Heartbroken parents anguished over mystery surrounding murder motive

Claire Zammit Xuereb declines lawyer’s presence during three-hour police interrogation.

Anglu Xuereb recounted the harrowing scene he found at the penthouse of his daughter Claire on New Year's Day.
Anglu Xuereb recounted the harrowing scene he found at the penthouse of his daughter Claire on New Year's Day.

The father-in-law of Duncan Zammit, the 32-year-old victim in the New Year's Day tragedy that also left his alleged aggressor dead, said Zammit pleaded with Nicholas Gera as he was being stabbed to stop as his three-month old twins slept by his side.

Relaying his daughter's version of events on Bondiplus, entrepreneur Anglu Xuereb said his wife heard her husband Duncan Zammit tell his aggressor: "There are my children here", as he was stabbed in his bedroom.

Claire Zammit Xuereb was sleeping with her husband, with their twins asleep, one on each side of the bed, when Gera is believed to have entered their bedroom - by entering through the roof and onto the terrace - and proceeded to stab Zammit to death.

"There were bloodstains on the pillow where Duncan slept, and the babies' cot was bloodstained. The fighting started there. My daughter protected the children," Xuereb said.

Xuereb said his daughter heard nothing being said between the two men.

Xuereb yesterday recounted the harrowing scene he found at his daughter's Falcon House penthouse in Sliema, and her version of events of the double-murder that also left Gera, 26, dead.

"At 7:05am she called me, telling me a man came in with knives. 'There's blood, come here...'. When I arrived I found the police on site. I saw them on the floor, one on top of each other, and realised they were lifeless. I was shocked," Xuereb said.

Both the Xuereb and Gera families were interviewed on Bondiplus yesterday, opening a window on the heartbreak being experienced by both families as so many questions remain unanswered on the bizarre double murder.

Claire Zammit Xuereb was interrogated by police on Wednesday for three hours and a half, but declined to have her lawyer present with her during the interrogation.

In his interview, Xuereb said that when he arrived at his daughter's apartment, he found the doors of the bedroom were stained with blood, from where the two men are believed to have emerged and ended up dead inside the hall.

A tearful Xuereb said his daughter was passing through the most traumatic of periods, as he struggled to take in the fact that she had become a widow at such a young age. "She told me she will be ready to forgive Nicholas Gera, in time, for having committed this massacre."

On her part, Gera's mother Tanja, who adopted her son from Bosnia, sent her condolences to the Xuereb family. "I don't know what happened and we are trying to find out what happened. We read a lot of things in the papers but we don't know if they are true or not. I don't anything from the police. I want to know the truth."

One of the unanswered questions so far is whether Duncan Zammit and Nicholas Gera were acquainted with each other. Both families have been adamant that they did not know each other, or did not know whether the two men knew each other.

The former chief of forensics Anthony Abela Medici, also interview on Bondiplus, explained that the police autopsy of the two men would determine the direction the stab wounds came from, in what position the victims were when they were stabbed, and that the autopsy would include a toxicology analysis as well as an anal examination to determine whether any sexual contact took place.

