Gonzi replies to Debono: ‘I never gave any time-frame to split justice ministry’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that he never gave any time-frame to split the justice and home affairs ministry in reply to Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono’s most recent threat: “implement the change or call an election.”

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

Debono reiterated that his call for the Prime Minister to implement the split the justice from home affairs was becoming "more than urgent," and recalled Gonzi's statement on the eve of an important Budget vote in parliament, that he was ready to consider the split.

The Ghaxaq MP who works as a criminal lawyer has already moved a private member's motion that calls for reforms to the justice system and others to improve the police service.

He added that unless the split is implemented the country will continue to face an erosion of human rights, while the State loses on its legitimacy.

"Too much time has passed for the necessary reforms to be made and legislation put into force, and this delay is making things more complicated for government," Debono said.

In a statement, the Prime Minister said that during his interview on Net television last December 1, he had said that Debono's request to divide the justice and home affairs Ministry was a valid one which should be considered and discussed to see which direction should be adopted.

In December Gonzi had said Franco Debono's private members bill on justice reform and the draft bill were of great importance and the country deserved the best end-product possible.

Lawrence Gonzi had pointed out that other interesting points, which are not included in the draft bill, should also be discussed. "Franco Debono brought up a number of issues including amendments to the constitution, which was also mentioned by the Opposition," Gonzi had said.

Gonzi had also underlined his willingness to consider Constitutional amendments. He mentioned the neutrality clause as an example and said a discussion of this kind would be a positive step.

Gonzi had also mentioned the proposal put forward by rebel MP Franco Debono to split the Ministry of Justice from the administration of the police corps because this was the norm in many European countries.

He stressed that he never put any time-frame to implement the split.

