Gonzi sets tone for electoral campaign; JPO says election is inevitable

In his speech at the PN club in Marsaxlokk Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi sets the tone for an imminent electoral campaign and says backbencher Franco Debono should “make way”. He also urges Austin Gatt to head PN electoral campaign.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said “The country comes first for me.”
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said “The country comes first for me.”

Updated with Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando's Facebook comments at 1:50pm

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi set the tone for an imminent electoral campaign by roaring the famous PN slogan "Is-sewwa jirbaħ żgur" which was the PN battle cry for many past electoral victories. Gonzi hinted the party might need some time to regroup but promised the crowd of supporters that they will soon shout together "Is-sewwa jirbaħ żgur"  when the party will ask the country to reconfirm its faith in it. 

In a clear reference to Franco Debono, who was never mentioned by name, Gonzi said his plan was to hold elections at the end of this legislature's term however it did not necessarily depend on him.

Gonzi said recent events are worrying and the people are worried that a reshuffle has caused a political crisis because "somebody wanted to become a minister. This is not the most important matter. The real issue is who can really create work and modernise the country". Gonzi asked whether it is the PL, who opposed important reforms and who believes that private enterprise cannot go forward without state intervention or the PN that should govern the country.

Gonzi said the PN has proved itself in the last 25 years and urged the people to "remember what we achieved in the last 25 years when we'll ask for the people's trust," Gonzi reminded that in 2008 he had asked the people to vote for the PN because he "returned the country to the people in better shape and stronger."

Hinting at an imminent electoral campaign Gonzi said "We will do the same this time around and ask the people to trust us with government again. We have faced many troubles in the past four years but we have always achieved records in all sectors."

"I have built upon the legacy of my predecessors, Eddie Fenech Adami and Gorg Borg Olivier and I also had the privilege to be the first Prime Minister of Malta within the European Union. In these past seven years I am proud to have seen 21,000 new jobs created in the private sector. I am proud to have seen an increase in students at university, Mcast and ITS. I am proud to have inaugurated a new school every year and a brand new hospital in my time as Prime Minister," Gonzi said.

Gonzi also said that he has tried to convince Austin Gatt to re-consider his desicion  not to contest the next elections and urged Gatt to consider giving up his ministerial seat later on in the year "to help lead the party to another electoral victory" Amid loud chants of his noisy fans Gonzi said "The PN will retain government because the country will once again choose the government it deserves."    

In reaction, PN backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said an election was inevitable and added he will vote in favour of government if a vote of confidence is called in parliament.

On his Facebook page Pullicino Orlando wrote "Lawrence Gonzi was not only democratically elected as the leader of the Nationalist Party he was also democratically elected as the Prime Minister. It does not make sense to have a leadership issue now. If the Prime Minister feels he no longer has the support of the majority of the house there is only one sensible, democratic and honourable thing to do, call an election."

In a further comment on his own page he wrote "Let me make it absolutely clear that I will vote with government if there is a confidence vote that is what my constituents expect of me."

Gonzi was  speaking at the PN club in Marsaxlokk. A big crowd was present at the PN club, in Franco Debono's constituency, in an apparent show of force to rally supporters behind the party leader.

Gonzi thanked party stalwarts Richard Muscat, Michael Refalo and Antoine Mifsud Bonnici present for the meeting and said they were examples of politicians who put the country's interests before personal interests.

Gonzi reminisced about his early days as a PN candidate and reminded the crowd of the party's 1987 maxim 'Xoghol, Gustizzja, Liberta' (Work, Justice, Liberty) and former leader Eddie Fenech Adami's trademark motto 'Inservi' (I serve). Gonzi said "The country comes first for me."

The PN leader said he wanted to convey a message of courage in these trying times. He said it is a time to verify whether all politicians within the party are ready to serve the country and the party. Gonzi said who only wants to serve his or her personal interests should "make way" and resign. He said blackmail is unacceptable.

Gonzi said that Debono's blackmail is different to the 1998 situation with Alfred Sant and Dom Mintoff. He reminded that in the 1998 crisis, Mintoff did not vote against the Labour government then led by Alfred Sant.

Gonzi said he understood that MPs have ministerial ambitions but the persons he spoke to in the last few days understood and accepted his decision to promote Parliamentary Secretaries Mario de Marco, Jason Azzopardi and Chris Said.  

Gonzi criticised opposition leader Joseph Muscat for insisting in not saying what his solutions and proposals are. The Prime Minister said Muscat has now been at the helm of Labour for four years and has had enough time to come up with and offer the solutions to the country's problems.

Also present at the debate were Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg and newly appointed Tourism Minister Mario de Marco. Borg said the party is behind Lawrence Gonzi.

The presence of prospective PN candidates on the 5th district, Hermann Schiavone and Manuel Delia was a clear signal to Franco Debono who vehemently opposed their candidature. 


