Malta GDP per capita 20% lower than EU27 average - Eurostat
During 2010 the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Malta, Greece, Slovenia, Portugal and the Czech Republic were between 10% and 20% lower than the EU27 average, Eurostat has said.
Luxembourg, was more than two and a half times the EU27 average, while Ireland, Denmark, Austria and Sweden were between 20% and 30% above the EU27 average.
Belgium, Germany and Finland were between 15% and 20% above average.
The UK and France registered GDP per capita around 10% above the EU27 average, while Italy, Spain and Cyprus were around the average.
Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia were between 35% and 50% lower, while Romania and Bulgaria were around 55% below the EU27 average.
An alternative welfare indicator, better adapted to reflect the situation of households, is actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita of goods and services. Generally, levels of AIC per capita are more homogeneous than those of GDP but still there are substantial differences across the member states.
In 2010, AIC per capita expressed in PPS ranged between 50% above the EU27 average in Luxembourg and nearly 60% below average in Bulgaria.
(1) An artificial currency unit that eliminates price level differences between countries, thus one PPS buys the same volume of goods and services in all countries