Debono plus, Bondì minus

Unfazed by a unanimous party resolution calling for his resignation, Franco Debono put up a spirited, if slightly dizzying, fight on Bondìplus, leaving his older and more experienced TV host looking perplexed and often lost for words.

Franco Debono, apparently not Lou Bondì's
Franco Debono, apparently not Lou Bondì's "parrot".

Additional reporting by Jurgen Balzan

If Lou Bondì thought the 37-year-old maverick lawyer from Ghaxaq would be a push-over on his bi-weekly TV discussion show last night, he soon found he had another guess coming.

Apparently unfazed by a joint-party statement simultaneously calling for his own resignation, a spirited Franco Debono held his own against a often openly hostile Lou Bondì: who on his part made even less of a secret than usual of his intention to discredit the troublesome Nationalist backbencher.

Faced with numerous clips of his own recent former TV appearances, Debono for most of the time seemed to always have an answer up his sleeve... to the point that an exasperated Bondì seemed to not even realise when his show came to an end at 10:30pm. 

The war of words between the two lasted for the whole programme and at one point Debono even informed his host that he "is getting old" and would not be prompted to "repeat words like a parrot".

Bondpilus started off with a clip of TVM's news editor Natalino Fenech, who said the national broadcaster had been patient enough with Debono and his declarations on PBS. Fenech accused Debono of seeking the limelight by constantly "asking journalists and cameramen to get him on the news".

Fenech added that when he worked as a court reporter for The Times, Debono would ask him to name him "even when he (Debono) was not even present in the court room". Fenech said TVM never ignores anyone and includes everybody in its reports. 

Debono denied ever asking to be mentioned when he was not present in court or when he did not deserve to be mentioned. He however took the opportunity to reiterate a litany of accusations against the national broadcaster's head of news, who he said failed to mention him purposely on a number of times in an attempt to discredit him.

Bondì continuously tried to unsettle the backbencher with interruptions and quips; but Debono proved to be better at repartee than Bondì evidently expected, and hit back with equally biting remarks.

For instance, Debono hit back at repeated insinuations that his outburst was motivated by personal ambition, and also that he was not a 'team player', by accusing Gonzi of not making the best use of his 'reserves'. Utilising the same metaphor first coined by Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg - who likened Lawrence Gonzi to the "coach" of a football team, he retorted that Gonzi "had not made the right substitutions".  

He added that in any team, "the coach is not a deity" and that "the supporters are as important as the players and the coach".

Continuing with the football metaphor, Debono said the "team is also made up of the substitutes" - a clear reference to Gonzi's decision to ignore backbenchers, and stick with ministers who "did not score a goal in four years".

"To introduce a diluted justice reform, I had to abstain from voting. That is the only language Gonzi understands," he said.

Debono repeated his declarations that Gonzi is "held hostage by a clique" and said that all the prime minister's decisions are taken by "the same two or three persons around the Prime Minister".

Asked who made up this clique, Debono told Bondì should use his 'journalism about everything' skills and investigate and find out for himself.

In a barrage of loquacity that occasionally bordered on the hyperactive, Debono constantly accused Bondì of shying from asking hard questions to Home Affairs Minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici when he had him as a guest on his show. "Why did you not ask him why Abraham Zammit was acting director of prison for three years?"

When confronted with the fact that a petition asking for his resignation was doing the rounds, Debono said he does not give petitions much weight and in a snide remark to Lawrence Gonzi he said "some persons ignored a referendum so why should I take heed of a petition?"

Debono said he never intended to make a career out of politics because he deemed politics "a service."


