'I'll support anyone but Gonzi' - Franco Debono demands PM's resignation

PN to discuss crisis internally. Labour demand confidence vote, Prime Minister under renewed EU notice to cut deficit

Franco Debono has broken ranks with the Prime Minister. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Franco Debono has broken ranks with the Prime Minister. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

Updated at 10:05am with Franco Debono statement and 1:12pm with press conference. Also adds statement by Prime Minister's spokesperson at 3:45pm. 

The Nationalist Party will be discussing the latest political crisis in an internal meeting, as spokesperson for the Prime Minister has told MaltaToday. "The issues raised by Franco Debono will be raised internally in the Nationalist Party," the spokesperson said.

The statement indicates Lawrence Gonzi will be calling an extraordinary general conference and seek a vote of confidence by the party councillors.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has said he is ready to support anyone at the helm of government, as long as it was not current Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi whom he called on to resign at a press conference held this afternoon.

"The only way out of this political crisis is for Gonzi to step down," Debono said.

Debono insisted he would definitely not resign but it must be the Prime Minister to resign or call an election, as he had clearly shown that his government was totally disrespectful towards Parliament, its MPs and the people.

"I have been proved right on everything I have said but the Prime Minister has chosen to be led by a clique and make himself believe to be invincible before anybody who tries to give him good advice and make the changes needed for this country to be truly democratic," Debono said.

"It is ridiculous that to his defence, the Prime Minister keeps referring to the economic crisis as a scapegoat to justify or to run away from his absurd way of doing politics."

Debono said jobs and factories are important, but "the fundamentals of a democracy must be in place before anything else and the Prime Minister must never compromise not even an inch of these fundamentals."

Debono appealed to the Prime Minister to summon parliament as soon as possible, before it reconvenes from the Christmas recess on January 18 and call for a vote of confidence.

Debono said he will definitely vote against government, which is why he was calling on the Prime Minister to either submit his immediate resignation or call an election.

He also denied any communication so far with the President of the Republic in wake of the constitutional impasse where government is left without a majority. Debono however said he communicated with the President some months ago, when he told the President he was already in disagreement with the way the Prime Minister was running business and how government was operating.

Asked if he was interested in taking Gonzi's place, he answered "definitely not" and added he would support anyone else who comes forward to replace Gonzi. Debono added he has so far not seen anybody come forward for the job.

Earlier today he told MaltaToday that the President of the Republic was obliged to call the Prime Minister and consult him on the stability of his parliamentary majority, in view of his withdrawal of support after yesterday's Cabinet reshuffle led to a major crack in Lawrence Gonzi's one-seat majority.

"I have met the President several times before and expressed my concern at the way the Prime Minister tackles certain situations in parliament," Debono said.

The Prime Minister yesterday said on PBS's Xarabank that he would not go for a vote of confidence or early elections, as he faced a call for resignation by his own backbencher Franco Debono.

Gonzi told Xarabank presenter Joe Azzopardi that he would not do what former prime minister Alfred Sant did in 1998 when he called for a vote of confidence that led to early elections.

MORE GONZI: 'I will not do an Alfred Sant'

"I'm not prepared to repeat the same political mistakes done by Muscat's predecessor Alfred Sant in 1998," he said, referring to the Opposition leader's call for a vote of confidence.

"Joseph Muscat wants me to call a vote of confidence because he is looking at the scenario which led to the downfall of a Labour government when Alfred Sant was Prime Minister. But I will not repeat Sant's mistake... I will not call for a vote of confidence."

Gonzi yesterday announced a cabinet reshuffle that split the home affairs and justice ministry after backbencher Franco Debono insisted he would withdraw his support for the government. But the prime minister's decision to promote three parliamentary secretaries to minister left Debono further alienated from the government, going as far as to call for Gonzi's resignation.

"I understand he's feeling disappointed. I have a whole backbench who would like to be moved to the front. But I will do nothing which could potentially draw this country into further instability."

Debono told MaltaToday after news of the reshuffle that the ministerial split, part of his vigorous campaign on criminal justice reform, was thanks to him but that the reshuffle was a sign of the oligarchic style of government that had prevailed. Later he told One News he would not support Gonzi in a vote of confidence, and called for his resignation.

Asked why Debono did not feature in his reshuffle, Gonzi replied: "he did not qualify... I listen to everyone, but ultimately it would be my responsibility to carry the decisions made."

"God forbid I am to be put under any pressure or deadlines or forced into doing what some MPs want me to do... they are not school children. I give value to what I'm told, but ultimately the decision is mine. I am the one who carries the responsibility for decisions made," he said.

"Unfortunately the reshuffle was not enough to please Franco Debono."

But while Gonzi claimed the cabinet reshuffle, which was coupled with a salary cut for ministers who relinquished their €26,000 parliamentary honoraria, would allow him to concentrate on his economic strategy, the Prime Minister failed to announce that Malta was put on notice by the European Commission of a renewed excessive deficit procedure.

Gonzi accused Joseph Muscat of seeking political mileage from the Debono impasse. "This is not some game for an individual's ambitions. The Opposition should be supporting us for the good of national interest. I'm sorry to say that Muscat is not seeing what the country needs right now," Gonzi said.

"Our country doesn't need elections, but all energies focused on work, education, tourism and the environment. I am determined to lead the country till the end of this legislature.  It's what Malta needs."

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat yesterday called on Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to convene parliament within the next week and call for a vote of confidence.

"Our country needs stability," Muscat said. "In the past weeks we have seen pantomimes that have prompted an instability that is threatening our country's performance. The Prime Minister must convene parliament within the next week and call for a vote of confidence to see if he has the support of his MPs and cut the speculation."

