Police respond to Edwin Grech's claims on daughter's murder

The Police Commissioner John Rizzo has responded to Prof. Edwin Grech's claims and revelaltions about Karin Grech’s murder: "case has been rigorously investigated, and still continues."

Prof Edwin Grech says he gave names of the suspects to police investigators, but nobody had ever been questioned.
Prof Edwin Grech says he gave names of the suspects to police investigators, but nobody had ever been questioned.

The father of Karin Grech, murdered by a letter bomb during the doctor's strike on 28 December 1977, believes the explosive device was manufactured by an expert criminal and that the parcel was created by a carpenter who were both engaged by medical students involved in the strike.

Prof. Edwin Grech, the most prominent of strike-breakers, appears tonight on Net TV's 'Evidenza' to say that he knows the identities of all the perpetrators, including that of a prominent politician who lent his office to the medical students for their meetings.

Grech will say that he divulged the names of these people to police investigators, but none of the suspects were ever questioned.

"I feel abandoned by the police, who never carried out a thorough investigation because they are obstructed by a hidden hand," Grech will say.

A police spokesperson however said that all information the police had received, including that from Prof Grech, had been investigated thoroughly. "The case has been rigorously investigated along these years and is still being intensively investigated to this day. However, as the case is subject to a pending magisterial inquiry, it is felt imprudent to give details of the investigations made."

Grech family this year won €420,000 in compensation for the murder of their daughter, with the Constitutional Court confirming that the bomb had been mailed to Prof Grech in view of the services he had given during a politically sensitive period in the late 1970s.

In 1977, medical students had gone abroad to complete their course as a consequence of the doctors' strike while Prof. Grech and his family had just returned to Malta six months previously. The dispute was triggered when government amended legislation governing medical licensing. On December 28, 1977, a large brown envelope addressed to him was delivered to his house. His daughter, in Malta from her UK school for the Christmas holidays, opened a pen-box shaped parcel in Christmas wrapping paper, that exploded in her hands. She later died in hospital.

Edwin Grech says it was a seasoned bomb maker and "criminal expert" who manufactured the bomb on order of fifth-year medical students who plotted the attempt at a politician's legal office.

Grech claims the implicated politician was only motivated by financial reasons.

Grech has also provided police investigators with the name of a fifth-year medical student, who was however never interrogate because all fifth-year students had by then emigrated to the UK.

Grech claims that a carpenter had told him that another carpenter was involved in the bomb-making, and that faint fingerprints revealed that the sender had some fingers missing.

The parcel bomb was carved out in wood and included two batteries, springs, wires and the explosive.

