Debono opts for truce, but warns 2012 will have to be ‘year of reforms’

Amid speculation on a PN proposal to see Franco Debono ‘appointed’ parliamentary secretary for justice, the maverick MP says that he never imposed any deadlines on the Prime Minister to split the Justice and Home Affairs Ministry and will wait for implementation.

Maverick? 'This is not about me, but its about the issues at stake, and why is it that nobody asks why these issues are constantly being raised from the backbench and not from the frontbench?'
Maverick? 'This is not about me, but its about the issues at stake, and why is it that nobody asks why these issues are constantly being raised from the backbench and not from the frontbench?'

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono has accepted to grant Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi more time to implement his "promised" split of the ministry for justice and home affairs, but expects no more time to be wasted.

Speaking from Rome while on a short Christmas break, Debono made it clear that he never gave any ultimatum to the Prime Minister. "It was he who said that the ministerial split will happen before the end of the year," he said, adding that the way things evolved in the media, with a section of it creating a countdown to the last day of the year was "absurd".

Audibly calm but also anxious, Franco Debono said that it would be petty and irrational of him to impose deadlines on the Prime Minister. "Would it make a difference if the PM implements this important split in the ministry on December 18 when parliament is reconvened, rather than on December 31?" he asked.

He denied being offered the post of parliamentary secretary for justice or to having been contacted by the Prime Minister between Thursday and Friday while he was in Rome.

He reacted however to a speculative report that appeared on news website late on Friday afternoon, which quoted sources saying that "the top echelons of the Nationalist Party" were proposing the role "as a suitable alternative to splitting the Ministry for Justice and Home Affairs".

Debono refused to comment, but did not rule out accepting the post of parliamentary secretary for justice.

Possible promotion?

Should Debono be appointed a junior minister for justice, it would place him inside Carm Mifsud Bonnici's ministry, a role which would blatantly mean that the ministry was not split at all.

"However, even with the hypothesis that I could be appointed to such a post, I will certainly not accept anything outright, and would have to look at everything within its full context," Debono said.

Calls to the Office of the Prime Minister's head of secretariat, to comment on the alleged proposal for Debono - a parliamentary assistant to Gonzi - went unanswered.

But returning to core issues Debono is insisting upon, he is at least satisfied with the commitment, even though it comes after a severe bout of procrastination. 

"The issue here is that we are already late on this, but at least there is a commitment by the Prime Minister to make such an important change, while there is an almost unanimous consensus that splitting the justice and home affairs ministry is a good thing that strengthens our democracy," he argued.

When asked about the timing about his latest outburst, Debono said that it was a matter of being let down on an agreement reached on 1 December, when the Prime Minister had allegedly telephoned him to say that he was considering the ministerial split as a good thing and that it would be implemented by the end of the year.

"I got very irritated to hear from the Prime Minister on 21 December that he needed more time to split the ministry," Debono said, adding that his remark on calling an election was to equate the gravity of the situation within the justice system.

"What I am saying is that our democracy cannot continue to be limp, and judicial anomalies are a serious matter for concern for every citizen. We knew about them then, we know about them now, so why do we drag our feet on such important matters?" he asked.

"So when I say I won't support government, I am sending a message in the name of the people that I represent as an MP, that we as politicians are accountable towards them and that we are obliged to protect their rights and give them the right democratic environment to live in," Debono stressed.

But as much as the Nationalist backbencher has seemingly calmed down (for now) over the matter, he warns however that he is not standing down on anything, "but simply being rational, and not petty".

Debono's soapbox

2012 will be a crucial year for government, not only for it being the last full year of the legislature, but most importantly for the pending list of reforms to be implemented through parliament, starting from Debono's private member's motion on the justice system and the police, legislation on party financing and the implementation of a series of changes to the Constitution.

While acknowledging the possibility that 2012 could also be the year during which a general election could be called, Debono says that what is important is that government delivers and faces the electorate with its head held up high.

"We have fundamental issues before us," he stressed, explaining that parliament will resume on 18 January with a full agenda that will have to debate a law which regulates party financing.