Dr Debono ġab lil Loo Bondi ŻERO.
Quote: For instance, Debono hit back at repeated insinuations that his outburst was motivated by personal ambition, and also that he was not a 'team player', by accusing Gonzi of not making the best use of his 'reserves'. Utilising the same metaphor first coined by Deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg - who likened Lawrence Gonzi to the "coach" of a football team, he retorted that Gonzi "had not made the right substitutions". He added that in any team, "the coach is not a deity" and that "the supporters are as important as the players and the coach". Continuing with the football metaphor, Debono said the "team is also made up of the substitutes" - a clear reference to Gonzi's decision to ignore backbenchers, and stick with ministers who "did not score a goal in four years". Unquote. Dr Debono, I would have also added that when the team did not win/score, and the coach would not make use of his reserve players, the coach would be the first to go, he would be immediately replaced. Ie, Dr Gonzi would be replaced.
Taf x ma inhix nara...had ma hu jghid li kieku kien laburist setax jaghmel li jaghmel u bondi loo ma nafx ghala ma staqsiex fuq din. VERU LI KANDIDAT LABURIST IRID JIFFIRMA LI MA JISTAX JITTRADIXXI LIL PARTIT ??(Bhalma qed jaghmel Franco Debono) Jigifieri kieku kien mal-labour ma jistax u jigifieri l-membri laburisti HUMA MARBUTIN BIL-KTAJJEN li ma jistghux jivvotaw bhalm kien ghamel MINTOFF. NIXTIEQ MIN JAF SEW JIRRSPONDI DIN!!!
Luke Camilleri
BONDI + JEFFREY PULLICINO ORLANDO on XARABANK will never be! I don't think Coach Peppi Azzopardi will ever issue an invite to JPO for an opinion on Xarabank after challenged to do so by JPO on INKONTRI program! Bondi will continue to be a Bondi (-)!
LOU jghid li kien gurnalist independenti LOL :P
LOU jghid li kien gurnalist independenti LOL :P
although i am a pl supporter,i have to congratulate Franco Debono for his courage and for bringing Loooo minus to minus zero.proset franco keep strong,whatever happens from now you proofed your point.
Bondi sab kappell jigih.....u waqqqghu fil-muta. Jekk Bondi hu gurnalist investigattiv ghalfejn ma jaqbadx xi truf milli tana Franco il bierah - ikollu x'jaghmel ghal ftit xhur li gejjin. Dalweaqt jigi investigat Bondi innifsu nisperaw!Lill- poplu nghidlu iftah ghanejk u ifli dak li qal Franco.
Whether the election is help in the next few months or next year, the PN defeat will be huge! As for Dr. Debono I'm afraid that he is misunderstood. I do not think for a moment that he's seeking any personal gain. It's just that he feels that things are not done right and he feels that he and his ideas are completely ignored by the oligarchy within the PN. He knows what's going on in there and he does not like it one bit! He is hurt!! Although I do not know him personally I have no doubt that he is a very honest person. Please give the man a break.
Keep your head high Franco - you are rekindling our faith in the Maltese. Well done for sticking to your principles. Keep up your strength of character.
First class title and says it all. I do not usually follow that sleaze- ball of Bondi, but yesterday it was worth every minute - especially when Bondi was very obviously at a loss for words. Bondi was taken to the cleaners. Well done Franco. Do not let anyone patronise you becuase you can afford to keep your head held high the same way that people who stand up for their principles do. You have thousands of people who are backing you - some openly and many secretly. Keep it up, Franco .You have given a new meaning to democracy - the real meaning. Let Gonzi and his yes- men simmer in the very pot they cooked for themselves. .
X'mizerja Bondi Gass atl-bierah! il-hdura tieghek kienet tidher hierga ma kull kelma li tghid. Pero' ma ddumx tiddardar k'alla jrid.
