Karin Grech investigators still seeking fingerprints of 119 suspects in ‘med school’ plot

Fingerprint and palmprint analyses yet to be taken to eliminate full list of potential suspects in letter-bomb plot.

Karin Grech was murdered by a letter-bomb addressed to her father Edwin Grech, on 28 December 1977.
Karin Grech was murdered by a letter-bomb addressed to her father Edwin Grech, on 28 December 1977.

A total of 119 medical graduates and doctors who left Malta after the 1977 murder of Karin Grech have yet to be called in by police and New Scotland Yard over a request to have their fingerprints examined in connection with the letter-bomb that killed Grech.

Only seven medical professionals who migrated to the United Kingdom after the doctors' strike and the closure of the medical school, have had their prints taken by the Metropolitan police, and ruled out of the ongoing investigation.

The 126 medical graduates include fourth-year and fifth-year medical students, and also doctors, who in 1977 left Malta to complete their medical course in the United Kingdom.

Prof. Edwin Grech yesterday reiterated claims on Net TV's Evidenza that a group of medical graduates and members of doctors' union MAM hatched the plot to kill him by letter-bomb for taking up sojourn as the head of obstetrics during the strike.

Karin Grech was killed by the letter-bomb, delivered by post in a brown envelope that contained a parcel wrapped like a Christmas present, on 28 December 1977. The bomb was addressed to Edwin Grech, who was deemed to be a strike-breaker during the doctors' strike that eventually lasted 10 years. The Grech family had only arrived back to Malta from the UK six months previously, to assist in the national health service, when medical students were going abroad to complete their courses after a dispute was triggered when government amended legislation governing medical licensing. Medical graduates protested the two-year housemanship imposed on new doctors before getting their warrant. A partial medical strikes was ordered by the Medical Association of Malta, and the Labour government ordered a hospital lock-out of strikers.

Grech said the plotters met in the legal office of a politician after the Medical School was closed down, and commissioned a criminal expert to manufacture the bomb. Grech also claims a source - a carpenter by trade - informed him that it was another carpenter who delivered the parcel to the post office, evidenced by his missing fingers and the palmprint resulting on the envelope in which the bomb had been inserted.

Another letter-bomb had been delivered to former MP Paul Chetcuti-Caruana, which however did not explode.

"It's clear the police is not working on the case. I'm incommunicado with them... all the political cases have not been solved because they are simply political. I lost hope that we will ever solve the murder," Grech said.

Grech also said Malta needs a reconciliation commission for a public admission and contrition over the political incidents in recent history. "I never did anything wrong to anyone. I simply took my Hippocratic oath to help people. Nobody should insult us by telling us we have to move forward. We cannot leave these wounds open, and forget the past," an emotional Grech said on Net TV yesterday.

The police yesterday replied to Grech's complaint of having been left helpless by police investigators, that all information which came to the knowledge of police, including the information referred to by Grech himself, had been thoroughly investigated.

"It is to be added that this case has been rigorously investigated along the years and it is still being intensively investigated up to this day. However, as case is still subject to a pending Magisterial Inquiry, it is felt imprudent to give details of investigations made," Commissioner of Police John Rizzo said.

Grech claims a 'hidden hand' has prevented police from properly investigating the case.

In 1990, as interior minister Guido Demarco reordered a fingerprint analysis on the bomb's parcel after two earlier fingerprints analyses had been compromised by the fact that a police officer, involved in the Karin Grech bomb's forensic examination, had admitted he was ordered to frame PN activist Martin Gaffarena.

Grech also complained that police  had wasted time to track down a suspect with a long criminal record who left the island shortly after, and was later seen in the UK and Australia.

"It was me who tracked him down in Australia, and paved the way for the police to go there in person and take his fingerpints," Grech said.

Then police commissioner George Grech, assistant commissioner Joe Cachia, and fingerprints analyst Joe Mallia went to Australia to meet the suspect. The palmprint analysis was negative, and confirmed by the Australian federal police.

