Franco Debono will vote for Labour motion

MP will support vote of no confidence; OPM says if 'mistress' allegation was true 'it would be completely unacceptable'.

Debono this week revealed with MaltaToday that if Labour presents a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, he would definitely vote with the Opposition.
Debono this week revealed with MaltaToday that if Labour presents a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, he would definitely vote with the Opposition.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has declared he will not run for office, in a confirmation that his political career is over after calling on the Prime Minister to resign.

Debono, who confirmed his intention not to contest the next elections with MaltaToday, also said he will vote with Labour if the Opposition presents a motion of no-confidence.

"Every time I abstained it seems that the message did not come across," he said. 

"I felt the circumstances necessitated me saying that I will not contest the next general elections," Debono said. "I have no faith in Lawrence Gonzi so I should not contest."

This week, Debono also revealed with MaltaToday that if Labour presents a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, he would "definitely vote with the Opposition."

Debono also said the resignation he filed with the PN four months ago, has not been accepted by the party so far. But he has insisted he never withdrew it.

Franco Debono today also hit out at the mischaracterisation of him and his girlfriend in the blog of Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia, by telling The Times that a government minister had employed his mistress with his ministry.

"I am not married. I have a girlfriend. So what? Should one comment about  a situation where someone has his wife at home while using some ministry to employ his girlfriend?" he said.

The Office of the Prime Minister has told MaltaToday that "if this allegation were true, it would be completely unacceptable."