Franco seems to be very enthusiastic and energetic. He is still young and immature. He thinks he can change the world and he never expected the PN to take so long to get things done. I agree with his beliefs but we tend to get apathetic as we grow older and our parliament is full of old faces. Let new faces be elected and may this be a lesson to both parties that they either get things done or face humiliation.
Prosit Franco Mrs Bucket u Loo Mr Bucket ta saghtejn dahk li dahhaqtuna u dhaqtu bina. Veru farsa drammatatika aqwa minn keep up appearances. Prosit Franco talli josef offrielek chairmanship ta board (Kif jitla f'marzu) biex timplimenta dawk li bdejt issemmi... smajt li ftehemtu li kollox jitlesta sa qabel l-istagun tat-turizmu mhux aktar tard minn l-ahhar ta Gunju. U prosit ta l-ahhar ghal issa tar-riklam b'ejn ghal mobiles. LOL
Onestament il-bierah l-ewwel darba f'hajti li rajt BONDIPLUS - u waqt li ammirajt ix-show kuragguza, soda u spirituza ta' franco debono, nammetti li tqazzizt u ddardart bil-ksuhat ippersonifikat ta' loooooo bondi. Minn ghalih li qed iwaqqa' lil franco debono ghac-cajt u kien hu li waqa' ghan-nej.. ma nafx kemm-il darba, l-aktar bil-clip ta' chris said. Igri tinqaleb il-folja biex BONDIPLUS ikollu jemigra lejn in-net u naraw imbaghad kemm ikun kapaci jdahhak u jgib riklami fuq l-iktar stazzjon privat búdjenza baxxa. KEEP IT UP FRANCO - IL-BIERAH UREJTNA LI INT RAGEL TA' PRINCIPJI MINKEJJA DAWK L-ATTAKKI SFRENATI KONTRIK TA' DAWN L-AHHAR XHUR - INT RAGEL BIZZEJJED LI QED TAMMETTI LI B'DAN LI QED TAGHMEL HRAQT KARRIERA POLITIKA LI TANT XTAQT ISSEGWI - IKKONFERMAJT LI ZGUR MA GHANDEKX DIK IL-KILBA GHAMJA GHALL-POTER LI TGERREM MINN GEWWA LIL DAWK LI SA FTIT ILU KIENU SHABEK. KEEP IT UP - ARA JFETTILLEK ICCEDILHOM.
Well done Franco for your impressive credible replies to Bondi Minus on his TV show yesterday. Visibly angered and shaken, puzzled Lou did'nt even realised that the time was up as he thought it was time for commercials! No matter how Bondi tried to put Franco in a tide corner, it was in vain thanks to well prepared Franco. Can't get over it when bondi asked Franco to repeat after him "jien irrid inwaqqa il Gvern " and Franco promptly told him " MELA JIEN IL PAPPAGAL TIEGHEK"!!!! Prosit Franco u kuragg.
To say the least, I was impressed by the way Franco Debono handling Lou Bondi.It was a programme to remember. You are GOOD. I changed my views on you Franco. It is a pity you are leaving politics. You deserve better. Prosit Franco
Oh how I wish we have another couple like you in parlament. I have no doubts that you will be as good if not better than Mintoff, Keep it up Franco the majiority of the Maltese peolpe who wants honesty in parlament are behind you.
@ thor. Thanks for the info. It now seems that also Gecko noticed the premature shortening of the programme.
Grzegorz Tomski
At this point Gonzi should call immediately a general election, today.
JPO il-bierah fuq il-programm Realta qal li lil Dr Franco qallu li hu ghandu jkun lejali lejn il-partit li bis-sahha tieghu tela fil-parlament. JPO ma stajx taghtih parir aghar lil Dr Franco. Minkejja li inti ma tajtx ir-risposta li qallek Franco, nahseb kienet tghid xi haga hekk. Meta int ipprezentajt il-private members Bill ghal introduzjoni tad-divorzju min wara dahar kullhadd ma ghaddilekx minn mohhok li inti tlajt fil-parlament bis-sahha tal-PN. JPO please tilghabix tad-dejjaq issa u ghid car u tond li il-mexxej tal-PN aghmel herba fil-partit u fil-pajjiz bin-nuqqas ta kapaicita tieghu. Full stop.
As this saga unfolds, we are seeing who is acting in the name of democracy and who is not. It is a case of David against Goliath, with Dr Debono sticking to his principals, which everybody knows, should be safeguarded at all costs and above anything, even the party, and with the PM hiding after one body or another (cabinet, PN executive etc) and not capable of demolishing or faulting Dr. Debono's arguments with his rhetoric. I, and from the comments below, many others, appreciate Dr.Debono's efforts and sacrifices and encourage him to continue on this path of righteousness.
Joseph Sant