Antoine, you are as usual disgusting. First you provoke abuse by your hate comments and than play the victim. Yes, you are a disgusting thing. Shame on you chicken brain (with an apology to all chickens)!
The savage reaction to my sarcastic remark about Edwin Grech was an instinctive demonstration of the blind intolerance that has traditionally distinguished Mintoffians. As always, such mindless violence reflects badly on Labour but that is the fault of the online Labour thugs. Blaming the victim for the violence is another traditional Mintoffian ploy. The exhortation made to fellow thugs by a slightly craftier 'Elve' - to tone down their abuse so as not to scare away voters - is as vain as it is transparent. We all know that Mintoffians have always distinguished themselves for their barbarism and their comments on Maltatoday.com only confirm the bad reputation the marmalja earned for itself throughout generations of "activism",
Dr Vella mhux MD imma espert fl-agrikoltura sa fejn naf jien. Jifhem hafna fid-demel, qarghabali u l-muzalz. Biss dawn il-hafna kitbiet moqzieza tieghu jidher li huma ntizi biex jintghogob mall-PN billi ghandu t-tifel aktarx johrog ghall-elezzjoni tal-Kunsill ta Hal-Balzan f'Marzu li gej. Jien nawguralu bil-qalb - basta jkollu success aktar minn missieru li kien fjask komplut.
@Semas. My apologies for having misconstrued your intentions. On the other hand one should never ignore the provocative comments of extremists but the replies should not be in the same acumen of their vile content but as a decent human being. Antoine Vella is just a by product of the history of Maltese politics starting with the Interdett and it’s aftermath which is still haunting us today. Injustice is a prelude to violence and this in turn provokes reprisals and bloodshed. And all of this with the blessing of our politicians in power. I personally hold both political parties responsible for the death of Karin Grech and Raymond Caruana and every time one, or the other party, revives the memory of these barbaric acts, one cannot help doubt their sincerity or are they just trying to milk political leverage at the expense of tearing open the wounds of the victims families, whereas justice will help them immeasurably more. That is why the likes of Antoine Vella are so comfortable doing what they are doing because the party’s spin machines give them all the backing possible since the means justifies the end.
@ Not Amused. Sir, I certainly did not call for any censorship on the comments posted under the name of 'Antoine Vella'. Nor did I recommend MT online to filter such 'his' comments. . I only suggested to those who feel offended/outraged by his hate comments to be careful in the way they respond. . I am pretty sure that 'Antoine Vella' has a well planned hidden agenda - that of provoking PL leaning MT readers so that 'he' can prove that the old Mintoffian thugs are still around, so why would anybody want to change the party in government? . Comments by 'Antoine Vella' and similar ones are obviously expected here but look out for the serpent in the apple tree...
Mr. Vella, I hope you are glad that your comments have fomented this hornets’ nest, it really fits the season. You have dug up the old rancour and resentment. If I wish, I am able to use some appropriate adjectives that describe you.. I will not do this as I do not want to stoop to your level. Political debate is much much higher than your diatribes. Apart from the fact we are talking about a murdered girl. Whom you do not respect but are so brazen to find a reason why she was butchered.. You condone Karen Grech’s slaughter, because her father was in the public eye. Did you really mean that? Anyway, notwithstanding, I would like to wish you a happy new year. I beg, you desist from these comments, you are acting just a Labour thug.. Using your metre of measure. Which party merits the people’s confidence? The one the a quarter of a century ago its supporters acted very foolishly? Or that party that boasts of its Christianity, and has supporters who are whitewashed sepulchres; pious from the outside but on the inside they harbour such hate.
@semas. That is last thing one should do. Censorship is no solution and one should never accept that MT ( or any other media outlet for that matter ) taking the liberty to filter the comments of any reader, as is the case with another popular daily newspaper. Mr Antoine Vella and his likes are a reality of today’s partisan politics and the readers has the right to know the amount of hate and misinformation which is being spawned in the name of party politics. I have no doubt that there are enough intelligent people out there (especially those of the same party affiliation of Mr Antoine Vella) who are shocked at such extremist comments and are distancing themselves from such tactics. Mr Antoine Vella & his likes are in actual fact, doing a gross disservice to their own party and rather than winning support for their colours, they are simply generating shame & disgust. It is up to the party hierarchies to curb down these tones… or to just play possum, in which case their silence will only help ferment more spite from their party die-hards.