Ghamel kuragg Dr Franco Debono u IBQA ZOMM KELMTEK ghax ghandek 3/4 ta Malta warajk u jekk taf bxi MANUVRI SEMMIJOM ghax kieku jistaw lilek dawn in nies DIGA SALBUK bhal ma ridu ISALBU lil Perit Mintoff fta Sliema Min tijiex tara Dr Franco Debono kemm il PM Dr Gonzi ghandu ghal QALBU lil dak l-Ghageb Dr Chris Said lil dan kemm qabez ghalih meta kien akkuzat li HALEF gurament FALZ ara lil dan il BABY malajr LAHQU l-ewwel ghamlu segretarju parlamentaru u issa lahqu ministru dan ghadu TIELA l-ewwel darba fil parlament fil waqt Lil Robert Arrigo tela kemm il darba fil parlament u l-ahhar elezzjoni tela min zewg distretti ghal dan (ARRIGO) ghax Dr Gonzi ma ghandux GRAZZJA mieghu hallieh ISAFFAR
Ma ninsewx kemm wieghed affarijiet il PM u tista tghid li qatt ma zamm kellmtu. Min jaf x'weghdu lil Franco? Bilfors weghdu xi haga kbira u ma taghilhux.
This political crisis is the same as the Sant-Mintoff crisis .... whatever Gonzi says .... and the ball is in Gonzi's court, he is responsible for what's happening, he should find the way out of this crisis & intability which is destabilising the economy in such a delicate times.
hadd WARA hadd tasal ta kullhadd ok GONZIPN VERA QIJED NIHU PJACCIR
U nahseb mhux Ministru wiehed hemm b'din is-sitwazzjoni li l-mara d-dar u l-habiba xoghol fil-ministeru!!!!! Basta Kattolic imma mbajda bil-gir nahseb. U Kastilja daqs kemm ghandha informers (DCG fors wahda minnhom) ma jafux min ghandu l-habiba tahdem mighu? Mela zgur li Gonzi ma jafx x'inhu jigri man.
Posted by: The Alchemist — 10/01/2012 09:08:07 "The Office of the Prime Minister has told MaltaToday that "if this allegation were true, it would be completely unacceptable." - And if this allegation is found to be true what will happen? Gonzi will sack the mistress or the Minister? Good question!
It would be interesting to know just WHO is this minister???
I think that Office of the Prime minister should ask Franco Debono and see if this allegation is true or not? Also if the parliamentary whip dose his job well he is sure to know who and if it is true or not.
Debono has been right on all of his decisions and conclusions so far. He is right to challenge Gonzi's leadership and to demand that Gonzi should step down and not himself. Let look at Gonzi claim to leadership to start with. His first term - the election was contested by Eddie who then the following week handed over the power. The second term - he won by about a 1000 votes of very dubious origin. Then look at labour - the most ineffective opposition in Europe, beset by their own problems and promising to repeat every last single error that PN has committed. So clearly - since there is NO third party in site - the only solution is to save PN - but to save PN there must be a change of leadership and the removal of the network of evil that has been talked about. The leadership must be gutted out - the head chopped off and a new head grown. Then the body might be saved. I remind the readers that Debono after all, but one in a long line of people who are challenging the Gonzi regime. It seems that every strong leader in Malta is followed by an unpopular power-mad autocratic fool. Mintoff had KMB and Eddie had Gonzi. A solution is to limit the term in office to two terms like they do in the US. Then these problems would be fixed at source. The reason why no politician will take up this call is because they all follow the cult of the leader and are all interested in their own pockets. More clearly - they are all lying to you.
"The Office of the Prime Minister has told MaltaToday that "if this allegation were true, it would be completely unacceptable." - And if this allegation is found to be true what will happen? Gonzi will sack the mistress or the Minister?
U il president xinhu jistenna biex isejjah lil Gonzi biex id demokrazijja tidher il qieghda tigi rispettata?
Dr Franco Debono ma setax ikompli jimxi b'team spirit ghax il-kap tieghu lilu zebilhu. Il-gvern ta Gonzi bena din il-legislatura fuq ir-ramel. Beda bl-inkwiet mal-ewwel fuq il-kwistjoni ta JPO u Gonzi ma gharafx isib tarfa mal-ewwel. Dan l-izbroff ta Dr Franco huwa konsegwenza ta hekk. Il-problema tidher cara, kemm huma d-deputati li diga qalu li mhux ser jergghu jikkontestaw l-elezzjoni li jmiss. Din smajnija xi darba? Ghaliex qalu hekk f'nofs legislatura? Sinjal li mdejqin bit-tmexxija. It-team spirit jigi minn kullhadd u mhux mil-plejers biss ( Tonio Borg tkellem fuq il-kowc - hafna drabi l-kowc iwarrab meta jkollu l-plejers mhux jlghabu tajjeb). Dr Franco ghandu jkun rikonoxxut minn kullhadd li tkellem f'isem il-poplu kollu ghax wera d-dizastru ta tmexxija, la darba l-poplu ma ghamilx bhal ma ghamel haddiehor fl-ewropa u hareg fit-toroq.