Sur Vella, dan il-kaz huwa l-uniku wiehed fl-istorja ta pajjizna li gie cerifikat bhala qtil politiku. Tghid il-laburisti qatluha ???!!! imissek tisthi.
It seems in these particular blogs that we have a very active PN apologist with a provocative stance here. Is he, poor soul, following any specific details from his masters at tal-Pieta'? Strange that our dear chap said, amongst a number of other stupid comments (the comments are stupid, not him) that at the time of this barbaric act of violence on a professional doctor(they were vary scarce, I take it, at that time), and his family, the ruling government of that time or the police did not have the will to find and prosecute the culprits. Unless our very active friend knows something which most of us, commoners, do not know, he should either refrain from talking loosely on such delicate matters, or hurry to the police commissioner with the information that he holds. No amount of provocation from the PN side will bring back the victims to their respective loved ones. But everyone agrees that they at least deserve a closure to the mysteries which have left them in permanent mourning.
Sur Vella, wara li nbadt 'with your pants down' u kulhadd xamm ir-riha li harget minghandek, issa trid tghid li r-riha giet minghand min xammha flok minghand min ghamilha. In-nies m'ghadhomx cwiec Antoine.
Ian George Walker
Antoine Vella is to be pitied, rather than censored. He is in the position of a child who wakes up during the night before Christmas and catches Santa Claus stealing his father's wallet. Vella was obviously brought up in a mythological environment where Labour was the font of all evil and the PN was pure goodness. Now that he is being made to realise that there are no saints in heaven,let alone on earth, and that the blame for what happened in the past has to be shared, at least equally, he simply cannot handle it.
Mark Anthony Enriquez
antoine vella, ha ha ha, x'jaqqq ta bniedem!!!nispera mintix xi wiehed li tkun min ta quddiem biex titqarben!!jaqqqqq!!!!kif ma tisthis titkellem, cert li qed tinbarazza lil pn jew ghal anqas dawk vera nazzjonalisti,nerga nghidlek ,imsieken dawk ta madwarek ,ara xi trid tghid int fuq marmalja!mhux se ninhela NALMEK
The violent reaction to my sarcasm regarding Edwin Grech was a spontaneous show of the blind intolerance that has traditionally distinguished Mintoffians. Of course it makes Labour look bad but that is the fault of the online Labour thugs. Blaming the victim for the violence is another traditional Mintoffian ploy. The exhortation made to fellow thugs by a slightly craftier 'Elve' - to tone down their abuse so as not to scare away voters - is as vain as it is transparent. We all know what Mintoffianism stands for and this particular batch of comments only confirms the bad reputation the marmalja earned for itself throughout decades of "activism".
The violent reaction to my sarcasm regarding Edwin Grech was a spontaneous show of the blind intolerance that has traditionally distinguished Mintoffians. Of course it makes Labour look bad but that is the fault of the online Labour thugs. Blaming the victim for the violence is another traditional Mintoffian ploy. The exhortation made to fellow thugs by a slightly craftier 'Elve' - to tone down their abuse so as not to scare away voters - is as vain as it is transparent. We all know what Mintoffianism stands for and this particular batch of comments only confirms the bad reputation the marmalja earned for itself throughout decades of "activism".
I so satisfied reading Antoine Vella's thoughts. Although he attended university and is a member of the Balzan PN committee, he is so stupid, that with what he wrote here, he exposed the true colours of his PN. He also wrote some weeks age that he does not want to contribute towards the L-Istrina fund raising because he received an sms promoting the Rockestra!! It could be that the Maltese people contributed so much this year to make good for the donation this scrooge denied those in need. No wonder so many sensible people have realized that they do not belong to the PN any longer. Antoine please do continue to vomit what your masters have been trying to hide for all these years. Soon you will be competing very well with the mid MAD freak from Bidnija. Happy new year.