Gonzi's outright hard headiness has heavily contributed to the current impasse. The prime minister is detached from the people in the street. He says that we are doing fine but the people in the street possess a very negative outlook of the way Gonzi is running the country and it's economy. Air Malta and Enemalta are bankrupt, the average wage is in the range of 15000 Euros annually which is far below the European standard and the people in the street have been subjected to austerity measures for a very long time under this administration. Dr Gonzi if you really put Malta's interests before your personal interests you would leave right away.
As far as i know, SImon Busuttil has already declined a high position in the PN more than a year ago. If he is nominated and elected as leader, one has to see who of those around him will be ready to work under him as a subordinate. This has already happened with Gonzi, who came from behind the scenes and was practically pushed forward as Capo by EFA without having any seniority or merit. This was the reason why Gonzi got rid of all those in the ex-EFA cabinets (John Dalli, Louis Galea, Censu Galea, Jesmond Mugliet, Ninu Zammit, etc), so that most important positions came to be occupied by Gonzi's juniors. The same will definitely happen if Simon Busuttil is elected Capo.
One issue which may hinder The Gonz from calling an early election is the fact that he is tied up with 2013 as the year which was set as the target date for many projects. If an election is called now, PBS/NET instead of using their news to show The Gonz inaugurating projects they will only show him wearing the hard hat and walking among the mud in half finished sites!
One issue which may hinder The Gonz from calling an early election is the fact that he is tied up with 2013 as the year which was set as the target date for many projects. If an election is called now, PBS/NET instead of using their news to show The Gonz inaugurating projects they will only show him wearing the hard hat and walking among the mud in half finished sites!
Ma naqbel xejn li ssir elezzjoni bikrija f'dan il-perjodu ta taqlib fl-Ewropa biss naqbel li l-Prim Ministru ghandu jwarrab mill aktar fis possibli ghax il-problema hijju HU u mhux FD Ghal xi raguni halla decizonijiet ikkarkru li wasslu ghal dan l-impass bejnu u bejn il-backbenchers u ghal xi raguni halla dejjem barra mix-xena lil FD li ma tieh l-ebda tort li agixxa hekk, minn hu dak il-politiku fil parlamenta li thalla barra kompletament bhal ma thalla barra Franco Debono, id-distrett tieghu kellu bzonn ta bniedem bhalu biex il-kostitwenti jinqdew u ghal xi raguni dan id-distrett wkoll thalla barra donnu kien hemm xi tabu fuqu. Fil-passat hekk kien gara wkoll fl-ewwel distrett u kellu jkun Austin Gatt li beda jtih ftit hajja u b'hekk kienu zdiedu l-voti tal-PN f'dan id-distrett izda x'tort ittijom il-5 distrett milli jivvurtaw kontra l-gvern fl-elezzjoni li tmiss. Ma jafx il-Prim Ministru li hekk kif dhalna fl-Ewropa kellu bzonn aktar players fit-team biex ilahhaq mal-volum tax-xol bejn locali u dak Ewropei u x'ghamel Kabinet zghir u fqir u kollox ma kollox halla barra pilastri tal-PN bhal John Dalli, Louis Galea, Ninu Zammit, Censu Galea, Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mulliet, Robert Arrigo li kull Malti b'naqra melh f'mohhu zgur u zgur li ma kienx ser ihalli barra l-esperjenzi ta' dawn. Il-PN ghandu jeleggi Kap gdid u jsejjah lura lil John Dalli ghax hu l-uniku persuna fil-PN li ghanda il-potenzjali li twassal biex il-PN ikun jista jisfida lill-PL fl-ahhar ta' din il-legislatura.
Maureen Attard
If an election is to be held next March, Gonzi, Debono and some others should not be PN candidates. There should be a new Leader with more liberal and democratic values, listening to everyone and decide with the others and not byhimself.
One issue which may hinder The Gonz from calling an early election is the fact that he is tied up with 2013 as the year which was set as the target date for many projects. If an election is called now, PBS/NET instead of using their news to show The Gonz inaugurating projects they will only show him wearing the hard hat and walking among the mud in half finished sites!
Minkejja li Dr Gonzi jrid lil Austin Gatt biex jghin fil-kampanja elettorali, xorta wahda hemm bzonn ta' Pawlu Borg Olivier...xi hadd irid jaghmel kikkra kafe waqt il-laqghat.
We are seeing the first signs that the election campaign has started: Nationalists infest PBS programes left right and center;the TOM has started a censoring and filtering procedure to cut out true but unpleasant comments towards PN; yesterday's Net TV failed to show the hundreds of people hearing Dr Joseph Muscat; instead it showed 4 people on the balcony; again the PBS news tried a new un-audited interview (PN die- hard edit the interviews) whereby the question asked is not heard, whilst the answer, is edited as if Labour supporters were all stupid people, whilst PN supporters were all intellectually endowed, sharp and knew how to talk! GonziPN will promise anything to anyone who had his permit or request denied. Indeed, a Zimbabwe style election campaign!
Issa li hareg allout Franco,il PNmedia u il PBS NEWS u ilbella kumpanija qed jaghmlu min kollox biex izebilhuh fil blogs.Wahda min news item fil PBSNEWS kienet dwar blogs li qed igibu fuq Franco(dejjem biex izebluh).Dawn in nies jaslu ghal kollox.Franco int ghandek tibqa sod u tara li wara li gonzi jitlef l-elezzjoni li jmiss ,il PN iwarbuh min leader u lilek jatuk ragun.Zomm sod.naf li int bhallisa qed taqla imma IS SEWWA JIRBAH ZGUR.
