Lotto giants Intralot, GTech bring their battle to Malta

Maltco to compete with Lottomatica for 10-year Malta lotteries concession.

Maltco to compete with Lottomatica for 10-year Malta lotteries concession.
Maltco to compete with Lottomatica for 10-year Malta lotteries concession.

Greek lotto giant Intralot, has upped its offer to government to keep its expiring seven year lotteries concession, but it will have to face its main global rival GTech, which on behalf of Lottomatica, has submitted an offer for the same bid.

Maltco and GTech were the only two bids received by the Privatisation Unit as the offers closed at midday on Thursday.

The bid was halted on December 12, when a judge withheld a request for a cautionary injunction by Maltco, that contested government's decision to issue an international call for interest to lottery operators to submit bids to acquire the national lotteries monopoly.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech contested the injunction, stressing that stalling the process would have a significant financial impact on the country's finances.

Testifying before Judge Joseph Zammit McKeon, the finance minister said that if the injunction remained in force, then government would have had no other option but to take over lotteries operations and re-establish the lotto department.

The injunction was overturned the following week by the courts, as it urged Malto to understand that its license conditions were clear, but it had every right to compete in the new expression of interest.

Maltco, which argued that government should have automatically renewed its concession on the basis of good performance over the past seven years, remains in arbitration with government. 

Gvern Laburista għandu jerġa jinnazzjonalizza lid-Dipartiment tal-Lottu għax hija tal-mistħija kif dipartiment li dejjem għamel profitt għall-Gvern jiġi privatizzat mit-tradituri ĠUDIET Maltin biex jobdu lill-barrani tal-UE.
Ara qeghed sew dan il pajjiz ta.. Qeghedin inhokku idejna bil ferh ghax gibna zewg gganti jikkompetu min minnhom ser ikun kapaci jisloh l-aktar flus mill familji Maltin...u il Knisja....xejn.Ma tindahalx fejn tidhol it tmexxija tal gvern. Pero li hemm tajjeb huwa li meta xi hadd imur jisraq sabiex jilghab, u imur iqerr, il knisja ittih l-assuluzjoni,u tahfirlu. Meta tara ragel tal familja jitma lil l-uliedu in noodles sabiex jilghabhom, meta tara pensjonanti jilghabhom u jghoqodu privi mill medicini, fejn jista jasal dan il pajjiz Kattoliku. Harget statistika li tghejd li wiehed min kull sitta qeghed jghejx fiz zona tal faqar.......Tghejd ? Kullhadd jittama li isir sinjur mill loghob , meta jghejdu li " ir rebbieh libes l-ixkora ahseb u ara it tellief."