Muscat questions 2012 Budget projections and projects
Speaking in Parliament during the Budget debate on the Office of the Prime Minister's vote, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said that government has given no explanation in regards to a number of questions which arise from unclear and questionable policies and projections announced by Minister of Finance, Tonio Fenech.
Muscat said these "ambiguous announcements" were unacceptable at a time when Malta and the EU are calling for stricter budget discipline and transparency. Muscat asked: "Where will the funds for announced projects come from?"
Muscat raised serious doubts on the bunkering tax which is projected to raise €6 million. The PL leader asked government to confirm whether this tax will be upheld and how government intends to implement the tax.
"Some bunkering operators claim that this new tax would badly affect their competiveness and drive them out of the market. The operators are questioning whether the tax is legal and whether it respects EU law," Muscat said.
Muscat also had harsh words for Malta Enterprise (ME) and its chairperson Alan Camilleri. Muscat questioned ME's move from San Gwann to Gwardamangia at the ex-Institute of Healthcare in St Luke's Hospital at the cost of over €3 million.
"The ME chairman boasted about spending over €3,000,000. The chairperson is irresponsible and arrogant. This expenditure is another example of extravagant spending of public funds which could be better used elsewhere such as the maintenance of industrial estates. This arrogance is costly to our competiveness"
Muscat also questioned the implementation of several hyped-up projects such as Smart City the Corporate Village project and the White Rocks complex. Muscat asked whether these projects are simply on hold and whether government intends to go ahead with these much publicised projects.
Muscat said nothing was done in regards to the Smart City project and called on government to come clear on this stop-start project. "Government should say if and when the project will be completed and how many people it would employ," Muscat said.