@einstein. ghandek ragun biex dbiegh siehbi. jien hekk irregunajt wkoll. Pawlu B O MHUX MAKAKK bizzejjed ghal affarijiet bhall dawn. Xi haga tinten pesta ghandom lesta zgur, almenu jien anqas fil kakka ma nafdhom. Ghalmenu hekk jghid il malti. Dawn in nies ghall kollox jaslu, basta jibqu fil POTER. U IL LABOUR GHANDU JGHOQOD ATTENT HAFNA GHAL DAWN L AFFARIJIET, JIGIFIERI IL KUTRUMBAJSI MINN TAHT.Per ezempju ID CARDS, hekk sa jibqu. Ara jivvintawx xi siegha zejda waqt l elezzjoni li gejja bhall ma ghamlu id darba l ohra !! Ughalfejn qed johduha bi kbira elezzjoni bikrija? Nesa GONZIPN x kien qal meta Mintoff kellu il kwistjoni ma Sant, li elezzjoni bikrija hija inevitabbli? issa m ijiex? gaax jaf li tilef il naqra maggoranza li kellu. Franco qal li m ghandux aktar fiducja fil PM u ghalhekk xorta tilifha anke jekk ma jsejjahx vot ta fiducja fil parlament. Qieghad f listess sitwazzjoni kif kien Snat. Nistennew u naraw.
@Briffy no one is prepared to name himself on this blog cause they know what consequence youe dear beloved GonziNM can do , transfers and victimization and even when Pl goes in Government no one is prepared to name himself on blogs cause he might be blown to bits with a letter bomb perhaps, your comment makes people wonder why you are asking for names instead of nicknmaes.
Lino Camilleri
In these past seven years I am proud to have seen 21,000 new jobs created in the private sector. You should say also that you are proud to have saked thousands of jobs too. Like the Malta shipyards etc etc.
@fufa, Grazzi tar-reazzjoni tieghek. naqblu li ma naqblux. Kif ghidtlek valanga tista' tibda minn caqlieqa ta' gebla zghira. Ghala m'ghandniex inhallu f'idejn l-esperti biex kemm jista' jkun isib mezz kif saram bhal tal-lum (gonzi-muscat) jew dak tal-1998 (sant-mintoff) ikun evitat. it-tishih tad-demokrazija u li malta tigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox ghandhom ikunu s-sisien tal-gejjieni pulitiku ta' pajjizna. Insostni l-argument tieghi li hemm bzonn bidla radikali fis-sistema elettorali..inkun ottimist izzejjed li nistenna li ssehh f'dawn il-jiem imqallba li jista' jkollu l-Parlament malti la jerga' jitlaqqa fit-18 ta' Jannar li gej. Imma ejja nsibu sistema li twassal ghal sistema iktar gusta ta' rapprezentanza, liberta assoluta kif tivvota, hux lill-partit jew l-individwu, u garanzija ta' tmexxija ta' hames snin. Alla hares insiru bhall-italja. Anki dawn dehrilhom mhux iz-zmien tal-elezzjonijiet. Silvio Berlusconi tar u floku lahaq Monti, imma elezzjoni qabel zmienna ma saritx. Fuq kollox sena iebsa hemm quddiemna u l-Labour ma tantx se jiret affarijiet sbieh. Insellimlek.....
franco debono jaff li carm mifsud bonici dirty u ghax mar jajd kollox lil gonzi hadda kontra franco. flahhar vera isewwa jirbah dejjem u jalla jigri bhal pajjizi ta barra u naraw xi ex ministri il habs ghax tal misthija fuq li naraw kulljum min xihudd minom. em bzon ta investikazjioni serja fuq dawn inies ghax vera tal misthija kif jajdu li uma insara.
franco debono jaff li carm mifsud bonici dirty u ghax mar jajd kollox lil gonzi hadda kontra franco. flahhar vera isewwa jirbah dejjem u jalla jigri bhal pajjizi ta barra u naraw xi ex ministri il habs ghax tal misthija fuq li naraw kulljum min xihudd minom. em bzon ta investikazjioni serja fuq dawn inies ghax vera tal misthija kif jajdu li uma insara.
Dr. Gonzi is completely at a loss. He still cannot distinguish the difference between being PM and leader of a political party. The people of ALL Malta are represented in parliament and not by the Nationalist councillors in an extraordinary general conference. He should answer to parliament. It is obvious that at the EGM of the party we will have the usual orchestrated scenes of hysteria and blind loyalty!! Do this country a favour and call an election. Our children need a future...you are the past and cannot give them that future. We should have the courage as supporters of either party to embrace the future and vote for change. GO...nzi. Phoenix
Sur saviour francis cachia. Ir-riformi ghal ahjar dejjem huma haga sewwa, imma please ma nikkumplikawx l-affarijiet. Dan li qed jigri jista jigri f'kull demokrazija. Ma nistghux nohonqu l-membri parlamentari taghna li minflok jaqbzu ghal-poplu ngibuhom stooges tal-partit. Dment li qed jimxu skond ir-regoli tad-demokrazija ma hemm xejn hazin. F'kollox hemm id-dmirijiet u r-responsabiltajiet. Meta jinqala l-ghawg trid tkun ragel bizzejjed li ssib l-ahjar soluzzjoni biex issolvija. F'dan il-kaz, l-ahjar soluzzjoni u l-iktar wahda ekwa hija li jintalab vot ta fiducja fil-gvern. M'hemmx taghmel, imbaghad wara l-vot skond id-daqqa nizfnu.
Ta Marsaxlokk se jlaqtu kollox. Pollution bil-Heavy Fuel Oil mill-power station u velenu kontra Franco Debono....Dr Franco is-siggu fil-Parlament hu tieghek u tieghek biss. Int stinkajt ghalih u l-kostitwenti lilek eleggew minn fost il-kanditati l-ohra tal-PN li kkontestaw l-elezzjoni tat-2008. Allura ma ghandekx titilqu ghax xi hadd qed twegghu il-verita. Jien nistaqsi, int qedt il-gideb jew ghamilit xi u-turn biex tigi mgieghel tirrizenja?