Luke Camilleri
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that he never gave any time-frame to split the justice and home affairs ministry --------------------------- TIMEFRAME BY DR. LAWTRENCE GONZI? I'll mention one of the many time-frames given by Dr. Gonzi and his party - The Income tax ceiling revision Electoral Promise with the first year of being elected to power. Other time frames are the local projects, Cirkewwa Terminal, Ta' Qali Craft Village, Sptar Mater Dei ( not a time-frame but a saga) ... List is endless! Who believes Gonzi anymore? Min qieghed jithaq b'min?
Din bhall-ittra li baghat lilna l-haddiema tal-airmalta. Prosit Franco Debono. Urih li ahna n-nazzjonalisti mdejjqin bl-atteggjament Gonzesk tieghu. L-elezzjoni li jmiss ma tarahx hemm fuq Gonz, u fottejt ix-xoghol ta' min kien qablek. Le, m'intix se tkun imnizzel fl-istorja tal-PN taghna bhal Gwido, Ugo, Eddie ecc. Se tibqa maghruf ghal kliem fierah biss, kif qaccatt lil John Dalli, u kif zammejt taht idejk il-ministeri. Ghedt li ma ghandekx nies validi bizzejjed, u zgur, l-aqwa li validu Edgar galea curmi, u dawk li jduru mieghek. Isma minni, int stess ara ma tohrogx ghal elezzjoni ghax ma ntellghukx! Mal-barranin king, u mal-Maltin zero! Zidt 500eur fil-gimgha lilek innifsek, u hlift li l-maltin cwiec kif haseb il-bravu, supperv, imkabbar, ex-deejay u ministru tal-finanzi Tonio Fenech! Jekk taghmel elezzjoni f'marzu hafna ahjar, u jien ninghaqad ma' John Bundy, John Dalli, JPO, Franco Debono, Jean Pierre Farrugia, Arrigo u ohrajn li ma qablux mieghek ghax int dittatur! Tghid haga u taghmel ohra. Issa gejna vera fi kliemek, se niggudikawk fuq dak li ghamilt u mhux fuq dak li pacpact!!!!
Merry Christmas Dear Lawrence and a Prosperous New Year! Yo hoho!
You've got balls,well done Dr F Debono,people like you we need in Parlament to stop the erosion of human rights,not YES man
Nahseb li kif tkellem Franco Debono dalghodu fuq TOM jidher li l-qiegha qed tishon. Din id-darba tidher li se tkun gravi. Issa jew il-Prim Ministru jaqqa wahda ghac-cajt A1 u jaqsam il-ministeru ta' CMB kif qallu Franco Debono jew inkella jkollna xi sbroff ta' Dr Debono bil-konsegwenzi kollha. In my opinion, Dr Debono means business this time.
Did Franco Debono show any of these tendencies when he was a candidate? How can anyone do what he’s demanding , when it is not a serious issue? The problem is deeper , Franco wants to rule the roost. Now he’s playing the sick victim , to get what he wants..
Franco jigbed it-tapit? Ergajna rajna lil Hon. Dr Franco Debono jaghmel attentat biex jigbed it-tapit minn taht saqajn il-Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi. Jekk tistaqsu lili, nahseb illi vera li l-Ministeru tal-Gustizzja u l-Affarijiet Interni ghandu bzonn thezziza. In fatti, dan l-ahhar kelli programm fuq Radju Malta (‘Ghandi x’ Nghid’) u l-avukati kollha li kelli fil-panel, Dr Austin Sammut, Dr Katia Mercieca u l-Professur Kevin Aquilina, tkellmu fuq il-bzonn ta’ riformi urgenti. Tkellmu fuq is-sentencing policy, fuq il-medjazzjoni, fuq aktar Qrati specjalizzati, fuq pagi mizeri tal-Imhallfin u l-Magistrati, fuq kif issir il-hatra tal-Imhallfin u l-Magistrati, fuq il-bzonn ta’ tigdid tal-Kostituzzjoni, fuq in-nuqqas ta’ spazju fiziku, fuq id-dewmien fil-’qtugh’ tal-kazijiet, fuq il-moral baxx u n-nuqqas ta’ tahrig tal-pulizija, fuq il-percezzjoni li qed tinbena ‘kontra’ l-avukati u l-lista ma tieqafx hemm. Il-mistoqsija li qed jaghmlu xi whud huma jekk: •Il-Ministru Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici li hafna, kienu jikkonsidrawh, eredi potenzjali ghat-tmexxija tal-PN, jipprokrastinax iz-zejjed; •Il-Prim Ministru Gonzi hux qed jinzamm ’ostagg’ minn Dr Franco Debono; •Franco Debono hux ghaddej minn fazi ohra fejn qed ihoss li huwa l-maghzul biex igib il-bidla. Il-fatti huma dawn (almenu kif narahom jien): 1.Franco Debono ghandu ragun 100% fuq il-htiega ta’ rifromi; 2.Il-Prim Ministru qed ikaxkar saqajgh fuq diversi riformi mehtiega fis-settur tal-gustizzja; 