Dear all, Please allow me to share some comments which really, have little to do with the report in caption. Most of you must have realised by now that the comments signed by 'Antoine Vella' on Malta Today online are a cesspit of venom, bile, scum and hatred against anyone and anything related to the PL. The comments of 'Antoine Vella' may be a part of the larger scheme of things, co-ordinated by the OPM and fuelled by the darkest evil scraping the Bidnija territory. Irrespective of the arguments and the news items, comments of 'Antoine Vella' are laden with hatred against Mintoff and his sympathisers, and all those who currently belive that the PL is a true alternative to this decadent party governing our island. I am pretty sure that comments by 'Antoine Vella' serve to antagonise PL supporters who unwittingly may fall into the PN spin machine trap. So, please, may I ask you to take care when replying to 'Antoine Vella' comments. This 'person' is not genuinely seeking to express an opinion but to make sure that the fear of a come-back of the 70s/80s violence and terror stick into the mind of many, obviously to ensure that this putrefying government remains attached to power. Yes, power and greed are the main motivators behind this government which is past due its sell-by date since the 9 March 2008. Thank you.
Mark Fenech
Kif jistghu l-Pulizija jghidu li nvestigaw kollox imbaghad l-aktar haga hafifa li jiehud l-fingerprints ta' l-istudenti tal-medicina ta' dak iz-zmien ma ghamlux. Ftit serjeta jrid ikollok biex tirrispondi ghall-allegazzjonijiet li ghamel il-Prof. Grech. Le ma inhiex kuntent kif jahdmu l-pulizija, meta l-affarijiet jidhru li jkunu gejjien minn naħa tal-PN. Xi darba ghad irrid nikteb kif trattaw mieghi il-Pulizija meta sawtuni. Qishom l-ewwel ikunu jridu l-fiat min ghand xi hadd il-fuq qabel jibdew jinvestigaw kull suspett. Il-hnizrijiet li saru fuq il-kaz ta' Raymond Caruana mill-Pulizija biex imbaghad dawk li ghamlu l-frejjeġ ġew moghtija promotions meta fl-1987 tgħela l-PN, u kellu jkun il-PM Alfred Sant li kecciehom mill-Korp, iħalluli togħma morra ħafna, għax qisu hemm strategija mafjuza fin-nofs. Dan japplika ghal qtil ta' Cardona, Lino Cauchi, u xi kazijiet ohrajn li fihom seta' kien hemm doża politika.
Plus he is doing the same on the new post too. MT MUST TAKE ACTION!!
Bonzi, Vella qed jghajrek THUG ghax bqajt anonimu!LOL!
I have rang but no one else seems to ring MT and get this AH banned!!
i cant understand why your letting Antoine Vella repeat his comments ,in one comment he repeated 5 times in 3 mins .Nobody check at M T what people writes or theres a hidden agenda?Malta Today should close comments on this subject because Vella is offending lots of people with his comments.Is sena tajba lil kulhadd
Qed intuh gewwa Bonz. Ma baqalhux argumenti( anyway, qatt ma kellu).Daqt jghid li ghadu vergni!
It is true, however: Labour is still heavily infested by thugs, anonymous delinquents who hide behind pseudonyms. It is true, the Labour marmalja is still with us and anybody voting for the PL must realise what they are voting for: Mintoffian intolerance and violence.
DR. VELLA?????? Oh my god!!! What, MD??? Scary. Very very scary!!!
Le, Bonzi. Probabbli li kien hawn Malta. Ma kienx jixtri luminaita tal-boycott imma jekk thallasielhu kien jihodha. Ghallinqas il-Vella li naf jien hekk kien jaghmel! LOL!
No way Googol. Nies bhal dawn mhux tahtom jaghmlu, imma minn taht bsaten fir roti. Il hdura li nghandhom hija enormi!! Insomma ninn fommok l'Alla...iz zmien jaghtina parir...
Dr Antoine Vella dak iz zmien Bologna jew Perugia kont qed tistudja?
If there was ever proof of what the Dr Grech is claiming, one only needs to read Antoine Vella's contributions. The gentleman has lost his daughter to a barbaric act and he has to live with the pain that the murderer is still running loose, for heaven's sake. Yet the insensitivity and the uncalled for abuse coming from Mr Antoine Vella is the product of a sick partisan mentality which the present administration claims, has stopped in 1987. Our political system has been and still is a fertile breeding ground for such sick minds and that is what needs to change.
Issa xieraq dan Vella huwa wiehed minn dawk li jibda jaghmel tahtu kif iddur ir-rota!
Issa xieraq dan Vella huwa wiehed minn dawk li jibda jaghmel tahtu kif iddur ir-rota!
Issa xieraq dan Vella huwa wiehed minn dawk li jibda jaghmel tahtu kif iddur ir-rota!