Allow me to explain further the changes I like to se in our electoral system. No doubt our electoral system needs a radical change. I dare that I will be left dreaming, especially now when there is a possibility that Malta and Gozo might soon be called to vote in a general election. But an avalanche start with the rolling of a small stone. In my view it is about time that our electoral system will strenghten clearly the concept that the party with a relative majority will earn the right to govern. Back in 1987, as a Labour delegate i voted in favourof the then proposal that the party with the 50+1 majority will be called to govern, irrelevantly of the number of elected candidates, this party gets. The change i am clamouring for is a clear distinction. The voter, if interested, will tick the first section of the ballot paper by giving his preference to the party he/she wants to be in government. As regards, party representations in Parliament, i think it is about time that in this contest a minimal threshold of 3% or something equivalent to an average quota in each district may be introduced. This may open the door for a third party in the House of Representatives and ascertain that no vote cast to any party is wasted. Then there will be the second section, where the five candidates from each district will be chosen and elected accordingly once they reach the quota. The voters have every right to choose the candidates they deem fit to represent their district in Parliament. The big change, i wish to become a reality is this. I can go to the polling station, and instead of being a non voter, I will not give any preference to any party. Still my vote can still be valid, as regarding the candidates. I can feel free to just select the party I want to govern and stop there or i would give my preference only in the section regarding the candidates. And yet the vote will still be valid. No matter what happens during a legislature, the Prime Minister will be held no hostage by any candidate elected, on a party ticket or as independent. The radical change will guarantee that in such situation the party in government will defend the country's political stability, by having the right to add another deputy to his side to ensure the majority given to him by the electorate. This can be done by the same system used today when four candidates or maybe less will be chosing in case when the party with the relative majority but no majority of deputies wins the election. The runner up with the highest number of votes at the last count in any district will take his place in Parliament. I am not saying that what I am suggesting is utterly perfect or immaculate, but it does make more sense than the present system, for it even attract the participations of persons who are usually non voters. They have ever right to cast their vote to the tabib tar-rahal without their vote meaning an obligatory support to the party on whose ticket this tabib will be contesting the general elections. Maybe the other option is that this extra parliamentarian can be a technocrat. But that is another argument. What matters most is that the stability of a government in power is guaranteed. The PM of this government will be no hostage to nobody and can run the full term of office, five full years, as long as the PM will not choose to call an early election. I think this system will erode any eventual danger of ever having again a Sant-Mintoff or Gonzi-Debono situation and the countries stability is threatened according to one's whim. All back benchers can feel free to express how they are seeing things, without ever being a menace to the party in Government, except in money bills and vote of confidence. After all why not, if need be, in case of a Prime Minister defaulting or acting like a dictator, he/she can be outsted out by the party, and a new Prime Minister is selected by the party's supporters. If this is a totally radical idea, excuse me, I have a tendency to dream a lot.
Hekk hu firillu. Min jaf kemm ferhu kienu fi zmien Mintoff meta waqqa lil Alfred Sant, insomma niftakar x ghamlu jien. Issa l istorja qed tirrepeti ruha, u jien nemmiena bil qawwi li jekk tixtieq id deni lil ghajru jigi f daru. Fittex warrab minn hemm GONZPN forsi niehdu naqra ruh.
Min xtaq id-deni 'l ghajru, issa gieh f'daru.
what goes around cames around u min jobzoq ghal ajru jigi f wiccu
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi seems to prefer Losers and Copycats to those who excel in exams! He gives his blessing to PN Whip / Basketball Holigan David Agius who was caught 3 times copying evenin his Masters.....and discards budding talent like Dr. Franco Debono! No big wonder Gonzi has a pool of limited talent and Labour a Lake! http://www.maltastar.com/pages/r1/ms10dart.asp?a=5603
Paul Sammut
How can the honourable Dr Gonzi be credible when just after re-shuffling his cabinet he comes out and asks one of his ministers [Dr Austin Gatt] to resign his ministry.Ahna ahna jew m`ahniex?
@ Victor Caruana Prosit, ghogobni hafna il- kumment tieghek, tant li jekk ma jimpurtax ser nerga nirrepetieh. SUR EDITUR TAT TIMES, MIN QAL DAWN IL- KLIEM?:- " JIEN GEJT L- EWWEL FIL MATRIKOLA". Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, dak il kliem qalu EFA, imma l- editur tat times donnu insiha din, jekk tnejn min nies jghamlu dikjarazzjoni simili, ma tistax titkaza b`wiehed u bl- iehor le!!
"Gonzi said who only wants to serve his or her personal interests should "make way" and resign." Lead by example, sonny. And tell your front bench to follow suit.
"Gonzi thanked party stalwarts Richard Muscat, Michael Refalo and Antoine Mifsud Bonnici present for the meeting and said they were examples of politicians who put the country's interests before personal interests." Party...country...personal. Check again which one comes first.
JPO, tirrispetom lil dawk li ivvutawlek, biex tivvota favur bnidem li harbat Malta. Issa inti li kelek tihu hadtu u ma jimpurtakx min hadiehor
jekk wistin il bravu johodlok hsieb bhall ma ghamel l'arriva, tirranga ruhek wenz. froga tiga ghamel, issa jonqsu jamel balbuljata, nispera jaghajt lil delia it tiegh daqa ta id.
