Chinese foreign minister for Malta visit

Chinese foreign minister hails Africa as 'golden ground' for Chinese economic expansion.

Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi.
Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi arrives in Malta tomorrow for a two-day visit.

Jiechi was in Namibia today on a tour of African nations, where he hailed the continent as "golden ground" for foreign investment.

"Africa is a fertile place for foreign investors and it is a golden ground for Africa to attract foreign investors, especially for infrastructure which is the blood and muscle of a country."

China has aggressively moved into African markets, tapping into natural resources to fuel its own economy but also taking a major role in building roads, bridges and other infrastructure across the continent.

Yang will meet Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Tonio Borg. Malta was crucial in the evacuation of thousands of Chinese workers from Libya during the North African country's civil war, back in March 2011.