Dr Antoine Vella forsi ma tafx xi tfisser li joqtlulek lill bintek. Prof Grech dahal fil politika ferm snin wara il qtil ta bintu. Mhux l-istess ghal li spettur investigattiv kemm kien involut fil politika. Allura se nghidu li dan ma ghamilx xogholu ghax kien PN . Nahseb li llum haqqwk tghamel apologija lill Prof Grech ghax bl-attitudni tieghek donnok mhux qed tikkundana dak li gara.
@antoin vili the time of reckoning would soon be with us, you had better be careful of what you say because you will be held responsible before the law for your hate mongering. You are a despicable person and contemptible as your mistress.
Zack Depasquale
@Emanuel Cini biex tikkritika m'ghandekx taqgha fl-istess hmieg li waqgha haddiehor, biex umbghad joqghod jilghabha tal-vittma.Iva naqbel mieghek fuq hafna affarijiet imma ma qbiltx ma' parti mill-ahhar kumment tieghek.Ma naqbilx mal-pulikarja u mibgheda tigi minn fejn tigi.Mil-banda l-ohra m'ghandna nixtiequ deni l-hadd ejja nargumentaw mhux niggieldu, anke ma bniedmin li ma jixirqilhopmx jissejhu bnedmien.
As for Edwin Grech, losing his daughter does not make him untouchable. He entered politics and fully supported the Mintoff/KMB regime, never speaking out against the ransacking of Fenech Adami's house, for example, or the burning down of The Times building. In short Edwin Grech, through his own choice, became a public figure and a Mintoffian hierarch and if the rabble thinks he must not be criticised they are only showing their true colours.
Again. I urge all here who feel disgusted at this total hatred expressed by Antoine to call MT and complain. I have done so now. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech or expression. Hate is hate and Antoine is hateful.
As for Edwin Grech, losing his daughter does not make him untouchable. He entered politics and fully supported the Mintoff/KMB regime, never speaking out against the ransacking of Fenech Adami's house, for example, or the burning down of The Times building. In short Edwin Grech, through his own choice, became a public figure and a Mintoffian hierarch and if the rabble thinks he must not be criticised they are only showing their true colours.
@Antoine Vella: When people's perception of self grows beyond their sense of perception of others and the world, they enter a phase of feelings of grandeur; a trigger and precursor to schizophrenia. Who are you to say that thugs are still around? that they are hiding behind pseudonyms? This scaremongering doesn't work and you better proportionate your sense of self and speak prudently. It is people like you who have betrayed the PN; people like you who have done the PN great harm with your bullish ways of commenting that the world will come to an end if Labour is elected. If you know so much about these thugs, mention their names. Or is it so politically convenient to engage in mud slinging and never be accountable for your words and deeds? What do you mean when you say "It is true". Since when do you personify the truth? All I wish for the new year is that once the PN has a new leadership, people of your ilk are thrown out as the damage people like you have caused to destroy the political image of the PN is just irreversible. People like you are the worst thugs. You threaten the very sense of democracy by comments like yours. Amazing! Why are people of this type still around in the 21st century. ?
@ Mr. Vella...If that was your daughter, you wouldnt be talking like that. Shall I remind you that if you beloved GonziPN wanted to end all this past drama, he would have kept his promise and told everyone who murdered Ms. Karin Grech & Mr. Raymond Caruana. If he wanted to put their souls to rest and give some peace of mind to the victims' families, he would have kept his word like he said before the election...instead of using such hurtful stories to gain votes! Shame on you to talk in this way on such an article. I am still young and I will vite PL because of such people like you and worse than you in the PN. Good day Mr. Vella! May you and people like you one day act like real democratic citizens and not such hatred citizens!!! Almost 2012...we defentely need some big change of mentality on this piece of rock! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE...YEA I SAID EVERYONE...THAT MEANS CATHOLICS, MUSLIMS, PN SUPPORTERS, PL SUPPORTERS...ETC....ABOUT TIME THIS COUNTRY STOPS BEING RACIST AND POLITICALLY BRAINWASHED!
I knew a certain Antoine vella once. The black in the PN emblem was very dear to hia heart. But as they say," There are too many asses around". And come to think of it, it takes a thug to know a thug.
Mill-kitba tieghek u tas-sahhara, it-tnejn tidhru li intom xempju u champions tat-tolleranza! Grazzi, Toni,'you made my day'!