If Dr Gonzi wishes to leave a legacy he should call for a constitutional reform re duration of power. ie 1st term 5 years, 2nd term 4 years and then on 3 years.
Tat times of malta u sunday times of malta jiccensuraw il kummenti taghna. Ghalhekk wasal iz zmien li nibbojkottjawhom.
Gonzi ħasi u Franco bil-ħaswejn.** Ħallina u fittex sejjaħ elezzjoni Gonz u tibqax ikkakkmat imkaħħal ma dak is-siġġu.** Inti sraqt l-elezzjonji u dak li sraqt ma tgaqdiħx.
Dear friends, i am following two dictums: Silence is golden and corraggio fuggiamo, till this political comic-tragedy is over. Whenever the general elections are called, let the best party win in the best interest of Malta. Bye my friends, for me now it is time to relax and not worry. After all the general elections seems set to be held on the present rules, which I always wished to be improved. Status Quo, non votiamo.
Anette B Cassar
Malonki, Jien ghada ma harbitlix dik. Jien inhoss li ghandna nistennew spjeagazzjoni minghand l-onerevoli.
bniedem pastas u arroganti u sfiducjat mil parlament warab min hemm gonzi pn dejaqt lil kullhadd
tafu xejn li bil-frattarija ta' franco debono qed ninsew kif brussels ghadhom kif meshu l-art b'gonzi meta qalulu f'wiccu li ma jemmnux il-figuri li nizzel fil-budget xi xahar ilu? ippruvaw ifhmu f'hix wasalna issa - qed jghidu lil prim ministru ta' pajjizna li ma jemmnuhx u hu, qisu dudu li jithaxken mal-art, qisu pupu, qisu bicca tal-art, ga biddel il-figuri tal-budget ta' xahar ilu meta l-linka ghadha lanqas biss nixfet - dawk par idejn sodi - lanqas biss jafu x'qed jaghmlu- affarijiet li juru ezatt min hu u x'inhu gonzipn !!! x'par idejnsidi dawk - l-importanti li kapaci jzommu gomma biex f'jannar ihassar il-gideb, il-qassatat u l-frejjeg ta' dicembru !!! X'ma ntuhx in-number one - tghid mhux hekk!!!!
maria aquilina
since the times failed to show my comment, i am posting it here' the times were making fun of Franco's exam cert. at St. Aloysius. And I posted this question: Who said 'jien gejt l-ewwel fil-matrikola'?
In 1998 we experienced a very disctructive campaign filled with hatred and incitement. Joseph Muscat is heading for a dignified fight. He has already proven he's a cooperative person and supported the government when it warranted for the good of the country. Looks clearly like our future PM is going to be a good one with Malta's interest as his main objective.
GonziPn ikkonferma illum dak li dejjem ghidna, igifieri li Ostinat imexxi kollox. GonziPn m'ghandux il-bajd li jnehhilu l-ministeru wara l-froga tal-Power Station, u l-pudina fit-Trasport Pubbliku. Talbu u mhux ordnalu. Ara lil John Dalli wara li nqeda bih fl-ahhar elezzjoni tajjru bil-pulit. Mhux ta` b'xejn hafna nies ta` Dalli halfu li mhux se jivvotaw din l-elezzjoni.
Just recently a couple of acquaintances of mine were debating on who would win an election should one be held now (before these recent events took place). I'll call them Mr. A and Mr. B. Mr. A said, "in my opinion, the PN will win the election, if he manages to make right, the honararia saga". Mr. B replied: "Really? You think so?!!!" seemingly very anxious and actually happy about that statement, since he has his own, part-time, under-the-table, business and drives a mercedes. Mr. B continued: "Yes, that is what I think as well. Cause the PL are managed by a baby, he has no experience. While if one looks at Gonzi, he is a stelwart of democracy and the number of projects he created allowed many people to find jobs". Seriously!!! The PM only changed his position wrt the honoraria, because Franco Debono stated so yesterday morning, before the PM actually had given this issue any thought. For him it was settled. He gave it to himself in 2008 and he was and is still convinced that he merits this exorbitant increase, so much so that he is keeping it on hold and not removing it. Wrt job creations related to the major projects such as the theater, parliament, delimara power station. Who actually benefited from these so called investments? Only those contractors that have been close to Gonzi and are in his sanctum santorum. Wrt Dr.Muscat not capable of handling a future PL government, well, for sure Dr.Muscat has shown great political maturity in giving the PL it's new clear direction and a strong, energetic team. With a number of well defined proposals to tackle various crucial issues, including the water and electricity bills, issues related to energy, health, the economy. Most importantly Dr. Muscat has an important goal which is that of reducing bureaucracy and uncontrollable and unaccounted expenditure and tax evasion. Most probably both Mr.A and Mr.B pray for a status quo, for the simple reason that they do not want their springs to be muddled and to keep exploiting the loop holes which this Government has created for corruption to become institutionalized.
How Strange when I post something not gloryfying Gonzi in the Times of Malta it is INTERDICTED, but here it goes through:p
How Strange when I post something not gloryfying Gonzi in the Times of Malta it is INTERDICTED, but here it goes through:p
Read what briffy@maltanet said about Dr.Debono earlier: "the talent and the vision of Franco Debono in the field of justice, but also demonstrates other things. One has to keep in mind that this rising star is just a backbencher in the PN team" check http://maltatoday.com.mt/en/newsdetails/news/interview/No-country-for-old-men-Franco-Debono What is your current opinion of Dr.Debono and the PM now? Is the former still a star? If so, what does this make the PM? A supernova?