Towards the end of the show Lou Bondi thought it was time for a publicity break and was visibly surprised when he was told it was over. He told Dr Debono they had been talking for 2 hours when in fact only 1 hour and 25 minutes had elapsed. I would have thought the presenter would know how long the programme was supposed to last. Is it therefore safe to assume that the show was cut short by some higher power? And was this because the intention of the show - i.e. to discredit Franco Debono - had totally backfired? As it turned out Dr Debono made mincemeat out of Bondi!
Kif hadd ma kkumenta fuq iz-zewg mistresses li qed jigru fil-Ministeri tal-Gvern? Zewg Ministeri minn 9! Xi moda gdida? Possibbli din l-ahbar mhux important? Fejn hu mohhom il-Ministri jewta’ madwarhom? Fin-nejk jew fis-sitwazzjoni ekonomika hazina li qed jghidu li tezisti ghax tkellem Fanco Debono?
It all boils down to one thing , 1 year's salary as afterwards they have no idea what is going to happen to them.
@jgalea x'qed tpejjep dan l-ahhar?
@man in the street, Loo had unexpected instructions from Pieta's showroom,there is the possibility that the programm was even being watched during the parliamentary group meeting.
@jGalea Min jaf kif inti mwerwer jekk tigi elezjoni, b'xi €40,000 fis sena tikolilu, bil perks eh? Ahna nhallsu ghalik it-taxxi u inti tixxala eh? It-times aqra Beano dik il kwalita , dejjem kontra il PL , l-akbar dahqa tal bierah kienet li t-Times li taqra int qalet li Dr. Debono kien ecitat LOl, nhar il Hadd li ghadda Marsaxlokk privates gew u inti tahseb li n-nies ta marsaxlokk imorru jilqaw lil Gonzi meta ha jghamillom disastru ambjentali bhal dak u kemm tradixxa li-sajjieda , int konfus , min kien hemm Marsaxlokk Lou Bondi u il blue eyed boys bhalek komdu ma tghamel xejn f'xi korporazjoni ivvintata , inti tohlom sew qieghed la int cert li jerbah il PN mur u ilghabom ghax kulhadd qieghed izomm il labour u mhawnx laghba tal Pn , jien ma nilaghbomx imma mur u tibla kanna daqs xhiex.
Ara l-inkejja fejn gabet partit. Taghti kariga ta’ pusizzjoni daqstant important ta’ Segretarju Parlamentari, u thallih xahrejn mill-hatra ma tkellmux? X’management hu? Dan mhux management ta’ xi team tal-footaball, jew tal-Arriva, imma tal-GVERN MALTI. Imbaghad bil-wicc tost johrog jghid li mhux il-waqt li Franco jaghmel li ghamel minhabba s-sitwazzjoni ekonomika! GonziPN misshom raw fejn din it-tip ta’ tmexxija se twasslhom. Ilha miktubha mal-hajt.
yes the almighty loooooooo GOT A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE - Dr. Debono a witty savvy lawyer had the upper hand throughout the whole progamme. He never budged from any of his arguments, no matter how hard loooooooo tried to corner him with his stupid questions - which goes to show that you can't fool all the people all of the time. Only gonzipn yes men are critisizing him, the rest of us are witnessing a future statesman.
I have never seen a mop being used so expertly like yesterday Franco literally wiped the floor with Loo Bondi. I agree with Franco regards the coach example, Sliema Wanderers changed 3 coaches in 3 years because they were not delivering, therefore it stands to reason gonzi needs to be changed he is not delivering. @john bonello who gave you the idea PL is reluctant to put foward a vote of no confidence? Regards the petition Franco is 100% right and gonzipn know where they should shove their petition.Also I know for certain that the petition is being signed not by the 5th district electorate only.
Wistin tal-Belt issir President? Xokkanti meta sa sentejn ilu ta kniesja, faccata ta’ Evans Building, lil shabu biex jarmaw il-karrijiet tal-Karnival. L-importanti li naqdu biex nerbhu l-voti. Minix skrupluz, imma nitqazes nara politikanti juzaw kollox kif jaqblillhom u repetutament jitnejku bil-poplu qisu mhu xejn. Imbaghad hareg kontra d-divorzju. Ipengi ruhu xi qaddis meta n-naha tisfel tal-Belt, fejn huma kollha nies tieghu, qed jinqerdu ftit, ftit, bid-dro** u bil-illeterizmu.
THIS IS WHY!!-------
@ John Bonello. Why ask the PL? You should ask your PN champion Gonzi why he is terrorised of calling for a vote of confidence. It showed in his eyes the other day. And he is afraid of being a gentleman, because he is not used to it.
