Franco Debono: ‘I wanted to resign from the PN’

PN: Debono submitted resignation more than once then withdrew it.

Former Nationalist MP Franco Debono announced on One TV he sent in his resignation four months ago.
Former Nationalist MP Franco Debono announced on One TV he sent in his resignation four months ago.

Corrected at 9:30pm - clarifies statement that Franco Debono resigned to the fact that the MP's resignation four months ago was not acepted by the PN.

Speaking on One TV's Bla Agenda on the events of the past 24 hours, Nationalist MP Debono told presenter Norman Hamilton that he had handed in his resignation to the Nationalist Party four months ago but that this had been declined.

"I couldn't take it anymore and I handed in my resignation," he said. Debono however added the PN did not accept his resignation.

But the PN's information director Frank Psaila told MaltaToday that Debono had submitted his resignation more than once and then withdrew them. "At this stage Franco Debono should publish all emails and SMSes sent by him to the Prime Minister and PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier."

Debono has put Prime Minister's government on tenterhooks when he withdrew his support after a cabinet reshuffle that promoted three parliamentary secretaries, and split the justice and home affairs ministry.

@Thor....What Frendo and Spiteri had in mind must have been Debono's resignation of his parliamentary seat. I'm sure they could not possibly have had in mind Debono's resignation from the PN - as this would not make sense.
Mr. Censu Borg this is politics not football. To continue on your rather low level of reasoning. You do have the gargarella, as we had when Mintoff took on Alfred sant in 1998. So what if we lost those elections. They indicate that, in a democratic process, the people preferred PN. As the saying goes Vox Populi Vox Dei. The important issue is that we have a Prim Minister that does not enjoy anymore the confidence of the majority in Parliament. In the same situation Alfred Sant did what was expected of him, called for a vote of confidence in Parliament. He lost it, he resigned, full stop. That was the act of an honourable man of principle who plays by the rules. Mr. Borg, you may rest assured that Gonzi is not even dreaming of doing this. That seat his occupies is for too precious. If you just take off your blue hued blinkers, the PM is merely mesmerizing us with mirror tricks whilst climbing glass mountains. The issue is very simple, call a vote of Confidence in Parliament, take cognisance of the outcome and act accordingly. Is it difficult? No. Is it dangerous? Absolutely, as it will jeopardise his incumbency. So what is his line of action: A two pronged media campaign; in the first he uses the media to tell us how ‘dangerous’ going to polls now would be. In the second the media is used to lynch Dr. Franco Debono. This campaign will have its apotheosis when Dr. Gonzi calls for a PN General Council and with an acclamation will receive a vote of Confidence, and everything will honky dory. This pantomime will lower the degree of garagrella of the likes of you, but would not have solved the impasse. Dr. Gonzi should cut to the chase and call a vote of Confidence in Parliament and nowhere else. When he wins that vote, then Dr. Debono would be left with no other option but to resign.
FranFranco Debono is like a small BOY, if he don't have his way,he throw a tantrum!!!His place is in KINDERGARTEN!!!
Ha ha Il-gargarella ser ikollu imma min (ghiduli intkom, ghal xi l-hames jew is-sitt darba??) ser jerga jitlef l-elezzjoni u jahasra jibqa l-art. Isimghu minni ja povri, toqghodux tghoddu l-flieles bhas-soltu ghax tiehdu xokk iehor.
Min jaf kemm ghandhom gargarella dawk il-klikekk li qeghdin jimpallaw l-ewros! Franco, ghidilna aktar fuq dawn il-klikkek li imexxu il-PN; li jaghmlu laqghat fis-salotti taghhom, u jeqirdu lil min jirfisilhom il-kallu taghhom! Franco, you are a foot soldier, you do not belong, PN belongs to a handful of dynastic Maltese families who like the proverbial wooden Russian dolls sprout out their kids, when their time has come, to continue their never ending musical chairs party! Anke jekk m'humiex kapaci ikkakku, xorta huma isiru ministri bid-dritt dinastiku! Make history Franco, stop them treating you like a vermin; more than half of Malta is with you!
kif ghadhom ma ghamlux surveys ta xarabank?Daqs kemm kien delletant Joe Azzopardi.