@briffy Seriously? the writing is on the wall. For e.g. it is cristal clear that in your case u worship the blue flag, creed and modus operandi. One only has to google briffy@maltanet and read through the results.
"Gonzi thanked party stalwarts Richard Muscat, Michael Refalo and Antoine Mifsud Bonnici present for the meeting and said they were examples of politicians who put the country's interests before personal interests." OH sure Dr.GONZI, PARTY STAWART Richard Muscat can start off by telling us how he managed to bankrupt The Radio Station ‘Voice of the Mediterranean’ while acting its managing director. But then Id’ rather believe the Auditor General’s Report. http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20060706/local/auditors-biting-report-on-voice-of-the-mediterranean.48542
If an election is due, then so be it. That is what Dr. Gonzi should do. He should also ascertain that there is a short campaign so that the issues which he himself brought about are resolved as quickly as possible for the sake of the country. At least that is what he said today...that he would do anything for the stability of our country. However I have to remind you that Dr. Gonzi has an extensive history of saying one thing and doing another and then doing something and turning it into something different.
It would be interesting to learn who of those who are commenting - some under different non-de-plumes - are nationalists and who are labourites. This qualification would enable readers to determine whether their comments are biased or genuine.
"Gonzi asked whether it is the PL, who opposed important reforms and who believes that private enterprise cannot go forward without state intervention" This is a blatant lie!! PL has collaborated with the government on various issues and supported the PM during the Libya crisis. The PL pushed forward the divorce issue which is in force only due to it's vote in parliament. JM has many times declared that private enterprise will be free to operate and find state support, not least through the curbing of bureaucracy. The pre-electoral lie machine has started already.
@Bonzi that is the correct choice. Boycott ToM and start buying MT and Illum. You're guaranteed a clean picture of the events.
The ToM this morning said that the PM was welcomed as a hero in Marsaxlokk and even church bells were tolling. Wtf...the church has had so much success recently that it can allow its parishes to slip into such a controversial political scene. Seriously!!!
Dr. Gonzi is literally crusading against Dr.Debono.
lilll Editur tat TOM ans STOM since yesterday I posted 7 blogs, they blocked them all, may be they don't work on a Sunday. This is the last day I am buying Strickland house newspaper.No wonder they are against the freedom of speech law.
fix kellu jispica il partit tal patria!!!! ara le!!! fl istess sitwazjoni ta fredu sant (bhal ma kien ihobbu jejdulu il demokristjani!!! ) bid differenza li fredu kellu il guts u dan ha joqod jilaba tal miskin
So much huffing and puffing. Why? To remain in power at all costs.
Keep it up Malta Today! Tom is censoring blogers who go against PN trends, especially the most pertinent ones. TOM is part of GonziPN, for every item that it publishes there are an other three lurking behind and hidden from view. Thank you Malta Today.
ha jiehu tkaxira l Mongi ! When defeat is inevitable,it is wisest to yield Zarma minn hekk ghax Malta kisirta ma sihbek Toninu li ma jifhimx sahta kemm ituh il karti! Ftakru din:"..igudikawna b'dak li nghidu u b'dak li naghmlu!" Insejtuh? Zball darba tiehdu sakemm ma tkunx bahnan.
Ma nafx kif il partitarji Nazjonalisti haduwa daqshekk bi kbira ta Dr Franco Debono ghax it tort huwa kollu tal kap taghhom Dr Gonzi ghax kieku raw il programm BLA AGENDA il bierah DR Franco Debono qal li huwa OFFRA ir risenja tieghu lil PM Gonzi izda Dr Gonzi IRRIFJUTAHA ghalura ta min huwa it tort ? Infakkar lil Dr Gonzi li meta Dr Alfred Sant kellu listess PROBLEMA ma MINTOFF il PN xghamel ma RIKIEBX fuq is sitwazjoni li inqala dak in nhar TANT siehbek Dr Fenech Adami u il PN HATFU l-okkazjoni sak in nhar Dr Gonzi li l-oppozizjoni il PN ta il hin tieghu lil Perit Mintoff biex ikun jista jikritika lil Dr Alfred Sant Ghalhekk Dr Gonzi kif meta kien hemm il kwiztjoni tat Trasport Publiku HTAFT l-okkazjoni u TLABT vot ta fiducja issa xinhuwa IBEZZAK li ma tridx TITLOB vot ta FIDUCJA mwla ghamel kuragg u itlob vot ta fiducjaTKUNX BEZZIEGH
Come on Dr Gonzi call an election cause here in Gozo we are out of work,and I will be one of those happy new voters that will be voting PL for the first time . Giovanna you promised us a lot but sorry you did not deliver ,let`s see how dr Said will be
Gonzi mentioned that Debono had approached him on several occasions to draw his attention to certain facts. Gonzi typically 'investigated' and found that everything smelled off daffodils and was running on ball bearings. The words 'Network of Evil' was used. What i am saying is that Debono complained to Gonzi about the 'network of evil' that ran the inner circle of PN. This is a supposedly European country we are talking about - not Nazi Germany or North Korea. Gonzi is now trying to deflect our attention from the truth by saying that Debono is doing this for personal gain. Its a bit rich to accuse others of personal gain - Austin Gatt, his son Gege, Claudio Grech, Tonio Fenech, to mention a few, have all managed to become exceedingly rich. But the issue of wanting a ministerial post, when they are all already occupied because they are handed from father to son/nephew - that is another story for another time. Gonzi - let us have the FULL information that was presented to you .. who is in this 'Network of Evil' and what makes it Evil? Let us see this information and we can decide if Debono has gone insane or if Gonzi has gone rogue. Gonzi - you said that you are there to serve us - give us this information. Otherwise please, i would prefer to be served by somebody else, but not you.