@John Bonello---Because it is not their democratic duty to do so. The government lost its majority so the government must seek a vote of confidence!! That is what id usually done in democratic states and countries. Again here the government wants to involve the intact opposition when they are the ones with the mess. So call Gonzi and Dr. Muscat will wait like a true democrat...
@John Bonello: Because Labour does not want to be accused by the pseudo-catholics (the jgalea type) in Malta of having pushed forward an election in troubled times. The PN wants this so that they can accuse the PL of being irresponsible and gain votes. I say: the shit is in their they clean it!
What i cannot understand is the following: why is it that it seems that the Labour is in no mood to ask for a vote of no confidence??
Il-kwistjoni hi wahda: Il-PN sparpaljat wahda sew. Xi triduh itella' jerga' l-poplu, partit mifrud, fazzjoni ma iahmilx lill-ohra? Partit mifni bi gwerer fi hdani kullhadd jiggieled ghall-poter? Triq wahda hemm: Bidla minn fu
@jgalea pn supporters??? ahahahhaah big joke my friend, missek isemmi smses li jintbatu every saturday evening lil tal pn biex on sunday imorru jilqu lil gonzi taparsi mil pajjiz li jkun ha jmur izur, iva we see news u jekk tinota dejjem l stess nies. so nahseb ahjar tiqaf ghax tizloq bhal ma zelaq siehbek lou.
@vcas1 Thousands of PN supporters ignoring Dr. Gonzi? Mela l ahbarijiet ma tarajomx? Mela it Times ma qrajtiex? Issa naraw x ser tamlu mal qawwa tas symphaty factor. Ma tibdewx.
Dear all. Kindly ignore this jgalea. He is one of three: He is either nuts; or abroad; or just pulling your legs. His arguments are nonsense. Just ignore him...just as Franco Debono and thousands of Nationalists are doing with Gonzi... ignoring him. The more you reply back the more he speaks rubbish. Just ignore him. Sajonara jgalea :) Lol
Dahhluha f raskom. M'HINTOMX SER TIRBHU. B'min ser tirbhu? Bil kapo Joe Mr I don't know how to save emails? Jew b' Karmenu taz Zurriq? B' xi Schiberras Trigona jew? Harsu lejn il PN. Linja skjerata Dr. Gonzi minn quddiem, Dr. Gatt, Dr. Borg, Dr. Borg Olivier, Dr. Fenech. Dawk giganti. U takom ma jibdewx! Dear MLP iktar ma tgerfxu, iktar titgerfxu lol.
It was not only Lou Bonid that was confused, but I think all viewers watching Bondi +. I wonder if you all expected those kind of replies form an MP. Wonder what kind of treatment would have got if he was within the Labour Ranks. Ah i forgot, a mass meeting in cottonera with the slogan ' Traitor'. And since you all agree with the issues raised by Franco, why had'nt the PL raised them first, or is franco doing the opposition work?
@jgalea, la daqshekk certi li ha tkaxkruna, ghax gonzi ma jsejjahx vot ta fiducja fil gvern? u mbghad nitkellmu. U nahseb li forsi tinsab xi ftit ma tiflahx gej tghid b Austin Gatt bhala president, lol vera tal genn ehh, u mbghad inthom tal pn tejdu li Franco Debono mignun,!! Mignun sabih ehh, gabu jitkellem wahdu lil Lou , bazikamnet waqa wahda ghan nejk nobis. Franco Debono ibqa sod, u grazzi talli qed taqbez ghal poplu. Namirak. ahh Lou,l-ikbar paprata li ghedt il-bierah kienet li arriva kienet sucess, ma stajtx taqa iktar fil baxx, ikollok ftit hin liberu, mur sal venda tal belt at 5pm, halli tara kemm kienet success, venda imballata bin nies, u xita nizla u fejn tistkenn ma hemmx, dik hi il verita fuq l arriva.
I loved how Dr. Franco Debono wiped the floor with Bondi. I didn't watch it live but it's the first time I bothered watching it off di-ve in full. Debono was very much on alert as to not let Bondi play with his words nor letting him get away with his. I'd love to see the PN with him as the leader. The PL wouldn't know what hit them. However as things are now, if an election should come (a very likely prospect) I forsee the PN getting trashed.
Prositt Franco....lou Bondi bhalissa qed jigieled ghal hajtu...
