[Watch] Gonzi urges Debono to ‘return seat to the people’

Update | Prime Minister Gonzi has invited MP Franco Debono to resign his seat in parliament and “return it to its legitimate holders, the people”.

Lawrence Gonzi reiterated his party's call to resign his seat
Lawrence Gonzi reiterated his party's call to resign his seat "in the national interest".

Addressing the media at the end of a two-hour discussion within the Nationalist's Party's executive committee, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today reiterated a call by his party to backbencher Franco Debono to resign his seat in parliament, after the MP withdrew his support for the government and robbing it of its one-seat majority.

Gonzi tonight welcomed a decision by the European Commission to approve a 40 million euro cut to its deficit, saying it was ironic that the EC applauded his government's efforts to protect the economy "when one of us has got us discussing a crisis we could easily avoid if only he takes the honourable way out by resigning from parliament and return his seat to the people who put him there."

Gonzi hit out at Opposition leader Joseph Muscat who hinted earlier in the day that Labour could move for a vote of no-confidence should it not be called by government, and stated that "it was pitiful to note that rather than seeing what is the National interest, Muscat has opted to take political advantage over the situation and exploit it for his own personal political benefit making him the aspiring youngest prime minister."

The prime minister's comments followed a statement made by the president of the party's executive council Marthese Portelli, who announced the council's decision to ask for Debono's resignation and to refer the issue to the Party's highest organ, which is the general council which will meet in the coming days.

Sources told MaltaToday that the meeting discussed a variety of options including the possibility of the party extending its hand to Debono in a bid to avoid further confrontation but this was preceded by a majority which opted to reinforce the call for Debono's resignation.

There was also opposition for the prime minister to call early elections.

The executive committee meeting followed a parliamentary group meeting held on Tuesday night, which resulted in a statement calling on Debono to resign, while all MPs vowed loyalty to the Prime Minister.

The strong-worded statement called for backbencher Franco Debono's resignation and accused him of being disloyal towards his constituents, the PN and the prime minister.

Arriving for today's meeting, members of the executive committee privately expressed with MaltaToday their intention to urge the party to soften their position with regards to Franco Debono. Not all within the party's executive agree with calling a general election, and this was made clear by MP Beppe Fenech Adami who told reporters on his arrival that he disagrees with an election right now.

Other MPs who arrived for the meeting preferred not to comment, but when asked if he agreed with describing Franco Debono as a "traitor", Minister George Pullicino replied: "There was somebody else on the other side who was once called a traitor."

When asked the same question, party whip David Agius replied that what was said in yesterday's statement following the parliamentary group meeting was self-explanatory and he had nothing more to add to it.

Meanwhile, transport minister Austin Gatt who last Sunday was urged by Gonzi to "prepare to work for the party" was seen entering the PN headquarters some two hours earlier for a meeting with the party's strategy group, which is reportedly preparing for the eventuality of the country being called to the polls.

GonziPN is already discredited in Malta and now also with the EU about the Budget,but his dictatorial instincts do not let him to call an election,but he should remember that every tyrant met his final day. Dr.Debono now its up to you to stay firm and determined in what you are doing and the country will remember you as the man who saved democracy as a true Nationalist.
In the single transferable vote system, one votes for the candidate or so it is intended.This system is promoted by the candidates themselves in Malta so that the clientelistic system can flourish. So why all this bulls... about resignation? Did the PN ask for the resignation of the late Paul Carachi or Wenzu Mintoff or Mintoff himself when they were at loggerheads with the MLP in Government. Franco Debono should ask for an independent's seat in Parliament and vote for or against according to his convictions.
Int sur PM Dr Lawrence Gonzi qed TITLOB lil Dr Franco Debono biex Jirresenja min MP U INT ximissik taghmel meta 54% tal poplu IVVOTA favur id divorzju u INT xorta BQAT TIVVOTA kontra Int ir rieda tal MAGGORANZA GHALIK SMAJTA FIL WARRANI li ghandek Mela IBQA zomm sod Dr Franco Debono ghax wara li STORDEJT lil Lou Bondi fil Programm Bondi + hafna min nies qedin jghatuk RAGUN li KELLEK il kuragg lil dawn in nies TEQFILHOM
Voting in an election is like marriage for those who vote for particular parties or individual, for better or for worse. Therefore when an MP decides that the side he is on is not acting according to their oath of office or are not delivering he has every right to switch sides or leave the party he was voted wiith. The constituents when voting they are giving the candidate the right to act according to his conscience (very muh used during the Divorce issue) and if the MP feels that things are going wrong he is duty bound to right them as best as he could and with the best methods he thinks would give results.
gonzi and gonzipn as a whole are totally mistaken when they ask Franco to give up his seat as the seat does not belong to his constituents or gonzipn but to the whole maltese nation. When MPs take their oath of office they do so to uphold the interest of the nation and not of the party or the constituents they represent. At the end each MP is answerable to all the people.
gonzi should return the money he and his cabinet diverted from people's tax money as extra wages and weekly increases.
Il-PM Dr Lawrence Gonzi qieghed jipponta subghajh lejn Dr Franco Debono minhabba il-krizi li ghandu. Nixtieq infakkar lil Dr Gonzi li kull min jipponta subghajh lejn xi hadd ghandu erbgha swaba ohra jippontaw lejh. Grazzi.
Dear PM GonziPN, why you don't resign and call an election and give your country the DEMOCRACY that Malta deserves?
Ian George Walker
So what we are saying is that (1)the Government presented the Budget, although it knew it would be going against the EU instructions. (2) The budget was approved by Parliament. (3) On the EU's instructions, the Government is going to cut the spending approved in the Budget by some €40 million. The question is, given such a major change, is Parliament'sapproval of the Budget still valid? Has our Parliament become what many predicted it would become - a rubber stamp for decisions taken in Brussels? Gonzi has a lot of explaining to do.
Dear Gonzi, pretty soon you will be knoking on my door for the election vote as you did during the last election campaign. That time I simply ignored you and did not open the door to you but this time I will open the door and show you my water and electricity bill and tell you why I and my whole family are voting against you and your mob 100%. During these last 20 years I have struggled to servive because your PN Government closed every door to me and finally I had to revert to self employ myself and again your bulldozer Augustino is trying to to take everything I have worked for from me. Go to the polls so YES we get rid of you once and for all.
GonziPN are hungry for power and want to stay in the driving seat. Hypocrites. How can people trust PN.....never, never, never.
The more they try to discredit Dr. Debono the stronger he gets. This will all backfire in gonzi's face. Time is running out for the usual electoral favours. I bet this is what's haunting gatt when he predected that there's a landslide defeat waiting for the nationalist party, if the elections were to be held in two month's time.
If there is anyone who should have retured their seat to the people it is A.Gonzi himself for voting against the people's wishes in the divorce referendum and for his weak leadership skills, B. Austin Gatt for screwing whatever he touched, C.Tonio Fenech for taking free plane rides and football tickets and getting his house refurbished for free, D. Carm Mifsud Bonnici and Tonio Borg for the disgusting handling of the prisons and the justice polrtfolios. E. All those who never turn up for parliament and still get paid for it. But all of these are YES MEN and so dear to Gonzi's heart. It is Outspoken, men-with -balls like Franco Debono who Gonzi wants to get rid of. It is always so much nicer and convenient to lead a herd of Yes- men, hux? It is ONLY THE ELECTORATE who has the right to appoint or remove MPs; Dr Gonzi and his klikka want to usurp that right from us. GO FOR AN ELECTION LAURENCE, AND SEE WHOSE SEAT THE PEOPLE WANT BACK.
Pierre Portelli ghandu xjitlef hafna jekk jitilaw il Pl u hatnu dak il faccol l-iehor Michael Seychell. Mich issa oqghod eqred ta min tal Pieta, int xewwixt xeba nies kontra il labour , int kont tilaghba ta laburist fis 70's biex takkwista u ghax ma hatt xejn u keccewk ghax kont egoist u traditur u tmur ghan d il Pn u tghid xinhu jigri fil GWU, issa daqshekk Pappa Michael u ir -ragel tat tifla , gawdejtu u intlejtu u ma haqkomx penny.
Dak in-nhar Gonziblaidejn sodi Sant 1. Kellu l-Mintoff jigifieri ggant tal-politika u mhux tifel (anki zijuk kellu jcedi ghalik...dak li difen lin-nies fil-mizbla) 2. Il-PL kien b'14000 vot minn fuq mhux 15000 3. Il-PL kine siggu izjed minhabba it-tbaghbis taghkom u mhux ghax il-poplu ried hekk Gonz, tahseb illi int indispensabbli? Isma minni...mur inheba ghax dejjaqt lil hafna nies...inti u dawk l-arroganit ta madwarek
@ Tubernum...Isejt tghejd haga habib...Li Pietru Paul Busutill ( il martri) beda jahdem ghal Dr.Franco Debono, sabiex meta ikun Ministru idahhal lit tifel tieghu xuffier mieghu ( mal ministru ). Ta xejn hadd ma jghamel xej Habib,.. ara issa li it tamiet tieghu x`faxxaw fix xejn, hareg qatta bla habel kontrih...U lil dan isejhulu IL MARTRI TAD DEMOKRAZIJA..
Ara veru ghandna prim ministru - almenu sa ftit gimghat ohra - li ma jafx xi tfisser il-kelma misthija ! Rega qieghed iwahhal f'Dr. Joseph Muscat ghal problema enormi li ghandu hu stess b'deputat li kien fil-grupp parlamentari tieghu, izda li issa stqarr lu m'ghadux ihossu membru talgrupp parlamentari nazzjonalista. Qed ikompli jgebbed iz-zmien li jigi deciz fil-parlament jekk Gonzi gjandux maggoranza biex ikompli jmexxi. Forsi jahseb li Franco Debono jerga lura minn kelmtu. Nispera wkoll li hadd mhu qieghed forsi jistenna li jigri xi haga lil Franco Debono li jghamilha impossibbli li dan ikun jista jmur il-parlament jivvota ! Eddy Privitera