Dr.Franco Debono is right in his principles. It's GonziPN's arrogance that has made life for the people in Malta, HELL! How can many people forget all the silly things done in this legislature? I know there are many PN die hards who are enjoying and getting what they want, like people who have enforcements notices from MEPA but action is never taken against them because they have good contacts with GonziPN administration! Have the nationalists forgot how EFA praised Mintoff, during the crisis of the summer in 1998? Well, what comes around goes around, and YES, Franco Debono is so fed up by the hypocricy of the prime minister, and HE WILL bring down the government! Just wait and see! let's hope that the President of the Republic acts, like Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici acted in 1998!
Illum GonziPn ikkonferma kemm hu marbut mas-siggu tal-poter. Jaf li l-maggoranza zghira li kellhu issa spiccat ghal kollox, imma xorta jrid jibqa ggranvat mas-siggu. Mhux ta bxejn kien l-ahhar PM li ltaqgha ma Gaddafi, ghax bhalu jrid jghamel. Pero joqghod attent ghax il Big Brother minn Brussels qed ikunu ghassa, bhal ma kienu ghassa fuq il-budget li ghadu kif ghadda, u se jkollu jemendah bil fors.
@Dindu My sentiments exactly!! I got bitched by the witch for saying so during the Gatt vote but i will say it again and she can print what she likes, I am sure Antwa will let her know but she can lick my artichoke...I am sure she is dieing to!! YUKK!! ON SECOND THOUGHTS NO.SHE CAN LICK GONZIS!!!
Stefan Mifsud
Have always said that the man has balls of steel. It is these kind of MPs which we need to really become part of the EU as the majority voted for. Not the lackeys which are there currently. How I wish that Dr, Debono is able to become a candidate in my district. I would vote for him as number 1, and then continue (against what I have done during these last three elections) voting PL.
"But the PN's information director Frank Psaila told MaltaToday that Debono had submitted his resignation more than once and then withdrew them." so the gonziPN apolists call for his resignation are all calls of desperation as Franco already did this but gonzi somehow convinced him to stay in order not to rock his boat. THis pie in the face for Lino Spiteri,Profs Frendo and other political observers who said that the only honourable way out for Franco is to resign. Like its said great minds make great mistakes.
Keep it up Debono. The job of prime minister is bigger than any man. Gonzi does not have a god given right to be the prime minister. Debono you are right - its Gonzi that needs your vote and not the other way round. So its Gonzi that should resign and not Debono. Gonzi derives his authority from the support of the elected MPs. If he does not have this support, then he does not a mandate. Debono has been right on every statement he made. Please know that many Maltese support you and your courage gives us hope and restores our pride in this country. Finally - we need to put a limit to the number of terms a person can server as prime minister. They hang on to power until their health fails them - sacrificing their lives to satisfy their lust for power and money and in the process ruining our lives. Being forced to retire after two terms is better for them and for us. In the USA they already have this law. Spread the word - contact your friends, send email or SMS now! We have a mockery of a democracy were all the safeguards have been removed. Spread the word. No MORE than 2 terms. Any politician that does not support this idea is interested in serving his own greed and not YOUR country.
Oh, it is a very interesting development. Will Franco take a seat in the middle of the House of Representative or take the whole hog and cross the floor? We have to wait and see. The most important thing is that Franco Debono took his decision in the best interest of Malta.
Luke Camilleri
If Franco is no longer part of the P.N., the P.N. has no parliamentary Majority! Can one govern without a "House majority"? The P.N. has lost the Majority! The only forward is a visit to the President by the Prime Minister! All we have now is a care-taker Government.... and not making a good job of it either!
Paul Sammut
One has to admit that this man has got balls. He is worthy to be part of a clean PN leadership. The present PN leadership team stinks to high heaven.
Lisa Borg
Fejn hu Gonzi please?