Bondì guilty of character assassination

Hoisted by his own petard, Bondiplus presenter engaged in personal attack against Julia Farrugia.

Lou Bondì has a seat as he takes in the PEC decision...
Lou Bondì has a seat as he takes in the PEC decision...

The Press Ethics Commission has found broadcaster Lou Bondì guilty of unethical behaviour and the character assassination of Illum editor Julia Farrugia, over the contents of a blog in which he gloated over the PEC's own judgement against Farrugia by launching a personal attack against her. Julia Farrugia's case in front of the commission was made by Media Today's legal advisor Dr Toni Abela.

The PEC said it was sanctioning Bondì with a grave censure, after the Bondiplus presenter engaged in the unwarranted denigration of Farrugia and her father.

The PEC said Bondì had employed an "insidious and clear innuendo" by alleging that Farrugia could somehow recognise the people involved in the 1986 murder of Raymond Caruana, which remains unsolved to this day.

"Bondì breached the journalistic code of ethics when he engaged in a personal attack against Farrugia; on one hand by suggesting she was in possession of some incriminating photos or footage of somebody, with a direct insinuation to her father, that she could recognise and that she was therefore hindering justice in the Caruana case; as well as by victimising her as the daughter of a violent if not criminal father - even if this was true, which it isn't because it is an allegation referred to in a blog entry by Daphne Caruana Galizia, this was in no way relevant to Julia Farrugia's life."

Farrugia's father has been previously questioned in the Raymond Caruana case, after being named in a court testimony by Labour thug Gianni Psaila 'il-Pupa', an allegation which has never been corroborated or proven.

The commission said Farrugia could not be held accountable for her kin's actions, least of all being dubbed "a thug's daughter" when her father has never been accused of the murder of Caruana.

Bondì was also found to have emphasised Farrugia's character assassination by creating a cascading effect and linking his blog to a similar entry by Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Bondì's blog was penned shortly after the PEC had found Farrugia guilty of the character assassination of PBS chairman Joe Mizzi. The PEC said the story appearing in Illum under the title 'Ic-Chairman tal-PBS patata', which referred to footage that caught the former PBS chairman Joe Mizzi collapsing to the floor at a Eurovision after-party in Dusseldorf, gave the impression that the PBS chairman had been drinking excessively.

Mizzi, who denied having been inebriated during his embarrassing display at the Eurovision after-party, claimed he had been the victim of a character assassination after the footage was aired on

@The seems that some busybody PN apologists are working on overdrive to ensure that enough poison is injected through the media against their political adversaries whilst at the same time exercising maximum damage limitation towards their beloved party.
Another local English newspapers says the following: "It was also established by the commission that Mr Bondi, through his blog, a subsequent comment by Antoine Vella, and a link to a blog published the following day by ......" Is this our Antoine Vella who by his blogs in Malta Today has become synonymous with anything that is anti-Labour? What does he have to say now? Seems he also likes other blogs which spew venom and acid.Not that this amazes me! Who said that il-Pupa was a Labour thug? Many stories go by that he was in fact an agent provocateur in the hands of the PN. Who can ever forget the night when, with rosary beads in his hands, Peppi turned Pupa into a convert and a saint? It later transpired that he had not converted at all and we still remember the dramatic and unfortunate way he his life ended.
Meta San Pawl gie Malta nehha l-velenu mis-sriep. Nahseb li qabzuli tnejn kienu, wiehed harab lejn il-Bidnija u l-iehor kien harab lejn Ghawdex.
Ara ghawnx xi hadd f`din id dinja jew f`ta warajha li ghandu bocci kbar bizzejjed li kapaci iwaqqaf lis SUR Lou Bondi, milli ikompli jghamel l-aktar gurnalizzmu investikattiv li ghawn fuq din il pjaneta. L-anqas jekk xi darba jitilaw tal Lejber fil gvern...ghax jekk semplici jipruvaw inehhuh,, malajr johrog jghejd ma l-erba t`irjieh tad dinja li ghamlu vendikazzjoni minnu.
Mr Kangaroo Bondi does not care a fxxk whether he is found guilty or not because of his features are the same as his backside, and i am sure that he will not feel the pinch of whater penalty he may get due to the millions he is making on my back.
Luke Camilleri
For'decency's sake, Loo Bondi should be "MINUSED" from National Broadcasting, with his agenda truly coming out as being insidious ! He is just an extension of the Wirch Tower at Bidnija, and even if he has Gonzi's secret Blessing, he is just not on, he is just too partison ! THE PBS regime should note and EVEN STOP PAYING HIS LIBELS AND COURT CASES out of our licences and taxes! When will THE COACH take up JPO's challenge on INKONTRI and get HIS PARTNER Loo Bondi and JPO on Xarabank? Lou Bondi is not only insidious guilty of unethical behaviour but also a CHICKEN!
Enjoy it while you can loo, in a few months time you and that witch will be out of a job,in the meantime have fun swimming in your own shit.
lou bondi vera turi li fhajtek ma kont kappaci tkun xejn hlief taqli ajdut biex forsi taqla lira. il bord tal gurnalizmu meta wihed minkom jaqla daqa panic tamlu imma tirovina kritu ta bniedem mux xejn. veru etieka tajba hafna biex inies komuni jitalmu
PBS should be there to inform,educate and entertain, always without bias and with truth and honesty . Wheter they do so or not ,is not impossible for someone with a modicum of common sense to fathom out. People who still tune on TVM to watch there absurd programs are supporting these people indirectly. TVM is a very low standard station when compared to ONE. We as tax payers deserve better than this, these people have hijacked our national TV station.Lou Bondi must resign from his post!
u imbaghad jaghmel programm fuq 30 sena ilu.mela dan xi tghidlu loo(toilet)