Franco Debono irked by ‘dirty tricks’ allegation forwarded to PM’s aide

Backbencher said PN was complacent over allegations of dirty tactics to oust fifth district candidate

Franco Debono said he was faced by suggestions to the Prime Minister’s head of secretariat Edgar Galea-Curmi, that he had been the author of an anonymous letter that blocked Schiavone’s candidature in 2003.
Franco Debono said he was faced by suggestions to the Prime Minister’s head of secretariat Edgar Galea-Curmi, that he had been the author of an anonymous letter that blocked Schiavone’s candidature in 2003.

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono has hit back at PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier after he told the Times that the MP's comments on Lawrence Gonzi "were not helpful".

Speaking to MaltaToday, Debono said Borg Olivier had taken a "decision" that caused him "untold harm" by not taking any concrete action to quell the unfounded allegation made by Marsaxlokk activist Hermann Schiavone who made it known to the Prime Minister's chief of staff Edgar Galea Curmi, that he had been the author of an anonymous letter that blocked Schiavone's candidature in 2003.

Debono later forwarded the allegation to the Commissioner of Police "as a note for the record." 

He said the PN's inaction over the allegations made against him had "caused untold harm to my health over the past years, but I never spoke about it in public."

Schiavone had withdrawn his candidacy in 2003 over allegations of abuse made in an anonymous letter addressed to the PN and the Commissioner of Police. His wife Anne ran in his stead, winning 1,244 first preference votes. Franco Debono won 1,130 votes in the 2003 election.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Schiavone would not confirm whether he raised the matter with Galea-Curmi. "I have spoken to Galea-Curmi many times, but I don't know what Debono is talking about."

Schiavone said his relation with Debono was that of a "party colleague and candidate... The reality is that there is competition between party candidates on the same district."

The approval of three prospective candidates on the fifth district had already been put on hold by the party's executive in September 2009, in a bid not to irk Debono after he absented himself during a parliamentary vote, to vote down an amendment moved by the Opposition on the creation of two parliamentary select committees.

The proposed candidates were architect Anthony Bezzina, Hermann Schiavone, and Austin Gatt's head of secretariat Manwel Delia.

In an incident at the PN's Zurrieq club, during a social event for the feast of St Catherine in September 2009, Schiavone and Bezzina were asked to leave the premises, after Franco Debono insisted with the local PN committee that "unapproved candidates" should not be present for the activity. Referring to this incident, Debono said that he had received a formal letter of apology from a certain Lino Busuttil, - at the time secretary to the PN sectional committee in Zurrieq. Bezzina had apologised for the incident and words he may have expressed.

In his comments, Debono added that he had absolutely nothing to do with the Zurrieq club incident, and explained that he had never revealed the details of this incident because he is "not outspoken."

PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier has criticised comments made by Debono, who said he will not back the government unless the ministry of justice and home affairs is split by year's end. Borg Olivier told The Times Debono's comments "must have sounded like music to Labour Party ears" and that his behaviour was not acceptable.

In a reaction Debono told MaltaToday that he felt it was odd that Borg Olivier "felt himself at liberty" to comment that he was not being helpful to the party.

"Borg Olivier visited me at home every day, practically sleeping in my kitchen, to convince me not to abstain from voting against Labour's motion against transport minister Austin Gatt," Debono said.

He also said he had a great difficulty in voting in favour of the budgetary vote for the ministry for justice and home affairs, which he said "had a completely wrong attitude to justice and home affairs... it was nothing personal, but I was never in agreement. I declared it publicly, and the current situation shows it."

Debono is insisting that Borg Olivier was at his home when Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi called him to tell him he will be splitting the ministry by year's end. "I told him about it, but after some time he watched it with my parents on NET television on 1 December," Debono said.

