Chris Said says Forum should join MCESD

Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said says government will never overrule and impose anything upon MCESD.

Speaking in parliament yesterday evening, Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said said that government agreed that 11-union confederation Forum, should join the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) but it will not impose this decision upon the MCESD. "We disagree with the Opposition because we will not impose a decision upon a body which exists for consultation," he said.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Public Consultation said: "We will never overrule and impose anything on MCESD. Forum and other organisations can and should participate in MCESD structures including the sub-committees such as the Gozo regional committee, the civil society committee and other committees."

In regards to the possibility of Forum actually joining the MCESD, Said added that discussions are at advanced stage and good progress has been achieved.

Forum says it has not been granted a seat on the MCESD because other unions and organisations oppose its addition to the consultative body.

"Labour ignores the good work done by MCESD, the cradle of consultation, but uselessly chooses to fan the Forum issue. A solution is within reach and I am confident an agreement will soon be reached," Said said.

Said also said that the MCESD is functioning well on all levels and praised the civil society committee and the Gozo regional committee within MCESD. "Unlike the Opposition's proposal we not only involved the Gozo Business Chamber but the Gozo Tourist Association, NGO's, Unions and civil society were invited and participated in 21 meetings held this year," he said.

Said also confirmed that current chairperson of MCESD, Sonny Portelli, will retain his position.  .  

Said also spoke about the Opposition's proposal to include the Malta-EU Steering Committee (MEUSAC) within the parliamentary structure. "MEUSAC should remain outside parliament as we already have the Standing Committee on foreign and European affairs and MEUSAC is doing a brilliant job as things stand."





Now that election times are looming over our heads, the PN will start it's never ending marathon of promises, promising everything to everybody. Only to forget everything and everybody once the results are announced. Only hope that this time round, history will not repeat itself and that the PNs list of recycled unfulfilled promises would not be feasible only because of the obvious reason.
Luke Camilleri
Min irrid jithaq b'min! Fatti mhux paroli... ghal fejn ma jmurx jgid lil-Prim tieghu kif ihossa!
Chris Said is preparing his electoral campaign by feigning to admit FORUM in MCESD when in actual fact he wants to slip in also the Gozo Business Forum. He knows he had made an unpardonable gaffe when he, as PS responsible for MCESD, had blocked the Gozo Forum's participation in the Council. Now he deems it's time to amend.
""We will never overrule and impose anything on MCESD." Chris Said, Don't be daft, MCESD has no right to keep the FORUM out it is only because of gonziPN that this is happening. With PL the FORUM will get their rights automatically.
CS is pathetic in these comments 1. The MCESD is not a consultative body. It is a coffee shop as also hinted by Austin know-it-all Gatt. The MCESD is no more than a rubber stamp. Ask the MCESD social partners. 2. The inclusion of FORUM is probably a threat to the GRTU because they still have to decide if they represent employers or employees. 3. It is not true that Civil Society has any say within the MCESD. Although this is statutory the thing is that the current chairman doesn't give a hoot about civil societies. We're not interesting in how many meetings have been conducted; we are interested to know how many recommendations have been put forward by civil society and been rallied by this chairman. 4.The government is a member of the MCESD so it can push forward the requests of FORUM. How can he say that government cannot impose...he can lobby though! 5. Finally, FORUM don't believe's just an election gimmick. Afterall CS was the one who last week was impressed by Smart City; he did not show how impressed he was with the employment created there (sic)...dan hu il-persuna li huwa responabbli politikament mill-MCESD. u leeeee
Election time is fast approaching. Is the Nationalist Party waking up to reality at Last? It's about time too!
Chris Said and Gino Cauchi debated this at length during the radio show; 'ghandi x' nghid' last saturday: