Political crisis leads to travel stop-leave for Police force
Prospective general elections leads to orders for stop on travel leave for police officers.
The Police force has been put on a travel stop-leave amid imminent elections for mid-March, as the political crisis threatens to rob the Prime Minister of his one-seat majority.
A police official confirmed with MaltaToday that yesterday various units within the Police force were informed that no leave will be approved when it comes to holidays or travelling abroad.
A more generic stop leave will come into effect once the official general election date is announced.
It is normal procedure for the Police Corps and the Armed Forces of Malta, AFM to enforce such a travelling ban when major events crop up.

L-elezzjoni għal MArzu u għalhekk li l-leave tal-pulizija inżamm.

If the PM declared that we will not have an election why is it that the police force have been given such instructions. Mind boggling indeed.