@ALGAN Whatever makes you think that the PM is not giving in to blackmail. The clash with FD may be public but can you imagine what is going on behind closed doors. What makes you think the PM has a choice? After all this is the clique which brought Mr Gonzi to power at the expense of John Dalli The latter also having to put up with a concerted character assissination campaign which resulted by getting the golden handshake from the PN. The chickens have come home to roost and the PN are just reaping what they've planted. FD is simply the catalyst.
Dr Gonzi's assertions that he will not do an Alfred Sant is his admissible way of telling all the world that he will not be doing the right thing for his country and go to the polls. By doing this will he only be exerting his responsibilities towards political stability and economic prosperity of the Maltese National. Anything short from calling early elections is a strong sign of the his and his party's love and greed for power. Shame on him as a politician, as a prim minister and as a Maltese citizen.
The PM has played his rather weak hand quite well so far. He has finally stood up to FD and put him in his proper place as a political has been and more importantly as a leader he did not bow to political blackmail. Secondly he appointed three very valid PS's as ministers all of whom are considered as some of the best young political material within the PN and given them the exposure to ministerial experience even if perhaps for only few months. Thirdly we moved quickly to get a vote of confidence from within his PN caucus,certainly a much better stratey than asking for a parliamentary vote of confidenc. It is intresting to see whether JM will now see a vote of no confidence or bide his time. If he seizes the immediate opportunity he faces the danger of being accused of winnng the next election through the disloyalty of FD, rather than through his own merits of which he has many to ensure a well earned victory in the next general election .
Gonzi yesterday said he doesn't want to do like Alfred Sant. But could this be an ettempt at staying party leader? I mean if Gonzi calls an early election now and loses he will get all the blame. But if government collapses because of Franco and the PM is forced to call an election, technically it will not be Gonzi's fault. And this is where the Gonzi machine comes into play. I can already imagine their arguments that Gonzi was forced to call an early election and it's not his fault we lost the election. Like that he could ever remain leader!
Though I agree that it it totally out of place, do not forget that everyone in parliament had voted in favour of the eur500!! After it became a political issue... But no one contested the vote!
@ tonio farrugia: i'm not so sure who the child is. What i know is that it is Gonzi who has a lot to worry about.
Franco, jekk intik ftit gilat togod tieqaf teqred? Let's grow up pls!!! We have a LOT to worry about.
tonio farrugia jidher li inti xi wieħed tal-qalba u għandek x'titlef bl-elezzjoni li se jkollu jagħmel Gonzi għal Marzu.
@tonio farrugia...ghax ma tippruvax taghti xi 500E fil'gimgha zieda lil PM tieghek biex forsi jwarrab minn nofs.
Franco, jekk intik ftit gilat togod tieqaf teqred? Let's grow up pls!!! We have a LOT to worry about.
Vot ta' sfiducja mill-EU fuq il-budget, issa din jonqsu, vot ta' sfiducja fil-Parlament. Pero l-bierah qal li ser ikun jista ipoggi rasu fuq l-imhadda. Nahseb li ser jigri hu li Gonzi ser ipoggulu rasu go n-ngassa, u min dawk ta' madwaru. Ahjar iddabbar rasek issa li tista, Gonz. Iz-zejt tela f'wicc l-ilma.
L-Unjoni Ewropeja wkoll qed tghidlek Dr Gonzi: Qed tbazwar bin-numri! Mintix tigi mitwemmen li se tbaxxi d-deficit. Ghamilt caflisa zur minn hemm biex gibt kollox kif ridtu jidher int imma qabduk ta' l-Unjoni. Ghamel pjacir lilek innifsek u lil Malta - WARRAB
I pity gonzi, the poor chap is in denial. Like Gadaffi he still thinks all the people love him and will lay down their lives for him. His last meeting with the dictator must have left some very strong impressions on him.
L-Unjoni Ewropeja wkoll qed tghidlek Dr Gonzi: Qed tbazwar bin-numri! Mintix tigi mitwemmen li se tbaxxi d-deficit. Ghamilt caflisa zur minn hemm biex gibt kollox kif ridtu jidher int imma qabduk ta' l-Unjoni. Ghamel pjacir lilek innifsek u lil Malta - WARRAB
Checked the famous poll that has been mentioned here anybody believing it has any real bearing on the matter is a MORON.
Dr Gonzi has no way out but only for a snap election, the more he steps down quickly the better it is. Our, country deserves a better hands to drive the economy, to manage the country needs.
"The statement indicates Lawrence Gonzi will be calling an extraordinary general conference and seek a vote of confidence by the party Councillors." This all goes to show that for Gonzi the PN and the Government are one and the same. Gonzi you are worse than Ghaddafi...you are a despot and you think nobody knows it. Go to Parliament and seek confidence there because you are Malta's PM and not the PN's!!!! My God...you're a bloody coward!
