Gonzi, 1998: ‘Sant constitutionally obliged to inform President’

In 2012, Lawrence Gonzi finds himself in a situation uncannily similar to Alfred Sant’s in 1998.

11 June, 1998: Lawrence Gonzi reading the writing on the wall for Alfred Sant.
11 June, 1998: Lawrence Gonzi reading the writing on the wall for Alfred Sant.

"This saga cannot last forever. It's time for the issue to be settled, once and for all. If the only solution seems to be an early election, then let's go for it."

Prophetic words from the PN's secretary-general in 1998, and ones which will certainly haunt him in 2012 as prime minister: like Alfred Sant, Lawrence Gonzi now faces the prospect of early elections after backbencher Franco Debono robbed him of a one-seat majority.

Even though Gonzi has vowed he will not do the same thing Sant did in 1998 - call for a vote of confidence in parliament - his advice to Sant in the days preceding the crucial Cottonera no-confidence vote certainly sounded far more eloquent.

"Dr Gonzi said it was now crystal clear that the prime minister himself had lost hope of commanding a parliamentary majority... Dr Sant was constitutionally obliged to inform the President on the situation," The Times of 11 June 1998 paraphrased Gonzi as saying.

That was two days after Sant publicly lacerated former Labour leader Dom Mintoff as a traitor, for having voted with the Nationalist Opposition against the Cottonera waterfront project (a 99-year lease of the waterfront to the private sector) that threatened his one-seat majority.

28 days of an overlong parliamentary debate had to pass until Mintoff voted again against the Cottonera motion, bringing to a climax a political crisis that ended Sant's 22-month government.

Gonzi: four options for Sant

Gonzi listed four options for the Labour government then: the first was to pressure Mintoff into resigning; the second was for Sant to make way a for new leader; the third was for Sant to act as if it was business as usual, "the 'steady forward' attitude until this could last"; and the fourth option was an early election. "I don't see a constitutional crisis," Gonzi said. "For sure it is a huge political crisis which implies constitutional obligations," he told The Times.

Even as government ministers today publicly insist that early elections must be avoided, Franco Debono is not expected to resign any time sooner. And an upcoming money bill he intends to vote against will automatically be a vote of no-confidence in the government if the Opposition follows suit.

When Mintoff, feeling alienated from Sant's inner circle, first voted against the Cottonera project, Sant called on his MPs to choose a new prime minister, but his group rallied behind him. He then called for Mintoff's resignation and turned a new motion for the amended Cottonera project into a confidence vote, in a bid to call Mintoff's bluff.

Mintoff's rebellion left Sant unable to function on all cylinders, threatening to defeat upcoming budgetary appropriation bills. Even with his MPs behind him, Sant may have strengthened his position in the party but his government was in a weaker position.

The comparisons between Gonzi's and Sant's conundrum in 1998 now seem uncanny: having won the backing of the party's national executive and MPs, Sant took his conflict with Mintoff to the squares in Vittoriosa and Cospicua. Gonzi already has his MPs' support, and he will secure it again at the forthcoming PN General Council; this Sunday he wil speak in Balzan but it's the party media that has rightly focused on holding Debono's effrontery up to public scrutiny, after withdrawing his support following Gonzi's reshuffle.

But Gonzi already knows he won't be 'doing a Sant' by calling for a confidence vote he is bound to lose. It will have to be the Opposition to move the motion or vote down a forthcoming money bill.