As for Edwin Grech, losing his daughter does not make him untouchable. He entered politics and fully supported the Mintoff/KMB regime, never speaking out against the ransacking of Fenech Adami's house, for example, or the burning down of The Times building. In short Edwin Grech, through his own choice, became a public figure and a Mintoffian hierarch and if the rabble thinks he must not be criticised they are only showing their true colours.
As for Edwin Grech, losing his daughter does not make him untouchable. He entered politics and fully supported the Mintoff/KMB regime, never speaking out against the ransacking of Fenech Adami's house, for example, or the burning down of The Times building. In short Edwin Grech, through his own choice, became a public figure and a Mintoffian hierarch and if the rabble thinks he must not be criticised they are only showing their true colours.
It is true, however: Labour is still heavily infested by thugs, anonymous delinquents who hide behind pseudonyms. It is true, the Labour marmalja is still with us and anybody voting for the PL must realise what they are voting for: Mintoffian intolerance and violence.
It is true, however: Labour is still heavily infested by thugs, anonymous delinquents who hide behind pseudonyms. It is true, the Labour marmalja is still with us and anybody voting for the PL must realise what they are voting for: Mintoffian intolerance and violence.
Mr. Vella, I do not know what your comment has to do with the piece on the murder of Karin Grech. Dr. Grech is denouncing the fact that he gave the police certain evidence but they are pussyfooting about it. If you want to live in the past that is your business. What happened 25 years ago was deplorable. But it happened 25 years ago, and whether you believe or not Labour has changed its act. So much so it won the election of 1996. The party has paid the price of its folly by 25 years in opposition. May I also add that if Labour had the mob (old meaning) others to things like the mob (modern meaning). I will not elaborate I think you are intelligent enough to understand. Whilst I believe that you have all to right in the world to express yourself (a right denied to the Labour Party during the sixties) I would suggest that you moderate a bit your terms, to lower, so to speak the temperature. Do not forget that Fenech Adami has reconciled us. More so it does not suite a Catholic like you to regurgitate that bile against the Labour Party. You are acting is antichristian just like that of the mob.
Antoine Vella: mur aqra r-rapport tal-qtil ta' Raymond Caruana u ssib li dan intlaqat minn balla wahda minn 13 il-balla sparata lejn il-faccata tal-kazin tal-PN fil-Gudja. Din il-balla marret zmerc, dahlet mill-bieb tal-ante-porta, habtet mal-hajt u daret u laqtet lill-povru Raymond u qatlitu. Waqt li l-qtil ta' Karen Grech kien ippjanat b'mod metikoluz, ghalkemm il-bomba kienet intenzjonata biex toqtol lil-missierha. HEMM DIFFERENZA MELA BEJN IZ-ZEWG QTIL. Xorta wahda l-qtil ta' Raymond kien att barbaru u j'Alla jinqabad min spara u jiehu li haqqu ! Jiddispjacini nghidlek li l-hdura li tikteb biha turi car li m'intix f'pozizzjoni li tirraguna bhan-nies. Persuna wahda tghaddik - is-sahhara tal-Bidnija. Naccertak ukoll illi kieku fl-elezzjoni generali jivvutaw biss dawk li jkunu wettqu atti kriminali, kieku l-PN jghaddi lil-PL bi 15 il-siggu !! Eddy Privitera
Zack Depasquale
Typical Fascist tactic, first you throw the stone, than you play the victim, anyone remembers kristallnacht
@ Antoinne looks like you are alone on this one like usual come on and grow up .
The rampant intolerance and shocking violence of these comments show that the old marmalja spirit is alive and kicking. It proves – if more proof were needed – that LABOUR HAVE NOT CHANGED. They claim their violence only belongs to twenty years ago but it’s not true and we can see it right here, on this page. This is the real PL – far from being a movement of moderates and progressives, they are a movement of intemperates and aggressives. Do we want this rabble loose on our streets? Do we really want them to have the police protection they used to have in the past? This is what people have to ponder: are they willing to vote for “The Mob” because a theatre has no roof and buses arrive late? Is it worth it?
The rampant intolerance and shocking violence of these comments show that the old marmalja spirit is alive and kicking. It proves – if more proof were needed – that LABOUR HAVE NOT CHANGED. They claim their violence only belongs to twenty years ago but it’s not true and we can see it right here, on this page. This is the real PL – far from being a movement of moderates and progressives, they are a movement of intemperates and aggressives. Do we want this rabble loose on our streets? Do we really want them to have the police protection they used to have in the past? This is what people have to ponder: are they willing to vote for “The Mob” because a theatre has no roof and buses arrive late? Is it worth it?