BIDILLU a username to the point , but you should have added Laghqi to it Bidillu Laghqi.
Everyone is fed up with the way this government is rolling all over us and not taking any notice of how much we are going down the drain while they are pocketing 500 euros per week ,oh it now stoped .Why?? Where are you Antoine
"A new way of doing politics" - these were Gonzi's welcome words when he was elected PM and Kapo of PN. A a new way indeed. The fascist elements within the PN are again raising their ominous heads, and only the progressive elements within the party itself can stop this threat. Dr. Franco Debono, i don't know whether you are acting alone, but even if you are, do what you have to do and act according to your conscience. But always stay on your guard, and i meanthis in all senses. The PN has a record which you must never forget.
So the PM doesn't want a vote of confidence in this government, but he wants a show at tal-pieta'? It's a waste of time for Gonzi to ask for a vote of confidence of his party, what he needs is that of the parliament. Typical antics from Dr Gonzi.
Imma vera jrid ikollok wiccek u l-warani xorta biex tghid " "This is not some game for an individual's ambitions. The Opposition should be supporting us for the good of national interest. I'm sorry to say that Muscat is not seeing what the country needs right now," Gonzi said. Fejn kont dak inhar li Mintoff irribella Gonz? Ma jmissekx tisthi tohrog b'dawn l-argumenti meta siehbek Joe Saliba ftahhar "Ghamilna minn kollox biex inwaqqghu il-gvern" Sewwa jghidu li l-ispizjar milli jkollu jghatik biss jien nghid "gonzi milli jkollu jghatik". Warrab ghaliex anke nazzjonalisti ta' l-affari taghhom qazzizt. Jekk int vera thobb lil pajjiz halli lil haddiehor issir kap tal-partit kif qallek Franco, jew is-siggu tal-poter issa huwa inkullat ma s******
darba gonzi batlek email fuq austin gatt u int taf xwigibtni biex neduka ruhi ma zmien talum. issa jien inwigbek lura u najdlek ahseb fuq li gara u eduka ruhek.
TO THE TIMES fi kliemi dejjem attent , fl-ahhar gimgha it times kulljum iccensurat aktar min 3 intervenji li jiena ghamilt.qatt ma gabuhom, spazju ghandhom kemm irridu. Harsu lejn ir ritratti tal Ministri l-godda u taraw ta min hu l-akbar. No comments. Il kbir ghadu gej meta naraw lill Demarco u Said ghal leadership
Micheal Bonanno
@James Grech. I've just seen the polls. I think you're right there. The polls look like they have been doctored.
@ James Grech Obviously the TOM poll is not reliable, you can clear your browser cookies/cache and vote as many times as you want.
@salgister The poll is on the front page of the ToM. You need to scroll down slightly most probably. However I can assure you that it is either hacked or biased.
All this talk about not taking the honoraria because of the problems ahead, is all a gimmick. The PM yesterday was reported on PBS news as saying that this will only be suspended for 2 years, which goes to show that he will retake it if the PN gets re-elected. Furthermore, this talk about instability, or rather that he will not be asking for a confidence vote, because he does not want to destabilize further the country, is yet another gimmick from Castille. This government has never been as unstable as it is today. The PM can terminate this instability by doing, yet again, what Dr. Debono and Dr. Muscat are suggesting. This goes to show that the PM has totally lost control of the situation and is being nose-lead by one of his back benchers, a courageous one at that, and the leader of the Opposition.
Micheal Bonanno
@James Grech. Where do I find the polls on ToM?
@ james grech...Jien kont wiehed li kont nikteb fuq it ToM. Jien ghalkemm laburist, dejjem qaghadt attent li bil kitba tieghi ma noffendix is sentimenti ta dawk li ma jaqblux mieghi politikament. Jien ghandi zmien u esperjenza bizzejjed sabiex nitkellem fuq il politika mis sittin il hawn, ghax ghextu u mhux ghax smajtu. Meta kont nikteb fit times kienet issir ingustizzja mieghi ghax min 10 ittri kien igibli wahda. Darba fuq l-istess suggett lili igibli ittra wahda u lil wiehed nazzjonalist li konna qeghedin nirrispondu lil xulxin bl`aktar mod demokratiku, igiblu 8 ittri. Wara li kellimt kif kelli inkellem lil l-editur, ma bqajtx nikteb fuq l-aktar gazzetta bias li ghawn..hafna bhali ghamlu hekk.
Dan hu l-istess Dr Franco Debono li sa lejlet l-ewwel tas-sena kien qal li lest jaccetta xi rwol fil-kabinett skond din il-gazzetta, imma ried jara il-kondizzjonijiet! Sa dak in-nhar ried jahdem ma prim ministru li skond hu mhux issa mhux demokratiku , dan ghax fi free vote il-prim ministru zamm mat-twemmin tieghu, waqt li zgura li l-ligi tad-divorzju tghaddi ! Ghal Franco mhux tradiment li johrog ma partit politiku u wara li jahdem kontra shabu u jitla issa hadem ukoll kontra shabu fil-parlament u issa kontra l-prim ministru.Jekk jhidirlu li Gonzighandu jispicca mill-partit iressaq mozzjoni fil-partit u min hu l-aqwa jhawwel !
