader doing what's best for his country. He was get financial aid to so that he continue with the reforms the country was going through, and this was happening without the aid of the opposition which was all the time throwing the spanner in the works and lobbying in Europe against Malta,so that no aid or investments be brought here to our country. Every European leader had negotiations with those leaders mentioned, so why not Malta? Was Malta something special, or a holier-than-thou country as the PN wanted to make us believe? In truth, the PN was afraid that with the reforms Mintoff was making in Malta, it would be the end of the PN party. Who would ever thought of the social services reforms that Malta passed through in the 70's? Not even the UK, which is doing some of the reforms we've had, now, 30 years later! Education for all, housing for the workers, free healthcare and opening up of many polyclinics all over the island, only to most of them being closed again by the PN once it got into power in 1987. What the consequent PN governments did after those reforms, was to continue building on them, except where AirMalta, dockyard, SeaMalta were concerned. These were sold for a pittance! That was Mintoff in the 70's not the dictator that the PN wanted him to be. The PN tried its best to depict Mintoff as a dictator throughout Europe. But the greatest example of Mintoff's dictatorship came in late 1983, where after nearly 2 years in the political wilderness, after boycotting Parliament, Mintoff, without any pressure from within, or without passed a motion of co-option to bring the PN opposition back to Parliament. What dictator would do that? If Mintoff were a dicator he was made up to be by the PN, they wouldn't have won the General elections of 1987. He was the one who proposed an amendment in the electoral law that said that whoever had the majority of votes, had the right to govern. In 1971, the PN was ready to govern with the same result of 1981. In 1971, if the PN won the elections through a majority of seats, then for the PN was democratic. But in 1981, the MLP winning the elections with the majority of seats was against democracy. That's the PN for you, law is a piece of an elastic band to bend it at their own whim. But Mintoff saw through that, and by the amendment in the electoral law of 1986, made it clear that the majority of votes will enable the party to govern. Thus Mintoff was a Dictator!
@ David Bezzina No. he was not on par, but he was best friends and did invite to Malta and sometimes bestowed honours too on some of them: some " friends " easily come to mind :Erich Honecker of East Germany; Hoxha of Albania; Kim il Sung of North Korea; Ceaucescu of Romania; Gaddafi of Libya, etc etc most of these dictators were slain by their own people!
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. You already had your answer in 1996. Two years of Labour and nothing of your scaremongering happened. Not only that, Dr. Alfred Sant cleansed the Party from the remaining violent elements inside, and they were embraced by the PN. Of course, I hope you haven't forgotten il-Pupa, whose conversion was greater than that of what happened on the road to Damascus!
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. You already had your answer in 1996. Two years of Labour and nothing of your scaremongering happened. Not only that, Dr. Alfred Sant cleansed the Party from the remaining violent elements inside, and they were embraced by the PN. Of course, I hope you haven't forgotten il-Pupa, whose conversion was greater than that of what happened on the road to Damascus!
@salgister........ you forgot il-Pupa who saw the light and became a nationalist (!!!)and everybody knows how he ended up.
@antoin vella, have you ever seriously considered seeing a shrink. You seem to suffer from dimentia compounded by paranoia. Man are you in trouble, don't leave it until its too late.
How xan we be sure that the MLP (disguised as PL) would not carry out other frame-ups if they get a chance? Twenty-five years have passed but they have not changed.
Micheal Bonanno
@Googol. So that the PN's argument of frame-up will be stronger and far-reaching! That's how the PN's strategy works. They don't talk much about Louis Bartolo shooting and killing il-Fusellu! Or how he was abetted when escaping from Corradino Prisons. Or how Wilfrid Cardona was murdered after being heard shouting in a Nationalist club that he'll go and spill the beans to the police. Or how il-Hafi was given 3 presidential pardons for him to say the truth about the pre-meditated murder of RCC and nothing came out! Nothing is said by the PN about the politicl murder of Karen Grech! Why?
Micheal Bonanno
@Googol. So that the PN's argument of frame-up will be stronger and far-reaching! That's how the PN's strategy works. They don't talk much about Louis Bartolo shooting and killing il-Fusellu! Or how he was abetted when escaping from Corradino Prisons. Or how Wilfrid Cardona was murdered after being heard shouting in a Nationalist club that he'll go and spill the beans to the police. Or how il-Hafi was given 3 presidential pardons for him to say the truth about the pre-meditated murder of RCC and nothing came out! Nothing is said by the PN about the politicl murder of Karen Grech! Why?