I really think it is time for this country to get serious and push forward legislation against inciting hatred, libel apart. This crap must be punished by law. Just like you cannot write this sort of thing about Jews or gay people in civilised countries. That should rid us once and for all time of pigs like Antoine and that unnameable witch his friend!!
@ Matrix I fully agree with you that Antoine Vella has went too far with his comment.His comments are spreading hatred between us Maltese.@ Antoine How come your comments have so much hatred in them.I truly wonder if you are actually Antoine Vella or the WITCH
Is anybody watching the disgusting whitewash being carried out on NET TV?
@ Antoine Vella. For your information i write under a pen name because i fear backlash reprisals from the Fascist party that rules Malta, hopefully not for very long now. About your comment on Prof. Grech, you could not have descended lower into the muck which has become norm for PN apologist. You must all smell of PN shit, for shit you are, and all who agree with you.
Johann, you are wrong; it's you who doesn't know the facts. During that meeting you refer to, Fenech Adami only mentioned Raymond Caruana not Karin Grech.
@antoine vella before you make any comments be sure you know all the truth 'tkunx papagall' I will remind you the story of the late 1980's. When the election was coming in 1987 EFA and his troops said in a public meeting that he knows who killed raymond caruana and karin grech and as soon as he will be in power he will prosecute. And till now the emiritus president EFA didnt said what he promised as usual
Sur Kummssarju, l-ghaliex ma tintervistax lil dawk li Dr Grech semma u li qal li ta isimhom lill-pulizija?
Toni "Antwà" Vella is surpassing even himself in bile, hatred, venom and sheer vileness today. Not hard to figure out why - he sees his government tottering and on its last legs - he fears his snout will lose its access to the trough.
Jien nirrispetta l-opinjoni ta` kullhadd. Pero m`ghandekx ghalfejn twegga biex tghid l-opinjoni tieghek, specjalment lil bniedem bhas Profs. Grech li ghax telaq mil-Ingilterra biex gie jghin lil pazjenti Maltin,l-ghedewwa tal-Poplu Malti li ma hamlux jaraw lil huthom Maltin jiehdu kura ta` sahhithom tajba bla hlas ghal l-ewwel darba, pattewlu billi qatlu lil bintu. Trid tkun veru ahdar biex tghid li l-Profs. igwadanja xi haga bis sahha tal mewt ta bintu, Sur A.Vella. Issa tmux titqarben ukoll? Jien ma nafx kif l-editur jippermetta blogs bhal dawn li certament iwaqqghu l-livell tal-artiklu.
@Antoine Vella - I need not show my real name as I would like to keep my meeting with you in private to avoid too many comments. Please post your mobile number so that I can call you where we can meet and express my sincere feelings towards you...no pun intended.
Some PN apologist blogers will stoop to unbelievable lows to provoke their adversaries and sow the seeds of hatred and division. Unfortunately, this is the methodology that the PN always uses when it finds its back to the wall and especially when in opposition when it wants to topple the government or put spokes in the wheels.
Actually it has been 34 not 40 years - doesn't change the substance. We can at least be thankful that the Mintoffian government of the time did not carry out a frame-up, though I have it on good authority that they did think of framing certain MAM officials.
kemm nhossni kburi li kont nazzjonalist, imma inhossni hafna aktar kburi li m ghadnix. ara x tip ta nies ta hemm fil partit li xi darba kien il partit naturali ta kullhadd. Spicca il partit nazzjonalista. Tara il kliem ta Antoine Vella u ta Daphne bizzejjed. Mibeda u hdura hawn fil pajjiz. Jaqqqqqqqqqqqqq. Hawn bzonn bidla fil pajjiz, u jien kburi li ha naghti cans lil PL biex imexxi lil Malta.
Actually it has been 34 not 40 years - doesn't change the substance. We can at least be thankful that the Mintoffian government of the time did not carry out a frame-up, though I have it on good authority that they did think of framing certain MAM officials.
Zack Depasquale
Mhux soltu li nghati kaz non entita bhal Antoine Vella, imma wara il-kumment moqziez li ghamel fuq il-Profs Grech u il-Familja tieghu ghandu jigi ibanjat min dan il-gurnal elettroniku darba ghal dejjem, kif ukoll li-l-kummentaturi hawnhekk ghandhom ma jaghtux kazu iktar. Il-kumment tieghu dejjaq ukoll kummentaturi b'tendenzi Nazzjonalisti li irid nghid ukoll li qalu mill-ewwel li dan il-bniedem jekk tista isejjahlu hekk kellu jitlob apologija ghal dak li kiteb.