.......but more importantly are "the fundamentals of a democracy must be in place before anything else and the Prime Minister must never compromise not even an inch of these fundamentals." Hon Dr Debono is right when speaking about the fundamentals of Democracy, and I hope that the next President of Malta will be elected by its People and for the people. The President shall be there to intervene in behalf of its people and against injustices, corruption, discrimination etc occurring by the Government, Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Government departments, and all injustices created by them. All MPs shall not be gods. There is only ONE GOD, and he is in heaven, all others are equal. The Nationalists always proclaimed themselves as being the Champions / fighters of democracy. In reality, they don’t practice what they preach. Hon Dr Debono is the sole person in the whole Nationalist party that differs. He fights in what he believes and I admire him for it. The pity is that he contests the 5th electoral district and not the 10th. In the 10th they believe that since you’re not blue you can suffer any punishment that anyone see fit to inflict on you. Dr Debono gave us all the right to have a lawyer when we are arrested. A right which we didn’t have in the hour of need, or better still when some of us were “Framed UP”, intimidated or otherwise. I pray to God that one day Justice is done with all those who suffered through the hands of the untouchables, the dictators that governed us during the last 23 years, which should include some arrogant, unscrupulous Heads in the Civil Service. The fact the Hon Gonzi is cutting of his €500 weekly increase doesn’t change anything, he and those elite should refund back the raise they took, and not just telling the Nation “Acqua passata”. The Prime Minister can’t keep a promise not even when he is personally concerned let alone keeping his word with the whole Nation (some 400,000 people). We were promised heaven on earth and instead we got hell on earth. Lots of people are suffering and can’t even make ends meet. Its time you call it a day. If I remember correctly you never wanted to go into politics.
Tghid Gonzi se jigrilu bhal ma gralu Borg Olivier jigiefieri iqactuh minn hemm fis-satra tal-lejl? Ibza Gonzi ibza, the Ides of March are near, u addio ftuh tal-Parlament bla sens, u hafna ceremonji pompusi imbaghad! L-istorja ma tahfer lil hadd! Bla maggoranza ma baqa l-ebda triq ohra hlief tirrezenja bil-kwiet bhal ma ghamlu Prim Ministri demokratici ohrajn!
"Our country doesn't need elections, but all energies focused on work, education, tourism and the environment. Hahahahaha...jekk hemm aspett illi fallejt fih Gonzi hija l-edukazzjoni: 37% huma school drop outs: Malta l-ewwel fl-Ewropa...basta tibni skola kull sena. Hares lejn ir-riforma ta' l-edukazzjoni. Anki l-MUT li darba kienet spalla ma spalla mal-PN u Fr PSI qedin jghidulek: DIZASTRU!!!!
The way Dr Debono is speaking is a clear indication that he is the mouthpiece of someone....there is a hidden power behind the scenes!!!! It is not simply a question of a loner who decided to act as a freak!! The way he has talked since yesterday points to a conspiracy theory....someone wants Gonzi's head, otherwise Debono would not have talked the way he did......in an equivocal and stronger manner!! Perhaps the PN is on the brink of a split!!!!! We will wait and see. It is a question of time when this will happen, either now, or after the inevitable impending election! the scenario has changed since yesterday, an early election is no longer a question of a snap election now! but a resolution of a conflict between liberals and conservatives.....a symptom of which had emerged during the divorce issue!!!! The only way out for Gonzi is an honourable bow out!
Daz zgur li taghmilx bhall Alfred sant Lorrie Minus 500....ghax Sant kien ragel ta integrita xi haga li int ma ghandekx,,,,,U trid l'Oppozizzjoni tighnek mela insejt li Il PN kien ta il hin tieghu kollu lil Mintoff fl ahhar dibattika ta Alfred sant Bhala PM biex Mintoff jibqa jaghfas u jikkritika lil sant u imbaghad ivvota kontra,,,Kemm tinsa Wenz....le le iffaccja il problemi wahdek,,,,,Grazzi
Daz zgur li taghmilx bhall Alfred sant Lorrie Minus 500....ghax Sant kien ragel ta integrita xi haga li int ma ghandekx,,,,,U trid l'Oppozizzjoni tighnek mela insejt li Il PN kien ta il hin tieghu kollu lil Mintoff fl ahhar dibattika ta Alfred sant Bhala PM biex Mintoff jibqa jaghfas u jikkritika lil sant u imbaghad ivvota kontra,,,Kemm tinsa Wenz....le le iffaccja il problemi wahdek,,,,,Grazzi
prosit franco qieghed turi lil kulhadd kemm twassal l irgulija tieghek jew kif tghid int jew xejn hallina jekk int kapaci ikkontesta lil gonzi u tkun taf lil min irridu in nies
Zack Depasquale
@James Grech jista jkun ukoll siehbi, li dawk li qabel kienu jibku hafna fuq id-demokrazija illum m'ghadhomx jemmnu fid-demokrazija ghax ghandhom wisq iktar x'jitilfu jekk id-demokrazija tahdem, ghalhekk iridu jtawwlu kemm jifilhu halli jkunu hadu kollox.
Micheal Bonanno