Il-problema mhux Franco Debono izda l-Prim Ministru u ghalhekk ghal gid ta' Malta, l-istabilita u serhan il-mohh ghal din is-sena turbolenti li gejja fuqna ghandu jirrizenja minn kap tal-PN u jitlob lill John Dalli biex jidhol ad-interim biex jirranga l-kobba li habbel hu. Dalli biss jista' jsalva lill-PN u jwasslu biex jisfida lill-PL fl-ahhar ta' din il-legislatura ghax ix-xquq issa nfethu sew u ma baqax alternattivi ohra.
@Antoine Vella, min diskorsok donnok qed tara l-irtirata gejja,mort ghad difiza. u ghaliex il labour ma jaffordjax li jirbah il vot ta sfiducja? qed tghix f'holma. Joseph Muscat se jkollu sahha li JKECCI lill GONZI mill poter.
Mela Gonzi zewg toroqfadallu jew jirrezenja jew jigie mkecci mill poter min Joseph Muscat.
zomm sod.illeja loooo bondi minus jipprova izebilhek.Dik lagenda tieghu.Zomm sod.
Some commentators who used to use this column have remained silent this last seek, for some unknown reason.
Kif inhobb nghid jien "Kulhadd ghandu xi jxomm taht ghabtu" u linqas li ghandu min jitkazza hija certa lifa li tahseb li l-kitba taghha hija grazzja minn ghand Alla biex taghlem lilna cwiec Maltin. Bhal li kieku ma ghandiex b'xhiex tinkwieta hi b'membri tal-familja taghha, kif jghid il-malti ukoll ,"Il-hmar jghajjar lil dembu". Alla hares il-hitan tal-ministeri setghu jitkelmu ghaliex malajr nitilfu l-fidi taghna.Le ghad-DIVORZJU -- IVA ghal-korna.
@ Jiraiya Sama. All you have to do is to keep away from the ballot box when the general elections come. That is, of course, if you are Maltese and have a vote. If you are not Maltese, then it would be interesting to know from what obscure country you come from so that we could comment on your political parties, that is if you have any at all.
Sur Prim ministru ,.PBO u EFA ghaliex tridu lil Dr, Franco Jirrizenja,,,taf lil min imisskhom ghattu biex jirrezenja min kien u ghadu Arroganti anke ma shabu stess fil parlament,,,,u Int Dr, EFA ghoqod kwiet go Darek ghaddi iz zmien ,,ghax zmienek ghadda u wara kollox l'inkwiet int gibtu meta htart Bniedem bla esperjenza biex imexxi pajjiz.... Bil Haqq kemm marru Privates is bierah Marsaxlokk...?
Three political parties: One is worthless, the second is a headless chicken and the other is in shambles. Shameful, I can only despair to what the future holds for this puny island.
Three political parties: One is worthless, the second is a headless chicken and the other is in shambles. Shameful, I can only despair to what the future holds for this puny island.
Kif inhobb nghid jien "Kulhadd ghandu xi jxomm taht ghabtu" u linqas li ghandu min jitkazza hija certa lifa li tahseb li l-kitba taghha hija grazzja minn ghand Alla biex taghlem lilna cwiec Maltin. Bhal li kieku ma ghandiex b'xhiex tinkwieta hi b'membri tal-familja taghha, kif jghid il-malti ukoll ,"Il-hmar jghajjar lil dembu". Alla hares il-hitan tal-ministeri setghu jitkelmu ghaliex malajr nitilfu l-fidi taghna.Le ghad-DIVORZJU -- IVA ghal-korna.
@antoin vella."The conditional is called for because no such motion of no-confidence has been tabled and I don't think it will; Labour could not afford to win it." Please do explain in simple terms this piece of illuminating statement. Why can't Labour afford to win it? Because you are finally admitting that the country has gone to the doga and that Labour will find atotally bankrupt country? Please dp explain.
Min jobzoq fl'ajru jigi f'wiccu goes a maltese saying and that is what the nzzia are experiencing except that its snowballing. How it hurts when the booth is on the other man's leg.
Sooner or later we true blue Nationalists will have to redeem the party which has been hijacked by a group of opportunists. Then we shall investigate those who betrayed the party and instead of " serving the country" as Gonzi said yesterday, have used their ofiice to bestow favours for personal gain. Franco Debono will be remembered by posterity as the spearhead of the movement to redeem the PN. Noi tireremo diritto, l'amor di patria non fu mai delitto ......