Kull ma nafu hu minn miet. min qatel lil min ghadna ma nafux. imma tghid insiru nafu xi darba?? minn dak li qed jigi irrapurtat dan il kaz fih tahwid kbir u qishom l affarijiet qeghdin jitbenglu biex jattu lil qattiel. sa fejn naf jien hadd ma ghandu dritt ghal avukat waqt l interrogazzjoni, ghaliex is Sinjura Zammit Xuereb kellha dan id dritt u rrifjutatu???? Sur Ministru Sur Kummissarju spejgaw biex forsi tigbru giehkom u tnaqqsu l ispekulazzjonijiet. Ma nistax nifhem ghalfejn qed inpoggu lis Sur Gera bhal l hazin, hadd ma jaf la kif dahal u wisq aktar jekk attakax hu l ewwel. il pulizija eskludiet li mar biex jisraq ghax ma kienx armat imma mhiex teskludi li mar biex joqtol u mhux armat. xi hadd jifhima din? immur ghal gwerra bla senter u nipprova nsib wiehed min ghand l gahdu.
Mark Fenech
Ma huwiex sewwa u l-PBS immissu jisthi jhalli programmi fuq dan il-każ. Il-gustizzja ma hijiex tithalla tiehu d-drittijiet taghha, mela fejn irridu noqoghdu mmorru ma naghtux taghrif ghax il-każ "sub-gudice". Xi ħadd għandu l-interess li ma jħalliex il-gustizzja tieħu t-triq tagħa. Ma huwiex sewwa. Aktar ma jigu nies jitkellmu fuq dan il-każ, biex jipprovaw idawru l-opinjoni pubblika favur tagħhom, aktar nikkonferma li hemm ħafna affarijiet misterjużi. Ma nafx kif xi ħadd jista jidħol għand xi ħaddieħor, mingħajr ma jkisser xejn u jitħalla jidħol qisu xejn. Il-ġirien jgħidu li bdew jisimgħu l-għajjat qabel is-6 ta' filgħodu u l-pulizija ġew mgħarrfa bli ġara wara s-7 ta' filgħodu. Hemm wisq misteri.
@boomerang it would still be a homicide in both cases. If he was let in, that would only mean that the men knew each other. If the defendant was to go to trial, he could use it perhaps as his defence, claiming self defence, crime of passion or what not. But obviously none of the men are going to trial, as they are both "incabable to attend".
Skuzi ta Sur Catania, imma dogsonly m'hu jaghmel xejn ghajr jghid x'irrakuntaw xi girien lill-gurnali! Issa jekk dawn ivvintaw, storja ohra. Jien la naf lil Gera w'lanqas lil Zammit, pero bhala Malti ghatxan biex nara l-gustizzja ssir kif suppost u tittratta lil kulhadd l-istess.Nahseb li kieku kien ibnek, tippretendi li jigi ppruvat lil hinn minn kull dubju possibli li kien qattiel. Nemmen li f'dal-kaz, il-gustizzja ghada ferm boghod minn dan, tal-inqas mill-ftit fatti veru li hargu s'issa minn fonti ufficjali.
Jiena ma nistax nifhem kif filwaqt li ghadhom ghaddejjin l-investigazjonijiet tal pulizija jigi dan Lou Bondi u jaghmel programm fuq dan id delitt li sar Mela is Sur Lou Bondi ha l-investigazzjonijiet fidejh sur kummissarju John Rizzo dan hu disunur ghal korp tal pulizija Issa nigu ghas Sur Anglu Xuereb sewwa lil l-Orizzont ma tridx intervista maghha Sur Xuereb u fil programm ta Lou Bondi mort tigri ohra Sur Xuereb penthouse kbira bhal dik li skond uhud jekk ma tkunx MIDHLA taghha TINTILEF impossibli Sur Xuereb ma kienx hemm Security Cameras fil Penthouse
Skuzi ta Sur Catania, imma dogsonly m'hu jaghmel xejn ghajr jghid x'irrakuntaw xi girien lill-gurnali! Issa jekk dawn ivvintaw, storja ohra. Jien la naf lil Gera w'lanqas lil Zammit, pero bhala Malti ghatxan biex nara l-gustizzja ssir kif suppost u tittratta lil kulhadd l-istess.Nahseb li kieku kien ibnek, tippretendi li jigi ppruvat lil hinn minn kull dubju possibli li kien qattiel. Nemmen li f'dal-kaz, il-gustizzja ghada ferm boghod minn dan, tal-inqas mill-ftit fatti veru li hargu s'issa minn fonti ufficjali.
Jista dogsonly jghidilna minn fejn ivvinta li Zammit kellu xi jghid ma' martu 5:30am? ghala dan il-giddeb sfaxxat minn certi nies biex jitfghu dell ikrah fuq Zammit u minghalihom inehhu l-htija minn fuq Gera? Gera huwa qattiel u m'hemmx paroli, irrelevanti x'tghid Tanya. Hadd ma qabdu jidhol fi proprjeta ta' haddiehor u jattakka b'sikkina, lanqas li kieku kellu mitt miljun ragun ahseb u ara li ma kellux. Missu irringrazzja 'l Alla li kien jghix Malta, nahseb ahjar taghlaq halqha Tanya.
@torquemada: see my earlier post my friend. I believe that the whole case might hinge around this fact since it is one thing if I enter your house through your terrace door and assault you, but a totally different story if we get into a fight and I stab you AFTER you have willingly let me into your home. In one case I would be a clear-cut murderer, but in the second case .... a million scenarios could have developed leading to the tragic end!