Dottor Gonzi - ghax ma tghidx lil pierre portelli jaghmel intervista fil-kuriduri tal-palazz lil franco debono u fiha jitolbu jaghti s-seat tieghu fil-parlament lura? Kulhadd jiftakar li hekk kien ghamel ma' dak it-traditur l-iehor Mintoff !!!!! Ir-rota daret dawra shiha u gonzipn ghandu biss hajja sa nhar l-erbgha - imbaghad l-ahjar li jippakkja hwejjgu minn kastilja u mill-girgenti u jghid caw ghal dejjem lil angela merkel u lil sarkozy u jghidilhom li mhux se jkun aktar jista' jaghtihom pariri dwar kif imexxu l-euro. Kollox jasal fi tmiemu sur gonzipn.
Il PROGETT TA SAN GWANN.....GONZIP.N. v.s Jeffery Pulicino Orlando;Jesmond Mugliett; Franco Debono....Tilef GonziPN. IL PROGETT TAL 500 EWRO ZIEDA....GONZIP.N v.s.Dr. JeanPaul Farrugia M.D.;Franco Debono ;J.P.O u ohrajn...Tilef GonziPN. IL PROGETT TAL B.W.S.C....GONZI P.N. v.s. Dr. Franco Debono; u xi hadd iehor...qeghed jitlef il GonziP.N. IL PROGETT TAD DIVORZJU...GONZIP.N...v.s. Jeffery Pulicino Orlando; Il Poplu.....jitlef il GonziPN. IL PROGETT ARRIVA....GONZI P.N. v.s Dr.Franco Debono; Il Poplu Malti.........tilef il GonziPN. IL PROGETT TAL QRATI...GONZIP.N. v.s. Dr.Franco Debono....qeghed jitlef il Gonzi PN. Mela tista tghejd li int L-aghar Prim Ministru li qatt kellha Malta. Mela mhux ghax irid Ministeru Dr. Franco Debono,imma ghax int Dr.Gonzi FALLEJT.
Gonz il-problema fil-parlament qieghda u mhux fil kwartieri, ghalxejn qed tmorru tibku u tinhbew id-dar centrali ghax min hemm ma intom serissolvu xejn.
Zack Depasquale
@Phoenix,Couldn't have put it better myself mate. You know what else should be returned to the people of Malta the 500Eur Dr Gonzi enjoyed for over 3 years without the knowledge of the same people that elected him.
Pietru Pawl Busuttil l-ewwel dahhal idejh fil borma u qal li sejjer jigbor il firhem ta dawk li ivvotaw lil Franco jigifieri petition, mela dah sahhar jaf min huma u barra min hekk dawk li mietu naqalhom u insaqsuhom issa qed jghid li mhux hu qed jigborom, dan il bniedem dejjem ihawwad, ghandu wiccu imcappas bih il hniezer meta il kwota kienet 80 ghal qtil u isssa min xtra min ghandu il kwota niezlet 25. Fidil Pietru Pawl, l=wwel qal li huma nurses it-tfal tieghu issa nursing aids x'differenza LOL tad dahq
gonzi NATIONAL INTEREST MY FOOT, YOU MEAN PERSONAL AND PARTY INTEREST, VERY BNIEDEM IPPOKRITA.pl call for a vote of no-confidence in the interest of the country.
Dr.Gonzi, you have had your chance and wasted it. In the process you have wasted our present and our children's future. After your narrow victory in 2008 mant thought that you and your party ate humble pie and learned your lesson and would listen to the people's concerns. That narrow victory made you more xenophobic and arrogant. Your legacy, with your predecessor, EFA, will be an economy in tatters, a declared national bent of 5,000,000,000, besides all the other hidden government debt. A people that is more divided than ever. An organised systematic campaign of intimidation and fear. No meritocracy in appointments. An education system that does not deliver. All the parastatal companies, either sold off for a pittance or making huge losses. The EU finally calling your bluff of playing around with figures to balance the books, etc, etc,etc..........The list is endless. Do all of us a favour, look into the mirror and see what you have become. This country is in trouble and the worse is still to come. I do not envy the next government as it will have to take unpopular decisions and I am sure that your party's sleaze machine will have a field day. This is not only an issue of leadership but a change in administration. All the competent people are or have abandoned the Nationalist Party! You are left with blinkered die hards or those that have benefitted from their position or contacts. GO..nzi