@jgalea: la intom daqshekk konvinti li se tkaxkruna mela ghaliex dan il-biza' kollu li ser ikoolkom vot ta' sfiducja fil-Parlament? Issa wara tigi l-elezzjoni u nahseb li l-PN itella 37 deputat u l-PL 28 ghax hekk ser tkunit-tkaxkira tahseb int u shabek. Jgalea tahseb li ghandna bil-gazaza f'halqna jew int, ahna sirna maturi bizzejjed li lilkom in-Nazzjonalistai l-partit tal-KLIKKAu tal-KLIKKA biss (naf sew x'jigri ghax darba kont nahdem f'dan il-partit)ma nafdawkomx izjed. Forsi inti ghandek ragun tahseb kif qed tahseb ghax forsi bhal gemel hsibt u hzint bizzejjed ghal wara l-bidla. Pero' jgalea nassigurak li din id-darba l-PN se jaqla l-akbar tkaxkira li qatt qala' kemm ilhom isiru l-elezzjonijiet u ser tkun ikbar minn tan-1996, ghalhekk jekk ghandek cans tahtaf ftit iehor ahtfu ghax dalwaqt tisma t-tokki tal-mewt tal-PN mill-Gvern. X'sena bdejt tal-PN bomba.
one word to Dr Franco Debono "PROSIT"!
LOL morru fuq u tistaw fl-interactive poll tivvota kemm trid , x'farsa u tiskanta ir-rizenja ta Franco Debono qeda 8,000, imbruljunata PNennata ohra LOl, ipprovaw u taraw, xmanuvri jonqos jghamlu tal Pn, Malta mghadiex demokrazija, imma immanipulata mil klika ta GonziNM
Il Bierah Franco debono Mhux talli hareg rebbieh fil programm Bondi+ Talli waqqa ghan nejk lil LOOO.. Fuq il Bicca Tal Coach li jaghzel it-team. Franco Kien imissu qallu lil Lou Bondi MINUS meta team ma jgibz rizultati tajbin mhux players inehhu imma lil Coach,,,U Bondi bhala supporter ta Inter Jaf li meta Inter laghba Hazin Biddlu il coach,,U Franco Lil Coach irid inehhi...u ghandu ragun....
Il Bierah Franco debono Mhux talli hareg rebbieh fil programm Bondi+ Talli waqqa ghan nejk lil LOOO.. Fuq il Bicca Tal Coach li jaghzel it-team. Franco Kien imissu qallu lil Lou Bondi MINUS meta team ma jgibz rizultati tajbin mhux players inehhu imma lil Coach,,,U Bondi bhala supporter ta Inter Jaf li meta Inter laghba Hazin Biddlu il coach,,U Franco Lil Coach irid inehhi...u ghandu ragun....
Helenio Galea
Dear Malta Today, Now you have really lost me too. Your reading of the show and Franco's shenanigans is totally haywire. Of course Bondi was exasperated, believe me we were too. The tone of your reporting has now clearly taken on an anti-government slant on all matters under the sun. It's never all good and never all bad. You can no longer be considered to be an independent voice in a polarised political environment. This will be your loss in the not so long run.
Kont eccellenti Franco Debono issa kkonfermajt x'fibra ghandek u grazzi ghal Bondi+ u kkonfermajt wkoll li dil-problema ta' instabilita mhux inti izda il-Prim Ministru ghax ma kellux il-visjoni li juza player bhalek fit-team tieghu lis-stess metafora li ntuzat u nzid qisu Furguson tal Manchester United ihalli barra lil Rooney mur ara is-supporters nahseb li jibqghu kwieti hux metafora bomerang. Graazi ghal Franco l-ewwel darba li ma xtaqtx li jispicca Bondi+ ghax damdmu u kaxkru tkaxkira li jibqa jiftakara hajtu kollha u xi gralhom il-PBS waqqfulu hesrem il-programm ghax nahseb li ma felhux aktar jaraw il-Bondi+ jaqla dawk id-daqqiet qisu l-coach tal boxing jitfa x-xugaman biex iwaqqaf il-glieda (metafoa ohra valida)
Sur Pivitera: Iddahhakx. Ahjar tibdew tahsbu lil min ser tamlu lijder gdid wara it tkaxkira li ser tlaqtu, jew ha npogguha ekk ara... X ser isir mill partit socjalista wara it tkaxkira PAPALI li ser tlaqqtu??? Ikkonvertu, u ibdew araw id dawl. Dawl li jatih biss il Partit Nazzjonalista. Il PN taghna jaccettakom bhal ulied :)
@jgalea Kien il-baby face Tonio li offenda, lill-madonna meta ġie jgħid li deheritlu. Toqgħogx tilgħaba tal-qaddies miegħi, bħal dak il-ministru bil-mara d-dar u l-ħabiba fil-ministeru u jippontefika dwar il-valuri tal-familja. Ipokrezija grassa. il-PN għandkom bżonnu xi erbgħa bħalek biex tkomplu tpappuha tajjeb.
@jgalea Skużani, imma veru kif qallek Matrix, trid tkun ċuċ mill-kbar biex tipproponi lil Autin Gatt president. Tista' timmaġina dardira dik il-kwalita wara George Abela? U ħallina u ddaħħakx. Kompli oħlom.
