Hundreds march in Valletta in call for decriminalisation of cannabis

Hundreds marched through the streets of Valletta calling for the decriminalisation of cannabis.

Police taking down notes of what was written on the placards carried during the march
Police taking down notes of what was written on the placards carried during the march

Around 300 people this morning marched through the streets of Valletta calling for the liberalisation and decriminalisation of cannabis.

As passers-by expressed shock at the demonstrators' call, the activists went on unaffected, carrying placards reading 'Please tax me', 'Legal Cannabis = Bankrupt drug cartels', 'Dealers don't check for ID's - Protect Kids Legalise Marijuana' and 'God made marijuana - man made pharmaceutical: who do you trust?'

The activists also handed out informational leaflet on cannabis to people in Valletta.

Upon reaching the Law Courts, the demonstrators started chanting, "we are not criminals" and "legalise it".

Addressing the crowd in St George's Square, organiser David Caruana thanked the members of the Police Force "for their patience and protection, who without them the activity could not be held".

Meanwhile at the beginning and during the peaceful demonstration, police officers taking down notes on what was written on the various placards.

Caruana said they were calling for an urgent and much needed reform, which is already 10 years late.

"Not only to decriminalise drugs, but as both political parties said this week, a reform is also needed for the classification of drugs. Legalising and regulating cannabis would place government in charge of it, taking it away from the criminals and out of the hands of children."

Caruana added such regulation goes hand-in-hand with the right of an adult individual to have control over his mind and body. He went on to mention the benefits of cannabis as a medicinal and for therapeutic needs.

"The criminal act is not smoking a joint, but denying a sick person from the help it gives; the criminal act lies in prohibiting the consumption of a plant which prevents several types of cancer," Caruana said.

Caruana said even the Nationalist Party is arguing about the medicinal value of cannabis can be exploited.

"This will not be our first and last demonstration," he said, adding Malta must become a more just and tolerant country, at safeguarding minors.

Present also for the demonstration were Moviment Graffiti who said the global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world.

"The prohibition of drugs has created a situation where a whole infrastructure has been set up to support this failed policy, at great cost to the tax payer, to civilians' rights, and to society as a whole," spokesperson Robert Fenech said.

"Prohibition pumps money into criminal organisations, which can bribe and corrupt officials, buy weapons that keep the military-industrial complex profitable, and generally have no problem with rape, murder and torture."

Fenech said research is finding that the cannabis plant can treat or even cure various conditions and ailments, and as an industrial fibre - hemp. Hemp can be used for oil, clothes, paper, plastic, food... Hemp has been cultivated for thousands of years for its' strong fibre - only in recent years has the prohibition of cannabis as a narcotic placed hemp on the black list.

"One must note that when cannabis became illegal in the United States, the oil and timber industries, direct competitors to hemp, were very much involved in the process," Fenech said.

"Although cannabis is not harmless and should be used with care, the harms caused by prohibition far outweigh any harms done by the plant itself, while not allowing for any of its benefits to be taken advantage of."


Here's an interesting bit of information. The English word "hemp" as well as the Maltese word qanneb are both derived from the semitic word kanab, from which we also get "cannabis". The word "canvas" is derived from "canevas", the Old French word for cannabis. The rough, brown rope that you can buy is made from cannabis, as is natural sackcloth. That's the same species of plant as "marijuana", although different varieties have been selected over the millennia to produce longer, tougher fibres for construction while other varieties produce more THC for use as a drug.
As it is mentioned in this article Hemp can be used industrially. Just to add some more facts about Hemp with its strong fibers they can also be used to produce BRICKS, CONCRETE WALLS INSULATING MATERIAL FIBER. BUILDINGS BUILT WITHE HEMP DO NOT REQUIRE HEATING OR COOLING THEREFOR THEY REDUCE THE ENERGY BILLS. Hemp is easy to produce so it is an opportunity to create Jobs and at the same time control its abuse. Hemp is an environmentally efficient material as it is renewable. as for Smoking cannabis it think controlling it like alcohol and cigarets would be beneficiary to the economy and having authorized dealers will reduce the risk of having children smoking.
@Vincente Destra: Nies bħalek qed nagħmlu iżjed ħsara lis-soċjetà mill-pushers, aħseb u ara minn dawk li jpejpu l-ħaxixa.
Daqs Dan <. nidekrimilizzaw il- marijuana. Tolleranza zero ghad-droga! Anzi. PIENI IKTAR HOROX ghal min huwa involut f'dan il-hmieg. Dixxiplina ! Dixxiplina ! Law Courts take note! Naqtghuha zizi zizi bil-hippies iridu jiddettaw. Tuhom sentenza kif imiss . L-ewwel jinhaslu hasla tajba, imbaghad ikla habs kif imiss.
There are parts of this article that I just cannot understand.
I'm thinking positive here...I guess the police would rather have cannabis legalised so they could direct their energy where it really matters...perhaps taking notes by hand was a way of showing that they were taking note of the message and not of the individual carrying the placard...
Igor P. Shuvalov
Wake up Mr Police Commissioner. We are in the 21st Century. Wouldn't a photo have captured what written on the posters? Or is LIBERAL (see below) right when he says that this is a sort of intimidation?
Ghadni kif blajt zewg pilloli ta l-ugieh ta ras. Kieku rasi ghaddietli, imma ghawn xi hadd jaf jghejdli is " side effects " x`inhuma ? Sa fejn naf jien il medicina kollha ghandha is " side effects " ,u ikunu qeghedin ifejquk min naha u jirrangawk ghal festi min naha l-ohra. Ghalhekk ma nara xejn hazin li il cannabis tigi legalizzata u mghotija bir ricetta tat tabib. B`hekk tnaqqas l-abbuz li ghawn fit toroq taghna, b`detriment ghal uliedna.
Cannot the police just note what they had to note from the sidewalk or they had to show us that Hey we are here to scare you??Why is it that when someone demonstrates there is always that mini intimidation act from the police.As long as there is no trouble the police should stay on the side doing nothing (as usual) but here in malta no way.I bet that now they took the pictures so they can see who their suspects are,and maybe in a couple of weeks arrest them for smoking a joint and moreover for showing that they wanted to decriminalise marjiuana(so next time you will not do it again tactics)they may even check if their parents do something wrong too.My friends who preach about democracy in malta ,democracy is also about that when protesting or showing your disagreement withsomeone and something you can do so with no fear whatsoever not having the Stasi or ss investigating you soon after to try and get back to you.Congratulations to who attended and thanks for being there for me as I had to chicken out with respect to my family and to keep my current employment.Thanks guys.