3.Il-Prim Ministru ilu wisq jahdem fuq strategija tal-’anqas hsara’ u bil-mod il-mod is-sappuna qed tizloqlu minn bejn idejh; 4.Dr Franco Debono irid jifhem li huwa parti mill-Partit - hadd mhu akbar mill-Partit - u dan ser jirrejalizzah meta ser jigbed il-hajt ghal fuqu, imbaghad ikun tard wisq; 5.Xi whud mill-Ministri ghandhom bzonn minn isus warajhom - draw wisq bl-istatus quo; 6.Il-Partit Laburista mhux ha jirbah punti f’ din is-sitwazzjoni ghax jekk jaghraf juza sew dawn ic-cirkostanzi, l-Partit Nazzjonalista ser jingabar aktar madwar il-Prim Ministru (fil-fatt ga bdew jidhru kummenti tas-Segretarju Generali biex jamplifikaw il-fatt li Franco Debono mhux dixxiplinat, mhux jigbed il-linja tal-Partit u qed jehodha kontra Gvern li ghandu dritt u dmir legittimu li jiggverna); 7.Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jinsab f’ salib it-toroq u ghandu bzonn tigdid ta’ kif jiffunzjona, kif jahdem, kif jikkonvergi l-personalitajiet u kif imexxi koalizzjoni t’ idejat (issa li mhemmx issue wahda li awtomatikament tghaqqad l-affarijiet). Mela bejn gidma mince pie u ohra ser inkun qed insegwi l-ahbarijiet….a week in politics is long kien qal Harold Wilson – ahseb wara one day mela x’ kien jghid!! www.andrewazzopardi.org
Igor P. Shuvalov
In his statement the Prime Minister quoted from his interview on Net television last December 1, to convince as that Debono's request to divide the justice and home affairs Ministry although valid "should be considered and discussed to see which direction should be adopted." giving the impression that actually he did not promise this. But we actually do not know if Dr Gonzi directly or indirectly (through third person/s) contacted Dr Debono and promised him to split this ministry in order to get the latter's vote in favour of the Ministry's budget! However the fact that the same Prime Minister's stressing that he never put any time-frame to implement a split, is in itself an admission that such an agreement was made. Usually when two gentlemen come to an agreement, they are not expected to split hairs. Surely Dr Debono was expecting this agreement to be implemented within reasonable time and not perhaps to be put on hold till after the elections
What goes round comes round! Tiftakru kemm hadu gost tal-PN meta Mintoff kien qieghed jagixxi l-istess bhal FD? Kemm ferhu u Joe Saliba ftahar illi waqqghu Gvern elett demokratikament? Dawn il-paladini tad-demokrazzija! Issa d-deni li xtaqu lil haddiehor gie fuqhom! Happy Xmas Dr Gonzi.
ON TOM AN HOUR AGO... franco debono Today, 10:03 i think that dr borg olivier should have said tha he was almost sleeping in our kitchen to convince me to vote, because with a clear conscience i had great difficluties to vote in favour of a ministry, whih i had been sayin for years had a completely wrong attitud to justice and home affairs. nothing personal but i was never in agreement, i declared publicly, and the situation shows. i think dr borg oliver is one of the persons who knows that one of his decisons, which he has come lately to appreciate that was wrong, and had to remedy, has caused untold harm to my health over the past years, but i never spoke about it in public. dr borg olivier should have said that he was at my home when the PM called me or i called him and informed me he would be splitting ministries by the end of the year. he did not know, i told him about it, but after some time he saw it with my parents on NET news i think dr borg olivier should have said he is aware of my state of health and that he was at my home when dr jeanpierre farrugia came to visit me there are other thing which dr borg olivier should have said, but i stop here for now. dr borg olivier is aware i am s fed up with the situation of democrcy in malta that i was ready to leave everything i have built with much sacrifice, on my own, and with no one's help, least from the party, and leave the country, and my family and go to italy, where i have always wanted to work. when i was elected at 33, i had built a legal office from nothing, made a name for myself as a criminal lawyer and managed to get elected from an impossible district as the youngest government mp after contesting three elections. i had already had to endure a lot and it was only my great loyalty which kept me in the PN