@BertuDimech. Ha tinsolenta lill Madonna issa? ISTHI. Tider mill liema partit int. IVA IL PN JIRBAH BIT TAJJEB JEW BIL HAZIN, JOGBOK JEW MA JOGBOKX, AX IL PN HUWA BISS DAK LI ANDHA BZONN MALTA. L MLP x jahbat? Wara l elezjoni li jmiss l MLP jkun imnizzel BISS fuq il kotba tal istorja LOOL!!!
j.Galea: Fakkartni f'certu Joseph Zammit li fil-kampanja tar-referendum dwar-divorzju, kien kulljum jikteb fit-Times u l-kolonni tal-kummenti, li "r-rebha tal-LE ( kontra d-divorzju) HIJA GARANTITA ". U int taf kif spiccat dik ir-"REBH GARANTITA" - TELFA UMILJANTI GHAL-GONZIPN li ufficjalment kienu kontra ddhul ta' dak id-dritt civili ! Gawdi l-ahhar ftit gimghat, u nawguralek is-sena t-tajba ! Eddy privitera
@ jgalea Mela dehritlek il-madonna ta' Tonio u ħabbritlek ir-risultat? Minn fejn ġibtha din tal-53%, l-anqas meta kien fl-aqwa tiegħu il-PN qatt ma resaq lejn maġġoranza bħal dik, aħseb u ara issa li qed jikkrolla. Anke Sant hekk ħaseb li se jirbaħ fl-1998. Raġunar bħal tiegħek irid il-PL u b'53% hu imma jirbaħ. Jekk hu kif qed toħlom int, mela imissu ġa sejjaħ elezzjoni Gonzi u jeħles minn Franco bla problemi ta' xejn. Ma tarax le qed iddaħħaq in-nies bik.
Zack Depasquale
@camilleribg taghtiex kaz is-sur jgalea ghax dak l-istess kien jaghmel qabel id-divorzju u kien biss issa li reggha tfacca biex jaqsam l-imhabba kattolika li ghandu fuq hutu l-Maltin. L-ahwa ejja nitkellmu bis-serjeta u ma nibqghux naghtu kaz dawn il-kwalita ta'cwiec.
Noholmu? Din realta!!! AHNA NIRBHU, INTOM TITILFU. Ghaliex? Min hu daqekk kbir daqs Dr. Gonzi? Joe Muscat? Iddahaqnix sihbi. Dak tarbija ghal fejn il giganti Nazzjonalisti. Il poplu jaf li il PN destinat ikun fil gvern mhux al 20 sena, izda jekk hemm bzonn ghal dejjem ta dejjem :) Nipproponi li wara l elezjoni Dr. Gatt isir President tar Republika :)
Il-bierah Lou Bondi rega nkixef kemm ghandu ghal qalbo l-PN ! Izda sfortunatament ghalih, sab politiku zaghzugh nazzjonalist bhalu li tah battikata nobis ghax kellu aktar minn risposta wahda ghal kull mistoqsija - minghalih makakka - li beda jghamel Lou Bondi lil Franco Debono ! Lil John Bonello nistaqsih jekk iridx li jispiccaw il-wardens halli hu jibda , per ezempju, jipparkja anki fuq id-"double yellow lines" kif spiss nara fit-toroq ? Min jobdi r-regolamenti tat-traffiku m'ghandux ghalfejn jinkwieta. Veru li kulltant xi wardens ma juzawx is-sens komun izda nahseb li dawn huma minoranza zghira.
Sur Jgalea. Issa la tghaddi l-elezzjoni u johrog ir-rizultat, inkun l-ewwel wiehed li nfakkrek b'dak li ktibt int illum l-Erbgha 11 ta'Jannar, 2012. Komplu oholmu fl- arroganza. Dwar Franco Debono fuq BondiMinus, he was just exceptional!!
Abdullah alhrbi
Spot on. Franco Debono's riposte rate was exhilarating to watch. Lou Bondi really can't believe he can pass off those pathetic squeeky interventions of his as witty incisive journalism? Seems like Bondi, poor sod, can't cope with a refreshingly different world view, it obviously limits his response rate. So Bondi thinks politicians on the PN side of the divide should all subscribe to group think to the detriment mostly of citizens from the South, does he? LOL collegiality, Bondi kept harping on that , that's a good one, I expect John Dalli can put in a word or two on collegiality and the PN . Bondi certainly put up a nepotistic defense of his cousin, that great non deliverer Austin Gatt , who like his protegee from the South thinks that people had no cause for complaint in the Arriva debacle or the Power station extension issue. Bondi thinks democracy is served by ignoring public outcry on national issues but would have us instead give great weight to a petty petition. Is he saying that a PN government is there solely for PN activists? Is he saying that no other citizen is relevant? How very European of him! Ye Gods what a dismal psychological profile Bondi presents with miskin. He would have us believe he is still relevant on the goggle box, well some are entitled to cling to their delusions. The only relevant journalist on PBS is Reno Bugeja, he gave a spanking performance when he interviewed the Prime minister, his democratic yardstick gives the right measure.
