Labour will call confidence vote, PN retort: 'Muscat creating instability'

Opposition leader hints at no-confidence motion if Prime Minister doesn't call for vote himself.

Opposition and Labour leader Joseph Muscat
Opposition and Labour leader Joseph Muscat

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has called on Prime Minister to make the 'honourable decision' to call for a vote of confidence in his government, in parliament.

Muscat did not directly say that the Opposition would move a vote of no-confidence, however his appeal to Lawrence Gonzi indicates that the PL will do so if government does not call for a vote of confidence itself.

"In the light of the crisis caused by the Prime Minister's style of leadership, I appeal to the Prime Minister to take decisive action during tonight's meeting of the PN's executive to resolve and not prolong the crisis. If the Prime Minister does not find a solution, then I am ready to carry my responsibility and decide myself, where the Prime Minister fails to do so," Muscat said.

"We will wait for the outcome of tonight's meeting of the Nationalist Party's executive council, and if the Prime Minister does not come up with an honourable solution and call a confidence vote in parliament, then we will take the decision ourselves... at the danger of taking an electorally unpopular decision," Muscat said.

"The Prime Minister has done nothing at all to eliminate instability. Government is dragging its feet and the Prime Minister has shown that his pride comes before the national interest. We have to show sympathy with the real victims of instability; our families and businesses."

Muscat also said Lawrence Gonzi had not done what is normally done in democracies where a vote of confidence would be normal practice where a government majority is threatened. "In reality the more in-fighting and divisions exist in GonziPN, the better for Labour. However I put the national interest before the party's interest, and we cannot waste any more time in stopping the instability," Muscat said.

"Gonzi has a clear choice to make. However he has not done the honourable thing and call for a vote of confidence because he cares more about himself then for the country's stability.

"In light of the crisis I urge the Prime Minister to take decisive action and solve the crisis. The problem is the leadership style of GonziPN. I do things differently. If there is a problem I do not shy away from it. I face it. Therefore, if Gonzi does not take this difficult decision, then I will."

Muscat also said Labour will wait for a vote on the Budget Measures Implementation Bill, a money bill that has the same effect as a no-confidence vote, to fall through and wait for the automatic vote of confidence three days later. But he said a solution should be found as soon as possible. Muscat said that he expects the Prime Minister to call a confidence vote before the bill gets voted on.

In a statement released after Muscat's press conference, the Nationalist party accused Muscat of exploiting the Franco Debono impasse to his advantage.

"The public is clearly showing an election now is not in the country's interest. But Joseph Muscat wants to be Prime Minister so much he is ready to sacrifice the country's interest, use Franco Debono and give in to an extremist faction led by politicians from the past.

"Muscat knows the Maltese constitution is clear: a government is elected for five years and nobody but the prime minister chooses the ministers... this instability is being created by nobody but Muscat by using Franco Debono."