@malonki Ma nista nihem xejn milli que teighd...???!!!
An erosion of human rights? The state losing its legitimacy? All under a PN government? Well, well, well, something's really is bloody rotting in the state of Malta. Get 'em out by Friday!
Either gonzi or Franco is lieing. Given his track record gonzi can't be believed, he says one thing then does the contrary so it is obvious that I would go with Franco.Once a liar always a liar.
franco... u always start and than u get that super phone call and u cut the crab.
Meta fl-1998 mintoff kien ghamel hiltu biex ikisser il-gvern ta' alfred sant ghax hu bniedem ghajjur, vendikattiv u dejjem ried li tghaddi tieghi f'kollox, f'ghajnejn in-nazzjonalisti kien sar eroj u ghollewh mas-seba' sema allavolja qatt ma kienu jahmluh. Imma la permezz tieghu setghu jergghu jissodisfaw il-kilba li dejjem kellhom ghall-poter, ma kienx jimporta ....... Imma issa r-rota daret dawra shiha u gonzi qed ihabbat wiccu mal-istess inkwiet li sab quddiemu alfred sant ....... quddiemu ma ghandux bniedem vendikattiv u ghajjur izda bniedem li, tajjeb jew hazin, ghamilha l-missjoni tieghu li f'dan it-taparsi pajjiz ewropew nibdew verament napprezzaw il-valur tal-kontabilita u ghandu l-kuragg (minkejja li b'hekk qed jikteb finis ghall-karriera politika tieghu) jesponi lil gonzi ta' li hu - bniedem b'dahka sfurzata, vohta u superficjali fuq wiccu li mhux kapaci jimxi u jmexxi l-klikka tieghu fuq il-principji li jaf biss ipacpac fuqhom, li dal-ahhar sar biss mohhu jidher ghal photo shoots mat-tfal tal-iskola (forsi ghax ma jafux igibhuh daharu mal-hajt) waqt li jilghabha li merkel u sarkozy qed jimxu fuq il-pariri tieghu biex isalvaw l-euro !!!!!! Kif spicca dan il-gvern ghajjien, faccol u giddieb !!!
Kif nista qatt nemmnek Dr. Gonzi li ma tajtx time freme lil Dr. Debono? Anke fil-budget qghidtilna li minn 2012 mhux ser inhallsu izjed il-licenzja tat-TV u ergajtu mill-kelma lura!!!! Kif qatt nista nafdak jien ma nafx u hemm hafna u hafna iktar ewghdi li ma zammejtx pero' basta ghandek kuxjenza nadifa li ma tniggzikx. Nahseb li l-ingiegez gew out of stock bhal pinnoli. Dr. Gonzi ghamel dak li ilek li suppost ghamilt call it a day u ghajjat ELEZZJONI.
Criminal lawyer Franco Debono wants to squeeze all the power left at his disposal. with his antics he wants us to picture him like Dom Mintoff , which he isn’t, and a sick person like Carm Mifsud Bonnici which he is not. He isn’t trusted by his colleagues in the PN because he’s perceived to be a schemer and a lone wolf. Only yesterday he confirmed that in 2008 just before the election roumor had it that Loius Galea was to become president after Fenech Adami. As it was reported here on this paper,amongst other things, he once objected for the presence of new candidates Toni Bezzina , Manuel Delia and Hermann Schiavone in a party organised by the PN club in Zurrieq. http://archive.maltatoday.com.mt/2009/12/23/t4.html His absence from parliament and his abstention in the vote of confidence only worsened his position with his electorate, His attack on Austin was meant to eliminate Manuel Delia , he succeeded.Delia is down and out. In the meantime we have seen Toni Bezzina presenting a donation for the PN in the name of the Zurrieq PN Club on the 13th December , and other candidates organising get togethers in various forms . While his adversaries in his own party are making home visits ,he put up another messa in scena. Time is running out for Franco and Gonzi always has the last say. One can only say that he brought it up on himself. What goes round comes around.