@James Grech. Where do I find the polls on ToM?
Ghaddafi, Ben Ali, Hosni Mubarack, Putin/Medved, China leader, Yemen Leader, Brunei Leader, Fidel Castro, Ugo Chavez, these leaders put their own, and 'family/party' interest before the country interest. Alfred Sant went for the democratic way and called an early election.
Kemm jifilhu jkunu tan nejk tat ToM? Il bierah bdew poll fejn staqsew jekk in nies jahsbux li dak li ghandu jsir huwa elezjoni, fost ohrajn, jew jekk il PM andux itawwal sakemm jadi il mandat tieghu. Sa daloghodu iz zewg mistoqsijiet kienu bejn wiehed w iehor gabru l istess percentwali, madwar 35% u 36%. Min xi ftit hin l hawn pero, 63% ta dawk li irrispondew qed jaqblu li il PM ghandu jtawwal. Dan il poll huwa imbabas, xejn gdid min naha tat ToM.
Nahseb li issa wasal il-mument li l-President ta` Malta jibghat ghal Prim Ministru biex jara jekk il-gvern baqghalux maggoranza fil-parlament , biex ikun jista` jkompli jiggverna , dan huwa dritt u dover tal-President ta` Malta
Dr Franco qal li jappogja lil kull min ikun hemm mexxej basta mhux Gonzi. Din umiljazzjoni kbira ghal Prim Ministru prezenti. Jien nahseb li fadalux triq ohra hlief li jaghmel kif suppost u jitlob vot ta fiducja fil-Parlament. Dejjem isemmi lil-Italja. Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar, Berlusconi mhux hekk ghamel x'hin dehrlu li ma ghadx baqalu maggoranza. Li titlob vot ta fiducja meta ma ghandekx maggoranza mhux Dr Sant ivvintha, imma hija l-logika. Jekk mhux se titlob vot ta fiducja se jiswielek qares ghax zgur li se titlef int u tistagna pajjiz.
Dear bidillu, I challenge you to quote five measures of the Gonzi’s Government that have been such of great benefit to the Maltese People. Maybe I overlooked them and If you convince me I might vote PN in the coming electoral contest. Please do not compare Dr. Sant with Dr. Gonzi the former has courage and mettle the latter is gutless. If you want to look at really what happened in 1998. Dr. Sant could have patched things up since the problem was a local one that had no national interest. But Dr. Sant chose to ask a vote of confidence since he did not want to stir the government with Mintoff holding a gun to his head. He sacrificed his incumbency, he drew on himself the rage of the Labour faithful and ultimately gave Gonzi the incumbency on a silver platter. Nobody can deny, Dr. Sant is a man of principle. In fact that is why he was crucified and few like him, because he wanted to administer Malta with fairness , objectivity beside making the fatal error that of trying to separate party from government. I am sorry, but Dr. Gonzi cannot aspire to that kind of political and moral stature. To begin with, Franco Debono has declare lack of confidence in Gonzi. In Mintoff’s case his fight with Sant was about the right of the Cottonera people to swim in a dock. Dr. Debono’s gripe is much more serious because he is questioning Dr. Gonzi policy plus accusing him of being controlled by an oligarchy. These are very serious comments that have far reaching national implications. Dr. Gonzi will not resign, notwithstanding the fact that he no longer has a majority in parliament. He will not do the honourable things, because he is spineless, is terrorised of surrendering power because the party, especially his oligarchs, will gobble him up in no time. The reason being that Gonzi’s main concern is the Nationalist Party not the welfare of the Maltese people. Bidillu, I am still waiting to read about Gonzi’s wonderful things.. I will check later today. Do not disappoint me now.
Jiġifieri mhux l-interess tal-pajjiz jiġi l-ewwel. Dan żgur li ma jagħmilx bħal Sant. Biex tagħmel bħalu trid tkun onest u nteressat mil pajjiż kif kien hu. Mhux qed joħlok ħafna nstabilita' fil pajjiż u jagħmel il-ħsara. Lanqas joqgħod fejn għajn Sant għal integrita. Missu jistħi anke jqabbel ruħu miegħu. Jekk ghamel hafna zbalji Sant dan zgur ma kienx li zball li kellu jirreferi ghalieh.
Dear all of good will. Please refrain from replying to people like Bidillu, Antoine Vella, DeMartino, jgalea, briffy and many others who have enough on their plate to contemplate. Just look at their Party. It says it all. They are just projecting their jealousy onto the PL. Alas, they will soon be forgotten in the books of history. Because once a new PN leader comes into place in Opposition, their type will be KICKED OUT! They have done too much damage to the PN and to the democratic framework of this country.
Gonzi says "Joseph Muscat wants me to call a vote of confidence". Gonzi are we living on the same planet???? As far as everyone knows it os Franco who is telling you to resign and call an election, and this is the big problem you choose to ignore. Yesterday on Xarabank peppi had to correct Gonzi all the time because he kept focusing on Joseph. If Gonzi is not so much obsessed with power he should call an election immediately - and yes this would be a mistake for his party (as was the case with Sant) but would be for the benefit of Malta. We need certainty and stability in Malta to safeguard investment so if you really respect Malta and the Maltese do the right thing.