X'medjokrita' ta' prim ministru! Kull ma jonqoshom il-PN biex jassiguraw tkaxkira nobis fl-elezzjoni li jmiss hu li jkun hemm Austin Gatt imdahhal fil-preparazzjoni. Ma jafx li AG hu l-ahhar bniedem li ghandu jahtar ghal pozizzjoni bhal din. Jien nikkalkula tkaxkira msarrfa f'20,000 vot u maggoranza ta' 5 siggijiet favur l-PL. Any bets?
Why should the PM resign? Well most importantly because Dr. Gonzi's government no longer has a majority in parliament, standing by the vociferous declarations by Dr. Debono. Isn't that one hell of a reason to resign? It was after all the PM's inept way of dealing with his backbenchers that has brought about this disastrous situation. Backbenchers, like Jean Pierre Farrugia, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliette and most prominently Franco Debono, have been voicing their concerns over the last three years as to how decisions were being made, not in the best interest of either the party and most importantly of the country. Granted Dr. Gonzi did not do everything wrong, however the way in which he let certain issues escalate and degenerate and the way he accepted onto his shoulders the numerous fails of some of his ministers, such as the unethical behaviour of Tonio Fenech and the arrogance of Austin Gatt (the Power Station and the Arriva saga), who btw is being given the role of head of the PN's electoral campaign, has given rise to a continuously unstable government. A very far cry from the "par idejn sodi" slogan.
......'Xoghol, Gustizzja, Liberta' (Work, Justice, Liberty) and former leader Eddie Fenech Adami's trademark motto 'Inservi' (I serve). Li nesa insemmi Hon Dr L Gonzi kienet lil tal-“QALBA” u “ghal uliedna”, u dawn uliedna kienu it-tfal taghhom BISS, kemm huwa personnali u kemm dak ta qablu, l- ET DR Egward Fenech Adami. Nesa imsemmi ukoll li mar kontra ir-rieda tal-Maggoranza Poplu Sovran, kif ukoll nesa isemmi li qal lil-POPLU biex jaghmel is-sagrificcju u hu u shabu hadu €1,000,000 u il-poplu ha €303 f’sentejn. Nesa isemmi ukoll il-korruzzjoni li hawn fil-pajjiz, ilk-hela ta flus il-poplu, li biegh l-assi tal-poplu u nefaq ir-riservi li kellu il-pajjiz fosthom id-dehb li kien hemm il Bank Centrali, kif ukoll il-meritokrazzija, fejn jekk ma taqbilx mieghu tigi mormi fiz-zibel. Nesa isemmi ukoll kemm hija mimlija il-fridge. Illum imissu mur jara il-fridges tal penzjonanti, ta dawk in-nies li qedin taht il-poverty line u ta hafna haddiema ohra. Nesa isemmi il-weghdiet li ghamel lil poplu wahda minnhom tat-Taxxa. Insew ukoll li dahluna fi klabb tal-EU fejn tlifna l-Indipendenza taghna, klabb fis stat ta falliment, li dahlu l-ewro u il-hajja splodiet, insew il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma. Insew kollox u jigi jghidilna "Is-sewwa jirbaħ żgur". Alla hares le!
Tejatrini u pantomini; you are checkmated by Dr Franco Debono Dr Gonzi. You tricked us in the last elections, this time round people are not gullible to believe your fairy tales any more. Its your interest you are fighting for not the country...and stop treating us like imbeciles: you only stopped your honoraria because of the coming elections. Il volpe cambia il pelo ma non il vizzio: give us back the 1 million you awarded yourself behind our backs, and quickly call an election. The 1500 people you collected from around the world to claim the last election are not enough to hold back the deluge of people in Malta who are angry and suffering : whilst the hidden hand that matters in your party are having a hay day!
What a charade! No wonder youngsters are not attracted to poltics nowadays. Can you blame them for whiling away their time at Paceville? This is what the clique running the show want - an alienated and subservient population who could not care less about the real issues facing the country. Nero with his 'panem et circenses' could not be more topical. While all this charade is going on we have been told by the EU to reconsider our spending. Remember all the blah blah on the Budget last November? What will the proposed spending cuts affect?
This is nothing more than Gonzi PN's swan song. He rallied a few hundred of diehards, many of whom have appointments with Ministries etc., to try and console himself. GONZ< YOUR DAYS ARE OVER!
He has no alternative, really! He could have opened the campaign by bing more original. "Is-sewwa jirbaħ żgur" was the war cry of EFA and not his. Daqxejn infixkel, miskin.
I would like to ask the prime minister how come this morning Hermann Schiavone was there as GonziPN candidate? I am not sure if I am loosing my mind, but as far as I know around 3 weeks ago GonziPN said that they do not want Schiavone as their candidate?? But wait...same prime minister also said in June 2011 that he sees nothing wrong with getting a raise of 500euro weekly right??? Ok...so I aint the one loosing my mind or suffering from dimensia LOL Good sunday everyone! ;)
