Muscat calls for ‘prudence’ and ‘stability’ in 2012

In his New Year message opposition leader, Joseph Muscat, says 2011 was a significant year because of the divorce referendum, the Libyan conflict and the eurozone debt crisis.

Muscat said prudent leadership guarantees economic, environmental and social progress
Muscat said prudent leadership guarantees economic, environmental and social progress

In a televised speech to mark the end of the year, Muscat reflected on the events that marked the past year and pointed to the needs of 2012.

PL leader Joseph Muscat described 2011 as a significant year especially after the people made a clear choice in favour of greater civil rights by consciously voting for the introduction of divorce.

 "It was a decision taken after an intensive and at times divisive debate. It was a clear choice and all that was left to do was for those in power to respect this decision," Muscat said.

"Now that the decision has been taken and life went on normally, divisions are healing and are being replaced once again by unity within our families and society," the PL leader said.

He said time would show that once again the Maltese people were on the right side of history.

"In these past months we witnessed the birth of a new Mediterranean. It was a signal that democracy ignited by one young man can lead to vast changes. No change is impossible in the presence of will," Muscat said.

He said Malta played an important role and was united in helping neighbouring countries and those in need.

He described the situation in neighbouring countries as 'delicate'. He insisted that Malta must be ready to continue helping other countries. "We must place the friendship of neighbouring countries at the top of our priorities to fulfil the potential of this New Mediterranean. Friendship comes before business interests," he said.

Reflecting on 2011 Muscat said Malta also witnessed the eurozone crisis, which not only affected other countries, but Malta is also involved since the Euro is our currency.

"It is through this national responsibility that we decided to participate as a country in this European project by demonstrating unity, realism and responsibility," he said.

Looking ahead to 2012 Muscat said "In these circumstances our country needs a leadership capable of making the most of our country's best quality; prudence. Prudent leadership guarantees economic, environmental and social progress to ensure we are prepared for the brilliant future ahead of us."

In his upbeat message Muscat said he hopes Malta achieves stability, which will allow the country to concentrate on what families and businesses really need.  "Stability can only be assured by progress. The Maltese people are aware that hope is better then fear," he said.

He went on to wish a happy new year to all on behalf of his wife Michelle, his family and the Labour Party.





Kemm huma sbieh dawk iz-zewg bnadar. Imnalla rebah il-partership. Jew kif spjegatilna tant tajjeb fuq is-super 1 fid-9 ta'Marzu 2003 flimkien ma' l-eroj Dr. Alfred Sant. Partnership rebah. Partnership 53.7%, Shubija Shiha 46.3%. U l- Maltin kollha taz-zewg nahat jifirhu fit-toroq jghannqu lil xulxin u jitbewwsu
Kemm huma sbieh dawk iz-zewg bnadar. Imnalla rebah il-partership. Jew kif spjegatilna tant tajjeb fuq is-super 1 fid-9 ta'Marzu 2003 flimkien ma' l-eroj Dr. Alfred Sant. Partnership rebah. Partnership 53.7%, Shubija Shiha 46.3%. U l- Maltin kollha taz-zewg nahat jifirhu fit-toroq jghannqu lil xulxin u jitbewwsu
A calculated and well thought speech. A future leader's speech! Happy New Year to all.
Messagg ta' vera mexxej li jrid l-ghaqda f'pajjizna. Ma hatafx l-okkazzjoni biex jipprova jirbah punti politici billi jisfrutta l-qasma kbira u inkwiet li hemm fil-PN u l-gvern nazzjonalista. Wera li ghandu stoffa ferm aktar minn min jahseb li l-eta taghmlek matur politikament. Prosit Dr. Muscat. U nawgura lilek, lil martek u l-familja kollha tieghek, dak kollu li tixtieq qalbkhom , u sena gdia ta' risq, hena u sahha !