@ Salgister : Min jafni, jaf li kull fejn kont nahdem. jien dejjem ghamilt min kollox biex nighin lil kullhadd, minghajr inhares lejn l-ucuh, kulur, religjon jew sess. Ghaddejt mill-infern tad-dinja minhabba il-fehmiet tieghi. Li issir GUSTIZZJA mal-Laburisti u hemm ukoll Nazzjonalisti li taghwni support u gew vittimizzati. Fin 1987 l-ewwel kelma li qalluli meta tghela Gvern Nazzjonalista kient “Int trid tbghati talli hmidt taht Gvern Laburista”. Meta ippruvajt nara ghaliex din it-tbatija kollha xi hadd qalli “Jien gejt imgiel”. Jien ghaddejt minn hafna affarijiet, fosthom kont nistudja l-IT u ma thallejtx nitlaq mix-xoghol nofs siegha qabel biex nilhaq nasal l-universita meta kien qed isir kors BSc Maths and computing, transfers, umiljazzjoni, Frame UP, l-unika persuna li ma tinghatax overtime, allowances li kullmien jaghmel certu xoghol bhali imma jien le avolja jien kelli il-kwalifiki u haddiehor LE. Hemm hafna affarijiet ohra li nixtieq nghid imma ghalissa mhux iz-zmien. Jien qatt ma qatt lura li niggieled kemm ghad drittijiet ta haddiehor u lanqas tieghi. Dak li ktiebt ghaddejt minnhu kollu u ghadni ghaddej u sal-gurnata mqaddsa tal-llum, pero nemmen li “Allah u Akbar”
Ian George Walker
@ Antoine Vella And yet, at the end of the day, the only Marmalja that cold-bloodedly acquired the materials, constructed a parcel bomb and sent it on it's deadly mission was the Marmalja Nazzjonalista. No amount of frenzied and hysterical damage control on your part is ever going to change that.
I have never seen anyone so consumed by hate, viciousness and bile as Toni "Antwà" Vella. Except, of course,his online mistress from who's sagging breasts he sucks the milk of human kindness. I would hate to have to live with him or even near him.he must be a Neighbour From Hell.
Antoine the more you talk the more you show how much venom you got against your brothers and sisters.Come on keep on posting so we will keep on confirming how much hatred there is against all those that got PL tendencies .Your comments sends us a very important message to us all .That is that you treat us all as second class ciizens
Micheal Bonanno
@antoine vella. Il-marmalja qieghda n-naha taghkom. Mur aqra ftit mill-kummenti li qeghdin jghaddu shabek fuq siehbek Franco Debono u tkun taf xi nsara hemm fil-Partit tieghek. U naqbel mieghek il-karatteristika tal-marmalja se tidher sew fl-elezzjonijiet tat-2012-2013 imma min-naha tal-PN, ghax diga bdiet tidher. Ibda minnek, sehbitek u siehbek Demartino.
As the vicious Mintoffian comments pile up, it becomes more and more evident that the marmalja element is still strong in the PL. This is an important characteristic that will probably feature prominently in the 2013 elections.
As the vicious Mintoffian comments pile up, it becomes more and more evident that the marmalja element is still strong in the PL. This is an important characteristic that will probably feature prominently in the 2013 elections.
@Mr Antoine Vella.Neither I nor Dr Edwin Grech said it was a medical student,it was the ex investigator (the chubby one I do not know his name)who suggested this. If I heard correctly Dr grech said it was a group of people and the missing finger guy was a carpenter.Anyways,I agree with Dr Grech this is not a one man job ,in my opinion (because I read alot too like the ex cop)there must be at least 3 people involved 1.the political mastermind who did not agree with what Dr Grech was doing 2.the bomb maker who could have been maltese or foreign and 3.the link between these two.Thats the way I see it.
@Mr Antoine Vella.Neither I nor Dr Edwin Grech said it was a medical student,it was the ex investigator (the chubby one I do not know his name)who suggested this. If I heard correctly Dr grech said it was a group of people and the missing finger guy was a carpenter.Anyways,I agree with Dr Grech this is not a one man job ,in my opinion (because I read alot too like the ex cop)there must be at least 3 people involved 1.the political mastermind who did not agree with what Dr Grech was doing 2.the bomb maker who could have been maltese or foreign and 3.the link between these two.Thats the way I see it.