ARTICLE 6 OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS ACT RIGHT FOR FAIR TRIAL AND PUBLIC HEARING Rights of the arrested Abeas Corpus rights refers to the rights of the arrested. 1. You have a right to know WHY you have been arrested in the language that you understand. 2. Right to remain silent 3. Right to have enough time and proper facilities to prepare for defence. 3. Right for legal assistance. Law states that you must be INFORMED about your right to a lawyer and the answer from the accused must me recorded (yes or no). IF YOU ARE NOT INFORMED THEN THIS MIGHT JEOPARDISE THEIR WHOLE CASE AGAINST YOU. This breach of human rights has been dealt with many times in the European Court of HUman Rights. In Malta you have a right to speak to your lawyer for an hour prior to interrogation. 4. Right to examine witnesses of the prosecutor. "INFERENCES FROM SILENCE" (355 AV) If you excersice your right to speak to a lawyer, and in the trial they will mention facts that you did not mention before in the interrogation, the jury might think that you have changed your story and are lying. If you remain silent, then that will be considered null in court. When choosing to talk to a lawyer the right to remain silent will not be absolute any longer. This could be commented upon in court. The inference been drawn is one of fact, not guilt. IN ADDITION TO THIS IN MALTA: If the accused confesses without a lawyer present, that confession is inadmissable. This in Malta has been the case sonce 2010 Feb, when the right to legal advice started. Detention in Malta is for maximum of 48 hours.
Mistoqsija ohra. Vera dahal mit terrazzin Nicholas??????????????
Storja imhawda hafna. Hafna mistoqsijet mhux imwegba!!!! Fixhin dahal id dar duncan wara li wassal il parents tieghu???? Ghalfejn kellu xi jajd mal mara fil 5:30 ta filghodu???? Kif jista jkun ma tkellmux waqt il glieda dawn qas att ma jista jkun . Mhijuex bicca tal pubbliku ima omm ta'Nicholas ghandha dritt ghal fatti zgur. Min hu imdejjaq AX ma jmurx fuq it tv gimgha shiha. Ahjar ma tantx titkellem ghax akter et titfaw dell ikrah. Gara xi haga stramba zgur f ' dan il kaz u il verita tohrog xi darba. kieku grat li kwalunkew persuna ohra li hat ma jaf bija listorija ga harget fil oubbliku u hatt ma qala qlajiet ghal xejn.
Jien Bondi+ ma rajtux imma qrajt hawn taht li AX qal li missilhom ghonqom biex jara humiex mejtin!! Mela tal ambulanza ma kienux accertaw ruhhom li il vittmi kienu mejtin? Anglu stess qal li wasal wara li l-ambulanzi kienu telqu ghax ma kienx hemm bzonnom. Sa fejn naf jien AX mhux tabib.
Anguish is not expressed by appearing on TV programms dealing with the case. Mr Xuereb should know that the more he talks about the case, the more questions would be raised, all he says is heresay and that is inadmissible in court.
Ian George Walker
@ ABorg2: You are completely mistaken. In Malta, you do not have the right to have a lawyer present during interrogation. Recently there was an amendment by which you are entitled to consult a lawyer before (but NOT during) interrogation. However, this is a double-edged sword as, if you do, whatever you say is considered as having been said with the benefit of legal advice. In fact,many lawyers advise their client NOT to talk to them before interrogation - as probably happened in this case.
F'mumenti bhal dawn is-Sur Xuereb ghandu joqghod lura milli jaghti intervisti u jidher fi programmi televizivi ghax bi kliemu aktar qieghed aktar jitfa' hatab fin-nar u jaghti lok ghal aktar spekulazzjoni, qlajjiet u tejoriji. J'alla hu u l-familja tieghi isibu l-paci fis-skiet.
One point which everyone seems to be missing and which - in my humble opinion - is imperative: It has been told that Mr Gera entered the penthouse from the terrace, "through a door which he found open". This means then that of course there can be no proof of a break-in, as there was none. However then, is there proof that this is really how he entered the property? And if not ??? I mean I find it highly implausible for a would-be killer to set off on his mission unarmed, go to the trouble of playing "Batman", jumping down a storey to reach a door which might/might not be locked, wander in the dark around quite an extensive property to find a knife .... then finally proceed to hit!!!