Sur FD Bhal ma accennaw xi nies ohra, drajniek issa tparla biss ta avukat li int, u azzjoni xejn. Bhal dak li qallu li ma kontx taf x ser jigri meta astjenejt fil vot kontra Austin Gatt. Ma kontx taf li l-ispeaker jivvota kontra l mozzjoni, u ma tghaddiex. Kieku vera kont ragel u temmen f dak li tghid, kont tivvota favur il mozzjoni u mhux tastjeni. Issa rgajt trid issemma lehnek? Taf li n nies m ghadhomx jaghtu kasek ghax tilfu l fiducja li fik, li xi darba ghad taghmel dak li tghid. Int tghid ghal Dr Gonzi li ma jzommx kelmtu u INT qed taghmel l istess. Taghti t tama lin nies li hemm xi hadd li ser jieqaf kontra l korruzzjoni li fniet lil dal gvern u f daqqa wahda terga koppi. Int daqs Gonzi m intiex izzomm kelmtek, allura kif tippretendi li xi hadd minn Kastilja jiehdok bis serjeta u jaghti kas li qed tghid. Jekk mill paroli ma tghaddiex ghal fatti, jiddispjacini, imma tkun biss qed tahli l hin tal parlament u tghaddi z zmien bin nies. Jekk vera temmen f dak li tghid, ghaddi ghal fatti. Jekk le, ghandek agenda ohra.
Sur FD - qed niehu gost naqra li int fost dawk il-bravi li tixtiequlu l-gid lil franco debono !!!! Jista' jaghti l-kaz li flok gid lil franco debono aktar tixtieq il-gid lilek innifsek (forsi int qed tgawdi ma' gonzi u l-klika tieghu, min jaf !!!) u lil dawk ta' madwar dil-klikka li ilhom jerdghu snin shah mir-rizorsi tal-pajjiz. By the way, franco debono zgur li m'hu se jara ebda rebha wara dak li ghamel - ibqa' cert li gonzi u l-klikka ta' madwaru bl-ebda mod ma huma se jhalluh jerga' johrog ghall-elezzjoni (forsi ghax bhalek, jixtiqulu l-gid !!!); mal-labour zgur mhux se johrog ( u zgur li m'ghandhomx bzonnu) --- u allura zgur li se jibqa' lampa stampa bhal gonzipn fl-2013 !!!!!
malonki naf li jien gustuz , grazzi tal-kumpliment. Franco jehtieglu jieqaf naqra u jirrifletti. Jekk ma tafx Franco bniedem li jahdem tnax il-siegha kulljum. haqqu naqra mistrieh u jmur jara loghoba futbol u forsi jara rebha! Bniedem anzjuz mistrieh ghandu bzonn u jkun imdawwar b’min jixtieqlu l-gid , mhux min isahhanlu rasu biex jiehu li ilu jrid minn ghandu u wara jarmieh! Jekk irid imur bil-mikrofonu imur Charlon Gouder (dak li ghannaq lil Gonzi) itemmghu lil Franco li naf li ma tantx inizzlu. .
Ghaziz Dr Debono, il poplu Malti qed jiddejjaq jisma u jara ritratti tieghek fil faccati tal gazetti u tibqa saqajk imwahhla.Qed tghamel bhal avukati kollha paroli biss. Hemm bzonn li tiehu azzjoni u din ghandha tkun dak li int qed tghid. Jekk verament tirrispetta lill poplu Maltui ghatih sena gdid ghax sena ohra l-art se jhalluk. Awguri
Sur FD - kemm int gustuz !!!! Kemm jinteressak il-gid ta' franco debono - tant li tridu jmur jara l-fiorentina - ara jkunux ahjar tghid lil pierre portelli (jew xil-marelli jismu) jaghmillu xi intervisti fil-bitha tal-parlament bil-karti mdendlin wara daharu ta' kif u kemm-il darba dahak bih gonzi !!!! Mur osbor hej, hemm ghalfejn tghidilna int x'irid isir biex jaqa' l-gvern - lanqas li ma nafux - u lanqas li ma ndunajniex kif gonzi dahak bi franco debono u gidiblu biex jivvota mal-gvern fuq money bill biex gonzi u l-klikka mahmuga tieghu jkomplu jmaxtru fl-ahhar ftit li baqaghlhom !!! Imma gonzi u l-klikka tieghu issa mdorrijin sew jidhku bin-nies - tat-tarzna, tal-air malta, tal-linja - tahseb li se jiskrupla jidhak u jitmejjel b'Membru imqareb tal-Parlament li qed jherrih minn gewwa !!! Ejja gonzi - nafu li tinsab f'kantuniera - u billi toqghod titbissem u tidhak qisek cuc, m'intix se tehles minn dan iz-zokk ..... l-arlogg dejjem qed itektek u l-ahhar tas-sena qed toqrob - tghid dal-lejl se jmur id-dar ta' franco debono u jaghmillu xi priedka tal-milied - f'dak il-kaz jghidilna - forsi nigu nisimghuha ahna wkoll !!!!
aqsam il kamra ha nehilsu min dan il gvern forsi nibdew nghixu franco ma gonzi mandekx futur dak gidib
Malonki kif tippretendi li kandidad nazzjonalist iqalfat il-barra lil-Gvern tieghu biex itella gvern immexxi mir-rival tal-iskola tieghu? Nahseb l-ahjar ghal Franco jmur jara il-Fiorentina jilghabu xi loghba u jistrieh bhal shabu ha jiccarga il-batterija. Biex ikun ghamel li qed tixtieq irid jigi Novembru tal-2012, ghax gvern , skond lis-standing orders u l-kostituzzjoni li fejn jaqbel tigi ikkwotata, jaqa fuq vot ta’ flus ...mela baqalu naqra ohra biex jitla Joseph.