Edwin Grech was a nobody until his daughter was killed and, overnight, built a successful political career. He has spent the last 40 years pointing fingers wildly amd generally trying to blame Natonalist doctors without the least shred of proof. For the record, Fenech Adami never said that he knew who the killers were. What he did say, in parliament, was that a PN government would carry out investigations, which it did, albeit 10 years too late. Morevoer, I am not impressed by insults and threats from wimps who are too cowardly to write in their own name.
Edwin Grech was a nobody until his daughter was killed and, overnight, built a successful political career. He has spent the last 40 years pointing fingers wildly amd generally trying to blame Natonalist doctors without the least shred of proof. For the record, Fenech Adami never said that he knew who the killers were. What he did say, in parliament, was that a PN government would carry out investigations, which it did, albeit 10 years too late. Morevoer, I am not impressed by insults and threats from wimps who are too cowardly to write in their own name.
Edwin Grech was a nobody until his daughter was killed and, overnight, built a successful political career. He has spent the last 40 years pointing fingers wildly amd generally trying to blame Natonalist doctors without the least shred of proof. For the record, Fenech Adami never said that he knew who the killers were. What he did say, in parliament, was that a PN government would carry out investigations, which it did, albeit 10 years too late. Morevoer, I am not impressed by insults and threats from wimps who are too cowardly to write in their own name.
Edwin Grech was a nobody until his daughter was killed and, overnight, built a successful political career. He has spent the last 40 years pointing fingers wildly amd generally trying to blame Natonalist doctors without the least shred of proof. For the record, Fenech Adami never said that he knew who the killers were. What he did say, in parliament, was that a PN government would carry out investigations, which it did, albeit 10 years too late. Morevoer, I am not impressed by insults and threats from wimps who are too cowardly to write in their own name.
Edwin Grech was a nobody until his daughter was killed and, overnight, built a successful political career. He has spent the last 40 years pointing fingers wildly amd generally trying to blame Natonalist doctors without the least shred of proof. For the record, Fenech Adami never said that he knew who the killers were. What he did say, in parliament, was that a PN government would carry out investigations, which it did, albeit 10 years too late. Morevoer, I am not impressed by insults and threats from wimps who are too cowardly to write in their own name.
I told you. Il HDURA of these people is that of total vomit!! You Antoine are pure VOMIT!!!!
@Antoine Vella Your comment begs an immediate apology. It’s disgusting, you should know better.
Missek tisthi Antoine Vella. Int bniedem ahdar u xejn aktar. Ara jekk Dr. Grech ihallasx hajtu u jara lil bintu mqar ghal minuta u tara jekk jaghmilx hekk. Int bniedem merri minn sahtek u nixtieq li dak li qieghed tghid jigri lil familtek mela titkellem hekk fuq Dr. Grech. kellek bzonn tkun ta' gid ghas-socejta ghax lanqas ghad-dud m'inti tajjeb!! ja meskin u mur ikteb fil-pagni tas-sahhara ghax int ghalhekk tajjeb. Naghti gidi biex nara li jkun hemm gustizzja u dan naghmlu bil-qalb u nhallas ukoll biex niltaqa' mieghek u nghidlek f'wiccek li inti miskin u bniedem ahdar.
Perhaps Edwin Grech wants another half a million euros to tell us who killed Karin.
@ Antoine Vella. Please, sir, I'm with you on most comments, but not the one you wrote 3 or 4 down. Incredible. No way. Respect. Sena tajba mimlija sahha u rizq lill-Maltin u Ghawdxin kollha.
@ Antoine Vella. Please, sir, I'm with you on most comments, but not the one you wrote 3 or 4 down. Incredible. No way. Respect. Sena tajba mimlija sahha u rizq lill-Maltin u Ghawdxin kollha.
Mr.Antoine Vella. You need to have a face of a whore to post that kind of comment . Remember that it was your beloved leader Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami ( the confermed lier )that said that he will solve the murders of Karen Grech and that of Raymond Caruana because he knew who did them . What is he expecting to say what he knows about these murders ?
@ Antoine Vella .Aren`t you happy that maybe one day we might know who this monster who was responsible for this barbaric act was ??Days ago the PN Media were telling us about Raymond Caruana .They were both our brothers and sisters and what happened to them BOTH I pray to God that it will never ever happen to our lovely island again .Aren`t you happy if this monster will face justice ?? I and most of Malta and Gozo will be happy and also if Raymond Caruana murderers will face justice .Come on grow up