Sur Prim Ministru, imma kemm tiflah tkun IPOKRITA, flok toqod tipruva taljena lil poplu u titfa il blame fuq Joseph Muscat, mhux ahjar tara kif ha solvi din il problema kbira li hawn f Malta? Min jaf li kieku bhal ma saret petition kontra Franco Debono, issir petition ohra min nies tal Kottonera kontrik, taf kemm tiehu gost hux, anki nies tal PN mil kottonera ghandek kontrik ahseb u ara, qabel ma tajjar u tpeclaq ara ftit x ghandek madwarek. Franco Debono ibqa zomm sod, u naghmel apell lil MPs l-ohra, hudu ezempju min Franco, il-poplu tellakhom hemm so inthom l-ewwel l-interess tal poplu u mhux ta gonzi.
Why doesn't Gonzi lead by example and return himself the seat to the people? In this way stability would be restored as Franco has said that the problem is Gonzi and he would support ANY OTHER leader. Come Gonzi do the only honourable options left available to you. These are:-i)Resign and you will be remembered as the interest of the country came first and foremost to you ii)call an election NOW. If you don't act immediately you will add to your chain of gross blunders and you will be remembered accordingly!
Gonzi reiterated his party's call to Franco Debono to resign his seat "in the national interest". This is diametrically opposite to how he reasoned in 1998, when he not only did not call on Mintoff to resign his seat "in the national interest", but urged Prime Minister Sant to call for an early election. Hypocrite!
Luke Camilleri
Debono would be returning the seat to Gonzipn and not to the people! Dr. Franco Debono is the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE! The PEOPLE gave him that seat, like it does to all the elected MPS...and the PEOPLE taketh!
Ghawn xi hadd fuq wicc din id dinja li jista JAHLEF FIZ ZGUR li il voti li gab Dr. Franco Debono, huma KOLLHA nazzjonalisti ? Ghawn xi hadd li jista jahlef li dawk in nazzjonalisti li ivvutaw lil Dr. Franco Debono kollha ghadhom leali lejn il P.N ? Dan huwa kollu loghob bil bzallu, ghax fis sena 1987 hadd ma mar jigbor il l-erbgha t`elef vot li kellu Mintoff min fuq Bormla biss.
With this move dear PM you have sealed the election time frame and left your party in shambles. Get ready to move over to the other side.This time no AG will save the day.Leadership skills at an ever low. For sure not a born leader. Now lets see what PL will have to offer once in power... and with not just 1 more seat this time. Hopefully it wont be a repetition of 1996, at least i sincerely hope. Words and promises are nice, action is what needs to be seen. IF it messed this time round too, not even after a 100 years will it be back in power.
Can you believe that there used to be a time that PN stood for democracy? Where is that party now and who is this new party that tries to eliminate anyone who dares to disobey the Supreme Leader? So much for "voting according to my conscience".
Allura skond il-Prim Ministru jekk Malta ghandha certifikat li mexjin fit-triq it-tajba mhemm l-ebda problema biex tissejjah elezzjoni....is-sitwazzjoni hija tajba u fl-interess ta` Malta sejjah ELEZZJONI
Franco Debono we will forever be grateful to you for ridding us of this mafia lot.
Jien naqbel maghha li Franco Debono itih is seat lura , allura jmissu ghada jmur u jaqla is-seat min naha tal gvern igib mastrudaxxa u jtih lil gonzi u Franco jmur fuq in-naha l-ohra indipendenti jekk hemm bzonn u kulhadd ikun kuntent , u Gonzinm jista jiehu is seat LOL u jekk irid jiehdu id-dar
hon. Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, do not pass the buck to Hon. Franco Debono. it is your duty to resign from PN ready and give your own party some space to manuoevre a solution in the country's best interest and to remedy somehow the gap which the PN is lagging behind the Labour Party. Franco Debono's seat in the House of Representative is his and nobody can force him to relinquish. We compromise that Gonzi keeps his MP seat, with the blessing of one of his friends, maybe Austin Gatt,but not any more as Prime Minister pushing the country to an out of place general election. Thank you Gonzi, let your own party move on! At least have the decency to respect your party, if not Malta and Gozo.