Zack Depasquale
@Bidillu mhux soltu tieghi li nghati kaz statements bhal ma qieghdin isiru minnek siehbi, imma halli nwiegbek ftit, ghaliex din li issa Nazzjonalisti bhalek iridu jindahhlu lill-Partit Laburista min ikun il-kap tieghu biex jirbah l-elezzjoni hija ton paternalistiku zejjed. Joseph Muscat sal-llum rebah kull elezjoni li saret tal-Kunsilli Lokali,u ma ninsewx ukoll it-tkaxkira li ha GonziPN fl-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew.Dan minghajr ma nnaqas il-mertu ta'Dr George Abela li zgur huwa l-iktar President popolari li qatt kellu l-poplu Malti.Ja nsaqsik mistoqsija Bidillu jekk il-Partit Laburista kellu lill Dr Abela kap tal-Partit int ser tivvutalu xi darba li P. Probabli kont tkun qieghed tghid l-istess imma flok Dr Abela tghid Dr Muscat, u hallina siehbi u ikber int.
well said eddy priviera
Tajba din issa lil l unika persuna GORG ABELA li bla inkwiet setet twassal lil PL ghar rebha issa qed jipprovaw ippringuha bla stoffa kif ghamlu li mintoff sejhulu traditur u issa qed jilghaquh) u ghal grazzja t alla il mara ta ibnu presidenta maghhom u ibnu kandidat taghkom, ara vera ma tisthu min xejn basta insibu mod kif taraw li kap fit tieqa ta kastilja u dan ghax minghalikom li se jibdel xi haga jew jitfalkom xi haga aktar fil but. Staqsu li self employed li grew bil cash registers wara l karrozzi jek alfred sant nehhilhomx il Vat u Cash registers. nehhu l madmad u l ghira u ibdew ikbru ftit forsi tindunaw li bdejna 2012.
Jghejd , jghejd kullhadd. Jibqa il fatt li jekk gvern ihoss il polz tal poplu u jemmen li tilef il vot poppolari ( jigifieri il vot tal poplu )jista ikompli imexxi ghax jista fi`ftit zmien jerbah dak il vot.Pero, jekk membru min naha tieghu stess jiddikjara publikament,li ma ghadx ghandu fiducja fit tmexxija tal kap tieghu stess, u meta tikkonsidra li hemm siggu wiehed biss jifred, nemmen li ghandu jidhol il President, ghax ikun hemm ic cans li intilfet il MAGGORANZA PARLAMENTARI. Din hija serja hafna ghax meta tmexxi il pajjiz f`minoranza PARLAMENTARI hija riskjuza. Ghejduli ftit kif jista il gvern jghaddi ligi jew mozjoni f`dawn is sena u erbgha xhur li fadallu. Li gara fil passat huwa kollu IRRELEVANTI.
well said eddy priviera
Once dr. Franco Debono is adamant in voting against the government if a vote of confidence is taken in parliament, the President of the Republic, His Excellency Dr. George Abela, is now facing the moment of truth of his Presidency. The Presidet is the guardian of the Constitution. And the Constitution stipulates that for a prime minister to continue to govern, he must have the support of the majority of MPs. Once Dr. Debono has not only publicly stated that he is not supporting Dr. Gonzi, but added that he would be voting against Dr. Gonzi's government if a confidence vote is taken. Hence the President is in duty bound to send for Dr. Gonzi and asks him to prove that he still commands the support of the majority in parliament. If Dr. Gonzi refuses to do this then it is up to the President to take the necessary steps in the interest of Malta - and Malta alone !!! Eddy Priviera
They say: What goes around comes around. Jghidu ukoll..Tixtieq deni f'dar haddiehor wara jasal f'darek. Jghidu ukoll...Hadd wara hadd tasal ta Kullhadd. And the wind keeps blowingggg!!! ;)
Il-bierah f'Xarabank rajt bniedem ghajjien u ddisprat fl-istess hin. Dan huwa t-tmiem tal-Gvern ta' GonziPN. Bl-ebda mod ma jien qieghed niddikjara li l-PN mhuwiex ser jerga' jiehu l-poter fl-elezzjoni li trid issir minn hawn u ftit iehor, ghax jien ma nahlifx ghal dal-poplu mazzun. Imma zgur li GonziPN spicca!
Nispera li dan li se nikteb ma jigrilux bhal kitba ta' dawk ta' qabli, il-kliem jithawwdu aktar milli imhawwad bhal isaa Gonzi u l-hbieb tal-hbieb ! Il-President George Abela qieghed jiffaccja l-mument tal-verita tal-Presidenza tieghu. Ma jistax ihalli prim ministru imexxi meta deputat tieghu stess iddikjara publikament li m'ghadux jappoggja lil gvern. Il-President obbligat li jara li fl-interess tal-pajjiz u skond il-Kostituzzjoni, il-prim ministru jrid ikollu l-appogg tal-maggoranza. U jekk ma jghatix prova li ghandu din il-maggoranza, il-President hu fid-dmir li jikkonvincih, jekk mhux ukoll jordnalu, li jitlob vot ta' fiducja ! Issa naraw l-eccellemza Tieghu George Abela hux tal-istoffa li nemmen li hu ! Eddy Privitera
Dear Nationalist Hero Bidillu! Irrikonoxxili int pls... kif Dr Gonzi li jaf li ghandu minoranza fil parlament ma jaccettax il vot ta fiducja li jixtieq l-PL. Explain pls.
Kif qed tghid int pierre portelli bhala gurnalista ghamel xogholu tajjeb pero lil mintoff u intom dan tafuh sewwa ghax lil mintoff hadd ma jghidlu x ghandu jaghmel hadd ma taf pariri x ghandu jaghmel. insomma iktar ma ma naqra li qed jinkiteb iktar nemmen li tal pl jitkellmu biss dwar inganni u serq u qatt ma jaccetaw telfa allura kif nista jien nemmen li barra l kap inbidel xi haga ohra. kontu ghadkom u tibqu nies ghajurin ghal min jaghmel il gid l isfortuna taf x ini li l laburisti kolla gawdew minnu il gid u dejjem gergru li mhux bizzejjed. meta ha nikru ftit u tibdew tahsbu b mohhkom u mhux b qalbkom ghalinqas ahna nirrikonoxu it tajjeb u kapaci nikkritikaw il hazin biex dan jitranga.
