Local councils’ shame: AD says civic pride should guide councillors

AD says entire Local Councils Association is tainted by embezzlement charges.

LCA president Michael Cohen is amongst those councillors charged with embezzlement.
LCA president Michael Cohen is amongst those councillors charged with embezzlement.

Alternattiva Demokratika has called for a stronger sense of civic pride in local councils and less short-sighted personal interests, after several local councillors were charged in court yesterday defrauding the European Commission in connection with the purchase of air­line tickets.

The issue first came to light when the European anti-fraud office, OLAF, noticed that some €96,000 of airline tickets for which reimbursement was sought all cost the same. For example, one ticket was marked as costing €599 when it was bought for only €446. The accused would then claim back from the EU the full amount instead of the actual purchase price, pocketing the difference.

AD spokesperson on EU affairs Arnold Cassola said it was shameful that Maltese local councillors are being accused of embezzling European funds. "Our country's good name must not and cannot be smeared at European level because of the behaviour of these irresponsible politicians who have absolutely no idea of what the common good is all about.

"The PN and the PL have teamed up together for over two years to keep this affair all hushed up. The Maltese people are now waiting for Prime Minister Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat to take strong and decisive action against those who have abused of the people's trust, which include a high official of the PN's ELCOM team and the former personal secretary of Joseph Muscat."

The councillors, who are all pleading not guilty to fraud, are: Birkirkara deputy mayor Doris Borg; former Mellieha mayor Joseph Borg; San Lawrenz mayor Noel Formosa; Fgura executive secretary Oreste Alessandro; the president of the local councils' association and Kalkara mayor Michael Cohen; Qrendi local councillor Claudette Abela Baldacchino; former LCA president and Gzira councillor Ian Micallef.

AD spokesperson Carmel Cacopardo said that the entire leadership of the Local Councils Assoiation iass being accused of fraud. "This is additional to the case of the former Sliema mayor being criminally charged with bribery. AD considers that it is essential that the untainted officials of the Local Council Association take over the running of the Association until the courts decide on the criminal charges which the Local Councillors are accused of."

AD chairperson Michael Briguglio said voters in the forthcoming local council had the opportunity to vote for candidates who do not use local councils for short-sighted personal interests. "AD's candidates are committed to avoid such petty politics, and, as local councillors, will work with other councillors with a sense of civic pride. If one wants change, one should vote for it."

Luke Camilleri
It's guilty till proven innocent..and may the best lawyer win !
Before coming to any conclusions, what happened to "innocent until proved guilty". If there is anything wrong with these councillors operations and are found guilty let's hope they get their just deus, but until then.....
Khemm taf tiraguna Guidocforte. Kull min jaghamel hazin ghandu ihallas b'mod jew ihorr.....
Xejn ma sirt niehu bil kbir f`dan il pajjiz...Kien hawn min abbuza mill poter u ha flus il poplu min ghajr ma kellu id dicenza li jghejdlu, ghal tlett snin u nofs shah hadu 500 ewro fil gimgha kull wiehed. Issa wegghethom qalbhom u indunaw li ghaxquha, u ser jieqfu milli ikomplu jehduhom. Pero ma iridux jirritornaw dak li diga hadu, jigifieri aktar min miljun ewro..Allura mhux ahjar nghejdu bhal ma kienu jghejdu in nanniet " Min isib il hawt ta l-ilma imbierek kullhadd ibil subajgh ", jew " biex tisgongra trid tkun pur " jew " Jekk il hotbi jara hottobtu jaqa` u imut zoptu " jew " kull min jgholli idejh kullhadd ghandu xi ixomm " ...