ahjar jaqsma il kamra... kieku taf x mibgheda qed naqra. Dik Marthese idahhaq tohrog!! gih l eleturri u fgih il partit. One ma ghadux parti mill partit u 2 dak qed jiraprezenta l malta issa morru fit 2 distrett u namlu petizzjoni mhux xorta kif se jkunu se jibqaw l affarijiet...
If gonzi really has the best interest of the people at heart he should resign as gonziPN leader and PM and pass the sceptre to Tonio Borg so that gonzipn can retake Francos vote. THe problem is which ministry should gonzi be given, maybe the "Ministry for funny walks" (Monthy Python)
X misthija ta prim ministru!!!!!! X jaghmilek il poter!!! GONZI DITTATUR ....GAME OVER gonzipn..
What gonzi needs to do now is a JPO, that is, goes on TV and gives a hearty cry. Booo hooo hooo.
Ejja Joseph tkunx chicken SEJJAH ELEZZJONI int ghax Gonzi m'ghadux il-Prim u m'ghandux sahha jsejjahha, u bilhaqq Joseph wara kun il-pappagall tal-Prim u ghid 'Mea Culpa mea Culpa mea maxima Culpa' Dal-Prim ghamlek Divin.
Gonz, min ikun prim ministru u jitlef il-fiduċja jirrizenja huwa mhux jitlob ir-riżenja ta' min m'għandux fiduċja fih għax ikun irid jibqa mkaħħal u ikkakkmat mas-siġġu tal-poter. ** Jekk int raġel u mhux CHICKEN IRRIŻEJNA U SEJJAĦ ELEZZJONI.
Karl don't worry I am sure that as a regional authority, as you said 3 weeks ago, Gonzi will easily solve this problem.
Karl don't worry I am sure that as a regional authority, as you said 3 weeks ago, Gonzi will easily solve this problem.
@ J Galea Ghandek bzonn l-ghajnuna habib!!!
Din il-karba ta' Gonzipn qed tfakkarni fil-karba ta' Gorg Borg Olivier qabel mas tilef l-elezzjoni tal 1971 li kienet 'Ghejjew maghna'.
GonziPN irid jaqla it-trouble kostituzzjonali; din titbiddel biss b'zewgt terzi tal-kamra u mhux min min anqas ghandu maggoranza semplici! Dejjem l-istess loghba; jaqilghu it-trouble biex jilaghbuha tal-martri!Trouble in the 30s, troubles in the 60s trouble in the80s trouble in 2012! History repeats itself! Komplu kissru imbasta tigganfaw mas-siggu!
Dik demokrazija , jitlob membru parlamentari jirrezenja mill-parlament meta dan kien elett mill-poplu. Jekk trid tnehhieh sejjah elezzjoni
I wish every PM was like Debono...He has my vote, even when talking he shows that he is Intelligent and is far more superior than most of the other.
This is unbelievable. he is sounding like the Syrian Leader!!!
I wish every PM was like Debono...He has my vote, even when talking he shows his far more superior than most of the other.
Dr. Gonzi wants Dr. Debono to resign so he can substitute him with another 'YES MAN'!!! Hold tight some more Dr. Debono!!! Open-minded people are behind you and know that what you are doing is for the country's interest and not for your own interest. You are the citizen voice.
Imma kif dan nies dejjem b'xi skuza lesta !!! Mhux il-mument li issir elezzjoni qalu , Mhux hekk!!! Mhux iz-zmien ghalijhom imma ghax Franco qabadom fuq sieq wahda u ghadhom mhumiex lesti bl-istrategija ta weghdi foloz, gideb u tradimenti ta qabel kull elezzjoni u li siss dejjem hadmet. Izda din id-darba mhux ser tahdem Gonz, titradina darba, tnejn imma issa daqshekk!!!! Onorevoli Muscat, huwa d-dmir tieghek li issejjah vot ta sfiducja fil-gvern hekk kif jiftah il-parlament nhar l-erbgha la Gonzi jrid jibqa ikarkar biex jirbah il-hin.
Sur Debonohaga nitolbok. Ikkonverti. In nies jitolbu ghal ruhek qedin. Il Bambin iridek tikkonverti, u titlob skuza lill Prim Ministru taghna, u il partit ghaziz u mahbub taghna, li tant ihobbu lil dan il pajjiz. Erga lura mit triq zbaljata tijek, u taghtix lok lil min verament irid jamel deni lil Patria taghna. Inti Nisrani, u Nazzjonalist bhal kull Malti u Ghawdxi. Thallix lis sccjalisti juzawk.