Tghid hawn Malta twieled xi Saleh iehor ? (The Great Dictator). Tad-divorzju kien wahda mill-KBAR Insew dawn kemm jitkelmu fuq id-simokrazzija ? Ghamel elezzjoni u tkun taf jekk int Hon Prim Ministru inthomx qedin kontra ir-rieda tal-Poplu li huwa Sovran u inthom zeblahtu kemm flahtu. Jekk inthom irgiel irrifondu dak li hadtu u jekk veru temmen fis-Solidarjeta ghati dak il-miljun f'susidju fuq il-gas, dawl, u ;-gholi tal-pressijiet. Jekk ma tistax taghmel dan aghtihom lil min huwa penzjonant u fil-bzonn. Tafu tisthu?
If Dr Gonzi has the same democratic credentials as Dr Sant, he would go to the President but not Dr Gonzi who in yesterday's manoeuvres renounced the €500 weekly so as to appear popular and divided the portfolio of Dr C Mifusd Bonnici simply for political opportunism. Do you really expect this person to go the the President? BUT now the onus rests on the President. We are waiting for his action or inaction! And history will judge him accordingly!
Bidillu il ftit voti li qed issemmi int, gew misruqin minn ghand il votanti b mod jew biehor. Ma tafux kif !!!!
@ Bidillu' jekk tal pl kuntenti li jkunu fil gvern grazzi ghal franco veru li waslu fix xifer'.....mela f'liema xifer ta disperazzjoni kien wasal l-PN fl-1998 li ikkuntenta permezz ta Duminku MIntoff iwaqqa il-gvern ta Alfred Sant, wara li matul iz-zmien zeblah kemm felah lil-istess Perit Mintoff. Dan bil-provi ghax skond Joe Saliba "irnexxielna inwaqqu gvern f'sejten". Ipokresija din il-kwalita l-poplu Malti ghad irid jara.
Paul Sammut
Game Over Gonz
l insulenzi mhux soluzjoni habib u ma nahsibx li tista tghid li n nazzjonalisti mohhom maghluq specjalment b palun nazzjonalist bhal franco li qed jinbotta kemm jiflah biex jara lil pl f kastilja u forsi bhala ringrazzjament jaghmlu magistrat jew sahansitra president. jekk tal pl kuntenti li jkunu fil gvern grazzi ghal franco veru li waslu fix xifer
veru tixraqlek li tiffirma bidilu, ghax very bidilu mohok maluq nazjonalist.
@Bidillu Ma tisthix tghid gideb, li ma kienx il Partit laburista kieku ghadna nikru il postijiet min ghand is sinjuri u pagi baxxi bhal ma qieghed jghamel siehbek GonziPn, taxxi fuq taxxi biex jitpaxxa xi panpalun bhalek , int tiekolielu u ahna inhallsu it-taxxi ghaliek biex jkollok xi mobile , karozza tal kiri u d-dejn tiela, Mintoff halla fil kaxxa ta Malta riservi f'deheb u hames mitt miljun, issa spjegali kif bihhu lassi ta Malta shabek u ghandna nghatu xorta €4.55biljun dejn. Kontijiet mghola is-sema u int tgawdi, Il Poplu jew igawdi kollu bhal meta konna fi zmien Mintoff jew ibati kulhadd, imma inti tant issa int indannat li hlief gideb ma ghatx, fi zmien Mintoff kulhadd beda jixtri id-dar tieghu u il welfare hu bnieh, ma tistax tichada qatt.
Nisperaw li l-PN ma jibdix xi loghba politika moqzieza bhal ma jaf johloq hu biex ma jinzilx minn hemm! Issa naraw il-pampaluni tad-demokrazija safejn kapaci jaslu biex jibqghu iggranfati mal-poter. Kapaci hafna joholqu krizijiet:1920s meta geghlu lill- Knisja titfa id-dnub il-mejjet fuq Strickland u il-Labour Party; fin- 1930 meta ivvintaw il-vot extra tal-flus biex it-taljan jibqa 'il-lingwa tal-patrija';fis-60s meta regghu rikbu fuq il-karru politiku u regghu tefghu id-dnub il-mejjet fuq il-Laburisti, fis-70s meta bdew jghidu lil unions 'indipendi taghhom' biex jaqilghu it-trouble industrijali; fl-80s meta il-Kostituzzjoni Maltija ma baqghetx is-servi il-htigijiet tal-PN; u nisperaw li ma jivvintawx ohra illum bl-izkuza ta 'ricessjoni internazzjonali' Gonzi tilef il-fiducja tal-membri tieghu: IRREZENJA!
When a party has been in government for such a long time, cliques form and these pressure control over the government. History has more then once showed this aspect of Maltese politics, it happened when Mintoff was in power in the 80s and is repeating itself now. Dr Debono is in my opinion a champion of democracy, since he is putting himself in the line of fire to expose these cliques and incapability of this Prime Minister to work independently. It is only the PM's pride and possibly greed of power that are keeping him there, and this has always been the case, since the last election. If one were to ask ppl out there who made the most important decisions, I'm sure ppl will mention JPO, JP Farrugia and Dr. Debono. Who will side with Tonio Fenech or Austin Gatt or the PM for that matter?
And now, the end is near, this is the final curtain dear Prime Minister....Hemm hafna li ma jixtiequkx tmur fosthom tal-bidnija u joe saliba u ohrajn li huma sa geddumhom gox-xghir, imma dik id-demokrazija. Jekk ma jkollokx il-kapacita li trazzan lil shabek stess zgur li ma jkollokx il-kapacita li tmexxi pajjiz. Jekk ghandek taghmel elezzjoni ghamillha ma tal-Kunsilli Lokali forsi tiffrinka kemxa flus lill-kaxxa falluta ta Malta.
