Updated | Party financing loopholes tailored for PN donors, says Labour

Nationalist MP Franco Debono says he made no distinction between party and non-party members in original draft.

Franco Debono (top row, centre) says he informed the head justice unit that the party financing law had been diluted. (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)
Franco Debono (top row, centre) says he informed the head justice unit that the party financing law had been diluted. (Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)

The Labour party said it does not agree with a party financing law that will distinguish between donors who are party members and who are not, if they are to be named publicly.

"The draft which government seems to be proposing to regulate party financing consciously creates loopholes," the PL said in a statement, referring to MaltaToday's report on the draft law scrutinised by the Council of Europe.

"The Labour Party does not agree with the distinction between party and non-party members, which is clearly a strategic loophole tailored to fit particular individuals, some of which can be easily found by going through a Yellow Pages directory," the party said, in a sarcastic reference to claims by BWSC middleman Joe Mizzi to the parliamentary accounts committee, that he elected Vassallo Builders Group to BWSC agents for the Delimara power station extension by picking them out of the Yellow Pages.

The Vassallo Builders Group is owned by entrepreneur and former PN mayor Nazzareno Vassallo.

The Nationalist MP Franco Debono, who is piloting a bill on party financing, is disassociating himself completely from the draft law sent to the Council of Europe's anti-corruption watchdog, insisting that this draft is already superseded.

"I disassociate myself completely from the draft referred to GRECO," Debono told MaltaToday when contacted about its report earlier today, over a draft party financing law that distinguishes between members and non-members.

The draft law on party financing proposed by the Maltese government does not restrict donations made by party members, and sets a high €10,000 ceiling for the publication of the names of other donors.

Labour said the donation thresholds must be realistic and not simply set to pay lip service to regulating party financing.

"The Labour Party has neither seen the Justice Ministry draft nor Franco Debono's draft on party financing. The PL was not consulted and is not aware how many drafts exist and which one, if any, the Prime Minister is supporting.

"Such equivocal episodes, which have now become the order of the day of the Gonzi government, are symptomatic of the mediocrity of the present administration," the PL said.

On its part, the Council of Europe's GRECO (Group of European States against Corruption) has objected to the distinction made in the new law between party and non-party members, and described the €10,000 threshold for the publication of the names of other donors as "critically high".

Franco Debono, who was tasked with the drafting of the party financing bill, insists that he had handed the original draft of the law to the government's head justice unit, which drafts laws, back in March.

Debono insists that GRECO received a "diluted" version produced by the drafting unit, and not his draft.

Debono also told MaltaToday that he made no distinction between party and non-party members in his original draft.

He also insists that the drafting unit's version was already superseded before it was sent to GRECO and insists that the "wrong draft" was sent to GRECO.

"I had already informed them that it was too diluted before they sent it to GRECO and I subsequently made changes to the draft... I can ensure you that it is now compatible with GRECO's recommendations."

He insists that the final version of the law makes no distinction between party and non-party members, while making it clear that donations over €7,000 have to be declared and parties will have to keep record of any donation between €300 and  €7,000. He also insists that the law will make split donations aimed at circumventing the legal threshold a criminal offence.

Debono claims that it was only his determination which kept the bill on the government's agenda. "I found very little cooperation and had to make everything on my own... it was only my determination to push the law which kept things going."

According to Debono the law has been finalised and is completely different from that

presented to the Council of Europe. "I finalised the law with the assistance of two auditors after long meetings in Castille."

MORE Party financing - lifting the lid
Franco Debono pilots tripartite discussions on party financing