Naa Obinna
@NRG-EFFECTS Mhux forsi sar part-time investigator hux?
@HADENUF.... u f'bondi+ qal li missilhom ghonqom biex jara jekk ux hajjin jew mejtin! kien hemm qabel il pulizija jew wara?
@Aborg2: Until today no one has the right to be assisted by a lawyer during police interrogation. Nationalist MP Franco Debono could enlighten you more on this issue ...
Naa Obinna
"At 7:05am she called me, telling me a man came in with knives. 'There's blood, come here...'. When I arrived I found the police on site. I saw them on the floor, one on top of each other, and realised they were lifeless. I was shocked," Xuereb said. Tajba din - mela nies li m'ghandhom x'jaqsmu xejn mal-kaz jithallew jippassiggaw liberalment ix-xena tad-delitt. Ma nafx, jew ghandna korp tal-pulizija li waqa fl-abbissi ta l-inkompetenza, jew is-sur Xuereb qed jizloq fin-nixef? Decizjoni f'idejkhom - tieghi ghamiltha diga.
Malta seems to have its version of this dramatic genre--The tragedy is that here we have it in real life!!! ESPERPENTO- denotes a literary style in Spanish literature first established by Spanish author Ramón María Valle-Inclán[1]. A consistently distorted description of reality serves to criticize society. Leading themes are death and the grotesque. Everyday life is intertwined with nightmare, human beings reduced to things (reification), the style is marked by bitter irony.
@neil aquilina. Everyone has got the right to a lawyer being present at interrogation. This is stated in the Constitution of Malta as well as Human Rights declaration. If one can not afford a lawyer, it will be provided by the state.
how AX had checked and touched the victims to see if are they dead or alive? was AX before the police and the medics on the scene of crime? usually when the investigators came on the scene of crime NOBODY is authorised on the scene of crime to protect all the evidence from being contaminated! this is my big question how can AX checked and touched the victims if he was there after the police?
F'rapporti ohrajn qalu lit tewmin kienu reqdin f'kamra ohra!!! kulhadd ihawwad. Il kaz bidluh f'soap opera kuljum b'xi haga gdida.
I think AX is speculating too much.....better to shut it up !! Is he trying to deviate the CID conclusions or protecting too much his daughter ?? Seems that he is appearing on behalf of the Zammits too. May God grant these two victims eternal rest and grant courage and comfort to both families!
Is anyone relising from the comments Angelo is making that the whole thing is being orchestrated? First of all many things to not add up, secondly most of the story is being changed as we go along, by him, and lastly, how come he knows so much?
Lisa Borg
Tajjeb ukoll eh! Jigifieri lit-tifla ta' Anglu Xuereb tawha d-dritt li waqt l-interrogazzjoni jkollha avukat meta l-kumplament ta' Malta mcahhda minnu. Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizja John Rizzo fid-dover li jispjega lill-pubbliku kif offrewla dan id-dritt. L-istess il-Ministru tal-Intern Dr Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici.
Sewwa il-parliament qed jinqaleb ta taht fuq biex min qed ikun interrogat ghandu dritt ghal-presenza ta' avukat u din irrifjutatu. X'inhi ir-raguni?
This is not making any sense. Let me kindly refer your readers to this particular sentence: "Claire Zammit Xuereb declines lawyer’s presence during three-hour police interrogation." So being a daughter of a contractor gives you the right to be assisted by a lawyer during interrogation? Until today this basic right DOES NOT exist in Malta. So I cannot, but cannot understand the logic in Mr Xuereb's statement.
why all this about this murder case? is there any diference between this murder case or others? We are all the same, we were born all the same way and we will all die the same way, one way or another. Let the police experts do their work, and suppose they will find out the truth to what really happened. In the end this case matters to the families that are passing from all this, and that will have this burden all their life. So just leave all to police to do their hopefully good,for the sake of both families, so at least thye will know what really happened, Like some people was there or know what happened,every one likes to know so they can have soemthing to talk about which doesn't concern them in the end.