Mugliett, political situation is ‘serious’, Portelli - elections are imminent

MP Jesmond Mugliett insists current political situation cannot be prolonged, former PN president Frank Portelli: only 'political miracle' can keep away early elections.

Former PN executive President Frank Portelli (left) and MP Jesmond Mugliett (right)
Former PN executive President Frank Portelli (left) and MP Jesmond Mugliett (right)

Former minister and Nationalist MP Jesmond Mugliett has insisted that the current political situation must be dealt with as soon as possible as it is "threatening" the stability of the country.

Speaking to Sunday newspaper Illum on the loss of Prime Minister's one-seat majority, after backbencher Franco Debono withdrew his support following a Cabinet reshuffle, Mugliett described the situation as 'serious" and said the Prime Minister had two options.

"The Prime Minister could either go to the parliamentary group and call for a vote of confidence, or else wait for the vote in Parliament, see how it goes and evaluate the situation..."

However, Mugliett warned the situation "cannot take months", adding that any further delays might paint a picture of instability.

Of the same opinion was Frank Portelli, the former president of the PN's executive, who warned that the only way forward was a general election.

"Keeping in mind that backbencher Franco Debono has declared he no longer trusted his leader, the Prime Minister no longer enjoys the support of the majority in Parliament," Portelli said, adding that the only option would be for Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to turn to President George Abela and consult on an election.

"The President must then see if there is anyone else who enjoys the support of the majority of the House. If there is someone else, the President can appoint him as Prime Minister, if obviously that person accepts - which I doubt," Portelli said.

He added that if the President finds no one who has the support of the House majority, an election is called.

Another scenario would be for Gonzi to call for a vote of confidence in Parliament, or the Opposition leader to call for a vote of non-confidence. "I don't think Franco Debono will change his position now. There should have been less procrastination and more diplomacy," Portelli added.

Asked whether it would be anti-democratic of the Prime Minister not to call for a vote of confidence in government, Portelli said one would then see Opposition leader Joseph Muscat call for a vote of non-confidence - "which would be worse... Save for some political miracle, it seems like we're heading towards an election."

Thor. From what you say you are confirming that the people I mentioned are untainted with corruption or violence. Did Demarco respect the wishes of the referendum majority thereby enhancing his democratic credentials? if that is all the negative that you can say on the man it only enhances his stature.
@Kelinu, Demarco untainted you say, didn't he vote with the rest for the double salary and the €500 per week wage rise which he himself got? Did he criticise gonzi for voting against the people's wish in Divorce issue?Only yesterday he was reported on maltaright now as saying Malta made €1.2 billion from tourism last year, now if that is not a tall tale I don't know what is.
Rumours have it that a good number of nationalists are very happy with the present situation, they hope to get back the party from the hands of a small "klikka" that had no qualms to even roll over their own. Franco is not alone, but at the moment he's the only one with balls enough to come foward.
The PN should fight the next election with new leadership. Gonzi is now damaged beyond repair. Suggest Mario Demarco as leader and Chris Said as Deputy Leader. Two fresh untainted faces. My appeal to the powers that be: Give us, the Maltese electorate, a choice between Demarco/Said and Muscat/Farrugia.
This is what will happen. Austin Gatt is replaced by Gonzi. Simon Busultil will be co-opted in Parlament to replace Gonzi. PL will have no track record to taint Busutil. The €500 bubble would have been burst and Gatt removed. Win-Win long as Busultil accepts!
gonzi jissapportja l aktar ministru arroganti li qatt rat malta lill AG, U TAHSBU LI DAN XI DARBA JITALLEM. berlusconi li tant int kont issemmi dr gonzi, bhalek kien jied li ha jaghmal il legislatura kollha,u int bhalu sa jigrilek
hadd ma jnehijili min mohhi li dan kollu pjan tal pn biex ifarfar il problemi min fuqu bl iskuza ta franko.. smajtu x qaltlu l ewropa lil gvern!!!!! IS SIKINA MUX LAHQET L ADMA IMMA ISURATA BARRA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fl-istampa li tidher ma dan l-artiklu, Dr Portelli qisu qed jghid lill-Prim: "Wiehed daqs dan wahhallek, sehibna Franco!"
Tghidli qalbi is-saqaf tat teatru li qed jinbena bis-saqaf sjjer isir u LIl Piano dak il halliel imissu irod lura dik il pastasata li GonziPN twebbelil flus li ha, jew inkella jhallas ghal umbrellel lil Poplu Malti kolllu , mit-tajbin mhux tac-cina li jifilhu ir-rih qawwi li ghamel li jammontaw ghal erba miljun ewro, dak serq sfaccat
The Honorable solution for Gonzi is to call election and avoid a vote of no confidence from the opposition.This means you will be thrown out of the government. Its useless going to the conference just talk to 3 trusted MP I can suggest, JPO, Mario Demarco, Dolores, dont even dare to touch Edgar.
So when do we hear from the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE? Or is he like the Queen of the empire who speaks when she feels fit?
A twist of fate: - 1998 - 2012. Same situation, same heated arguments, same procrastination over solving problem, same non-attention to MP's insistent advice, same slanderous words (traitor), same way of tackling of problem (1998 Cospicua meeting/2012 Marsaxlokk meeting), . Our politicians never learn. Therefore same result (premature elections), and same belated crying over mismanagement of problem. But this time round, if Gonzi loses election, it would be his bye-bye from Capo.
BYE BYE GONZIPN. The sooner the better.