Micheal Bonanno
@Googol. So that the PN's argument of frame-up will be stronger and far-reaching! That's how the PN's strategy works. They don't talk much about Louis Bartolo shooting and killing il-Fusellu! Or how he was abetted when escaping from Corradino Prisons. Or how Wilfrid Cardona was murdered after being heard shouting in a Nationalist club that he'll go and spill the beans to the police. Or how il-Hafi was given 3 presidential pardons for him to say the truth about the pre-meditated murder of RCC and nothing came out! Nothing is said by the PN about the politicl murder of Karen Grech! Why?
Micheal Bonanno
@Antoine Vella. One thing is certain. You're all scared of the truth ever coming out. Because if it does, it will be bye-bye PN! You're warping history, especially during the 80's beyond recognition, and it will soon reach the status of mythology where Mintoff becomes a multi-head hydra, and all labourites the devil's minions. You have every right to be scared of Labour, because if Labour comes to power, your dreams of lust will just end there and then, and then maybe the truth will come, especially about the state of our country's finances!
Always wondered why they chose a such a nice and quiet guy like Peter Paul Busuttil to frame up.
Micheal Bonanno
@David Bezzina. Under the Mintoff regime (as you put it) the Opposition was exiled to the island of Timbuctoo. Others were tortured in the Castille dungeons, while their wives and daughters were raped at the palace of the inquisitor. Their babies, were eaten, and the remnants were fed to the dogs. Churches were burnt down, because only the Mintoffian doctrine was allowed in the country. All the opposition media were forced to transmit from faraway lands because of the far-reaching hand of this mini-dictator! And the Maltese people were all living in an earthly hell that no one in his worst nightmare could ever dream of. Under the Mintoffian regime, the rich got richer, and the poor made vagrants and vagabonds living in cardboard boxes, and if possible in caves, while having nothing to wear. Slavery was the rule of the day. Pity all those who haven't got schools to go too. Malta was hell on earth under the Mintoffian regime. All you could see was communism's ugly head rearing itself among the populace. Of course, what you've just read was only a figment of the PN's imagination, because they want us to beleive that under Mintoff, things got from bad to worse. But that is what is really happening now. While the rich get richer, we the lower classes are getting poorer. If you believe what most of the PN apologists say, then you really don't have a mind of your own. Their were bad things in the last years of the MLP Government between 1981 and 1987. But what the PN apologists don't say is that when Labour was again in government, 1996-1998, nothing, of what they feared happened! It's their way to scare the people into voting them in again, to continue to feed their greed and lust for power!
Whoever is in charge of this website must really have enjoyed my latest comment since they have uploaded my latest comment not once but three times.
It's not just the PN which remembers the frame-up. All those who lived then remember it and others who were not yet born are gradually learning about it and the many other abominations of Labour regimes.
Jeffrey Vella
It's not just the PN which remembers the frame-up. All those who lived then remember it and others who were not yet born are gradually learning about it and the many other abominations of Labour regimes.
It's not just the PN which remembers the frame-up. All those who lived then remember it and others who were not yet born are gradually learning about it and the many other abominations of Labour regimes.
@Antoine Vella: And Mr. Vella (PN) how come you came to the conclustin that Mintoff etc are the culprits of those things? Why not the ohter way round that is your party was the culprit because they wanted to topple the labour party so that they can be crowned as the maltese government? I think that the latter is nearer to the truth then your strategy. Besides your then leader used to say that he knew who commeted these crimes but he never came forward with concrete evidence maybe becaus pn supporters were involved? I don't know but I hope that someday somebody will uncover the culprits whoever they are PL or PN so they get punished.
All this and what has shown on TVM will be brought up again on the eve of the elections it's an old game the GonziPN play. It would be better to solve the murders than to throw mud.
How convenient for Gonzi to forget his party filthy murderous past.Whatever happened to Fenech Adami pledge to name the killers?It all points to one thing, the p.n.have something to hide.Preach as much as you want about christian values God knows whats in your heart, and your heart stinks.
Mintoffians are so touchy about the past because, over the years, they have constructed an imaginary - less uncomfortable - world and are furious when the illusion is broken by hard facts.