Issa hareg ghonqu l-bravu l-iehor Joe Saliba tafux. Qed jghid li mhux iz-zmien li ssir elezzjoni - mhux ovvja - mela min ilu jarda' s-snin mill-kuntratti tal-gvern, karigi, bordijiet, promozzjonijiet, pjaciri, favuri, preferenzi ... fi ftit kliem mill-korruzzjoni li qed tifni dal-pajjiz ... jaqbillu li ssir elezzjoni? Mhux haga cara din li jridu jibqghu jithanzru u jiffangaw sal-ahhar qabel ma l-mewga tal-partit laburista tixkanahom 'l hemm darba ghal dejjem - u nispera li kif ikun hemm gvern gdid laburista lil dawn is-sangisugi jqalfathom 'il barra immedjatament - ghax dawn hekk biss haqqhom. Ejja Franco, aghmel li ghandek taghmel halli dawn il-qabda gakbini nehilsu minnhom darba ghal dejjem.
Dear Franco, I know that you are a sincere person and that what is happening is because you adhere to your sound principles. Please do not give in. Try to relax and do not worry too much. The tactics and antics that are being played against you are the usual ones that I have seen being used here in Malta in all places. When you are right you are right no matter what others try to say! The tactics that are used against you try to put confusion and make you look as if it you who is mistaken. This is a typical way of attacking persons and is a form of 'psychological warfare' against you, do not worry these tactics are being used against you show that other persons have deep fear of speaking the truth and showing what is on their mind. You have spoken out because you are a real person not just a puppet!!! and you have an opinion no matter if it is right or wrong. Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right! and so is the right to think and the right for an opinion!
The GonziPn is gearing up for a snap election and the Franco Debono syndrome will be used as a pretext! The government knows that as from the second quarter of 2012 the economic situation will worsen and that it will have nothing to shed to the disillusioned in its next budget apart that its spending will be scrutinized by Brussels! So Bye Bye Income tax promise! So March will be the most propitious time to call it! By calling it the GonziPn will have tried to recover internal stability in both the PN and government, while also creating out of this saga a political platform in which it will portray itself as the solution for the upcoming economic and financial woes! It will say, that Malta has survived so far the economic and financial turmoils so why change? Franco will be used as the proverbial sacrifical lamb. He will be blamed if worse comes to worse! Gonzi will call his bluff soon! Come next 18th January and Parliament will be either adjourned sine die or not be reconvened at all!
@ Antoine Vella. It takes a special kind of stupid to be the most active person in the comments collumn of a newspaper and then declare he only believes 40% of what this newspaper says. Why on God's green earth would you waste so much time reading a newspaper you don't believe? But I know what your dilemma is: Pravda of Valletta (ToM) and the other party faithfulls of both sides are so selective in their reporting that you need a Malta Today to stay informed.
The usual PN lackeys in this column try to give the impression that Franco Debono is not all there. They are grossly mistaken. He's one of the few (along with JPO and others) of the 35 who warm their elected seat on the right side of the Speaker who knows what he's saying. It is Gonzi who is in a state of panic. There's no need for anybody to prod Franco on. He knows very well what he wants, and Gonzi will have to bow in humility to his requests, as otherwise……..