PN, sewwa jgħidu li l-kabura milli jkolha tagħtik għax inthom l-ikbar eżempju ta' dan il-qawl.
Kuragg Joe , inti taf li l-poplu imwegga` , u li qieghed ibati , aghti dan ir-rigal lil poplu Malti , sejjah vot ta` fiducja . Konvint li Int u l-kabinett tieghek taghtu nifs gdid lil Malta.
Make no mistake, if everything else fails in this country including the same government under the leadership of GonziPn then it must be Joseph Muscat's fault. This lad must be omnipresent, omnipotent, almost divine (read Belzebub for the "it wasn't me" party people)
""Muscat knows the Maltese constitution is clear: a government is elected for five years and nobody but the prime minister chooses the ministers... this instability is being created by nobody but Muscat by using Franco Debono." .... gonzipn think that the maltese are a bunch of retards and morons, the above statement is holds true only if the PM has a working majority in parliament. What a bunch of liars, like it is said , half truths, like above statement, are worse than a lie.
@antoin vella " What Joseph Muscat is "hinting" now is in direct contrast to what he openly declared at Rabat...." goes to show that unlike gonzi listens.
Paul Sammut
The Honorable Prime Minister carries first responsibility for securing governance stability and not the opposition. If the speaker lacks the facility of counting heads than the country may consider him to be effectively a superfluous non-entity. Failing the speaker's roll call, His Excellency the President of the Republic has to intervene and officially inform his people how things stand. Well, all Malta knows how things stand. The Maltese will judge Mice and Men by their actions not by their empty words. Now who was it who said that?
"In a statement released after Muscat's press conference, the Nationalist party accused Muscat of exploiting the Franco Debono impasse to his advantage." What goes around comes around you bunch of morons. How it hurts when you are on the recieving end. It is time for the little people from both sides of the political spectrum (PL and PN) to take a breather.
@jgalea I asked once and will ask you again , what are you smoking mate?
Zack Depasquale
@jabela sorry mate, but I dont believe for one minute that Dr Gonzi will resign. Reason is that if such a desperate action is taken by GonziPN it will solve nothing but bring more troubles than ever. @jgalea I like reading this bloke's comments as he really has turned into a joker.
Luke Camilleri
...oh how times change....and the P.N. attitude when not in Opposition! True Hypocrites!
@jgalea Catholic democracy? You're joking, right?. Just have good look at the history of the Catholic church and see what catholic democracy is all about.
BREAKING NEWS PN just found a solution ........... Gonzi will resign in the next hours New leader = no elections till next year
@jgalea Lol int tad dahq, ara min ghannaq lil Gaddafi l-ahhar darba, hu siehbek GonziNM, ara issa jrid jghamel business mac-China, int tad-dahq. JGalea int turi ismek ghax intom anki kieku fl-opposizzjoni tivvitimizzaw lil Laburisti bil boycotts u bombi, jew ittri bombi. Ma tibsawx turu isimkom , ara ahna imwewrin nuru min ahna ghax jew xi transfer nistaw naqalaw jew xi vendikazzjoni. Fallejtu il kaxxa ta Malta u stanejtu, intom Ok kollox taffordjaw ghax tal qalba u ahna bhalissa lanqas heater jew heater tal gas ma nistaw inqabdu ghax ma naffordjawx. Kissirtuha Malta bi djun.
Sewwa qal Franco li Gonzi jghix f'dinja ohra ta l-avorju; wara dawk l-akkuzi kollha ta Franco kontra Gonzi u l-klikka tieghu, fuq BondiPN, Gonzi still thinks that he can muster a majority? L-instabilita ilu li wellida hu: saqsu lil Mugliet, JPO, Dalli,Arrigo u issa lil Dott Franco Debono!