I congratulate PL for not falling for gonzipn's incitement. Joseph by ignoring this latest of garbage propaganda is drawing more undecided votes by showing maturity and looks foward instead of backwards. It is only hypocrites who think that they can keep fooling the people by depicting themselves as virgins of politics. A maltese saying goes something like this "Everyone has an odour under his arm pit". No matter how much gonzipn/pn try to deodorize theirs the stink they have will never be wiped out, once corruption creeps in there is no way to revive the corpse.
"I don't mind that the small fry, the marmalja and the garbage-cops were not punished. What irks me is that politicians like KMB, Minttoff, Wistin Abela and the detestable Lorry Sant were not arrested and imprisoned - they were politically responsible for what happened and they should have paid."---antoin vella......... Now put your money were your mouth is and go to the police with all that you know about Mintoff Wistin Abela KMB and Lorry Sant.All we know is that the courts in Malta declared that Karen's Grech murder was politically motivated and if anyone should be held politically res[ponsible is EFA and his cohorts, unfortunately some have passed away to be judged by a higher power.
Sometimes I am amazed the poor strategies GonziPN perform when they are in dire straits. They excel in hypocrisy. They always seem to amaze us. They concocted all the troubles in the 80s and now they want us to believe they are the 'saints'. Their stench has now reached to unbelievable levels and can smell it from another galaxy. I am not saying the PL never made mistakes or persons took the law to their hands under the banner of the party, but GonziPN now has exceeded the limits. Democracy? GonziPN eroded democracy more than 10 years ago by rolling over the Opposition in a non-functioning Parliament. What a joke this country has become. Hey, Borroso, take notice if you have time not submitted what Merkozy dictates to you and the EU.
Well Antoine Vella you just admitted it, why wasn't anyone brought to justice after 25 years. I remind you that ex-PN leader and emeritus president mentioned people on the granaries and promised to bring them to justice if elected PM. We are still waiting for him to do so. He also said he would tell who killed Karen Grech, her father Prof E Grech is still waiting?
I don't mind that the small fry, the marmalja and the garbage-cops were not punished. What irks me is that politicians like KMB, Minttoff, Wistin Abela and the detestable Lorry Sant were not arrested and imprisoned - they were politically responsible for what happened and they should have paid.
I asked before and I will ask again.How come over 25 years in Government and they were not capable to solve all these political stupidities. One thing for sure instead they solved these frame ups they promoted the policemen. Give us answers MR Prim Minister
These episodes are all definitely WRONG and should have never have happened.What amazes me is how after all those years no one was charged including that of Karen Grech and people involved in this case were given a promotion.Unbelievable!!!!!!!
Ghax-xenati ma jghaddihom hadd lin-Nazzjonalisti. Taf x'ma qalulniex li dawk il-pulizija li ghamlu u hadmu dan il-frame up ( jiena konvint li ma kien frame up xejn imma kien il-verita kollha) minfoli tkeccew mill-pulizija u ttellghu il-Qorti u ghaddewhom Guri tawh il-glorja, tawhowm promozzjoni u kien hem min ha tnejn. Dak imisshom jghidu n-nazzjonalisti u mhux il-gideb. In-nazzjonalisti ghanhom idejhom imcappsa bid-demm tal-marti ta' dak iz-zmien u ghalxejn jippruvaw jahsluhom ghax dawk ma jindafu qatt u forsi ghax xi hadd tnigzu l-kuxjenza (allavolja ma baqalhomx) u jghid kollox kif graw l-affarijiet u min kienu dawk li ppjanaw u wettqu dak kollu li kien qed jigri. Ghax mhux veru li meta tkun fil-poter taghmel dak kollu ghax tista tara llum il-gvern mhux jaqla l-inkwiet ghax ghandu l-proter imma jinbex ill-oppozizzjoni biex forsi taqla l-inkwiet hi u jgawdi hu imma llum il-laburist mmaturaw u kapaci joqghodu u jassaportu. Proset Joseph tat-tmexxija tieghek u dalwaqt tiehu l-premju ta' hidmietek.
