Prison drugs stats puts Corradino in bad light, minister claims

Carm Mifsud Bonnici says minstry has definitely not shirked from comprehensive reforms at CCF.

The Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs said it has spearheaded several reforms at the CCF.
The Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs said it has spearheaded several reforms at the CCF.

Carm Mifsud Bonnici's justice and home affairs ministry is claiming media reports citing a National Commission on Abuse of Drugs report, has cast "an unjust shadow over Malta's correctional system" because it highlighted that 41% of inmates at the Corradino Correctional Facility are on drugs.

The government is claiming that most inmates develop their habits inside prison and not upon entering.

In a new statement, the ministry for justice and home affairs said that the figure of 41% of inmates translates into 299 individuals, but that the corresponding figure should have read 233 persons.

"The figure 41% was not provided by the Corradino Correctional Facility and is not borne out by data available to CCF which is understood to have been the only data that was available to the National Commission in drawing up the report.

"The statistics provided by CCF do not lead to the conclusion that up to 299 individuals were at any point in time found positive in relation to drug abuse but indicate that the corresponding figure should have read 233 persons."

The report by the National Commission Against Drugs also came in the midst of a trial by jury of convict Josette Bickle, dubbed the 'Queen of Corradino' after she was revealed to have been trafficking heroin in prison through the help of prison warders.

The ministry is now claiming that accusations of complacency or inaction are not borne out by the facts, and that the Bickle proceedings were instituted following the resignation of the then Director of Prisons Sandro Gatt in August 2008.

Even foreign minister Tonio Borg, who was home affairs minister in 2002, is reinforcing the message that Bickle went on trial through the intervention of the authorities in an inquiry inside CCF.

"Notwithstanding the fact that in the past the Maltese prison system has inevitably had to face its fair share of challenges, the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs had definitely not shirked from embarking on comprehensive reforms," the home affairs ministry said in a statement. "On the contrary it has taken them up with vigour and the results have started to show through.

"Over the last few years the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs has spearheaded several reforms at the CCF, not only with a view to better address specific issues that required specific attention, but also to take the Correctional system to the next level with the introduction of the new procedures that the Restorative Justice Act provides for.

"Clearly, rehabilitation from drug dependency featured prominently in these reforms, as it is well known that substantial numbers of inmates demonstrate drug-related and other dependency problems. In this strategy, substance abuse is addressed from a therapeutic and a psychological, and a medical point of view."

Urine testing is conducted whenever CCF staff suspect use of drugs or have intelligence to that effect. Of the approximately 480 tests carried out between early 2010 and mid-2011, 1.2% resulted positive for opiates, whilst 0.75% tested positive for other substances.

Cases of drug possession are reported to the police for further investigation and any other necessary action. In 2010, 36 magisterial inquiries were held in cases related to the findings of illicit substances, whilst in 2011, 25 magisterial inquiries were held so far.

The ministry said drug dependence was also addressed from a therapeutic and a psychological point of view, with in-house professionals assisting inmates. The Substance Misuse Out-Patient Unit (SMOPU) also provides inmates with methadone treatment as well as alternative forms of treatment. Social requirements are catered for through the intervention of social agencies such as Caritas, Sedqa and Appoġġ.

Another aspect of the current reform was revamping the Substance Abuse and Therapy Unit (SATU) drug rehabilitation programme to deliver shorter and more intensive programmes to a larger number of inmates. 

"This reform will be particularly useful in the context of parole, as it will be a requirement for prospective parolees to be free from dependencies in order to be positively considered."

The Restorative Justice Act also reforms the remission system, which like release on parole, would be conditional.

Plans are in hand to recruit various professionals, particularly psychologists and social workers to meet the needs of the inmates within CCF, including those needs arising from drugs and other dependencies.