Issa aqwa, tal pn qed jghidu li Joseph muscat qed johloq l- instabilita!!! Ara veru thawwdu u spissjaw dawn in nies!! L-iinkwiet intern li ghandhom tal pn min ikkawzah, Joseph Muscat jew xi erbgha bulijiet skaduti li jahsbu lihuma allat u iridu jghaddu minn fuq kullhadd? Franco Debono huwa lehen il- poplu, qed jghid dak li ilu jinkwieta il- poplu ghall diversi snin u l-allat tal pn dejjem injoraw ghax komdi, saru sinjuri minn fuq dahar il-poplu. Sejjah elezzjoni sur p.m. ghax qazzistu lill kullhadd, u issa iktar u iktar, bil glied li hemm bejnietkhom anqas intom kompetenti biex tiggvernaw gurnata ohra ahseb u ara sena ohra!! U intom fejn kontu fl- 1998? Tahsbu li il-poplu daqshekk imbecilli u jinsa x'ghamiltu intom fl-1998, kemm irsista EFA u shabu biex iwaqqghu il- gvern u jghajjat fuq il- media li Sant ma baqghalux trieq ohra hlief li isejjah elezzjoni u kemm ftahar joe saliba fuq il- mezzi tax xandir li irnexxielhom iwaqqghu il- gvern laburista wara biss sena u tminn xhur? X'hemm differenti illum? Ix zewg gvernijiet tilfu il-maggoranza parlamentari.
Nixtieq inkun naf jekk tal-Labour humiex jikkonsidraw li jassikurawna li qabel l-elezzjoni generali l-fatt li l-Gvern Nazzjonalista ma haliex l-karti tal-identita' skaduti apposta. Jien nibza' li karti tal-identita' skaduti jistghu jaghtu lok ghal abbuzi. Il-P.L. irid joqghod b'sebgha ghajnejn.
The socialist party was always in a braccetto with extrimist groups. Remember Mintoff's regim's ties with Gaddafi, Tito, Kim Il Sung, Mugabe, Mao, ecc. Look at our PN, was always on the side of a full Catholic democracy. ALWAYS.
Nixtieq inkun naf jekk il-“World Leader” li rajna M ’Xlokk ghadx baqalux zejt kemm f’ wiccu u f’ wicc shabu? Taf li farraktu pajjiz shih? Jekk qatt kont temmen f’ dimokrazzija issa wasal iz-zmien tal-prova. Il-Partit Nazzjonalista dejjem pridka id-dimokrazzija imma QATT ma ipprattika. Temmnu u tippritkaw “is-Solidarjeta mal-familji” imma din ukoll ma tipprattikawix hlief mal-membri tal-familji taghkom, “Ghalina u ghal uliedna”. Nispera haga wahda jekk jitla il-Partit Laburista, li issir Gustizzja mal-Poplu Malti kollu. Kriszijiet li hloqtu inthom tridu twahhluhom f’hadd iehor kif dejjem ghamiltu. Inthom qatt ma ghandkom tort f’xejn. Il-poplu huwa Sovran u ghandu jiddecidi il-poplu min sejjer jiggvernah. Inthom fallejtu lil pajjiz, gibtu faqar u tenzjoni fil-familji, ghaks u jekk mhux ser issir xi haga ta malajr sejjer ikun hawn guh aktar milli hawn. Ghal darba kun ragel u uri l’ int dimokratiku u warrab forsi f’dan il-pajjiz tibda terga tirrenja il veru solidarjeta u nergu nibdew sejrin il-quddiem.
Dr. Muscat, int ukoll ghandek id dmir tnehhi l instbilita li hawn bhal issa. Mur il Parlament u sejjah vot ta sfiducja fil gvern
GonziPN admit that you are defeated....GonziPN you cannot rule any longer.....We are fade up of you.....THE PEOPLE WANTS A GENERAL ELECTION!!! THE PEOPLE WANT A NEW GOVERNMENT!!!
The PN do not want an early election because they are not prepared for it. They cannot organise the AIr Malta flights to import thousands of ineligible voters, they have no time to tie up loose ends such as the decrease in Income Tax, the Valletta project, Smart City(??), organise mass recruitment into the Civil Service as happened in 2008, distribute fridges, cookers and what not to cheeky voters, call disgruntled voters to Villa Arrigo to make them change their mind, sort out their Sliema stronghold which is in shambles..…the list is endless. They have been caught unawares and for Gonzi his terror of losing at the polls is greater than his democratic values, for it will mean the end of his leadership. Therefore, i feel that the PN will come up with something that will save them in the end and give them a breather until 2013.
Prosit Tatcisio. Hekk ktiebt jien f xi bicca ohra ta dan il gurnal. kemm qal li elezzjoni bikrija hija inevitabbli, tiftakru? Imma basta kontra il labour. Kontra il labour kollox posibbli, u kontra il labour ghandna par idejn sodi. u noqghodu attenti ghax dawn ghall KOLLOX JGHASLU.
The PN is in denial. If not, how on earth can they come up with such a statement? So, it is Muscat who is creating instabiltiy is it? Jahasra what a bunch of loosers the PN has been reduced to.....and how scared they are to let go of the power they have enjoyed on the back of the electorate for these past 25 years. do youblame them? Most of the PN MP's have made a career of their seats and they want us to beleive that they have 'served' the country. Served, putting thieir hands in OUR pockets, without our knowledge and paid themsleves EU500 increase per week. Some 'serving'this is ..ja salt parasiti . Give back what you have taken without our permssion and get the hell out of Govt. Or is it Muscat who made you give yourselves the increase too?
