Sonny Portelli re-appointed MCESD chairman

Parliamentary Secretary Chris Said confirms re-appointment of MCESD chairman Sonny Portelli and describes it as a sign of confidence.

MCESD chairman Sonny Portelli (Photo: Gilbert Calleja/MediaToday)
MCESD chairman Sonny Portelli (Photo: Gilbert Calleja/MediaToday)

Sonny Portelli has been reconfirmed in his post as chairman of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD). He has been occupying the post since 2007.

Parliamentary Secretary for Consumers, Fair Competition, Local Councils and Public Dialogue Chris Said had announced government's intention to reappoint Portelli during the parliamentary debate on the Office of the Prime Minister's budget estimates.

Chris Said described Portelli's appointment as a signal of government and the social partners' confidence in his leadership during the past four years. Currently, Portelli is also a non-executive director at HSBC Malta and previously was Chairman at GO plc and Air Malta plc.

Chris Said explained that MCESD met for an average of two times a month during 2011 and tackled various issues, including better regulation initiatives, the Libyan conflict, bureaucracy, energy prices, revision of the COLA mechanism, environmental policies, the 2012 budget, maternity leave extension, tourism, family friendly measures and the restructuring of MCESD.

The Parliamentary Secretary made no reference to the controversy surrounding the pending membership application of Forum. The trade union confederation has yet to be approved as a member of MCESD although Said had declared that government does not oppose Forum's membership.

Didn't GonziPN of the 'par idejn sodi' promise in the last election that persons on government boards would only be chosen after a public call for application? There goes another broken promise like the reduction in income tax. What was it that gonzi didn't promise in the last election??? A greedy rise to himself and his ministers of €500 WEEKLY and did this behind the people's back. Worse still this was at a time when people were made to suffer because of austerity measures. That's gonzipn for you!!
Well Sonny has been appointed on various boards by this government which goes on to prove that he has their blessing for obvious reasons. At the end of the day what is MCESD? A forum where participating members sip coffee and take a sandwich??? But where it matters most it does what the government dictates to it! Look at the last budget where maternity leave is concerned. Some members of the MCESD were totally against maternity leave but the government stamped it feet and for political opportunism's sake (as the election is round the corner)rode roughshod over MCESD!
X'eccitament qed taghtina din il-hatra !!!! Kumbinazzjoni rega' intghazel bniedem li bhala l-akbar mertu ghandu l-fatt li gonzi jafu ghax (bhal austin walker, dak ir-rolls royce) kien jahdem ma' mizzi !!! Dik kwalifika biex tkun chairman tal-MCESD!!!! Tghid dan portelli jippretendi li hu xi porsche jew xi jaguar meta fdawlu f'idu bicca kunsill tajjeb biss ghat-tpacpic fil-vojt -- tinsewx li wara kollox kien il-famuz austin gatt li qal b'hanga daqshiex li dan il-kunsill ipacpac biss u qatt ma jasal imkien !!!! U talli nibqghu sejrin b'dawn il-pulcinellati u taparsi nzommu il-partners socjali b'halqhom maghluq, kuntenti jilaghbuha tal-importanti, is-sonny boy min jaf kemm il-elf euro qed jimpala, xi tghid !!!! L-aqwa li ghandu ufficcju fi triq ir-repubblika, mhux hekk, taparsi qed immexxu lill-ekonomija tal-pajjiz !!! X'hela ta' energija, paroli fil-vojt, u illuzjonijiet ta' bravuri !!!!!!!! Imma x'taghmel - b'dawn il-kummiedji irrdu nitqannew biex naljenaw lill-poplu.
"Chris Said described Portelli's appointment as a signal of government and the social partners' confidence in his leadership during the past four years. " hahahahahahahaha.....what a joke this Chris said is! Ask the social partners.
Of course Sunny is re appointed he managed to keep FORUM out of the MCESD as planned by gonziPN.