Micheal Bonanno
@Xifajk. Sthajjiltek qieghed taghmel xi priedka. Imma hallina mic-cajt issa. Naqbel mieghek f'dak l-ghidt ghall-ahhar tal-messagg. Imma tinsiex; "It Takes Two To Tango"! Il-PN diga gie offrut mill-inqas darbtejn minn Joseph Muscat biex jahdmu flimkien. X'gara minn dakinhar l'hawn? Xorta baqghu jobzqu l-velenu! Il-laburist ghadda minn hafna passjoni, u qatt ma sab hajt tal-kenn, gieli anke mill-gvern tieghu stess. Imma llum jidhru li l-affarijiet qeghdin jinbidlu. Biex ma niftiehemx hazin. M'hinix nghid li ghandu jkun hemm preferenzi mal-laburisti jew jigi ttrattat mod specjali. Rispett kull ma jrid il-laburist. U din tal-pjaciri trid tinqata'. Dik tkompli ggib il-firda bejn il-poplu Malti. Difficli, imma tista ssehh. Jekk jinqata' il-favoritizmu, il-Partit Laburista specjalment jissahhah. Imma bhal m'ghidtlek fil-bidu IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO!
@ Xifajk: PROSIT!
Min kien ir-Regim f’dan il-Pajjiz? Iz-zminijiet tad-dawl, 1958-1969 fejn kien hemm in-Nazzjonalisti taht Dr George Borg Olivier (dan kien tnehha fis-sghatra tal-lejl min dak li gie warajh) u fejn kienet tikkmanda l-Knisja Kattolika Appostolika taht il-Kbir qatt minsi Mons Mikiel Gonzi MBE, fejn kien hawn faqar u fejn in-nies jittalbu mhux flus imma xi bicca hobs. Biex tinghata xoghol kont trid tmur ghand il-Kappillan biex jiktiblek bicca karta u jekk tkun gej minn familja Laburista int ma ssibx xoghol avolja ikollok certifikati aktar minn haddiehor. Ma tinghatax post tal-Housing avolja tkun familja numeruza u tghix go kamra jew tnejn, il-qassis jinza l-istola jew jitnehha l-Kurcifis minn fuq il-karru tal mejtin, tindifen fil-Mizbla ghaliex tkun gej minn familja Laburista, jew, ma tistax titqarben, ma titbieriklex id-dar, ma tistax tmur il-genna ghaliex ma tibdilx il-bulettin, tigi mgiel mill-appostli tal-Knisja appostolika Maltija biex ma tobdiex il-Kmandamenti t’ Alla w tehoda kontra missierek ghaliex ikun ihaddan politika Laburista, jintuzaw l-altari biex jigu imzebilha l-Laburisti, bil-pastorali, b’ lispjegazzjonijiet tal-Vangeli, bil-klikek bhal ghaddiet li kienet tuzal-knijsa Maltija. Li tkun Laburist kien iffisser li tkun indimunjat u ikkundannat mhux biss f’din id-dinja imma anki fl-eternita. Kien hemm ukoll Ministru Nazzjonalist li ried jghaddi ligi li min jistrajkja jinteffa il-habs. Nilaqu lil barrani ghas-skapitu tal poplu Malti. Wasal iz-zmien tad-dlam, 1970-1987, fejn il-haddiem beda jinghata dak li Partit Laburista kien weghdu, gieh u rispett, penzjonijiet, edukazzjoni Universitarja b’xejn, sahha b’xejn ghaliex fis-sittin biex tmur l-isptar kont ridt thallas nofs lira kuljum meta paga kienet ta’ tlett liri u nofs fil-gimgha u din kienet wahda mill ahjar pagi li dak iz-zmien kien ihallsu s-servizzi militari, xoghol, il-faqar beda jisparixxi, children allowance, maternity benefit, pagi indaqs ghan-nisa, Air Malta, Sea Malta, banek tal-Maltin, President Malti ghal-Maltin, Newtralita biex ulied Malta ma jmorrux ihallu demmhom ghal xi kapricc ta’ haddiehor u miljun ta’ affarijiet ohra ghal beneficcju tal-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kollu. Mintoff Illum ergajna qedin fiz-zmien id-dawl, 1987-2011, fejn il-flus ma kienux problema ghaliex Mintoff u l-Gvern tieghu hallew madwar biljun ewro fil-kaxxa ta Malta barra assi ohra l illum spiccaw u minflok ghandna djun ta’ madwar hames biljun ewro, niex bla xoghol, xoghol prekarju, penzjonijiet mizeri, parti sew mill-popolazzjoni taht il-poverty line, kontijiet tad-dawl, gas, petrol, gholi tal-hajja, diskriminazzjoni politika u fuq kollox Gvern li ha minn wara dahar il-poplu €500 fil-gimgha meta l-poplu nghata €1.16. Iva, hemm bzonn li jigi dak iz-zmien li issir GUSTIZZJA, gustizzja bhal ucuh, kulur, religjon, u il hatja ghal dawk il-kazi kollha li ghadhom mhux solvuti jigu imressqa l-qorti u jinghataw il-kastig li jixirqilhom, kemm fil-kaz ta Karen Grech, Raymond Caruana u ohrajn. Karen Grech u Raymond Caruana ma mitux ghal xejn. Dawn mietu biex ahna ninghaqdu u mhux biex ninfirdu. Dawn mietu biex hajitna tkun ahjar. Wasal iz-zmien li dan il-pajjiz jinghaqad, il-Laburisti jinsew il-passjoni, il-vendikazzjonijiet u l-hdura li sofrew, kemm mill-Knijsa Maltija kif ukoll minn Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti, u n-Nazzjonalisti jinsew ukoll in- nuqqas minn Gvernijiet Laburisti halli naghmlu Genna minn Malta taghna, u nghixu fil-paci. Il-Poplu Malti u Ghawdxi huwa poplu habriki, inteligenti u fuq kollox poplu li jaf ihoss, ihenn, ihobb u jghin mhux lil hutu Maltin biss, imma lil-popli ohra madwar id-dinja kollha.