Fil-kumment li diga ghamilt hawn taht irreferejt ghal qtil ta' Karin Grech. Ftit wara li sar il-qtil kont ktibt ittra f'The Times u fost affarijiet ohra ktibt hekk: " The accusing finger can only point in one direction - the nationalists !" Mill-eluf kbar ta' nazzjonalisti, tafu minn ghamilli libell? L-avukat Louis Galea li dak iz-zmien kien is-segretarju generali tal-PN ! Naturalment spicca biex tilef il-libell li ghamilli bli spejjez b'kollox, u rega tiòef l-appell ! Sa llum ghadni bil-kurzita x'immotivah biex ghamilli libell hu minn fost in-nazzjonalisti kollha ! Eddy Privitera
Luke Camilleri
Ma kienux hemm il-Puluzija akkuzati bil-Frame-Up? Dak il-farm , l-istess wiehed li l-Mepa hargulu il-permessi ghal villel bil-pool ghal avolja f'ODZ? Kienu jirrakaontaw kif u kemm inghataw promozzjonijiet minn Eddie meta ha il-poter? Tohrog sew id-differenza bejn Gonzi u Muscat, Gonzi jhares lura.... u Joseph Muscat il-Quddiem! F'idejn l'elettorat biex jiddeciedi id-direzzjoni li jrid!
Mid-dehra la Pietru Pawl Busuttil u lanqas il-prim ministru ma semmew l-ismijiet tal-pulizija li kienu ghamlu l-frame-up. Ghaliex tghid ? naturalment ghax flok tkeccew mill-Korp inghataw promozzjoni hekk kif il-PN rebah l-elezzjoni ! Issa tghid fit-28 ta' Dicembru Gonzi se jfakkar il-qtil ta' tfajla innocenti, Karen Grech, ghax missierha gie Malta jahdem l-Isptar meta t-tobba kienu fuq strike ?? Idejkhom imcappsin bid-demm ta' dik it-tfajla innocenti ta' 16 il-sena ! Ftakru biex fit-28 ta' Dicembru araw Gonzi jghidx kelma wahda dwar dak il-qtil barbaru ! Eddy Privitera
Is this the same PPB??? It seems the guy has come a long way from his pseudo-trauma. Tridux thalluna!!! Who cares what happened over 25 years ago except historians? But we do care about tomorrow and this is what the PM should be wasting his time on and not petty commemorations!!! The PN has conveniently left these cases to rot to the power of time. Like religion, a mystery ceases to be one if scientists give a plausible explanation. The PN wants the murder of people like RC and KG to remain a mystery for obvious reasons. Let them rest in peace will you and get on with your work re the euro crisis, will you??? And the PL has nothing to be ashamed of. The PL has admitted its mistakes and moved on. That is called growth. The PN still talks about 30 years ago. That's called fixation!!
avatar what about these gonzi
bil mod hej tal pn iriduha tax xempju tad demokrazija imma nafu kemm mhux hekk! Mela nibdew bl ezempji, F'Malta 2010(mhux 70s jew 80s)hlief hbieb tal hbieb inkompetenti ma jihdux laqwa jobs, jekk tmur tiprotesta u turi wiccek ma taqlax bil lembuba imma xi transfer jekk tkun mal gvern jew jekk mal privat il boss nazjonalist jaf jiddejjaq u jibda jaqbad mieghek,jekk ikollok kawza il qorti int iddum 10 snin tiela u nizel imma jekk ikun hemm xi segretarju parlamentari issuspettat jitla darbtejn u fgimgha tinqata il kawza, ma tistax tafda l emails ,sms u telefonati ghax is secret service ikunu qed jisimaw(allajbierek flokk jaqbdu il kriminali),kumpanijja privata twahhal it tickets bladdocc u jekk ma jkollokx leave biex tmur tappella ikollok thallas bilfors(issa indunajna li jitfawha ghal saqajha u jekk titla terbah jekk le terd...)insomma ghandi lista kbira tan nuqqas ta demokrazija u ingustizzji li jigru kuljumm fdan il pajjiz imma le l importanti xgara ftal barrani hux? u hallina Mr borg olivier bhallissa nistenna il kont tad dawl qieghed jien biex nara jifdallix xi haga biex nixtri naqra rigali bhan nies!!
Let us also remember the actual discrimination being levied against those who are simply not PN. Let us remember that the curent Gov condones those who squander taxpayers money by instigating hatred against labourites... LET US REMEMBER TO WHAT ALLEAGIANCE THE CURRENT GOV SWEARS IT OATH
Micheal Bonanno
U ghandhom ohra. Issa bil-provi li Karen Grech kien qtil politiku. Qalithu l-qorti stess. Certifikat li ser ikompli jhammeg il-PN tul l-ezistenza tieghu!
