Police commissioner calls for silence on Sliema murder case

Police Commissioner John Rizzo said victims' families should be 'patient' and media should be held responsible for spreading rumors and false information.

Commissioner John Rizzo spoke about the Sliema double murder on Radju Malta
Commissioner John Rizzo spoke about the Sliema double murder on Radju Malta

Speaking on Radju Malta, Commissioner of Police John Rizzo said he has not excluded calling a crime conference on the New Year's Day murders that took place in Sliema, in a bid to inform the public of the ongoing criminal investigations.

Rizzo admitted that the case has raised unprecedented curiosity and was aware that speculation and rumours would run wild. He said the police also consider such factors in its investigations.

Rizzo, who was being interviewed by Andrew Azzopardi on Radju Malta, said the police corps carries the weight of responsibility and that it chose not to divulge any information before verifying and confirming facts.

Asked whether the victims' families should maintain a high media presence - referring to Duncan Zammit's father-in-law Anglu Xuereb appearing on television - Rizzo said he personally prefers the families to remain silent and "have patience". Rizzo said victims' families should have faith in the police investigations and "leave the police work in peace". He said that when the time is ripe and when all investigations are complete the police will inform the public.

Answering questions about the media's role in this latest murder case, Rizzo said the corps should have a good relationship with the media, so much so that he is currently working on organising a seminar for journalists to help police and media understand each other's role and improve their relationship.

However Rizzo said the media was sometimes obstructing police investigations. "Some journalists are helpful although some others are not." He revealed that sometimes he calls on journalists and asks them to reveal their sources when an investigation is ongoing.

The commissioner said it was a dangerous game to speculate or publish facts without verifying them. "It's not only a question of ethics but it also a question of criminal responsibility in my opinion." He said it was the responsibility of investigative journalists to report ethically. He added that he knows investigative journalists who behave professionally and others who are not professional.  

Rizzo said current investigations on the Sliema double murder are time-consuming and protracted. He admitted to be personally involved in the investigation not just as Commissioner but also because he can give a contribution as an experienced investigator.

Talking on murder crimes in general, Rizzo boasted that the police have a good record in solving murders. He also boasted of a drastic drop in the crime rate for the 2005-2011 period.

Rizzo denied that the Special Assignment Group (SAG) was being dismantled, however he admitted that the number of officers was reduced from around 100 to 60. He reiterated the SAG's importance to the police corps.

Talking on whether members of police should have a union, Rizzo said there was no need for a union since the Malta Police Association can carry out the functions of a union. He said he would never impose bad conditions on the corps since he would not want his own sons, who are members of the corps, to work under bad conditions.

He said as long as the Malta Police Association has a voice there is no need to have a new structure. However he did express his desire to maintain the representative body in house and avoid having police officers represented by different trade unions.

With regards to the AX/Bondi-minus interview: I get the impression that they want to plant a story in our minds with this interview. The story is what i call the 'anal theory'. They did it indirectly - mentioning an autopsy and what they looked for. They will not come out and say it clearly - just draw the dots for us and leave it to us to obliged and connect the dots! Well done Bondi-minus - the trickery never ends.
Having seen the interview in the meantime - i got a different impression that i had from reading the story. A more exact description would have been that Rizzo suggested that having AX on Bondi-minus did not help the investigation and was not in the best interest of getting to the truth. This much i agree with him. However, Rizzo does not have my confidence. If the investigation stumbles upon an inconvenient truth - it will get buried quickly and covered up. It happened before - MANY TIMES!
Hjiel wiehed ser intik Sur John Rizzo jekk trid tista tara saritx korrispondenza bejn iz zewg vittmi jew bejn Claire u Gera fuq il mobajls ma tridx tmur il LICEO Sur Rizzo jekk trid ISSOLVI VERA il kaz jew taqbad parti mil kaz min fuq il mobajls minghand il kumpaniji GO jew Vodafone ghandu ikollok l-Informazjoni li trid sur Kummissarju
A free media is supposed to be the watch dog in a democracy and has a duty to keep the tabs on - including if not especially the police. Does Rizzo have any authority to try to muzzle up press? When media does not keep a story arrive, the performance of the police has been dismal, shocking - down right abusive. One is reminded of the shameful dismissal of the yacht accident that left a man dead, the man who revived enough to say the police faked his escape and subsequent death, police torture, beating up of an old french lady by a policeman (who was subsequently promoted), not taking action against child molesters when the church was involved, RCC stabbing and Zeppi il-hafi, un-resolved Karen Grech murder ... the list goes on an on and on. BTW - so Lou Bondi and AX are now in trouble? I can understand that maybe the police want to discourage some people pushing forward their version of events and interfering with investigations... but in general I think its the police themselves who the media should be watching closely. P.S. I don't think in Malta we have a free media and most certainly no democracy. And finally another glimpse of the Maltese disease ... his sons work in the corps.
Mark Fenech
Kiemu minnek Sur Kummissarju jmissek htaft lil PBS ghax huwa beda jdahhal lil Anglu Xuereb jitkellem, u mbaghad naturalment il-kbir bondi jrid sehemu fuq ix-xandir, ghax hemm tieghu. Anzi issa forsi jieqfu jitkellmu fuq dan il-każ, mhabba l-każ ta' Dr. Franco Debono. Imma nafseb li domt naqra ma qomt, thalliex min johodlok ir-rigni minn idejk fuq dan il-każ, ghax hekk hafna affarijiet misterjuzi.
maria aquilina
Dan il-kummissarju jkellimna qisna fidili kif jitkellmu l-kappillani max-xjuh fl-irhula. Ahna ma ahniex stupidi u nafu meta l-pulizija kellha titkellem. hallejt lil min irid jparla biex jissettja storja li jaqbel lilu. lanqas ghadek biss konvint li taghmel press conference. oqghod cicci d-dar ara il-cartoons.
The police are interesting in solving all violent cases. I'm sure they have a table top full of bits and pieces which they have to meticulously put together and the public needs to be more patient till they finish their work and give us as accurate a picture as they can on this tragedy.
The police are interesting in solving all violent cases. I'm sure they have a table top full of bits and pieces which they have to meticulously put together and the public needs to be more patient till they finish their work and give us as accurate a picture as they can on this tragedy.
Sur kummissarju John Rizzo inti qed TITLOB ghal kwiet dwar dan il kaz fil waqt li is Sur Lou Bondi Thalla jaghmel programm shieh fuq TV MALTA qiesu li huwa (Bondi) il kummissarju flokok Xi tghidilna dwar dan Sur John Rizzo kellu trid Bondi jaghmel dak il programm fuq il kaz filwaqt li il pulizija ghadha ghaddejja bil HIDMA taggha Jien certu nies ma nafx fejn iridu jaslu aktar qiesu huma BISS jesistu go dan il pajjiz
Can the Commissioner let AX himself has to keep the silence. I think he is doing more damage than good, not respecting the process of justice and his own family to grief in peace.
Nahseb il-Kummissarju kien shut down tal-milied dan l-ahhar 7 granet. Nistaw inkunu izjed tan- nejjjjj....