Austin Gatt to MPs: ‘early elections mean landslide defeat’

Transport Minister sounds warning in PN parliamentary group that discussed political crisis.

Behind you... Franco Debono (background) is expected to send the country into early elections, with Austin Gatt warning this will be a landslide defeat for the PN.
Behind you... Franco Debono (background) is expected to send the country into early elections, with Austin Gatt warning this will be a landslide defeat for the PN.

Transport Minister Austin Gatt warned MPs during yesterday's PN parliamentary group that a March election will lead to a landslide defeat "like the PN has never seen before", sources have told MaltaToday.

It was a disconcerting statement for MPs to hear during the meeting that discussed the prospect of imminent elections as Lawrence Gonzi's MPs swore loyalty to the prime minister and burnt their last bridge with backbencher Franco Debono by calling for his resignation from the House.

Gatt is expected to be an integral part of the PN's electoral machine after the prime minister on Sunday invited him to enter the war-room if he does not run for office.

Backbenchers who spoke to MaltaToday after yesterday's parliamentary meeting shared their suspicion that the Tuesday meeting was strategically planned to coincide with an extended edition of Bondiplus that saw Franco Debono exasperate his interviewer with his spirited repartee.

"During the meeting, [backbencher] Jean-Pierre Farrugia at one point raised the point that the social media were calling Debono 'mad' and said that it was absolutely not true," one MP told this newspaper about the plethora of Facebook posts and blogposts attacking the MP.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was also reported to have called the attacks on Debono's family "unacceptable" and that they should stop immediately.

But it was Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi who took a stand on the matter, saying he disagreed with Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia's posts on her blog and that the personal attacks on Franco Debono and his family "are not on".

While the PN yesterday demanded Franco Debono's resignation, Pullicino Orlando was reported to have advised against denouncing Debono as a traitor to the party.

"He said that doing the same thing Alfred Sant had done with Mintoff in 1998 would be counter-productive. He said the PN shouldn't isolate Debono and be less specific when it comes to a statement," one MP present at the meeting said.

Pullicino Orlando later said on One TV's Realtà that the party statement had not been entirely read out before it was issued, with some backbenchers expressing dismay with MaltaToday that the statement did not convey the spirit displayed in the meeting.

The MPs also discussed the possible strategy to be employed by Opposition leader Joseph Muscat, aware as they are that a hardcore faction inside the party is demanding an immediate call for a vote of no-confidence.

Muscat may be mulling his options as the government has yet to face a money bill, the Budget Measures Implimentation Bill, that has the same effect as a no-confidence vote if Franco Debono votes against the government as he said he will.

The Labour media is claiming the Nationalist party's internal polls are showing very negative results. says polls in December 2011 show voter support for the PN was eight points behind Labour's 54% support.

Lawrence Gonzi yesterday held a meeting with his party's administration at 5pm, before meeting MPs to discuss his government's endangered one-seat majority. It was a meeting that lasted just over two hours, with the PN issuing a statement calling for backbencher Franco Debono's resignation and accusing him of being disloyal towards his constituents, the PN and the prime minister.

There is no doubt that all Lawrence Gonzi can do is play for time with the imminent prospect of Franco Debono voting against a money bill that has the same effect of a no-confidence vote for government.