The PN belongs to a handfull of dynastic families that proliferate like the wooden Russian dolls: Gonzi,Gatt, Tabone,Borg Olivier, DeMarco, Mifsud Bonnici families. And does anyone think that Gonzi would do something to unsettle the Mifsud Bonnici family by splitting the Ministry badly administered by a Mifsud Bonnici? Dr Debono you do not belong; you are a hangers on, you are a Johnny come lately, and whatever you do remember that the PN belongs to a selected few ; its their fief, you are simply a vassal! This is meant, as well, for all those PN bloggers, and party members, who think that they belong: they do not, no matter how diehard they are; decisions are taken in the comfortable 'salotti' of these dynastic families!
Dr Debono, taf tajjeb li l-karriera politika tieghek mal-Pn spiccat. Gonzi dahak bik bhal ma dahak bil-poplu Malti kollu. L-uniku mod li tista twaqqaf dan kollu hu li taqsam il-kamra u tinghaqad mal-PL. B'hekk biss dan il-pajjiz jista jkollu tmexxija nadifa mill-aktar fis.
1) jew loba biex jekk jitlef jehel franco u mux gonzi 2) jew franco gi offrut bhal haruff 3) jew inkella franco welcome to my world of shit
As long as there is a Schiavone on the ballot paper ,Franco does not stand a chance of being elected.
This situation is becoming extremely dangerous to our democracy. Lack of general discipline and with all the mayhem wherever one looks around him/her, the country's soul has weakened to the extent that ANARCHY seems to be around the corner. And I do not feel that I am exaggerating.
Li Franco hareg b’dan il-mod isteriku kontra kullhadd qisu ma’ naf xiex ,tidher naqra out of place . Xi haga ghandu, l-ansjeta zejda tahdem hafna fuq min jahdem bla heda . Franco ghandu l-ufficju u l-politika x’jiehu hsieb , barra l-kostitwenti.
In the meantime prospective candidates organise parties, coffee mornings buffet nights and fund raising activities in the fifth district, while Franco attacks GonziPN.
@Antoine Vella - Sur Vella l-frosta mac-caqcaq ta' xejn, specjalment f'dawn il-granet!!! Il-Milied it-Tajjeb.
@Antoine Vella —Why don't you wait for the comments of the bidnija blogger before you make your comments, she usually gets her information from castle.
Briffy: Trid taghti x'wiehed jifhem li Franco Debono qieghed jagixxi hekk ghax mohhu mhux jiffunzjona sewwa minhabba l"ansjeta". Nahseb li kull min ikollu x'jaqsam ma xi hadd li jidher car li kien qed jghaddih biz-zmien, jirrekagixxi kif qed jaghmel Franco Debono ! Nistaqsi lil Briffy: tiftakar kemm qaghdtu gharkubtejkhom quddiem Mintoff meta hada qatta bla habel kontra l-prim ministru ta' dak iz-zmien, Dr. Alfred Sant ? U dak in-nhar Sant ma kien ghamel ebda weghda lil Mintoff li se jaghmel kif ried hu dwar il-progett tal-Yacht Marina fil-Birgu ! Illum qed tahsdu dak li zrajtu Briffy ! Xorta pero Gonzi jibqa jlaqqata sal-ahhar ghax irid jaqta z-zigarelli tal-parlament bla bzonn u-tijatru bla saqaf qabel jghatina l-addio, anki jekk jaghmel dan bil-vot tal-ispeaker! EddyB privitera
Thank you Mr. Vella spare up.
I was going to express an opinion about Franco Debono but then I said to myself, look, I only believe about 40% of what Saviour Balzan and his minions write so . . . I think I'll wait until I read about it on The Times.
In my opinion “is-sewwa jirbah zgur” fits perfectly here in this situation. Why did Franco Debono switch from ToM to this paper? Could it be that he’s pushing them to stop Hermann Schiavone from writing articles on that paper?
lil bravu robert arrigo: utility bills is the only problem for gonzipn, read and digest bravu.
Merry Christmas Dear Lawrence and a Prosperous New Year! Yo hoho!
Dr Debono most of Malta and Gozo are behind you including me because if it wasn`t you Gonzi and co would be buldozing all over us .Keep it up and show them that you are a man of principles.
Tinsewx twaddbu xi bictejn zalzett tal Malti u ftit bacon, f`din il kawlata. Tghejdx kemm tigi tajba. Min jaf ir ricetta nitolbu jippublika, forsi nithajjar nghamilha. Grazzi bil quddiem.
Its no wonder we are in this economic and financial mess: Dr Gonzi seems to have a lot of talent to ferment divisions within his fold; I mean Dalli,Jeffrey, Mugliet, Arrigo and Debono ; who is next? Is that seat at Castille so addictive that notwithstanding, the humiliations and bickering from his buddies, he wan't let go? Is this 'a new' in the Guinness book of records ?