Luke Camilleri
Din l-investigazzjoni bis-suluzzu miexja..... jew bir-remote control minn xi id mohbija! Kien hemm xi raprezenentant jew attendenza mill Partit Nazzjonalista il-bierah ghal komemorazzjoni ta' dan l'anniversarju fahxi ? Kien hemm xi hadd minn tal P.N. li mar ghal quddiesa, fuq qabar Karin jew ghal anqas intbghad xi bukkett fjuri ghal memorja ta' Karin? Ma jhosshux rimors tal-P.N. ghal dan-qtil....jew fejn irridu jsemmghu il-passat?
Luke Camilleri
Din l-investigazzjoni bis-suluzzu miexja..... jew bir-remote control minn xi id mohbija! Kien hemm xi raprezenentant jew attendenza mill Partit Nazzjonalista il-bierah ghal komemorazzjoni ta' dan l'anniversarju fahxi ? Kien hemm xi hadd minn tal P.N. li mar ghal quddiesa, fuq qabar Karin jew ghal anqas intbghad xi bukkett fjuri ghal memorja ta' Karin? Ma jhosshux rimors tal-P.N. ghal dan-qtil....jew fejn irridu jsemmghu il-passat?
Proset THORNY ezatt hekk kien qal. Ghalija l ikbar skandlu li hadt f hajti
@Antoine Vella, before you talk, hear to the wounds of who suffered. People the story will repeat itself, shooting on the official prime minister residence in Girgenti (italian website did a big joke with it), as an election is on the way they will say we are back to the 80's. Open your eyes!!!!!
@ Antoine Vella. I have tried very hard to ignore your comments on Profs Edwin Grech and his daughter Karen, but enough is enough. You simply do not have the idea of who Profs Grech is! I have met the Profs several times as he was the doctor of my unborn children and all I ever got from him was love and caring in the wellbeing of both my children and my wife not like the other doctors who deserted us. In another block you have stated that the Profs is after more money and this simply means that you do not have the slightest idea what one’s children mean to oneself. I simply hope that the culprit/s behind this murder are caught and brought to justice. Yes, this was a politically motivated murder and you are just trying to hide this fact. As to you Profs Grech, keep on pressing on the police and the authorities to solve the problem so that the whole of Malta will know who betrayed it way back in the 70’s! Dear Profs Grech THANK YOU for your professional medical service to the Maltese people. And as to you Antoine Vella go get your head into a bowl of cold water maybe one day you come to your senses and SHUT UP!
@ Antoine Vella. I have tried very hard to ignore your comments on Profs Edwin Grech and his daughter Karen, but enough is enough. You simply do not have the idea of who Profs Grech is! I have met the Profs several times as he was the doctor of my unborn children and all I ever got from him was love and caring in the wellbeing of both my children and my wife not like the other doctors who deserted us. In another block you have stated that the Profs is after more money and this simply means that you do not have the slightest idea what one’s children mean to oneself. I simply hope that the culprit/s behind this murder are caught and brought to justice. Yes, this was a politically motivated murder and you are just trying to hide this fact. As to you Profs Grech, keep on pressing on the police and the authorities to solve the problem so that the whole of Malta will know who betrayed it way back in the 70’s! Dear Profs Grech THANK YOU for your professional medical service to the Maltese people. And as to you Antoine Vella go get your head into a bowl of cold water maybe one day you come to your senses and SHUT UP!
What a Shame!! Do they really want to solve this case? Professor Grech, if you know the persons behind this murder, you should name them. This is my honest opinion.