Dan ma kienx qal li minhabba ir-rekord li ghandu il-partit nazzjonalista fil-gvern , hija haga certa li kapaci jaghmlu 20 sena ohra fil-gvern ? Mela issa mhux daqstant cert ? Jew fil-fond ta' qalbu jaf li ma ghandhomx cans din id-darba ? U jista jkun li forsi ghalhekk mhux ser jikkontesta , ghax jaf li jista jibqa l-art minhabba id-dizastru li gab fuq kull haga li miss b'idejh ?
If I can recall correctly, is this not the same idiot that said that the PN will be in office for the next 20 years ? Or maybe he was reffering to the opposition office ?
Ostinat, tagħmluha meta tagħmluha xorta waħda se tieħdu l-ikbar tkaxkira li ħalaq Alla għax qażżiżtuna bl-arroganza tagħkom.
Kollu loghob tal-kliem. Il-labour jaqbillu joqghod attent li ma jergax jigrilu bhal-ahhar elezzjoni kien hafna quddiem raqad u l-PN rebah u qieghed fil-gvern. Tinsewx li kull tigrija sal-barkun....
"The buck stops here" Dr Gonzi recently said. And now...... Where does it stops?
Looking at this picture of Austin is like looking at a monkey waiting for a banana.
Nahseb li lkoll naqblu kemm Lou Bondi pprova jaghti palata lil kuginuh austin gatt fil-programm tal-bierah Bondi+. Pero naqblu ukoll li Dr. Franco Debono hareg ta' hero u lil Lou farrku u hallieh bla nifs. X'jahsbu dawn in-nazzjonalisti li ser jibqghu jitmejlu bin-nies u jghadduhom minn ghajn il-labra. Wasal iz-zmien tal-bidla Dr. Gonzi & Co.
Austin, Austin, hekk bdew jghjtu l-partitarji tal-pn f'Marsaxlokk nhar il-Hadd hekk kif Gonzi gharafhom li kien stieden l-Austin Gatt biex jghin fil-kampanja elettorali. U dak li ftit xhur ilu kien qieghed jarha l-pn fil gvern ghal 20 sena ohra ilum il-vizzjoni hi tant qasira li qieghed jarha telfa papali. U x'tistenna minn gvern li mexa b'arroganza kbira u bla ruh socjali. Tahseb Gonzipn li se ssib xi appogg min haddiema li qabel l-elezzjoni baghtilhom garanziji ta' xoghol u ftit wara baghtilhom ittri biex jirrezenjaw min xogholhom. Tahseb li se ssib xi appogg min nies bhal ex-tarzna, xarabanks, airmalta , u ohrajn li wara li sraqtilhom il-vot sraqtilhom ukoll l-ghixien taghhom u tal-familja. Waqt li int u shabek ixxalajtu min wara l-poplu b' zieda ta' 600 euro fil-gimgha il-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti kien qieghed jaraha kif se jhallas il-kontijiet esagerati tad-dawl u ilma. U la qeghdin insemmu l-kontijiet........dalwaqt ikollna nhallsu l-ahhar kont mieghek u naghtuk dak li haqqek.
What's this clown complaining about? At least he will keep the hundreds on millions he and his accomplishes stole from the country. A more fitting end would have been in prison while his assets are seized and returned to the country - to ease the pain that this country will be in within a matter of months .. whether we are under a PN or a PL regime.
Whether the election is help in the next few months or next year, the PN defeat will be huge! As for Dr. Debono I'm afraid that he is misunderstood. I do not think for a moment that he's seeking any personal gain. It's just that he feels that things are not done right and he feels that he and his ideas are completely ignored by the oligarchy within the PN. He knows what's going on in there and he does not like it one bit! He is hurt!! Although I do not know him personally I have no doubt that he is a very honest person. Please give the man a break.
@alchemist. Parliament will reconvene next week , why should PL show their hand before the proper time. It is imperative that PL supporters remain calm, it is true that 20 years of persecution makes one edgy on such occassions but common sense calls for calm.
@alchemist. Parliament will reconvene next week , why should PL show their hand before the proper time. It is imperative that PL supporters remain call, it is true that 20 years of persecution makes one edgy on such occassions but common sense calls for calm.
So gone is the ARROGANCE of gonzipn governing the next 20 years. No wonder Austin has retired from running for elections he's been feeling this for a long time.
Mela dak li f'Settembru li ghadda kien qal li -PN se jibqa jirbah l-elezzjonijiet sa 20 sena ohra, issa qal li jekk issir elezzjoni issa il-PN jiehu l-akbar tkaxkira fli storja ! Nispera li jekk issa jidher li l-elezzjoni ssir fi zmien qasir, il-prim ministru ma jiehux decizzjonijiet importanti hafna li jistghu jorbtu lil-gvern gdid li jista jkollu pajjizna. Jekk jaf xi tfisser onesta u irgulija, ghandu jhalli l-prim ministru li jinhatar wara l-elezzjoni biex jiehu dawk id-decizzjonijiet. U jekk jerga jitla hu, johodhom hu. Eddy Privitera
BREAKING NEWS PN just found a solution ........... Gonzi will resign in the next hours New leader = no elections till next year
@ r4zor : grazzi tal-kumpliment. Ghallanqas il-vot tieghi gab ftit liberta!
