HSBC announces voluntary redundancies, closure of branches

HSBC Bank Malta plc announces closure of branches across island.

HSBC chief Alan Richards said the increasingly challenging economic and market conditions in Europe forces the bank to implement more cost savings in 2012.
HSBC chief Alan Richards said the increasingly challenging economic and market conditions in Europe forces the bank to implement more cost savings in 2012.

HSBC Malta has announced that, in line with the HSBC Group's drive to improve its organisational effectiveness and against the background of difficult market conditions, it will be closing various branches across the island.

By next February 15, HSBC will close down branches in Msida, Santa Venera, Naxxar and Attard. Branches in Manwel Dimech Street in Sliema and in Luqa will close down on March 15. As of February 15, the Gozo-based agencies in Nadur and Xaghra will also offer reduced service by appointment. The HSBC branch on Campus at University will also run on reduced service starting from June 30.

Accounts held in these branches will be transferred to the nearest branches.

The bank said it was committed to ensure that customers will still be able to carry out transactions via ATMs and deposit machines which will remain in place even where branches will close down, while in some cases new ATMs and deposit machines will be installed in the locations previously used as branches or agencies. Customers affected by these changes will be notified in the coming weeks by means of a letter sent to their household or business.

"This restructuring will not involve staff compulsory redundancies, but through consultation with the Malta banking employees union the employees may apply for the voluntary redundancy and early voluntary retirement schemes currently on offer," HSBC said.

HSBC has already said it expects 2012 to be a more difficult year due to increasing pressures on revenue and capital.

Part of this strategy will include the phasing out of six branches, and a reduced service proposition at one branch and two agencies over a period of the first six months of 2012.

HSBC said it will continue to progress the €11 million project investing in upgrading the rest of the branch network and to further improve the automated delivery channels.

Over the past year and a half, HSBC has refurbished and re-opened 10 branches in Buġibba, Ħamrun, Swieqi, Paola, Valletta Premier Centre, Żejtun, Mosta, Zurrieq, San Gwann and Birkirkara. The bank has announced also that it is installing next-generation ATMs across its network in Malta and Gozo for faster self-service transactions - an investment of more than €3 million in this new technology.

Over the past year, the bank has seen a 14% reduction in teller activity which reflects a rapid change in customer behaviour.

"Given the increasingly challenging economic and market conditions in Europe and in order to ensure the bank maintains current levels of performance in the medium term, the board has recently approved a plan to deliver additional cost savings by the end of 2013," said Alan Richards, HSBC CEO.

"A key initiative is the further optimisation of the branch network footprint. This in part reflects changing customer behaviour and the increasing popularity and convenience of HSBC's automated services."

"Malta is an important market for HSBC and while closing a branch or reducing the range of services is not popular, the decisions are only taken after very careful consideration of customer activity, demographics and proximity to other branches. Whilst we will continue to provide automated services in all current locations, we will in the new year phase out six branches and reduce service at one further branch and two agencies. At the same time we remain committed to an ongoing €11 million investment programme to refurbish and upgrade key branches and automated facilities. Needless to say, we will do all we can to minimise any impact on customers during the transition period," he said.