The PM has played his rather weak hand quite deftly so far. He has finally stood up to FD and put him in his proper place as a failed budding has-been politician . More importantly as a leader of his party he stopped trying to bend over to capricious and petulant behaviour and thus yield to political blackmail. Secondly he appointed three very valid PS's as ministers all of whom are considered by political analysts as representing the best young political material within the PN. If the PN wants to secure its long term future it has to give them ministerial experience even if perhaps for only few months. Thirdly the PM chose a party conference as the right forum to gain no doubt an overwhelming vote of confidence from within his PN caucus,certainly a much better strategy than asking for a parliamentary vote of confidence on a non money situation. It is intersting to see how the game will play out in the next few weeks and especially whether JM will now seek a vote of no confidence in government or bide his time and wait for the most appropriate turn of events. If he seizes the immediate opportunity he faces the danger of being accused of winnng the next election through the disloyalty and prop of FD, rather than through his own hard work and merits of which he has all necessary to qualify him as a successful national leader. In the coming weeks we shall see great outpourings of support for the PM which will lift his ratings as happened today as a result of the perceived betrayal by FD. There is no doubt that the way the two leaders will play their cards in the next few weeks will have a major bearing on the outcome of the next general election.
The PM has played his rather weak hand quite deftly so far. He has finally stood up to FD and put him in his proper place as a failed budding has-been politician . More importantly as a leader of his party he stopped trying to bend over to capricious and petulant behaviour and thus yield to political blackmail. Secondly he appointed three very valid PS's as ministers all of whom are considered by political analysts as representing the best young political material within the PN. If the PN wants to secure its long term future it has to give them ministerial experience even if perhaps for only few months. Thirdly the PM chose a party conference as the right forum to gain no doubt an overwhelming vote of confidence from within his PN caucus,certainly a much better strategy than asking for a parliamentary vote of confidence on a non money situation. It is intersting to see how the game will play out in the next few weeks and especially whether JM will now seek a vote of no confidence in government or bide his time and wait for the most appropriate turn of events. If he seizes the immediate opportunity he faces the danger of being accused of winnng the next election through the disloyalty and prop of FD, rather than through his own hard work and merits of which he has all necessary to qualify him as a successful national leader. In the coming weeks we shall see great outpourings of support for the PM which will lift his ratings as happened today as a result of the perceived betrayal by FD. There is no doubt that the way the two leaders will play their cards in the next few weeks will have a major bearing on the outcome of the next general election.
Gonzi said "The country comes first for me." Then why doesn't he resign? The PM should be very careful with his words with regards to Dr. Debono. He has started a crusade against him which could turn out to be very sour if some hot headed PN fan took the PM's words literally and acted violently against Dr. Debono. Afterall the MP has been doing very sensible things, things that both current ministers and the PM himself should have done. The PM's attitude, either do as I say or die is very undemocratic. Precisely what Dr. Debono has been saying all along.
Il-prim ministru ma jistax jehles mill-vizzju li ghandu LI JIGDEB ! Qal li fin-1998 Mintoff ma kienx ivvota kontra l-gvern. GIDDIEB !! Dak in-nhar il-vot li ttiehed fil-parlament , ghalkemm kien dwar il-progett tal-Yach Marina fil-Birgu, il-prim ministru ta' dak in-nhar, Dr. Alfred Sant, biex jaqta darba ghaL DEJJEM L-INCERTEZZA LI Mintoff kien gieb bit-tfixkil u kritika kontra kull mizura li beda jiehu l-gvern laburista, KIEN IDDIKJARA LI DAK IL-VOT KIEN VOT TA' FIDUCJA FILL-GVERN LABURISTA. Ghalhekk Mintoff kien jaf li jekk jivvota kontra kien se jkun qiegehd iwaqqa l-gvern ! Meal llum hija l-istess xenarju ta' dak in-nhar. U Gonzi ghamel l-istess bhal Alfred Sant - GHAJJAR IL FRANCO DEBONO " TRADITUR " !!! Ghalhekk nahseb li r-rizultat se jkun l-istess bhal ma gara dak in-nhar ! Eddy Privitera
Oh come on Mr. Gonzi. Your goverment has failed to deliver in every respect. i) Airmalta, ii) Bus service, iii) Smart city smart joke, iv) flop education and creating scores of valueless paper decoration degrees and titles, v) roads that after the first rains crumble to dust and are full of potholes, vi) enemalta issues, the list is endless In all your goverment has left the country worse off from 10 years ago. Of course there are the choosen ones who have been pampered and have made their riches at others expense and above all corruption and lack of accountability reigns supreme in every place!
Gonzi said "The country comes first for me." Then why doesn't he resign? The PM should be very careful with his words with regards to Dr. Debono. He has started a crusade against him which could turn out to be very sour if some hot headed PN fan took the PM's words literally and acted violently against Dr. Debono. Afterall the MP has been doing very sensible things, things that both current ministers and the PM himself should have done. The PM's attitude, either do as I say or die is very undemocratic. Precisely what Dr. Debono has been saying all along.
Way or WAVES? The former will not happen and the latter if he makes more we will have a tsunami worse than Japan had last year!!