"This law will finally regulate political parties, which until today were kept completely unregulated, to the detriment of our democracy, and moreover to every single citizen," Debono said.

While insisting on splitting the justice and home affairs ministry, the Nationalist MP says that it has become more than an urgent matter to separate the roles of inquiring magistrates and adjudicating magistrates.

"How can it be that we continue to see magistrates conducting inquiries with the police and then move on to judge the same cases?" he asked, and added that this is the same anomaly which currently falls on minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici, who keeps the judiciary and the police within his same portfolio.

"This is where the media and critics get it wrong, because this is not about Franco Debono, but its about the issues at stake, and why is it that nobody asks why these issues are constantly being raised from the backbench and not from the frontbench?"

But Carm Mifsud Bonnici is refusing to be dragged into the controversy surrounding his biggest critic.

Debono has used the courtroom to stage vocal protests on the shortcomings within the judicial and criminal system.

Contacted at home, Mifsud Bonnici insisted on a 'no comment' on Debono's demands to see his portfolio split in half - an indictment on his record since being appointed a minister in 2008.

He also refused to answer a question on whether he has an opinion about the expected split in his ministry, or if he discussed the matter with the Prime Minister.

And Debono also hits out at the Labour Party for being what he described as an "opportunist" and "non-credible" Opposition, which prefers to talk about dissent, rather than discuss, support or promote the urgent need for changes in the Constitution.

"2012 will be indeed a very challenging year, where I will continue to drive the message home that we cannot continue to miss out on change," he added.

But the new year will also see the Nationalist Party cautious in its approach with Franco Debono.

The Schiavone affair

As critics have come out to suggest Debono be expelled from the PN or made not to re-contest the next general election on the PN ticket, the party has managed to create another issue, this time with its known Marsaxlokk activist Hermann Schiavone.

It was party secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier who put his foot in it last week, when he told The Times that what Franco Debono's comments were "not helpful" for government and the PN.

It was a remark that triggered an immediate reaction from Debono, who indicted Borg Olivier for not taking any decisive action against Schiavone for allegedly spreading the word that he [Debono] was behind his an anonymous letter prior to the 2003 elections, and which cost him his candidature in the party.

Debono stressed that this inaction had caused him "untold harm" especially when Schiavone made the allegation to the Prime Minister's chief of staff Edgar Galea Curmi.

He added that he felt it was odd that Borg Olivier "felt himself at liberty" to comment that he was not being helpful to the party.

"Borg Olivier visited me at home every day, practically sleeping in my kitchen, to convince me not to abstain from voting against Labour's motion against Transport Minister Austin Gatt," Debono said.

He also said he had a great difficulty in voting in favour of the budgetary vote for the ministry for justice and home affairs, which he said "had a completely wrong attitude to justice and home affairs... it was nothing personal, but I was never in agreement. I declared it publicly, and the current situation shows it".

With the Schiavone issue now out in the open, the festive week was awash with controversy, to the extent that the PN had to issue a public statement that declared Marsaxlokk activist Schiavone was not a party candidate, adding that "he has been directed not to present himself as one".

It was the first public reaction in three years by the PN on Schiavone, whom Debono had internally and incessantly called for censure following the allegation.

"This matter has eroded my health, and I suffered for months in silence since I am not outspoken" Debono said, adding that he felt hurt to see the party just ignore the fact that an allegation was made in his regard and nothing was done.

But as the PN seemingly parted with the well-known activist on Debono's fifth electoral district, Schiavone came out to say that he "understood the circumstances under which the PN was forced to issue such a statement".

When speaking to Schiavone over the phone last Friday he sounded unfazed by the party reprimand, saying that he was "serene" and added that he will continue to work for the party and will also continue to do home visits.

Schiavone's Facebook page shows pictures taken during two public events he organised for constituents on the fifth district, and a message where he thanks his supporters for their 600-strong presence.

Well-wishers wrote into his page and appealed to Schiavone not to give up. A clear indication that the Schiavone 'solution' has created new difficulties within the PN with regards to potential candidates.