Antoine Vella, I am sure that in a couple of weeks or so you will be eating the words you have written here ! Labour cannot afford to allow this country left in the present instability caused by a prime minister who doesn't want to admit that he no longer commands a majority in parliament. Now we have THE MOST INSTABLE GOVERNMENT IN THE WHOLE OF EUROPE !! Eddy Privitera
For all the apologists who are saying Labourites are opportunists in this scenario.... Do you remember 1998? Do you remember Pierre Portelli holding the microphone for Mintoff in his famous press conference? Do you remember EFA gving his speech time to Mintoff in parliamnet? So it goes Gonz...WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!! At that time you all said it was a parliament issue, not a party issue.So this time , just remember your own words!
For a journalist with an English-language paper, Miriam Dalli is not exactly an accomplished wordsmith is she? She should have written "Franco Debono WOULD vote for Labour motion" and, again "MP WOULD support vote of no confidence". The conditional is called for because no such motion of no-confidence has been tabled and I don't think it will; Labour could not afford to win it.
Il-lejla qed naraw lil franco debono fuq is-super one TV - nammetti li ma tantx jinzilli joe grima imma l-lejla nghidlu prosit - kif haqqu prosit wara kollox norman hamilton li gab lil franco debono fuq il-programm tieghu nhar is-sibt. Lin-nazzjonalisti qed inpattulhom ghajn b'ghajn u xiber b'xiber dak li ghamlu lil labour party fl-1998 meta dak l-ikreh ta' pierre portelli kien ghamel xalata shiha jintervista lil mintoff u jdendel il-pjanti tal-birgu mal-hajt tal-parlament. Hallihom issa jindannaw lil gonzi u l-klikka tieghu - issa fl-ahhar waslet is-siegha taghhom li jinharqu - meta konna zghar konna nghidu li kif taghmel, jaghmlulek. Ara jithajjarx issa pierre portelli jintervistah lil franco debono u jwahhal dak li qed jghid mal-hitan tal-palazz bhala backdrop wara daharu !!!!! Haga wahda hi cara: fl-ahhar mill-ahhar is-sewwa jirbah zgur!!!
What goes round comes around. Remember 1984 all screaming MAGGORANZA MAGGORANZA. 2012 is the time of MINORANZA MINORANZA. Come on Gonzi, be a man call a VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. If you have to finish, finish with honour like Alfred Sant.
Dr Debono is launching one missile after another. This latest revelation is truly filthy, so much so for family values.
Qatt ma kont nobsor illi dawk illi jiftahru u jippupaw sidhirhom tant bid-dimokrazzija, is-solidarjeta, il-meritokrazzija, jipprezentaw ruhhom ghal-kull tqarbina, ghas-sewwa, ghal-gustizzja u ghal dak kollu li huwa tajjeb jaslu biex iddahlu nies li ma ghandhomx x’jaqsmu. Nixtieq ikun naf fuq liema naha qeda il-marmalja. Dawn nies jaslu ghal kollox. Xi hadd li kellu il-problemi u mart dan peress li kienet Nazzjonalista marret ghand Ministru u talbitu l-ghajnuna ir risposta kienet “li kien Nazzjonalist kont ninghu”. Mela dan in-nies jaslu ghal kollox avolja parti tkun Nazzjonalista. Jekk ma tadurax l-allat u tbaxxi rasek ikkissruk, kemm lilek u lil familja tieghek.
Luke Camilleri
OMG "Independent" Blogger DCG whose son is employed with David Casa with Ministers like Dolores employed within their Miniistries, with sons benefitting from contracts and tenders even within Dr. Gatt's Ministry, and we get DCG tut-tutting about Franco's girlfriend........
jidher car li l-ghan ewlieni ta franco debono huwa li jwaqqa gvern elett demokaratikament mil poplu qabel ma tintemm il legislatura kollha. sur debono qed titradixxi 2000 votant li urew fiducja fik u tellawk fil parlament biex tirrapprezenthom. inti ghajjart lil prim ministru arroganti u anti demokratiku imma jidher car li arroganti u anti demokratiku m'huwa hadd hlief inti stess.
Is sahara tal bidnija ma jkollix xtaghmel wara 6 allura bhala "hardcore un democratic PN member" tibda tattaka bi hdura dawk li jmorru kontra l opinjoni taghha fuq il blog taghha (xieraq tmur titqarben kull nhar ta hadd wara li xxerred dik il mibgheda partigana kollha!!!) Araw ftit mhux ahjar tara l hotob tieghek DCG milli toqghod ixxered iktar hdura ,impjega l gharusa tieghu.. jekk hi kapaci ghala le?? Dolores Christina insejtu il fondi misruqa? U dak it transfer go l ufficju tal Gonz ghax ghanu IL MASTERS fil history u jkollkom cans araw din . Ahjar nidhaq.
Anthony Galea
Kemm hawn min jara t-traba f'ghajn haddiehor u ma jarax it-travu f'ghajnejh! Ghax ma tghidilniex jekk hemmx xi ministru li telaq il-mara u t-tfal u qed ma Russa?