he he he tks lord for hear my pray. move with bov and let the twat of hsbc drawn till day go once and for all
I urge all Maltese of good will to start a movement that will re-nationalize local assets. Bringing foreign expertise to help us: yes; giving our goods to foreigners FOR NOTHING: NO!!!
In this case... it is very simple - you want a competitive, capitalist system? - embrace it further. Vote with your feet and boycott hsbc wherever you can. There are other banks on this island. Obviously if this is done en masse it will give them more excuse to close down branches and lay staff off. I say good riddance. I've stopped using them ever since they accidentally put a small loan repayment into someone else's account. They called me up to inform me i was late in payment. I was baffled as I had just made my payment the previous day over the counter. I asked the girl on the phone what would happen if i didn't have the receipt - she politely informed me that it was my word against theirs. I fortunately did have the receipt and sorted it out the next day - having to take leave etc. I can excuse human error but the cheek to tell me that, set the writing on the wall - i haven't banked with them since.
Il-Poplu Malti poplu kwiet li kull ma jaf u li jgerger u ghallhekk kullhadd jaghmel li jrid bih ! Nahseb kullhadd jiftakar il-banek qabel u is-servizz li kienu jtuna ...flok morna il-quddiem morna lura ! HSBC qed jghid li ser jaghlaq certu banek ghax ma hemmx bizzejjed negozju ! Dan mu veru xejn u gidba ! morru go xi agenzija u issibu il kju tan-nies, HSBC qalaw kemm felhu flus issa gejja il-kanna ! Prosit Johhny
Where are all those promises of how better we would be with HSBC .All those that were politely sacked,and branches closed.Now this is the top of the icing .Well for me is easy go to who looks after you BEST
Krista Sullivan
HSBC = Half Staff Before Christmas !!
HSBC is seeing a change in government coming up and the holidays are over.Why is it that every transaction with VISA they charge you .60 cents,that`s rediculous.
Mark Fenech
Fejnhom dawk li tant ftaħru li dan il-bank imbiegħ biex jinġiebu nvestimenti barranin, għalhekk għaxar miljuni l'hemm u għaxar miljuni l'hawn ma kienux jagħmlu differenza kbira. Veru għandu biex jiftaħar il-Kummissarju l-Onor. John Dalli li biegħ dan il-bank bil-karawett. Ara x'ħa l-poplu Malti b'dawn l-annimali li jridu jerdgħu d-demm tal-ħaddiem, u dan meta qiegħdin jagħmlu 40miljun Eur qliegħ kuljum, għax qalgħu 7biljuni s-sena l-oħra, u ma jixbgħu qatt. John Dalli biegħ teżori oħrajn tal-poplu bi prezz baxx. Xi darba nirrakkonta aktar dwar is-shares f' San Lucian Oil Company li l-Enemalta kellha tbiegħ fuq ordni tiegħu. Daqs Mintoff jafu jinnegozzjaw, l-Enemalta kienet daħlet shareholder ma kumpanija Taljana, imma l-flus tax-shareholding ma ħarġithomx l-Enemalta imma l-Kumpanija Taljana Jacorossi. Ħalluna, lill-Malta faqqartuha u mlejtuha tilja dejn. Bħal dalgħodu dħalt il-Belt, u dak x'parlament ġej, meta hemm xi tarzna kollu ħadid, fejn qiegħda l-ġebla maltija?? Fejn ġej jaqbel mal-bini ieħor antik li hemm ġol gawrha Belt tagħna, mela l-bini f'qoxra ta' barra biss jikkonsisti?
Capital has a nationality and it does whats good for its interest. HSBC imlewna bl-investiment! Jien ma naf lil hadd li anqas ma jkollu capital u assi tieghu aktar ikun sinjur! Imma il-PN, biex ikompli ibiegh u iberbaq il-miljuni li HU ma holoqx, bilfors li kellu jghaddi iz-zmien bin-nies, biex huma, il-familji taghhom u tal-klikka ikomplu imanxtru. Issa li ma baqa xejn u il-poplu dar ghal denbu, issa il-gahan Malti se jerga jivvota Labour biex jehilsu mill-mizerja!
Fuck your arrogance HSBC!!!
X'se jaghmlu dawk l-anzjani meta jircievu c-cheque tal-pensjoni u s-soltu tarhom fil-queue jistennew jiftah ? Tan-Naxxar fejn se jmorru, jigu l-Mosta u b'hekk jikber il-queue biex issarraf ic-cheque tal-pensjoni ? H.S.B.C. SHAME ON YOU. ALL YOU WERE AFTER IS THE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS WHICH WERE GIVEN TO YOU ON A GOLDEN PLATE BY THE P.N. GOVERNMENT !
Kulħadd għandu jibgħat messaġġ lil dawn l-iSCROOGES u GRINCHES billi inneħħu l-kontijiet kollha mill-HSBC.
Bank li nbiegh bi prezz li nfeda mix-xerrej bil-qliegh normali tal-bank f'sentejn u xi tlitt xhur, minghajr ma tmisset il-propjeta immobbilljarja li inghata u li tiswa ghexieren ta' miljuni. Bank li ma taghni xejn gdid bhala konsumatur. Xi tlifna nafu, x'erbahna mhux daqstant car. Li hu zgur li issa bdew jaghlqu s-sedi u jnaqqsu l-impiegi! Fil-kuntest ta' dejn+garanziji nazzjonali qrib il-140%PDG, tassew l-ekonomija tmexxiet b'ghaqal. Nahseb ghalhekk hassew li kien haqqhom zieda ta' iktar minn Euro 500 fil-gimgha, 'in pectore et in sacculus', minghajr ma sthaw.
Ever heard of 'blood suckers?'
Once the profit has been made who cares who is at risk, what about those families whose bread winner is losing his job? The more these things happen the more it can be confirmed how Mintoff was right when saying "Malta l-ewwel u QABEL kollox" jew waqt xi Budget "Ahleb Guz" This all now has changed "Ahilbu lil POPLU" biex igawdu tal-Qalba. Mintoff ma kienx xi qaddis imma zgur kien "Is-Salvatur" ta' Malta. Malta ghandha bzonn kbir ta' "Salvatur" iehor.
Where are Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami, Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, and former minister and now EU Commissioner John Dalli, who had assured us that the arrival of H.S.B.C. was a "God-send" for Malta ! Not on ly H.S.B.C. did not generate more jobs, but instead hundreds were offered the proverbial carrot to resign! Bank charges were raised and service at cash-desks decreased substantially. The millions it is investing in "upgrading" is not offering me any better service at all! Remember these people had "given" all Mid-Med Bank branches with a most professional staff compliment and an excellent good-will, for the measly sum of Lm 70-80 million !!!