Now we also hear that Debono was irked by dirty tricks relating to contestants in his district, that he is now suffering from an anxiety stress, that he was warned by his doctors that he is ruining his health, but that he doesn't care and is determined to continue in his ways. One is forgiven if one asks whether this is normal behaviour, especially coming from an MP. It is also reported that he intends to leave the island and settle in Italy. He wants all his ideas to be adopted with haste, or else. That such behaviour is usually associated with a state of anxiety is well-known. No one in this state can think clearly. His doctors are right in suggesting that he takes a rest until such time as he snaps out of this state and can think clearly. I
Here we go again? Every few weeks Debono comes up with some idea - which he says Malta can't do without. Nothing wrong with ideas and proposals but if every time one emphasises that these ideas are for the good of Malta and not prompted by his own selfish motives, one begins to have one's doubts. What is unacceptable is the way the ideas are advanced, in public, accompanied by threats and now even by an ultimatum. It's true that Labourites are egging him on on the pretext that only Debono knows what's good for Malta, but Debono's attitude is unprecedented. Now we here that PBO stays in his kitchen, and that Debono wnts to pab ck up and leave Malta. What sort of behaviour is this?
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Franco Debono jgħid li qed ibati minn attakk t'ansjeta'" Titlu fil-gurnal eletroniku tal-PN "Franco Debono kompla li lest iħalli kollox, u minkejja s-sagrifiċċji li għamel b'rabta mal-karriera politika u legali tiegħu, jitlaq mill-pajjiż bil-familja lejn l-Italja fejn dejjem xtaq imur jaħdem." tmiem ta' l-ahbar fl-istess sit Tghid ghax qed jinghad dan? Ghaliex Debono lest li jmur bil-familja l-Italja?
Stefan Mifsud
Dr. Debono, Keep your balls on. You are doing the whole country a service by showing arrogant politicians that each MP is representing his constituents. As regards the legal system (sic) in Malta I fully agree. It does not only need an overhaul from way deep but a complete rethink with the driving motivation being basic human rights that the Police certainly do not go by and in my opinion not even the courts.
gonzi ser jghamel minn kollox biex jibqa sa l-ahhar jilghaq kull ma jista u jfaddal ghal meta jirtira fil-kumdita li ma jkollux jitfi l-AC matul il-gurnata.Jahseb li ser ilahqulu l-progett ta' Piano u Dipartiment ta' Encologija biex jaqta iz-zigarella bit-tama li l-poplu jdawwar fhemtu.Ghalhekk li sal-gimgha d-diehla jobdi minn dak li qed jghidlu Franco, fejn jiedhol il-buqxiex gonzi maghndu misthija ta' xejn, immekuh kemm imekuh, laqwa li jfaddal.
Franco everyone is behind you: the Maltese of good will and those Nationalists who have become outcast because of their own party inlc people like John Dalli. I am not a PN supporter but appreciate the existence of the PN for democratic reasons. GonziPN has become a bloody dictator and Gonzi must go today...for the sake of this country's democracy. Malta has become the property of Gonzi not of the PN, the PL and the Maltese. Like his uncle he thinks he is God's messenger. Gonzi you will be remembered in the books of history as the weakest link!!! No one will cry your departure except those leeches close to you who have had it too good for too long behind our backs!
Franco - jien ma nafekx imma ghandi rispett kbir ghalik ghax qed turi li int ragel li hadd ma jpoggi l-bzieq fuq imniehrek. Suggeriment wiehed biss ghandi ghalik --- x'qed tistenna biex bhal Sansun tigbed il-kolonni u twaqqa' is-saqaf, il-hitan u kollox fuq dan il-gvern mahmug, skadut, ghajjien, giddieb, imhawwad, imfixkel u stordut? Jekk taghmel hekk il-maggoranza kbira tal-maltin tibqa' tafhulek - ghalkemm m'hemmx ghalfejn nghidu li min ilu s-snin imaxtar u jiffanga min jaf kif ikompli jdur kontrik. Isma' minni - igbidhom il-kolonni, illum qabel ghada .........
What a mess!! We just cannot go on with this circus. Dr Debono for the country's sake, do what you have to do. Get square with who wants to destroy your career and than you can pursue your career, as you wish, in Italy.