Franco Debono arguments were proving to be convincing,he want a new way of politics changeing old Roman laws to European."HE IS A BORN LEADER"
Sab kappell jigih Bondi fl-ahhar!! Tqallajt nisimghu lbierah specjalment fejn alluda li l-Arriva kienet success!! Ma felahx ma jurix lil min dejjem iddefenda fil-programmi tieghu! Franco Debono huwa ragel ta' principji u valuri sodi u hija hasra li minhabba certu arroganza u injoranza ta' ftit nies qed ikollu jghum kontra l-kurrent. Filwaqt li nispera li ma jdumx ma jitla' fil-wicc tal-ilma z-zejt ta' dan il-Gvern tal-klikka, nixtieq lil Franco Debono kull success u nzied l-appogg tieghi u ta' familti flimkien ma' ta' hafna ohrajn lejh issa u 'l quddiem. Prosit Franco....
@ KD ghandel ragun siehbi pero nfakkrek li hawn kunsilli laburisti li qed jaghmlu festa bis sahha tal wardens. Sa naf li hemm kunsilli laburisti li ivvutaw kontra mozzjoni biex iwaqqfu l-wardens. Din tal misthija zgur, il leader jghid mod u jippruvaw juru li kulhadd qaddis imbghad meta iffacjati min vot jirtiraw u ma jaqblux li jwaqqfu l-wardens. U ghax ma tmurx sa Haz Zebbug halli tara kemm zdiedu l-wardnes taht dan il-kunsill imexxi min kunsill laburista.
Zack Depasquale
Skond Lou Bondi l-Arriva success, ara vera dawn in-nies inqatghu mill-poplu totalment jew m'humiex jghixu Malta. @John Bonello naqbel mieghek fuq din l-ahbar imma ejja ma nibdewx niggudikaw, meta dawn ghadhom tresqu l-qorti,nemmen ukoll li jekk dawn jinsabu hatja ghandha mhux biss isir gustizzja imma tidher ukoll li qieghda isir huma min huma l-ucuh, sew Nazzjonalisti kif ukoll Laburisti.
As a voter in District Five, I will certainly give my #1 vote to Dr Debono. No mean feat since I have never voted PN before. To all the Die Hards out there, the alternative wud be Gonzi, Gatt & Co., whose track record speaks for itself and with a long expired due date. It either a new page of Maltese politics or further humiliation and abuse by the 'old guard'. Refreshing to see a democratic process within our house of representatives for a change an long may it continue irrelevant which party is in power.
@John Bonello. Naqbel mieghek li hi ahbar ta stoffa li semmejt inti. Mhux biss ghax hemm Baldacchino u Cohen imma, izda b'mod iktar serju ghax hemm nies bhal K. Demartino ta KD Travel u l-big boss tal-wardens u l-miljuni tal-kontravenzjonijiet?!??? Qed tismaghha xbin. Hemm ukoll l-avukat Ian Micallef another big head tal-PN, u hemm ukoll Noel Formosa ta S Lawrenz, qaddis kemm tridu imma qed jigi investigat ukoll fuq il-balbuljata tas-solar panels f'San Lawrenz. Biex tkun car trid tghid kollox habib. Ghalhekk Dr Franco ghandu ragun li jghid li hu imdejjaq u ma jiflahx izjed dan id-dizastru ta tmexxija ghax kull fejn thares hlief h**i ma tarax. Hemm bzonn xkupa gdida.
Did anybody notice that somebody at PBS halted BondiPlus abruptly at 10.15, a full 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time? Even Lou Bondi himself was surprised. Is it because somebody felt that Franco Debono's arguments were proving to be too much convincing against Lou Bondi's silly questions, and the desired aim to discredit the MP was reaching the opposite effect?
Malta is loosing a great democratic fighter due to hear headedness of Gonzi.
Is it possible that this news item reported on other Media was not considered as a news item by Malta Today...Is it because of the close connections of MT with Caludette Abela Baldacchino and Michael Cohen???...Just it comes" The accused, who are all pleading not guilty, are councillors Kenneth DeMartino 51, Swieqi, a director of KD Srvices Ltd, Paul Cortis, 56 of Naxxar, general manager of KD Services, Doris Borg, 76 of Birkirkara, Guzeppi Borg, 71 of Mellieha, Oreste Alessandro 63 of Fgura, former secretary of the Local Councils Association, Michael Cohen 54 of Kalkara, president of the LCA, Claudette Abela Baldacchino, 38 of Qrendi, Dr Ian Micallef, 42, of Gzira, former LCA president and Noel Formosa, 39 of San Lawrenz, Gozo"