@ Antoine Vella. Why don't you just shut your mouth? The more you make these type of statements, the more you are giving us a strong confirmation, just like the COURT did, that this murder was a POLITICALLY MOTIVATED MURDER! And who had interest in destabilising the country in those days? Ah, yes, maybe the MLP, right???? Go and get a life. And you are one of those who tried to implement that those gun shots at Girgenti were aimed at the prime minister. You will not succeed in playing the game of pity! Come next general elections, the Maltese people will show you, just like they have done in the divorce referendum.
@ Antoine Vella. May I ask you if you have any connection with a certain Giov. DeMartino? Both of you has got the same venom in your words! Why don't you ever mention the disgusting issue of the interdict durin the 60's when your PN party was in government? We all know who always had the interests of the Maltese people at heart, surely not your party, although there were some people who contributed for the good of this island, in the long past. Things in Malta started getting very dirty when there was a change in the PN leadership in 1977. Many of us remember well what happened from then until now, including the dark years of Labour adminstration during the 80's. But the PN contributed alot in those dark days, through many double-faced people, especially the ones who were in the Police Force during the 80's and then got promoted when the PN was in government. That's the dirtiest part of it all, and we will never believe that any PN member of parliament seriously wants to solve the murder of Karin Grech. Why??????????
Bonzi, liberal said that the killer was probably a doctor and I referred him to what Edwin Grech was saying about the killer missing some fingers. Truth is that Edwin Grech is totally not credible as he's been accusing a lot of people haphazardly. At one point he even accused fellow strike-breaker Chetcuti Caruana. Then he blamed an MAM official and now he's accusing a carpenter and medical students as well as involving an unidentified lawyer politician. Insomma a full-blown conspiracy theory.
Dr Vella bhas soltu qed thawwad. Profs. Grech QATT ma qall li l-bomba inhadmet min tabib jew student. ara l-fatti sewwa .
@ Antoine Vella I believe one calls such an investigation a blantant cover up. The police commission wud have us believe that only 'one' person was involved in the crime. The sophistication of the bomb itself belies that theory but if the directive is to 'prove' that a sole person was involve then one can easily compile enough evidence to back that fabrication. Fantasy thinking? The chances that there is a sole person involved in this barbaric act is as likely as the 'Proof' that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only one involved in the assissination of JFK.
Profs Grech seems to have very detailed information about who was involved. Who was the political figure who lent his office to the plotters? who was the carpenter who revealed that another carpenter delivered the bomb to the post office? have they been investigated? What was the outcome of the investigations? it seems that it's not only Eddie who knows the murderer's identity.
Was the hidden hand referred to By Dr. Grech already at work during the TEN years of MLP government after the killing of Karin?The Labour government had everything at its disposal for ten whole years after the murder andProfs Grech never accused them of dragging their feet.
Liberal, according to Edwin Grech, whoever manufactured the bomb had some fingers missing. Do you know any doctor with missing fingers? It could be him/her.
Do you have to be sherlock Holmes to call in the 100+ doctors on a volontary basis to have their finger prints taken.Who does not come forward may have something to hide so thats the first step.What is sad is that if as they said on net tv this heartless murderer was maybe a medical student we still have this guy roaming around our medical institutions.