meta se jinduna gonzi pn li d dinja ma ddurx migheu , jigifieri laghqa ta saghtejn u nofs biex tohorgu b dil hmerijja ? , LE FRANCO DAK IS SIGGU TIGHEK , TITILQUX , KISSRULEK HAJTEK U L FAMILJA DAN NIES.
Isabelle Borg
National interest, my foot. More like GonziPN and the clique's interest.
La Gonzipn qed jaghmel dak kollu li jghidlu Dr Franco Debono inkluz li se jghid lil Onor Austin Gatt biex jirrizejna, mhux ahjar li tghamlu lil Franco flok Lawrence u nsolvu kollox b'mossa wahda?
Dawn il- Kummenti ta hawn taht u f' hafna artikli ohra fuq malta today, kollha mibgheda, ghejra ma taghmel gieh lil hadd...tal- misthija. Arukaza.
Inzel mill-poter ja Guda!! Dhakt bina u issa, wara li kissirt pajjiz u Partit ma tridx tinzel min hemm ghax "mhux tajjeb ghall-pajjiz". Mhux tajjeb ghall-pajjiz jew mhux tajjeb ghalik u ghal dawk ta madwarek?? ma xbajtx titmellah bin-nies? ma xbajtx tigdeb? ma xbajtx tfalli kumpanniji parastatali? Ma xbajtx tintaxxa? Ma xbajtx tikser weghdiet? ma xbajtx zzomm is-siggu u thalli lill-pajjiz f-instabbilta kbira? ma xbajtx tkisser nies u tuza il-familja taghhom biex tidemonizzhom? Inzel ja Guda u wara li tinzel warrab min mexxej!!
So Gonzi decided that the crisis will be solved by the Politburo and not the democratic structures of the country. PN - the fascists are now dying like communism. The circle will be complete soon.
Zack Depasquale
Nahseb sejrin johorgu b'iktar gherf milli hareg il-bierah mill-Grupp Parlamentari Nazzjonalista. Triq wahda hemm u din hi elezzjoni u jista mhux Dr Gonzi imur id-dar centrali, ghax id-decizjonijiet li jridu jittiehdu huma ta'natura Kostituzjonali u mhux ta'Partit.Li hu zgur li f'Malta ma' jistax jibqgha din l-instabilita kollha, kull fejn tmur hlief fuq politika il-Maltin m'humiex jitkellmu. Din l-instabbilita anke nkwiet bejn familji sejjra igib.
u l weghda ta l income tax? giddibin.
U ghalfejn hlist minn John Dalli bil pulit? Ghalfejn ftahart li tigi titnejjek minna l poplu fuq il kontijiet tad dawl u l ilma meta ghidt li tivvota bil qalb? Ghalfejn hadtu 500 euros ZIEDA fil gima meta lilna tajtuna nejka ta 1.16 euros fil gima. Ghalfejn ??????????????????????????? bil fors inkunu irrabjati. tradejtna gonzi. ja guda imwahhal u ikkakmat mas siggu tal poter. Nannti naqsila hafna d dawl ta ghajneja, kollu tort tal waiting list enormi tal katarretti. il petrol tolluh kull xahar. il gas Alla jaf kemm ollejtuh. ahna nbatu u intom tithanzru minn fuqna. shame on you gonzipn.
La tat times jiccensurawni ha nikteb hawn fuq il maltatoday. Marlene Mizzi, Edward Scicluna, Cyrus Engerer, Manuel Mallia, Adrian Meli, John Bundy, Marisa Micallef,Joe Grima, Alfred Mifsud, u min jaf kemm hafna aktar. Il problema hi dal gvern hu wisq arroganti, u kiser hafna weghdi. Gejna qisna dittatura. Iva anke jien u familti tigi meta tigi l elezzjoni, din id darba Labour ha nivvutaw.
Dr Debono is not disloyal towards his constituents,he is loyal to all Maltese.Gonzi did not made the right substitutions.Why he did not made Robert Arrigo for tourisem he's got over thirty years experians,and Mario Demarco for justice.I bet Debono would have been pleased.
Luke Camilleri
Nahseb li hadu il-Kuntratt il-Coach! Preparaw irwiehkom ghal biki, tissues, mkattar, xi Press card, kif kien jghid il -Coach Peppi Azzopardi il-JPO .... li ghadu sal-lum lanqas laqa' l-isfida tieghu biex ittih rigba fuq XARABANK mal-partner Loki Loo!
Luke Camilleri
Yeah... get the Blue Pain Relieve out! Bruises may fade but the scars will remain!
Luke Camilleri
Yeah... get the Blue Pain Relieve out! Bruises may fade but the scars will remain!
Paul Sammut
Oh how beautiful: first they rape you then they tape you.