Maybe she should suggest her psychiatrist or the guy who juggles plates at the circus.
Dear Dr Franco Debono, have you seen this blog>>> http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2011/12/will-franco-debono-please-shut-the-hell-up-and-talk-to-a-psychiatrist-instead/ Any comments please???
Dak ir-ritratt tal-genn kollha bil-geddum ghajr ghal Franco Debono jitbissem u jahres in-nahha l-ohra. X'hin rajt dan ir-ritratt ghidt dawk kollha gralhom xi dizgrazzja msieken!!!!!
L-antenati taghna kienu jzommu kikkra kbira taht is-sodda ghalli jinqala. FD hekk qed jintuza bhalissa.
Debono, jekk thoss li din saret hazin, taf x'ghandek taghmel. Imma issa int sirt wiehed minn dawk illi toqghod tredden u l-anqas il-PM mhu se jiehdok izjed bis-serjeta. It-threat factor tieghek ghal Gonzi gie zero wara li irtirajt kollox. Iftakar illi l-kritika tieghek fuq id-draft issa b'xi mod timplika mhux lill-gvern biss imma certu cirki ta' nies b'sahhithom. Min jaf x'irtirata se taghmel issa dalwaqt. Mela mhux ahjar toqghod bi kwietek. Billi urejtna li d-draft prezentata hija difettuza m'ghamiltinix hajjitna ahjar...imma aghar; ghax nies bhalek li jistghu jiehdu azzjoni biex dawn il-hnizrijiet ma jsirux ma jaghmlu xejn hlief iparlaw. Chi tace consenta. Sajonara Debono.
Xi hadd kien qed jistenna ahjar jew differenti minn partit li jghum fil-hmieg?
U l-opinjoni tal-POPLU fejn u meta tidhol? Jew il-Poplu qied hemm biex ihallas u jisawwat BISS
Bomba dak ir-ritratt! Kulhadd ihares naha u Debono biss l-ohra! Prosit minn hadu u ghazlu!
@Dindu: Naqbel mieghek kieku mar "all the way" u mhux waqaf f'nofs triq. Izjed kemm jghid u inqas kemm jaghmel qed ikun sors ta' inkonsistenza mieghu innifsu. Jekk m'ghandux il-guts illi jaghmel it-triq kollha...pacenzja imma ahjar jieqaf u jobdi l-establishment.
Dr.Fronco int qed taghamel bhal Monti l-Italia, li ma kienx kapaci jghamel Berlusconi (mohhu fil-magistrati u ligijiet ad-personam") qed jghamlu hu,int qed tghamlu flok Gonzi u il-klikka tieghu li l-ewwel is-siggu u wara il-poplu jekk jibqa xi haga.
@Dindu: Naqbel mieghek kieku mar "all the way" u mhux waqaf f'nofs triq. Izjed kemm jghid u inqas kemm jaghmel qed ikun sors ta' inkonsistenza mieghu innifsu. Jekk m'ghandux il-guts illi jaghmel it-triq kollha...pacenzja imma ahjar jieqaf u jobdi l-establishment.
This is something very similar to what the PN has done during the screening period for the accession into the EU! They twisted a many facts, especially in the agriculutre sector, to make people in europe believe that Malta is fully prepared to join the EU! Far from that, and after 7 seven years as full members in the EU, all we are getting are taxes, and a reduced standard of living, where many of the middle class category, are hardly coping with everyday's life! That's reality! And I think that Dr.Debono is not starting to understand why many people have lost faith in his party. Not because they come from the Labour field, but because of the arrogance and the disgusted mis-managment that this government is administering this poor little island!Dr.Debono don't wait until 2012,because the reforms will not be made! Can't you understand that the prime minister is only gaining time? You should know these type of mind games, since your every day living is from court cases!!!!!!!!!Send GonziPN home, and you will be respected by many smart people!
....u il-pantomina Gonzipn tkompli......!!!
Kieku qiesu iljun johrog Dr.Franco Debono. Umbaghad ikellmu xi hadd , u idur qiesu zugraga. Tista ghal darba tirrispetta l-inteligenza tal poplu u ma tibqax titmejjel bih, u tilab bis sentimenti tieghu ? Tista ghal darba taqbad argument u tibqa issostnih sa l-ahhar ? Grazzi.
Stefan Mifsud
Have been saying and will continue to do so, until proven otherwise. This MP has balls of steel. Keep them on please. You are the only MP to my mind who is trying to make us truly democratic.
Stefan Mifsud
Have been saying and will continue to do so, until proven otherwise. This MP has balls of steel. Keep them on please. You are the only MP to my mind who is trying to make us truly democratic.
Zack Depasquale
Iktar ma naqra fuq l-istejjer li qieghdin johorgu kuljum li jduru ma l-Onor Franco Debono, iktar qieghed nikkonferma li jezisti t-tahwied qawwi fil-grupp Parlamentari ta’GonziPN u li dan il-pajjiz ma baqghalux triq ohra hlief li jmur ghal-elezzjonijiet Generali, biex il-poplu fis-sovranita tieghu jaghzel Gvern li jixraqlu. Malta ma tistax tibqa immexija minn gvern li iktar jixbah soap opera, bi PrimMinistru li l-gurnata kollha imexxi b’sistema ta’crisis management, bil-krizi ewlenija tkun li qieghed imexxi Gvern li huwa car bizzejjed li jekk ma telifx il-maggoranza Parlamentari wasal biex jitlef din il-maggoranza. Ma jixraqx ghal-Malta li jkollha PrimMinistru li qieghed taht rikatt il-hin kollu. Jekk Dr Gonzi baqghalu ftit self-pride, l-unika triq li ghandu hi jsejjah elezzjonijiet, anke jekk Dr Gonzi jitlef dawn l-elezzjonijiet johrog bl-unri li ghamel ghamlu biss ghal gid ta’ Malta, jekk jibqa mwahhal mal-poter sejjer jibqa mfakkar bhalha l-iktar PrimMinistru debboli li qatt kellu dan-il-pajjiz.