Ara vera dawn ta GonziPN lanqas xrara misthija m'ghad fadallhom. Holqu krizi huma, min go hdanhom stess sforz l-eghbbusija tar-ras ta Kap li jahseb li d-dinja ma tezistix minghajru u li ma jirrispondi ghal hadd u li jahseb li hu indispensabbli u qeghdin jippruvaw jitfugha fuq il-PL. Il-krizi tal-PN ,kif murija bl-aktar mod car ilbierah fuq Bondi minus, hija frott ta persuna wahda u wahda biss. U din il-persuna hija Lawrence Gonzi ,li jghidu x'jghidu l-apologisti u c-censiera tieghu huwa hati tat-tifrik ta' Partit xi darba kbir u vittorjuz. Il-vera tradituri huma Gonzi u dawk kollha li xebghu jixxalaw min fuq dahar il-PN. U b'hekk u bla dubju ta xejn bhat-tradituri haqqhom il-piena, Il-piena finali tal-vot tal-kotra kemm dik Laburista kif ukoll Nazzjonalista. Mur ghall-elezzjoni Gonz mur!! Halli nkunu ahna ,li vvotajnijlek, min ta' quddiem biex did-darba nassiguraw li nqalftuk il-barra min hemm kif hemm bzonn u kif haqqek!!
'Muscat creating instability'!! Well fiddly-dee...You is bad Joe bad bad bad!!!Sorry could not stop laughing at that one...pull the one in the middle Gonz as my other leg hurts!!!
Mark Fenech
Dawn fejn kienu fin-1998. Dr. Gonzi tghidx kemm kiteb u qal biex il-gvern immexxi minn Dr. Sant ifittex imur ghall-elezzjoni u Dr. Sant ta' raġel onest li dejjem kien, anke kontra l-parir ta' dak li llum huwa l-President tar-Repubblika Dr. George Abela, kien raġel biżżejjed u mar għall-elezzjoni ġenerali bikrija, u dan meta kellu 8000 vot aktar mill-partit nazzjonalista. Dawn kull ma kellhom kien biss 1500 vot aktar, inqas min nofs kwota u jridu jgħidu lil kulħadd x'għandu jagħmel għax huma biss bravi ġo dan il-pajjiż, wara li ħarbtuħ minn fuq s'isfel, tant li llum għadam biss ħallewlu, għax il-laħam biejgħuh kollu lill-barranin.
Isabelle Borg
Simply a pathetic statement by a desperate PN.
Il-PN qed jghidu li Joseph Muscat qed johloq l-incertezza. Kulhadd jaf li l-PN huwa partit maghqud qaqocca u ma ghandux l-inqas fraka ta inkwiet. Jien nahseb li ghandkom wicckom infurrat f'Teflon Extra Strong biex tohorgu b'din id-dikjarazzjoni tal-misthija. Jekk ghandek il-fiducja tal-membri parlamentari kollha ghalfejn qed tiddejjaq mill-vot ta' fiducija Dr Gonzi? Jewwilla hemm deputat jismu Franco Debono qatt ma smajtu jghid li ma ghandux fiducja fil-gvern jew? Tibqux tidhku izjed bin-nies. Iva uru ftit dicenza. Il-PL m'ghamlu xejn ghal fejn ghamel il-PN fl-1998. Kemm keskistu lil-Perit. Dik storja tafux ma tistghux tmeruha.
Zack Depasquale
@Antoine Vella, and I quote from The Times which you seem to be more fond of than this site, "The PL, he said, would not go down the populist route and may take decisions which some could disagree with, but it was ready to do so for the sake of the country".This is what Dr Muscat said not in Rabat as you erroneously said, but at a reception for media people. Dr Muscat never metioned, that decisions that will be taken on this Constitutional crisis will not please Labour Supporters besides nowadays disagreements are left for GonziPN and PN people.
"What Joseph Muscat is "hinting" now is in direct contrast to what he openly declared at Rabat . . . ." I meant Muscat's speech to the media not the one at Rabat.
@ Antoine vella - Look who has just crawled out from under the bile queen!...Haha, why are you so worried antoninu, your austin said you (the pn evil group) could win elections for the next 20yrs. Your evil group has been in turmiol for the past 4yrs now, this latest upset is just a symptom of all the deceit your evil group (you included,) have managed to foment along with the lies, double standards, and hypocracy that you and your evil group led Malta into. Indeed, as the old saying goes, the chickens are coming to roost!
@Gahan...At a point in time I thought the same way you did ,but now things seem to develope fast & its better to kill the beast once its on the floor before they start buying time till Franco Debono breaks or even worse they start issuing legal notice to bypass parlament.