Micheal Bonanno
@Malonki. Il-PL mhux qieghed jibza' imma qieghed joqghod li ma jgibx jew ikompli jzid il-firda u l-mibgheda, u biha jitkattar izjed il-PN! Il-gid li ghamlu l-Gvernijiet Laburisti bejn 1971-1987 ghadu jinhass sal-lum, allavolja qieghed jitnaqqar naqra naqra. Il-PL qieghed jaghti prova min vera gab il-firda fil-pajjiz, u fl-istess hin qieghed jaghti prova min ghandu x'jirbah jekk jinqala' l-inkwiet. Le siehbi. Hallihom jitmieghku fil-hama wehidhom. Illum il-poplu mxebba' bl-atteggjament tal-PN. Tant il-PN jafu dan li qieghed jipprova jqajjem is-sentimenti li kellu l-PN f'dawk iz-zmienijiet. Li nafu zgur hu li mhux jirnexxielu, ghax kieku qieghed jirnexxielu kieku anke hangra daqshiex u meetings jaghmlu. Imma bil-media taparsi ndependenti maghhom itambru fuq l-istess suggett, in-Nazzjoni, in-Net, il-Mument u t-Times, u xorta n-nies mhix taghti kaz hlief dawk il-poodles li malli tigbdilhom ic-cinga jibdew jinbhu!
X'qed izomm lil Partit Laburista biex minn hawn u gimghatejn ohra jaghmel gimgha shiha jikkommemora l-qtil ta' karen grech u jfakkar lil kulhadd kemm il-president emeritus eddie fenech adami dam snin shah ikeskes u jnawwar il-pajjiz biex jissodisfa l-kilba kbira li kellu (u ghad ghandu) ghall-poter. Imma l-Partit Laburista tal-lum jibza' minn dellu. Qisu kuntent ihalli min jghajjru fuq l-imghoddi bla ma jitniffes !!! La haddiehor joqghod jerga' jqanqal il-passat, il-partit laburista ghandu jaghmel l-istess haga u jfakkar il-vjolenza fizika u morali li mexxa 'l quddiem fil-pajjiz bejn l-1971 u l-1987 min kien imexxi l-partit nazzjonalista f'dak iz-zmien u jilghabha tal-qaddis u jhabbat fuq sidru.
Ma nafx ghaliex din l'outburst kollha dwar il vjolenza politika mill PN. Ma nafx ghala Pual Borg Olivier jrid jiprova izebblah lil min hu laburist, u jipprova jipparagunah ma komunist, bil-hsieb li jmaqdar lil dik l- ideologija. Min certa persuni f' kariga gholja f' partit politiku (iktar u iktar li qied fil gvern) ma kontx nistennija. Vera tal misthija. Jien 2 domandi jiguni f mohhi. a) Allura jekk min qed imexxi il partit nazzjonalista dejjem jirrepeti l istess diska fuq il vjolenza tas 70, u 80, mela allura kif, u nerga nirrepeti kif, qatt il qorti internazzjonali ghad drittijiet tal bniedem qatt ma harget mandat t'arrest ghal Dom Mintoff, KMB, ecc? Jew kif qatt il partit nazzjonalista ma applika ghal mandat t'arrest mil qorti internazzjonali ghad drittijiet tal bniedem? b) Kif certa nies li kienu tista tghid il promoturi ta vjolenza fizika f dawk iz zminijet minflok tressqu quddiem il gustizja, inghataw promotions, u ghadhom hemm sal- lum il gurnata (specjalment fil korp tal pulizija u fl armata) c)Tahsbu genwinament li hawn gvern li kien jaqla linkwiet huwa jew in-nies tieghu taht it tmexxija tieghu stess? Jiena cert li ma kienux Laburisti izda thugs mqabbdin biex jidher PL ikrah u Gonzighax ma jitkellimx ta ragel u jghid jekk jaf min vera kien jaqla it trouble milli jitfa tajn fuq PL. Jiena Konvint li ta Gonzi PN qeghdin jaghmlu hekk ghax qeghdin JIBZGHU mil-prezent u ma jistghu qatt jirribattu l-argumenti ta' Dr Muscat ghax huma GENWINI. Prosit Dr Muscat li tfajthom 30 sena lura u jrid jippruvaw jgibu vot min x'imkien billi jqanqlu l-FIRDA-BIZA-MIBEGHDA fost l-poplu li fl-opinjoni tieghi m'ghadiex tezisti. Li ma jsemmux li bejn 96 u 98 kien hawn Gvern Laburista u ma nqalax inkwiet. Peter Davies l-Kap Ezekuttiv gdid ta' l-Air Malta kecca 4 managers il-bierah mill -Air Malta. 4 haddiema Genwini li kienu ilhom snin twal jaghtu servizz professjonali fil-kumpanija. Il-haddiema tal- AirMalta bhalissa ghandhom qalbhom imtertqa meta qeghdin jaraw dawn l-atrocitajiet isiru. Din hija l-politika ta GonziPN jgibu l-barranin b'nofs miljun euro paga fis-sena biex jimmassakra l-haddiema!! Dan il-gvern jipprova jiddevja l-attenzjoni fuq x'gara 30 sena ilu biex jkompli ghaddej Gaffa min fuq kullhadd
Dak Mhux Ninu Zammit fir-rittrat ? Dak ghadu fil parlament partit min dan il gvern gdid ta Gonzi Hux?