Now it's obvious, Dr Debono's love to bathe in the limelight never fades out. Like the primadonna, he likes to occupy centre stage. He never misses an opportunity to have his face appear in the local media. Inspite of the fact that for the moment the government seems momentarily to be out of the woods, the fact remains that GonziPN is the most unstable government in recent history. Love for power comes before the love of the country. And Gonzi will be remembered for this!
@antoin Vella ----He who laughs last laughs best , the day will come wwhen you will cry your heart out but will find no one to console you. Your days are numbered.
What the hell has this to do with the PL? This is a pure PN MESS. PL supporters comment and laugh, end of story...or is it/ I hope so because I am bored shitless!!
@ antoine vella X'tahwid ghandkhom fil partit!! L-Mp's tghakhom stess ukoll qed jikkritikawkhom bl- ikrah ghax imdejqin bit tmexxija hazina u qarrieqa, Jean Pierre Farrugia, John Dalli, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliette, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando kollha iwaddbu il- vleggeg lejn il- partit tieghek ghax partit tal klikkek, deficenti u imtela b'nies korrotti li saru sinjuri minn fuq dahar il-poplu Malti u imbghad imorru quddiem il- cameras jghidulna kemm huma kristjani!! U dawn nies li fethu halqhom pubblikament, hemm hafna ohrajn mill pn li qed ixaqilbu lejn il- PL u ghandhom ma fethux halqhom. Ma jafdawkhomx nieskhom stess ahseb u ara kemm ser jafdakhom iktar il-poplu malti!!
Dr Franco Debono, you have shown your true colours. You have played with people's sentiments but above all you have betrayed your own beliefs and your own dignity. Indeed, you are an example of cowardice of the best quality. Happy new year Dr Debono. Now I suggest you sit down in your backbench and SHUT YOUR MOUTH..the Maltese people, of either side, are no fools to be taken for a ride.
Ma nafx ghalfejn is Sur Said joghqod igib il kummiedja, meta ghandha l-ahjar kummiedja u kummiedjanti li ghawn bhal issa huma l-ahjar fuq is suq. Kieku jien nazzjonalist, nahlef li il vot ingibu f`miljun bicca. Ta l-anqas ghandkhom id dicenza li tirrispettaw l-inteligenza tal poplu ? Ghal giehna kollha hrigtu mill l-universita. L-anqas ahna li gejjin mis slums tal Belt qatt ma tnejjikna b`xi hadd bhal ma qeghdin tghamlu inthom, specjalment int Dr. Franco Debono. kieku flokok diga irritornajt il warrant ta avukat ghax qeghed twaqqahhom ghan nejk.
Ic-cirklu ghandu ghawn, jista japplika.
Ic-cirklu ghandu ghawn, jista japplika.
@Antoine Vella. Din l-ghaxar kummiedja li gejja minn partit fil-gvern amateur ghall-ahhar. Min jista jafda dan il-partit li dejjem iraqqa l-pannu bil-qara ahmar. Mux zgur trid tghidilna li dan xi partit maqghud qaqocca hux. Hallina xbin u kompla sejrin. Nahseb li fadal ftit atti ohra f'din il-kummiedja.
Patricia Marsh
Ghal Antoine Vella l-ghaxar kumment banali dwar dan is-suggett
