Muscat to Gonzi: call for vote of confidence, refund honoraria
Labour leader Muscat calls on Prime Minister to call for vote of confidence.
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has called on Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to convene parliament within the next week and call for a vote of confidence, as a Cabinet reshuffle announced today prompted government backbencher Franco Debono into withdrawing his support for the government.
Debono has called for the resignation of Gonzi and for the prime minster to call for new elections, after signalling his protest at the promotion of Gonzi's parliamentary secretaries to ministers.
"Our country needs stability," Muscat said. "In the past weeks we have seen pantomimes that have prompted an instability that is threatening our country's performance. The Prime Minister must convene parliament within the next week and call for a vote of confidence to see if he has the support of his MPs and cut the speculation."
"I expected Lawrence Gonzi to be clear about the failure of the debt targets he set in his budget, and announce the European Commission's reaction to his budgetary plans," Muscat said referring to a prospective EC evaluation of Budget 2012's economic growth forecasts.
Muscat also called on Gonzi to refund approximately €1 million in honoraria paid to his MPs over the past three years. "The Prime Minister's decision was not taken out of conviction but out of convenience. The Prime Minister was forced to take these decisions, and not because he believes in change."
Asked whether Gonzi's decision to reverse the unpopular salary increase had pulled the carpet from under Labour's feet, after having made salary cuts one of its key planks, Muscat said it was Gonzi "who treated the people like a carpet... and if he is re-elected he will take the MPs' honorarium back for his ministers."