@ Antoine vella - Look who has just crawled out from under the bile queen!...Haha, why are you so worried antoninu, your austin said you (the pn evil group) could win elections for the next 20yrs. Your evil group has been in turmiol for the past 4yrs now, this latest upset is just a symptom of all the deceit your evil group (you included,) have managed to foment along with the lies, double standards, and hypocracy that you and your evil group led Malta into. Indeed, as the old saying goes, the chickens are coming to roost!
@Gahan...At a point in time I thought the same way you did ,but now things seem to develope fast & its better to kill the beast once its on the floor before they start buying time till Franco Debono breaks or even worse they start issuing legal notice to bypass parlament.
PN reports Dr. Muscat as using Dr.Debono. Come on !! Thank God Dr. Debono has got what it takes !! He has voiced what many have been complaining about. So now we wait for next parliamentary vote and see what happens. Pity PN don't have a suitable substitute for Dr.Gonzi. I am sure that with another leader they would have a good chance of winning the next election. With Dr. Gonzi I am afraid that it will be a no go. Its sad for Malta with only 2 parties. They have us the nuts to put it politely.
L-incertezza ilha ghaddeja 4 snin. M'maggoranza ta 1500 ma tmexxiex gvern li ilu fil-poter ghal 20 sena. Kienet cara li dan il-gvern ser ikun zopp.Hija hasra li Dr. Gonzi u shabu huma daqshekk imqabda mall-poter. Ikun ghaqli li dan il-gvern imut mewta naturali.
@antoineplusDCG Told you , you are nuts , a dreamer like the Bidnija witch, Oh by the way she can be a canditate for the Bidnijja LOl on the GonziNM ticket , that would be a farce
What Joseph Muscat is "hinting" now is in direct contrast to what he openly declared at Rabat when he said that he would take a position that would not be approved by Labour supporters (this was not reported by MaltaToday). The U-turn must have been brought about by the reaction of those same supporters.
In my opinion it would be an error by the PL to put forward a no confidence motion in parliament. I would let the GonziPN government to die a natural death. After all it is only a matter of time, actually the GonziPN government is already dead.
What a differnce a gentleman makes: Alfred Sant did not 'if' or 'but', but went straight away to Parliament notwithstanding the immenent electoral defeat. This Prime Minister- a newphew of a Church leader who wrought havoc and division amongst our society, wants to play the fiddle, using PBS, BondiPn, Natalino otto and the visceral blogger of Bidnija- to dehuminise Debono, and to continue to superglue himself at Castille!A democratic gentleman needs no excuses, no psychological crusading and simply calls it a day when the bell tolls! Nitty gritty, by this week or next, GonziPN will start decomposing, hopefully this will lead to a new beginning, where strategic decisions will not be taken in the interest of the gang of four, or by a hidden hand as Debono has concluded, but by ALL the PN supporters! Thank you FRANCO, there is life after GonziPN!
Grzegorz Tomski
Viva l-Labour!
Some ppl are congratulating our PM for not giving in to Dr.Debono's requests. It is however becoming quite clear that the PM did not take this path because he would have been proven wrong again. All of Franco's arguments and the lack of concrete ones from the PM continue to prove how right is Franco and how wrong is the PM. While the PM has long been faced with very constructive criticism from the Opposition, and he managed to fool many people with his decisions, Debono's arguments, and his knowledge of how "evil" the PM's clique could be, have brought about the downfall of this tired and oligarchic Government.
Il-Labour Party ghandu jressaq vot ta' fiducja fil-gonzipn illum qabel ghada. Hi haga ovvja li gonzi dak li jrid biex joqghod jilghabha li l-labour qed ifixklu milli jkompli jahdem ghall-pajjiz, miskin !! Ejja nwarrbu lil PN illum qabel ghada - wara kollox gonzi grazzi jmissu jghidilna jekk inqalftuh minn kastilja llum qabel ghada - xejn xejn ma jkollux ghalfejn jibqa' imqajjem sal-erbgha ta' filghodu fi brussels jew f'luxembourg miskin, jahdem ghalina u jaghti l-pariri lil sarkozy u lil merkel x'ghandhom jaghmlu biex isalvaw l-euro - u kate tkun tista' toqghod tgawdih bi kwietha u ma jkollhomx ghalfejn joqoghdu jmorru l-girgenti jistriehu u ebda kaccatur tal-fniek ma joqoghod iqajjimhom!!!