@Antoine Vella: Siehbi tahsibx li ahna l-Laburisti ghaxxanin ghal-poter taf, jekk qed tahseb hekk sejjer zbaljat. Ahna rridu li nkunu fil-Gvern meta jkun il-waqt u qatt ma ghamilna bhalkom in-Nazzjonalist meta Mintoff kien fil-Gvern fis-'70 mortu tixtru lil Alla jahfirlu Anglu Camilleri l-Bedeq, dak tghidlu ghatx ghal poter. U wara kollox b'dan id-dizastru finanzjaru li hawn min irid ikun fil-Gvern? J'Alla tkompu sa l-ahhar minuta halli tkomplu thawdu l-borma kemm tifilhu u l-bazuzli (nispera li m'intix wiehed minnhom inti ghalkemm dejjem tohrog ghonqoq ghal mannara) jkompu jstanew halli iktar il-poplu jinduna bl-inganni taghkom u ikbar tkun ir-rebha Laburista fuq il-partit ta' GonzoPN.
Dottor Antoine kemm tobghodhom lill Laburisti. Hemm bzonn tghaddi din hdura kollha biex tghaddi kumment. Insejt meta l-Gvern Laburista bghatek tistudja barra u gejt ahdar kontrih. Mur gib lis Sur Carm !!!!!
Għall-Mintoffjani, ferħa (l-għaxar waħda) bla temma.
Zack Depasquale
Purcinell, Clown, Kummidjant,Buffu, antic, buffoon, comedian, comic, cut-up, dolt, droll, farceur, fool, funnyperson, funster, gagman, gagster, harlequin, humorist, jester, joker, jokesmith, jokester, life of the party, madcap, merry-andrew, merrymaker, mime, mountebank, mummer, picador, pierrot, prankster, punch, punchinello, quipster, ribald, wag, wisecracker, witwit, zany, ara hawnx xihadd izied ma dawn, kemm hassibhom tac-cajt Franco Debono lil-Poplu Malti. Jekk baqghalu ftit dicenza jirezenja mill-Parlament Malti ghax dejjaq lil-Kulhadd Laburisti u Nazzjonalisti.
U issa Sandie Shaw ha tkanta – Puppet on a String.
Illum nahseb li din il farsa kollha hija pjanata ghala Edgar (kif jghis Salvu) biex wara inti cedi u Gonzi jidher li rebah u ma cediex. Franco qed jghajruk pulcinell. L-anqas toqghod hdejn iz zarbun ta JPO.
Kelli rispett kbir lejk.Pero nahseb illi issa qed idahhaq in nies bik,se titlef mhux biss fil politika imma anke klijenti. Hadd mhu qed jara serjeta. Gonzi y Edgar se jiekluk b'daqqa wahda. Min din l-affari hadd mhu se jkollu fiducja fik u jekk tahseb li Gonzi se jghamel tibdil ghax int qed tissikah sejjer zball. INTI lill Gonzi qed tghatih sahha bizzejjed biex jgharmik.
Dr Debono, I'm afraid you have cried "Wolf" too many times now. Are you sure you still have an electorate base that supports you?
Buffone per eccelenza.
Jekk dan ta' hawn fuq hu veru min jaf x'icekcku t-tazzi bix-xampanja gonzipn u l-klikka tieghu li ghadhom dejjem ghatxana aktar minn qabel ghall-poter biex ikomplu jiffangaw u jimlew bwiethom waqt li l-maggoranza l-kbira tal-poplu ma jafx ghada x'se jsib quddiem wiccu !!!!!! Imma ghadhom ma indunawx li ghada jasal zgur ..... u jekk lil franco debono jirnexxilhom jimmansawh ghal xahar, xahrejn, tlieta, xorta wahda ghad jerga' jgholli rasu u jifnihom b'aktar inkwiet u dwejjaq qabel ma l-Maltin fl-2013 iqalftuhom 'il barra darba ghal dejjem. Maxtru nazzjonalisti tal-klikka, avukati tal-pn, neguzjanti, korrispondenti tal-pbs fit-taqsima tal-ahbarijiet, diretturi ta' kumpaniji u korporazzjonijiet pubblici mgharrqa fid-dejn .... dalwaqt Malta ddurha l-kantuniera u mbaghad addio ghall-boqxiex li tant qed tithabtu u tistinkaw biex tibqghu tgawdu sal-ahhar tal-ahhar !!!!!!!!!!!!
@thor. HEAR HEAR!! Debono-warns 2012 will have to be ‘year of reforms’ Who does he think he is? PM now? What a joke!!
A LOUD MOUTHED CHICKEN. The nationalist electorate would do well not to give you their vote next time round.