Zack Depasquale
@Yan Jiena jdahhquni kummentaturi Nazzjonalisti li taht l-istess cirkostanzi tghidx kemm laqghu il-Duminku MIntoff. Imma ghax Nazzjonalisti dawk mhux ipokriti u oportunisti u hallina siehbi.
i like the DEAR FRANCO from the labour supporters!!! bunch of hypocrates and oppurtunists
Zack Depasquale
l-ahwa Laburisti u Nazzjonalisti, nahseb huwa car daqs il-kristall li issa din il-kwistjoni waslet ‘in the point of no return’. Nahseb li Malta kollha hija konvinta li triq wahda baqgha ghal dan kollu u din hija biss Elezzjoni Generali. Mhuwiex konvincenti il-PrimMinistru u shabu li jghidu li Elezzjoni mhux zmiena bhalissa, zgur li mhux zmienu bhalissa huwa Gvern li tilef il-Maggoranza Parlamentari. Din il-kwistjoni issa ila itawal u iktar ma titwal iktar sejjra tisserja, fejn anke jista jinqalgha inkwiet fil-pajjiz. Kif qieghed jagixxi Dr Gonzi bhalissa li jipprova jwahhal fit-tahwied li ghandu fil-Partit tieghu fuq il-mexxej Laburista mhux denju ta’Priministru, suppost tal-Maltin kollha u dan huwa dak li jista jgib l-inkwiet fil-pajjiz. Jien ma naqbilx mal-attaki personali jigu min fejn jigu, imma iridu niftakru min beda b’din it-tattika, bdewha nies li jahsbu li m’hawnx min hu bravu daqshom fid-dinja u li jekk jghollu idejhom imutu bir-rieha li tohrog. Kemm jista bniedem jibqa jaqlgha u ma jibdiex jaghti lura. Nemmen ukoll li Dr Gonzi ma ghandux ghalfejn jibza li jitlef l-ellezjoni jekk huwa daqshekk konvint li dak kollu li qieghed jaghmlu qieghed jaghmlu ghal gid tal-poplu Malti u mhux ghal tal-qalba. Jekk jitlef l-elezjoni xorta jista joffri l-ghajnuna lill-Partit Laburista u mhux jaghmel il-bsaten fir-roti bhal m’ghamel Eddie Fenech Adami qablu.Din tieghi hija talba ta’cittadin komuni biex Dr Gonzi jaghmel dak li hu tajjeb ghal pajjiz u jmur ghal elezjoni.
Dear Franco. Take no notice of that hideous witch!!! Everyone knows she is mad though she can hurt...just remember Dangerous Liaisons-" the pain is like the shame. You only feel it once". She will rot in her own skin like a snake unable to shed its skin forever!!!
Frankly I do not give a hoot if an election is called or not as when the time comes I already know where my vote is going so next March or the one after makes no difference.What impressed me from this scene is Franco debono's cool and sharpness when answering questions.The PN can call him what they like but I do not think that there are so many other MPs of his stature.After all he is a very good lawyer and what the heck was never accused of any wrong doing before.Why should nt he be given a chance .I like him and I hope he can organise a new party with some guys from both partys. I think he has it to be a leader .GO ahead man show them that not every maltese is a puppet.
Franco, aktar int taghti kaz x'tghid zibla dik il-kwalita'! Ibqa' cert li kull min ghandu mohhu floku u mhux ossessjonat bil-politika jew qed ipappiha b'GonziPN fil-gvern, u hu x'inhu l-kulur politiku tieghu, jaqbel mieghek mija fil-mija. Prosit u kuragg. J'alla l-membri kollha tal-Parlament ikollhom l-inizzjattiva, kuragg u mhabba lejn id-demokrazija u lejn Malta kif qed turi int.
veru ma nistawx naqaw izjed fil-baxx milli waqa dan il miskiejn ta pajjiz, hlif tajjir personali tithol fejn tithol ma taqrax u xi nejdu ghal p.b.s. tara l'ahbarijiet titqalla, limportanti jigi l-hadd u taghrom jitqarbnu, ghanna pajjiz immexxi min partit u prim ministru li tant kibritilhom rashom li qed jahsbu li huma biss kapaci jigvernaw. ftit ihor ul barranin se jitkazaw bijna.
Ma nistax nifhem kif bdiet din jien. Ghandu proposti tajbin fuq il-gustizzja u hekk. Ghaliex ma jikkuntentawhx u jiddiskutwhom ha jaghmluwhom ligijiet?
OH MY GOD!!! HAHAHAHA. OUT COMES THE INTERESTING DIRT!!! Franco Debono today also hit out at the mischaracterisation of him and his girlfriend in the blog of Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia, by telling The Times that a government minister had employed his mistress with his ministry. "I am not married. I have a girlfriend. So what? Should one comment about a situation where someone has his wife at home while using some ministry to employ his girlfriend?" he said.
Zack Depasquale
I always considered Onor Franco Debono as a Primadonna but I have started to adnire this guy, one thing for sure is that this guy has balls of steel.