Il- PM ma jistax ikompli jaqta widnejh biex jinki l-misluta!!
Helenio Galea
Dr Debono, we told you once and we told you twice. We know your motives and we've had enough of you. Shame on you for de-stabilising my country in such a delicate time. Shame on you for behaving so immaturely. Shame on you for allowing yourself to be spurred on by the labour proles.
Dr Sant kien ragel u meta ra li ma kellux maggoranza talab vot ta fiducja u mhux ihalli lill pajjiz imdendel u minghajr gvern minghajr maggoranza.Ma jghezisti l-ebda paragun bejn Gonzu u Sant. Sant kien patrijott, kien jaf li se jitlef pero ma waqax ghar rikatt u mar ghal elezzjoni.Il President ghandi jghajjat lill Prim Ministru u jistaqsih jekk ghandux maggoranza.Il LUM Malta hija mexxija min gvern ta minoranza spiccajna bhal pajjizi Affrikani dittatorjali.
Igor P. Shuvalov
To 'Bidillu' & co. While trying to justify the need of this Government by quoting their version of the past political history, they should have a glance at what the PN newspapers said during the 1998 Sant/Mintoff impasse.
jghid x'jghid GONZI, jghidu x'jghidu Demartino u Nenu GONZI tilef il maggoranza fil parlament. U sskond il kostituzzjoni il President irrid ikun cert li l-Gvern tal Gurnata ghandu l-maggoranza. X'se jghamel Gonzi meta jibda jitlef kull vot. X'se jghamel jekk il Kap ta l-opozizzjoni jitlob vot ta sfiducja fil gvern. Illum din hija krizi kostituzzjoni u huwa BISS il President li ghandu jikkonferma ma l-Prim Ministru jekk dan ghandux maggoranza. Iz zmien huwa vicin aktar milli wiehed jahseb.Trid tkun arroganti u mwahhal mas siggu biex titlob lill opozizzjoni biex tghinek tmexxi. Insejna ta Alfred Sant. Sur Prim Ministru il pike kien jghid hadd wara hadd tasal ta kullhadd.Nitolbok tahlix hin il poplu Malti aktar mhux qed tara li l-anqas l-MP's tieghek ma jriduk.Tahseb li hemm aktar min Franco Debono?
iktar ma taqra iktar tunduna li sfortunatament GONZIPN taghat gewwa wisq lil labour li tkun hadt il gvern b tant hidma u tarmih fi tmintax il xahar u fl elezjoni ta wara mohhok mimli li ser tirbah u tkun filgvern u titlef elezjoni bi ftit voti hija diluzjoni kbira imma kif jghidu min jistenna jithenna heqq jew jiterra jekk l affarijiet johodhom daqsek bi kbar.
Sur Prim Ministru, naqbel perfettament miehek li f'dan il-mument mhiex prattika li ssir elezzjoni biss biex Malta tohrog mil-maltemp finanzjarju li ser jigi fuqna f'din is-sena hemm bzonn ta re-shuffle akbar billi tirrizenja mill aktar fis possibli ghax iddur fejn iddur il-problema hijja INTI. Dhert hafna ghajjien f'Xarabank u ftit ghamilt sens biex tiggustifika l-bidliet.....il-poplu kollu jemmen li kien hemm aktar fejn tirranga u tbiddel dment li dherlek li kellek tghamel hekk mhux missejt Ministru wiehed biss!!!!! Ma tafx li biex tmexxi l-pajjiz fl-Unioni Ewropea kellek bzonn aktar Ministri li jahdmu u jikkonribwixxu mhux il-ftit li bdejt bijom. Issa troppo tardi ghax ix-xquq issa nfethu sew!!
@ Bidillu: X'faqar ta' mohh ghandek! Jidher li qattajt hajtek taqra n-Nazzjon u tara n-Net TV ghax iddoqq l-istess diska stunata taghhom. Bil-wirja patetika tal-bierah fuq it-TV,Gonzi ikkonvinca lil kulhadd kemm hu bniedem ghajjin, minghajr idejat u l-unika difiza tieghu il-hdura li ghandu lejn il-Laburisti. F'hafna mumenti sthajjiltu zijuh!
Ghal min illu hamsa u ghxrin sena fl oppozijoni bin nuqqas biss ta tmintax il xahar ghal kull laburist li jiggranfa il poter ta kastilja illum qqabel ghada huwa prijorita li tigi qabel kull interess iehor. fortunatament ghal PN li bidel lil pajjiz mil qieh il projorita ta stabilita ekononomika sabiex il haddiem ikollu x xoghol il marid jkollu servizz sur ta nies fl isptarijiet maltin u l istudenti taghna edukazjoni masticca li tista twassalhom biex jsibu xoghol kemm f malta kif ukoll grazzi ghal l istess politika ta PN madwar l Ewropa huma prijorita. Il problema li hafna mil laburisti ma jiftakrux lil malta ta KMB illum draw jghixu fil luzzu u kumdita li dak iz zmien kienet rizervata ghal klikka zghira hafna. Sfrotunatament il labour hekk kien dak iz zmien hekk ried jibqa fi zmein Sant u kien ghalhekk li warbu ghax Sant ma riedx klikkek u hekk se jerga jkun meta l mulej jaghtih ill grazzja jerga jitla t tarag ta kastilja.
Nisperaw li Gonzi jimxi wara il-Kostituzzjoni tal-pajjiz jekk verament iridt il-gid ta Malta u mhux tieghu personali li jibqa iggranfat mas-seat ta Kastilja. Nisperaw li GonziPN mhux qed jikkopja lil Prim Ministru ta l-Ungerija, u jahseb li Malta hi 'fief' tieghu personali u ahna 'ic-cwiec' il-vassalli tieghu! Gonzi qed jippretendi li Muscat isolvilu il-problemi tal- Partit tieghu u tal-pajjiz! Jekk mhux kapaci u baqalu fih ftit 'amor propju' jaf x'ghandu jaghmel: Jirrezenja u isiru elezzjonijiet bil-kwiet.....dan ghandu bzonn il-pajjiz u mhux inkwiet kif jaf sewwa jahmi minn taht il-PN!
Allura jekk fhimt sew il prim lest li jibqa` iggranfat mal poter avolja jaf li mghandux il-maggoranza fil-parlament , taf tisthi prim , ibqa` imwahhal mas siggu imma is sena d diehla trid tmur quddiem il-poplu bilfors u d disfatta ser tkun hafna akbar .