Mr.Antoine Vella. You need to have a face of a whore to post that kind of comment . Remember that it was your beloved leader Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami ( the confermed lier )that said that he will solve the murders of Karen Grech and that of Raymond Caruana because he knew who did them . What it he expecting to say what he knows about these murders ?
Perhaps Edwin Grech wants another half a million euros to tell us who killed Karin.
Priscilla Darmenia
I wonder if the police ever interogated EFA when he declared that he knew who killed Karen. It seems as a politician he and the rest of them are above the law.
I leave it to commentators to guess who that lawyer-politician was !
Prof. Edwin Grech says that the legal office of a politician was used by the medical students involved. I wonder whether the office belonged to the same lawer-politician who had sued me for libel at the time because I had written in The Times: " the accusing finger can only point in one direction - the nationalists "! Incidentallly, that lawyer-politician lost the libel case and also the appeal with costs !
"I don't believe that it is a coincidence that the death of Raymond Caruana comes just before the commemoration of the death of Karin Grech. This 'coincidence' neutralises the aura created by the irresponsible death of Karin. It also 'levels' the traggic, political death committed 9 years earlier. It also took place just before crucial General Elections. There were a number of coincidences that fitted one side of the political spectrum in 1987." @Skoċċiż. Do you realise what the implications of what you posted above are?
ras kbira kinet qalet taf min. meta ha tkun qeda issir investigazjoni bis serjta. meta tkun taht it trab hu jiehu kollox mieju
Igor P. Shuvalov
If Profs Grech confirms that he divulged the names of alleged people who were behind this murder to police investigators, but none of the suspects were ever questioned, one would expect the Police Commissioner to make a statement about the truth of this allegation.. and if it is true state the reasons for this lack of investigation.
il kummisarju tal pulizija bhala ragel ta afari tiehiju bhal ma nafu jien uma ghandiex dubju li hu se jaghti ir reazzjoni ghal dak li qal il prof.grech
Mark Fenech
Li kien il-Mulej jipprovdilna min ghamel din il-vendetta ghal xejn b'xejn.
@ maltipur Forsi nirfsu xi kallu. At all costs justice must be served.
One thing I can't understand - how come Dr Grech gives names to the police and these do not question them? Why?
Profs.Grech should find the right time to mention all the details he knows, and that is when there's a Labour administartion governing the country. We ALL want to know who this BUTCHER is, or are! Maybe some of them are already in the other world, for one reason or the other, and I hope that they are burning in hell!
Very ameature investigation, People investigating this case were well rewarded by the PN. The Pl is to promise from now that he will get the best brains in criminal investigation in the world. We ALL like Grech family wants to know who killed this innocent girl. Prof Grech mention medical students,I am sure after 34 years most of these are to consultants in our system.
Profs. Grech the truth will have to come to the surface sooner or later. Someone out there must come out with truth if he has any human feelings at all.
Investigative jurnalism is dead in Malta and has always been. The reason being the influence of politics, and the evident gains accrued by journalists for towing the government line. I don't believe that it is a coincidence that the death of Raymond Caruana comes just before the commemoration of the death of Karin Grech. This 'coincidence' neutralises the aura created by the irresponsible death of Karin. It also 'levels' the traggic, political death committed 9 years earlier. It also took place just before crucial General Elections. There were a number of coincidences that fitted one side of the political spectrum in 1987. . Some food for thought to neutralists who are ready to delve deeper into issues rather than take everything that is thrown at them.
Prof Grech, if you know who did it, reveal the name at the right time. The country needs to know who committed this heinous crime against your family especially against your dear daughter who died innocently at the hands of the criminals who devised and posted the letter-bomb. Justice must be done. Do not do as EFA has done, preaching hollow promises of revealing who the perpetrators are and now, 24 years later, he is still silent on the matter. It is not a matter of revenge. It is justice.
One day they will be caught because "THERE IS NEVER A PERFECT CRIME" in this world.
Lino Camilleri
Please name them and dont do what Eddie Fenech Adami has done. He used your daughter's killing to gain the election. Malta need to know who they are and hope to bring them to justice.