Gonzi has all the traits of a totalitarian, only he is right. No one can express his believes, and those who do so are preemptively attacked by the decapitating media hiding after the government. This is the democracy in our country. He wants to evade and turn the floodlights on Joseph Muscat in every twist and bend of this saga.
And on Xarabank the same PM could not stop expressing shock and awe because Labour is making hay while the sun shines. Hypocrisy at its best! PM Sant, with all his flaws, and he had many, faced the situation like a man. Gonzi on the other hand is planning to run to Tunisia as if his Party falling to pieces and Malta in a Constitutional crisis were just a figment of someone's imagination!
Gonz, sewwa jgħidu li kieku l-ġemel jara hħotobtu jaqa' u jmut zoptu. Imma milli jidher inti ma tarax ħotobtok. Taraha u ma tarahiex xorta waħda se tilgħaq it-trab tal-art fl-elezzjoni li jmiss għax kif jgħidu, tardare si, scappare no.
Gonzi make it easy on yourself. Resign from Nationalist Party Leader and give someone else the chance to try to salvage the situation. I would finally convince myself that Franco Debono is a liar and deceitful, if Gonzi is PM no more and Franco votes against the government in the crucial vote to give the go ahead for the proposed/approved budget for 2012. But I think in another scenario, Debono will prove that he is a real Nationalist and working in the interest of the country. He will give room to the new Prime Minister to try to save the PN, if not Malta. Though Malta should always come first. Come on, Gonzi, pluck up the much needed courage, realize your days are over, and let the NP try its luck under a new leader. Though 15/18 months, maybe this time will not be enough. But we have to accept that the NP have the knack to do possible, what looks impossible, though this time the Gonzi PN Government has taken it to far.
@bejn il-linji, ma tafx li hafna anizet ihhawwad il-mohh.
It is understandable that desperate to clutch to the seat of power gonzi would lie through his teeth to his faithful followers but to lie to oneself is the epitome of a muddled mind. gonzi is in denial like all despots that see their power dissapearing into thin air.
Bejn il-linji: Jekk Franco Debono jivvota kontra l-gvern f'mozzjoni ta' fiducja jew wahda ta' sfiducja fil-gver, ma jfissirx li jkun mar mal-Oppozizjoni biex jiggverna l-partit laburista. Izda jkollha ssir elezzjoni u jiddeciedi l-poplu lil min irid jiggverna ! Jidher li veru Franco Debono hadilkhom mohhkhom wara li - skond kif ammetta Gonzi stess - kien ha mohh il-prim ministru stess ! Eddy Privitera
Lawrence Gonzi has learnt nothing from Dr. Sant ! He should have learnt how a truly democratic and honest prime minister acts in similar ciscumstances as Lawrence Gonzi finds himself in today, a carbon copy to the position Dr. Alfred Sant found himself in in 1998 - not being able to rely on the unanimous support of his parliamentary group. Dr. Sant chose the only honourable way - LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE ! But Dr. Gonzi knows that when he asked the people to decide, just 7 months ago, HE LOST ! THIS IS WHY HE IS DRAGGING HIS FEET and is trying to delay a vote in prliament. Eddy Privitera
Li ma nistax nifhem, hija din.Fl`ahhar elezzjoni il P.L. gab 3 siggijiet aktar mil P.N. Peres li il P.N. gab 1400 voti aktar mill P.L.allura skond il kostituzjoni il P.N. hadu 4 siggijiet ohra. Issa jekk membru min naha tal gvern ( li gab fuq 2500 vot )u li ma baqax jirraprezenta lil partit, imma gie newtrali, allura dawk il 1400 vot jghaqaw u dawk l-erba zejda ikollhom jirrezenjaw.B`hekk suppost li ir rezultat jigi jaqra hekk P/L. 34...P.N 30...Indipendenti 1.
Micheal Bonanno
@bejnillinji. Mela Alfred Sant x'kien jaghmel meta kellu kwazi 8,000 vot izjed? Il-Gvern ta' GonziPN diga qieghed jiggverna kontra r-rieda tal-poplu ghax tilef il-maggoranza fil-parlament. Kostituzzjonalment, il-PM irid imur ghand il-President u jgharrfu li tilef il-maggoranza mhux joqghod jitlajja minn laqgha ghall-ohra fil-kwartieri tal-PN biex jahli l-hin tal-pajjiz u jkompli jitfaghna f'incertezza u nstabilita. Imma naturalment Gonzi mhux Alfred Sant. U inti tahseb li l-PL se jiggverna b'minoranza. JM qieghed jitlob li l-PM jiehu l-passi mehtiega biex tinghajjat elezzjoni mill-aktar fis!
Zack Depasquale
@Bejn Il-Linji imma kemm tiflah tkun tac-cajt biex tohrog bi statement bhal m'ghamilt, huwa car li GonziPN tilef il-maggoranza fil-Parlament, Dr Debono qatt ma qal li ser jaqsam il-kamra imma tilef il-fiducja fil-Gvern imexxi minn Dr Gonzi mhux hekk biss u li sejjer jivotta kontra l-istess gvern ta'GonziPN. Nixtieq infakkrek ukoll li Dr Gonzi qieghed jigverna b'maggoranza relativa ghaliex fl-ahhar elezjoni ma gabx 50% tal voti, bejn l-MLP u l-Alterrnativa dawn gabu aktar voti milli gab GonziPN. Siehbi meta tikkumenta ikkumenta sewwa mhux qieghed turi kemm int mahruq bhalissa.
PL baqa l-istess ta 1980; irid jiggverna minghajr il-maggoranza tal-poplu. Jekk jaqsam il-kamra Franco jkun ifisser li l-PL b elf u hames mitt vot inqas qieghed fil-gvern; jigifieri gvern minghajr il-maggoranza tal-poplu bhalma kien fil 1981.
Min qed jimxi b'two weights and two measures. Forsi issa see nghidu li is-sitwazzjoni hi different minhabba l-interess nazzjonali? Halluna trid. x'tghamilhek il kilba ghall poter!!!!!
Zack Depasquale
Hypocrisy at its worst from Dr Gonzi's side. It is time to take the same advice the same Dr Gonzi gave to Dr Sant, but wait Dr sant was not superglued to the seat of power like Dr Gonzi and his clan are.Prosit to Malta Today that brought this article to the attention of the public.
Dr. Gonzi what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Dr Gonzi dak inhar kont qettlu sew lil Alfred Sant. Minn dak inhar sal-lum nahseb li ma inbidel xejn fil-kostituzzjoni li lilek jghidlek taghmel mod iehor. Issa li inti tinsab fl-istess ilma ta Alfred Sant mur hares fil-mera u ghid grazzi Mulej talli sallabtni bhal ma sallbu lil Alfred Sant. Ha nkun ragel u naghmel bhal ma aghmel hu. Ara ma tahsibx li Malta ma taghddix minghajrek ghax tkun zbaljat bil-kbir. Jghidu jmut Papa u jilhaq iehor. Fid-dinja hadd mhu indispensabbli. It-terremot li holoq Joseph Muscat qed irieghed ukoll lil PN.
read and digest gonzi, kun bniedem bil bajt u li ghad lil hadihor ghamlu int, jekk int ragel
Hawn tidher bic-car id-differenza enormi bejn Alfred Sant u Gonzi. Is-serjeta li mexxa bih il-pajjiz Alfred Sant wara it-tgerfix li sab wara gvern ta Fenech Adami. U l-stess haga ha jigri issa jekk issir elezzjoni u jitla il PL, miskin il poplu Malti kemm ha jaddi min tbatijiet minhabba il hela sfrenat ta Gonzi and friends, u wait and see li jigu bil wicc tost kollu jitfu il blame fuq Joseph Muscat, xi kultant nahseb li soluzjoni ghal Malta ma hawx ghax ninsabu mitfuna f' shit kbir, grazzi Lawrence Gonzi.