Public transport reform: ‘Labour detached from reality’

Government says Opposition is detached from reality when it claims no reform took place in public transport reform.

Government says public complaints on the public transport reform have gone down to 51 per week.
Government says public complaints on the public transport reform have gone down to 51 per week.

The Transport Ministry accused the Labour Party of being "detached from reality" and its only intent is to criticise the reform that has now improved.

"The public transport service has improved drastically, to the extent that public complaints went down from 115 to 51 complaints per week during December," government said.

"This, when one considers that 60,000 persons makes use of the service daily."

The Transport Minister was reacting to a statement issued by the Labour Party yesterday.

The PL said that after more than five months since the introduction of the new public transport system a lot of useful routes had been removed and various towns are still not being provided a good service.

"The Opposition is only focused on depicting everything black and never accepts the improvements which the radical reform brought with it," the Transport Ministry said.

The ministry went on to recall the number of improvements brought about by the reform, including the drastic reduction in emissions, the better-serving drivers, accessibility and the new eight direct routes to the airport.

The PL said that introducing second-hand vehicles and bendy-buses refused by the city of London was not the solution.

"The PL has not only ignored the internal political issue in London, but also that these buses are used in other European jurisdictions. Because of the increase in space, they provide a better service to commuters," government insisted.

The Transport Minister said bendy buses are solving endemic problems of long waiting time in localities such as Fgura and Sliema.


Mark Fenech
Daz-zgur mhux hekk kif qieghed tghid int sur arroganza. Il-bierah b'korrazza 62 tas-Siggiewi, li rkibtha fit-8.02 minn Haz-Zebbug, wasalna l-Belt fid-9.05, imn'Alla l-imħallef dam ma ħareġ ftit għax kien iwaħħalni multa. Eżatt kif qieghed tghid inti, trid daqs kieku tmur Ruma biex tmur vjaġġ ta' xi 7 kilometri ġo Malta. U għandek il-wiċċ tmeri wkoll. Dawk kollha li kienu fil-karozza kollha jgergru imma ibda l-ewwel wiehed minni ma morniex naghmlu rapport lill-Arriva. Għandek biex tiftaħar, wara li kissirt kull fejn missejt.
Some of my relatives in St Paul's Bay have to be at the Bus Stop at 5.30am in order to arrive at 8.00am at MCAST. Some reform.!Arrogance knows no limit with this big mouthed politician.
I think it is the Transport Ministry that is detached from reality, considering that its bigheads travel by government-provided cars, fully expensed, or even by chauffeur-driven cars. I would ask how many of these bigheads have travelled by bus during the last year, and whether they have spent an hour or more in a bus queue, among angry and frustrated commuters who lament the old, rickety buses which, at least, provided the transport service for less cost and mostly on time. That is the reality, Messrs Transport Ministry.
Mr Buffon minister, before you open your big trap,I invite you to come and use the farsa public transport from Hamrun to Rabat, 51,52,and 53, apart from the long time waiting for the bus to come, none of these three buses go through to near Villa messina, they only go there in the evening. Can you explain buffon why not in the morning as well, because we visit our parents morning and evenings.
Dear Mr Ex transport minister you are not only detached from reality but also from common sense.
I would like to ask the Transport Minister where is the reform for the Sliema Residents? With the reform we lost the Savoy Bus terminus and the No 63 buses. We now have to wait for a long time to get a euro5 buses. On the other hand the bus stops are far between. We either get down at the Strand Bus Stop or else at the end of the Savoy Hill. Why should we go to Mater Dei to get to Sliema. Where are the Sliema Nationalists, Labour MPs and what is the Sliema Local Council doing about this. Do we see you al when elections come and then you disappear. Thank God your time will soon be up.