Zack Depasquale
Huwa biss Partit skadut li jiftakar dak li gara 25 sena ilu, ghaliex ma jkollux biex x'jiftahar fuq il-prezent. Jien insaqsi, min kien fil-Gvern f'dawn l-ahhar 25 sena? Huwa GonziPN li kien fil-gvern f'dan iz-zmien u li ghandu biex jisthi, ghaliex f'dawn is-snin kollha ma rnexxilux jaqbad il-vera hatja wara dawn il-hnizrijiet. Nemmen anzi konvint li ghad trid tinkiteb mill-gdid l-istorja ta dan il-perjodu mqalleb fl-istorja politika ta'Malta u turi minn gawda l-iktar b'dawn l-atti kriminali u ta'terrur.
PN again looking over it's shoulder instead of leaning to the future. Sorry, boys, your propoganda has been lost this time.
Meta tkun riesqa l elezzjoni, tal PN jippruvaw iwerwru l poplu billi isemmu l passat. I t tajjeb huwa li ilhom fil gvern mil 1987, udan il kaz ma solvehhx. Ghaliex? Forsi GONZI imissu isemmi is sittinijiet mets taht l Arcisqof GONZI il laburisti kienu jindifni fil mizbla, ma setawx jircievu sagramenti, jizzewgu fis sankristija. Ghandu tant memprja qasira il prim ministru li dawn l affarijiet ma isemmijhomx.
Everybody who's got common sense should condemn this act. But GonziPN is using this episode , along with the murder of Raymond Caruana, in a physiological game among the maltese electorate, so that maybe they could bring back it's lost sheep! But it's too late now. It's just disgusting that after 25 years in government the PN has not yet tried to bring justice to these criminal cases. And what about those members of the police force, who under the Labour administration of those days, committed many illegal acts and when there was a change in government they were promoted to a higher rank? All the people who recently made statements to try and revive those dark days, would be on credible if they mention both sides of the story! If not, it's only very cheap propaganda, especially when they use the memory of a murdered person for political gain. This is called 'HYPOCRISY'. And the Maltese electorate will remember all these mind games , come next general election. We should never forget the past,(even the past including the disgusting 60's, where religion was used as a political weapon), but these are cheap tricks to try to deviate the people's attention from the sorry state that the present government is facing within it's own MP's. Any other analysis is superflous, and it proves that the PL is on the right track to form Malta's next government.
And the police officer who misled the investigation by framing up Mr.Peter Paul Busuttil was awarded promotions up to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police !!. May I humbly ask: Shouldn't this corrupt man have been brought to justice for misleading justice ?. And, shouldn't those politicians and others responsible for his corrupt promotions be likewise held responsible at law ?. Any answers please from the usual accusers ?. What is EFA's opinion ?. And who was responsible for the stealing of the firearm that killed Ray from the court strongroom ?. Has anyone been held responsible ?. Answers, PLEASE.
Hope that gonzi explained to the gullible guppies this morning that the same police who were involved were promoted when his predecessor took over government.
X'hin ha jgibu id-dokumentarju fuq in-Net pls?
Did he say anything about the murder of the innocent Karen Grech?