@ r4zor : grazzi tal-kumpliment. Ghallanqas il-vot tieghi gab ftit liberta!
Mmela ghal hekk ma jridx isejah elezzjoni Gonzi ghax Gatt qallu li se jitlef. Sur Gonzi int ta min int prim ministru ta Malta jew tal PN? kUn raagel ghal darba sejjah elezzjoni ghal interess tal pajjiz
GONZI GET THE HELL OUT. Intom il ministri tal PN vera nies arroganti u bla sinsla. Xebbajtuna u fitxu itilqu mil poter ghax xbajna bikhom.
Ara vera trid tkun bahnan biex tmur tivota l GONZIPN!!!
Dan id-diskors jista jkun GIMMICK tal PN biex iheggeg iktar lin nazzjonalisti (li fadal)biex imorru jivvutaw. Perswaz illi ser tmexxi bhal ma mexxejt l-arriva Dr. Gatt.....vrummmmmmmm dritt ghal gol hajt.
niko001, Good idea but No need to build new roundabouts to name for Austin Gatt. There is one near Lidl at Luqa which is very apt and which piece of art should be entitled Screwing Tool - because this man and his party has been screwing the country for the past 25 years. After the election, which we hope will rid this poor country of the PN parasites , it should be renamed .. UP Yours! I am an ex PN and so proud not to belong to this party of hypocrites and parasites any longer. Austin Gatt will certainly remember me giving him my tessera at his old office in Strait I also told hin where to stuff it. You have no idea how right Franco Debono is...and he is still not revealing half the porkeriji he knows about the PN. God bless you Franco Debono.
PN will win all elections for at least another 20 years - Austin Gatt I love you Austin!!! Hasra li ma tantx baqa' fejn nibnu roundabouts godda ghax konna nsemmuha ghalik!!
Grzegorz Tomski
Ghal Gonzi l-ewwel il-partit umbaghad il-pajjiz. Jibza li jitlef, allura jhalli lill-pajjiz fl-instabbilita. Bla dubju, l-aghar PM li qatt kellha Malta.
Ghidlu Wistin, lil shiebek Gonzi jwarrab. Veru lilek hallik hemm, minkejja li tfajt ir-rizenja. Imma possibbli m'intomx taraw li dik hi s-soluzzjoni li Gonzi jwarrab, forsi mexxej gdid jilhaq kompromess ma' Franco Debono? Ghax se twasslu ghall-elezzjoni bikrija meta qed tistennew tkaxkira. Mela xbajtu hemm jew ma tifilhux tilqghu ghall-maltemp li gej u allura coraggio fuggiamo. Biex kien ikollhom cans tirpiljaw l-izvantagg li ghandkom taht il-Partit Laburista ridtu legislazzjoni shiha. Mela din il-fernezija kollha, basta Gonzi jibqa' hemm mexxej. Dan se jibqa' hemm fl-interess ta' Malta? Jien mhux nikteb b'ebda interess partiggjan, imma b'interess veru lejn l-aqwa gdid tal-pajjiz. Ghandkom bzonn lil Franco u tridu twarrbu lil Lawrence minn mexxej. Dan hu l-fatt baziku ta' kollox. U irbhu z-zmien biex tirrangaw f'postha l-hsara li ghamiltu, barra li tiehdu hsieb l-iffinanzjar tal-partiti u revizjoni tal-ligi elettorali. Suppost int bully u outspoken, mela kun kuragguz bhalma kien George Abela fl-1998 u iddikjara li elezzjoni bhalissa la hi gdid ghall-partit u lanqas ghall-pajjiz. Jew issa n-Nazzjonalisti sirtu thobbuhom it-tkaxkiriet?
Zack Depasquale
Kemm jogghobhom is-siggu tal-poter qieghed nghid, nahseb m'ghandhom'x x'jitilfu. Taf fejn huma iffurtunati in-Nazzjonalisti li ma sabux oppozizjoni li taghmel kif kienu jaghmlu huma u tmurilhom wara l-bieb ta'darhom u tiehdilhom ir-ritratti tad-dar taghhom. Umbghad xi nghidu ghal dawk li jhallu l-mara id-dar, jekk jitilfu l-ministeru fejn sejjrin jaghmluha l-habiba.Ja qatgha ipokriti
DR Austin Gatt bhal ma qal Dr Franco Debonoil bierah meta Dr Alfred Sant kien taghkom dik it TKAXKIRA ghal ALLA li HALLAQKOM bhal ma kien ghid Lino Cassar tax XEWKA int ( Austin GATT u Kuginuk Lou Bondi li il bierah qala TKAXKIRA minghand Dr Franco Debono fejn minghalih (Bondi) rid jghaddi biz zmien lil Dr Franco Debono )kontu RESPONSABLI mil affarijiet tal PN waqt dik l-elezjoni tan 1998 Foldieri ghoqod ATTENT li ma TMURX tiehu TKAXKIRA ohra u flok taghmel 20 sena ohra fil gvern Int u Uliedek tghamluhom fl-oppozizjoni ghax il VERU ma HAWNX IKSAH minnek QASSIST LIL KULLHADD
The Opposition must present a motion of no confidence when the parliament is first convened ie next Wednesday. It's useless procrastinating as nobody knows what the future holds and the PL would have lost a golden opportunity to bring down GonziPN. The PL supporters WOULD BE VERY ANGRY if election is not held in the foreseeable future!"
Mhux ovvja jekk Gonzi mhux ha jkollu hafna cans jaghmel l-pjaciri (incumbency). Kien hemm ghalfejn ghidlina Austin. Parti mill-landslide minhabba fih! They slide and roll while we watch!
Mela ghandu ragun Franco jghid li il "first team" li ghazel il kowc mhux qed jilghab tajjeb. U meta tim ma jilghabx tajjeb l-ewwel ma jitnehha huwa il cowc.
Basta ha naghmlu 25 sena ohra. Ex-PN ddispjacut, imma jekk johrog Franco xorta lilu nivvota.
I seem to remember someone guaranteeing a PN government for the next 20 years.