Jekk Dr Debono jista jafdak ma nafx imma il-poplu zgur ma jistax jafdak ghaliex dak li ghidt ma wettaqtux. Kemm illek li ghidt lil poplu li ser tnaqqas it-taxxa? Kemm illek tinbah fuq is "Solidarjeta mal-famikji" u fejn wasalna, int hadt €500 kull gimgha u lil poplu tghajtu €1.16 (2011) u €4.66 (2012)u hlibtu bil-kontijiet u bil-hajja gholja infern (gas wiehed minnhom). Hallina Gonz.
Dr Debono is simply calling Dr Gonzi's bluff. Nothing more but nothing less. It is worthless saying that things need to be amended, go public with such declarations and yet do nothing about it. If anybody has put Dr Gonzi in a corner, it's the PM's own doing. And last but not least an appeal to the electorate, please elect more MPs who are not scared to speak out, irrelevant of what party.
Ghandna Prim Ministru jeghreq
Prim Ministru, Gibtni f`difficulta fejn ser immur f`dawn il festi...Jekk imurx ic Cirklu u noghoqod nidhaq bil buffi, jew insegwi x`ser jigri fil gvern u il partit tieghek.Ikolli nghejd ( avolja kontra qalbi )li ikun ahjar li kif dejjem is suggerejtlek sabiex tmur tlaqqa konferenza straordinarja fil partit nazzjonalista, u itlob vot ta fiducja sigrit. Dan ghandek tghamlu l-ewwel ghal gid tal familja tieghek, it tieni ghalik, u it tielet ghal pajjiz. Jekk tlift il fiducja, ma ikun gara xejn, jew cedi il pozizzjoni ta kap, jew ghajjat elezzjoni bikkrija.Ma tistax twebbes rasek u tibqa tmexxi b`dan it tgheddid kollu min naha tal membri tieghek stess. Tibqax tmexxi b`dittatura.
Dr Gonzi has lost the most valuable of assets - TRUST. For your own sake and for this country's well being call an election immediatly. In part wrangling is not the way to run a nation which is facing a mammoth financial crisis.
Ghaziz, Dr, Debono. Huwa ta Unur ghalina l-Maltin li fil-Parlament ghandha lilhek, li bic-car qed turina li ghalik l-interess tal-poplu jigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox. Facilment nista nqabbel il-visjoni tieghek ma dik tal-leggendarju Manuel Dimech. Kif jaf kulhadd, dan meta ipprova jehoda kontra l-oppressjoni tal-Gvern Ingliz, kien ippersegwitat u eziljat. Id-differenza hija li Dimech biex jiggieled ghad-drittijiet tal-Maltin, hadha kontra Gvern Barrani Ingliz waqt li Dr Franco Debono biex jiggieled ghad-drittijiet tal-Maltin qed jehodha kontra Gvern Oppressur Malti. Ironikament dan bhall Dimech ukoll qed jigi ippersegwitat u ostakolat biex jaqdi d-dmirijiet tieghu bl-lejalta lejn il-poplu Malti. Il-Prim Ministru presenti jidher li qed jimxi fuq il-passi tal-mgharuf dittatur Nicolae Ceauşescu tar-Rumanija li meta l-poplu Rumen kien qed jiffaccja instabbilita u medjokrita fl-ghixien tieghu Ceauşescu nefaq miljuni kbar biex ghamel Parlament/Palazz gdid. Hekk qed issir hawn Malta minn Dr Gonzi. ONOREVOLI DR DEBONO, KURAGG IL-POPLU WARAJK. NASSIGURAK LI BHALL MANUEL DIMECH INTI SEJJER TNEBBET PAGNA GDIDA TA' EROJIZMU FL-ISTORJA TAL-POLITIKA MALTIJA. IL-POPLU JIRRINGRAZZJAK.
Last election there was JPO,this time Gonzipn is using Franco Debono to cover him.We will all see when Gonzi loses the next general election which will be held next year,who then will take the blame.
I wonder who is telling the truth .Looks to me that Gonzi is not as strong as it should be as a prime minister
Gonzi, no one believes you any longer.
@Matrix Yes that is just bout eight, as Primadonnas should always be centre stage and who ever said that Gonzi had a spine? Gonzi has been finished way back now as are the PN!! ELECTIONS NOW!!! Call...
Wasn't there a case some years ago about the same issue with Giannella Caruana Curran who insisted for the same thing and the ministry was divided? Why was it amalgamated again?
Zack Depasquale
Dr Gonzi is facing a political checkmate. His situation regarding Dr Debono is tails you win, heads I loose. If Dr Gonzi gives in and divides the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs he is seen as a spineless Leader, if on the other hand Dr Gonzi doesn't give in and Primadonna Debono keeps his word, Maltatoday would have been spot on last Sunday about an early election.Happy Christmas Gonzi lets see you get out of this one you sure deserve all this.