Public transport reform: ‘Labour detached from reality’
Government says Opposition is detached from reality when it claims no reform took place in public transport reform.
The Transport Ministry accused the Labour Party of being "detached from reality" and its only intent is to criticise the reform that has now improved.
"The public transport service has improved drastically, to the extent that public complaints went down from 115 to 51 complaints per week during December," government said.
"This, when one considers that 60,000 persons makes use of the service daily."
The Transport Minister was reacting to a statement issued by the Labour Party yesterday.
The PL said that after more than five months since the introduction of the new public transport system a lot of useful routes had been removed and various towns are still not being provided a good service.
"The Opposition is only focused on depicting everything black and never accepts the improvements which the radical reform brought with it," the Transport Ministry said.
The ministry went on to recall the number of improvements brought about by the reform, including the drastic reduction in emissions, the better-serving drivers, accessibility and the new eight direct routes to the airport.
The PL said that introducing second-hand vehicles and bendy-buses refused by the city of London was not the solution.
"The PL has not only ignored the internal political issue in London, but also that these buses are used in other European jurisdictions. Because of the increase in space, they provide a better service to commuters," government insisted.
The Transport Minister said bendy buses are solving endemic problems of long waiting time in localities such as Fgura and Sliema.