Hallina Antoine Vella. Int u xi whud bhalek (mhux hafna fadal ta, ghax kollha qed jidhlu f'qoxxrithom) tahseb li int xi supremacist li tappartjeni ghal dan il-grupp ta' nies li jahsbu li huma specjali u superjuri ghal kulhadd u li ghandhom id-dritt li tinsultaw lil kull min ma jaqbilx maghkom. X'hasra ta' bniedem!
There was no DNA profiling in those times. And there was no political will to solve the crime. This is even more important: no political will.
Ghaliex ma hadux il-fingerprints minn fuq il-bomba li ma haditx, minflok minn fuq l-envelope. Min ghamel l-bomba bil fors halla l-fingerprints jew xi forma ta` DNA li hija aktar importanti. L-envelope ghadda minn hafna jdejn, specjalment fil-posta. Ma nafx jien, darba qrajt b`kaz li solvewh billi hadu DNA minn fulu.
@antoine vella - "not aware of the marmalja represented by the PL" Besides showing lack of respect to others you are now also becoming an insolent. What can you expect from a diehard supporter of the PN? Arrogance at its best! I hope you do not go round calling yourself a Christian Democrat. Mind you don't go away with the impression that all the PN sympathisers go round wearing pin stripped suits and bowler hats. I think you have been to one of the PN Mass Meetings. I am sure you so the marmalja there!
I think I was wright you wer in your Nappes because if you werent you let us know.Xprun is he that old ?
Xprun, I am simply expressing a dissenting view which provokes such a savage reaction from the rabble that no supposedly-floating voter can now claim they're not aware of the marmalja represented by the PL. Do they want to vote for this jungle?
I am 66year old man and leaved in Mintoff era when he was prime minister there wer good times and bad times but the good he made for Malta nobody yet done as much . And for you Antione Vella I hope after all this VENOM IN you,you werent in your NAPPES at that time
@ Antoine Vella X'tirsisti dan l-ahhar f'kitbitek biex tidher sabih mall-PN. Jaqaw ergajt hiereg ghall-Kunsill ta' Hal Balzan f'Marzu li gej? Jew forsi biex taghti palata lil xi hadd?
@Antoine Vella - "Everyone saying that we should not talk about the dark days of the Mintoff regime is insulting us" - Do you know what is really insulting? Dr Gonzi giving himself €500 WEEKLY on coming to power in 2008 and keep this a secret. He didn't even have the decency to inform the House of Parliament! And me and many others were made to pay the highest ever W & E bills to subsidise the inefficiencies of Enemalta and as austerity measures to try and balance the deficit the government had and still has. That is what is insulting!
Luke Camilleri
...they seem to be taking their time! It's getting to be a Freezing Case , not just a "COLD CASE" ! ................................................... "Nghidlek xi darba lil Karin Grech ... Meta nkunu ahna fil-gvern. Nghidlek min ... tikkonfondix. Naghmlu l-investigazzjonijiet bis-serjeta' u nghidlek min. Mela le! Mela le ma nghidlekx!" - Eddie Fenech Adami fil-parlament 19 ta' Gunju 1985 ............................................... http://www.maltapolitics.com/karin.htm
The main investigator was actually the Assistant Commissioner, Mifsud Tommasi. Demicoli wasn't even in the CID but was involved only because he happened to be serving in the Sliema police station.
We should talk about all days of Mintoff's past. They were days when we learnt to be true Maltese.
Micheal Bonanno
Yes, and show what the PN opposition to what it really was (and maybe is!). This was political murder. It wasn't the MLP government who ordered the death of Prof. Grech. So who had much to gain from terrorizing Prof. Grech not giving his services to the medical profession? And about pn apologists yelping about the MLP government doing nothing about the investigations? We've just had it from the horse's mouth. The main investigator was none other than Charles Demicoli of Tal-Gakketta Blu fame, and organiser of the militant arm of the PN. Need more be said about it?
"Nobody should insult us by telling us we have to move forward. We cannot leave these wounds open, and forget the past," Exactly. Everyone saying that we should not talk about the dark days of the Mintoff regime is insulting us.
go and get them....................what are you waiting for Mr Commissioner? go and get them