Absolutly wrong Mr. Minister it has put you in bad light plus the 500 euros per week from 2008 taken behind our backs for this kind of homework.
Il-ministru qal li issa kollox qed jittranga. Minflok 4 TV's issa jhallulha wiehed biss. .......Sur ministru bhal ma qallek l-Imhallef, saru affarijiet hziena hafna li jimminaw il-fiducja fil-gustizzja ta dan il-pajjiz. Xi hadd irrid jiehu responsabilita ta li sar u jwarrab.....Sewwa taghmlu tirrangaw ghall-ahjar, imma il-haqq ma min kien irresponsabbli jrid isir xorta wahda. Hu min hu. Ghax hekk sewwa u xieraq.
The minister is just in a state of denial and disavowal at the stark unpleasant reality staring him in the face about the CCF. It is time for decisive effective action not unconvincing talk.
Kellek ragun sur PM li ma ghandekx mnejn tazel biex tifforma gabinett sura ta nies. ""Yet you still award them with €500 per week rise""!
I have alot of respect towards Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici, but htis issue should be addressed in a different way. Trying to criticize media reports is one thing, but trying to get round the bush and ignore all those remarks made by the court is another thing. The court's sentence was very clear and the judge did express his doubts, that maybe the authorities were aware of these things, but just turned and looked the other way. That is very bad and it's now time that somebody start being accountable in the little island, were corruption is getting rampant everyday and everywhere. It's useless that the executive of GonziPN tries to revive what happened in the 80's, because that's 30 years ago. Most people on the streets are upset by the arrogance that this government, especially some senior ministers, and how corruption is being detected in too many sensitive places, like the prison security for instance. Yes, dear minister, this is UNACCEPTABLE in 2011. We are not living in 1980 anymore.
jien ma nafx kif qijad tistageb c.m.b meta il familja bezzina xbajt trebahom kuntrati u qasisi mijak kien meta sifirtu biex tkun taf kemm naf sew. tamel ezami tal kuxjenza vijlli .
I cannot imagine having 4 televisions plus a surround sound and the queen keeps on doing what ever she wants . Why this kept on going for so long????Who were those that turned their head to the other side while all this was happening? Don`t worry Folks next week we will be blogging on something different
Taht GonziPN kollox PR u tajjeb= (xarabank+ Bondi m'hawnx bhali $$$$$) ic-cittadini fis-socjeta Maltija li huma imgienen!
Taht GonziPN kollox PR u tajjeb= (xarabank+ Bondi m'hawnx bhali $$$$$) ic-cittadini fis-socjeta Maltija li huma imgienen!
Plans are in hand to recruit various professionals, particularly psychologists and social workers to meet the needs of the inmates within CCF, including those needs arising from drugs and other dependencies. il Kaz gara snin ilu u issa ghandu plans in hand.U hallina karm
Ara veru ghal darba kellu ragun Gonzi meta qal li ma ghandux min fejn jaghzel. Wake up dead man walk
Luke Camilleri
STENBAH FL-AHHAR IL-MINISTRU U QAM MIR-RAQDA! ------------------------------------------------ Dear Minister Mifsud bonnici, It's you and your Ministry and how you handle Corradino is in bad light, BY BEING IN THE DARK OF JUST WHAT IS HAPPENING AROUND YOU! For Christ's sake do something , or do you want to be called names in public, like Minister ARROGANCE GATT to jolt you into doing something!
Statement tal-Ministru twil wisq biex jitwemmen. Donnu qed jghix flis-shab. Mux ahjar li tghamel bhal ma ghamel wiehed mis-Segretarji Parlamentari u tmur bl-ufficcu tieghek u tqatta xi gimghatejn hemmek. Dan il-kaz fetah il-bibien berah u hu biss 'The tip of the Iceburg', kieku jitkellmu il-hitan minn hu barra jiddahhal hemm u minn huma gewwa jaqbel li jkunu barra!!!!
No heads will roll. naturally. First take a stiff broom then a large carpet- you all know the rest.
More than anything they put you and your feeble government in a bad light. Seems like we have a worse drugs record in our prison than most EU countries. That tells me that the current staff at the prisons are simply not doing their job, or at least not doing it well enough. But where does the buck stop this time? With you? With Dr Gonzi? Who will shoulder responsibility for the damning address by a court judge this week? Who will be man enough to accept responsibility for the prison fracas? If not you, Hon Minister, then who?