Updated | Lou Bondì asked to testify in priests’ sex abuse appeal

Defence lawyer for priests convicted of minors’ sex abuse, says TV presenter’s testimony needed to confirm “allegations that Lawrence Grech is a liar”.

Lou Bondì (far right) with the victims of the St Joseph Home sex abuse scandal, outside the law courts.
Lou Bondì (far right) with the victims of the St Joseph Home sex abuse scandal, outside the law courts.

The defence lawyer for the two priests convicted of the sexual abuse of minors under their care, has asked the court to hear Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì as a witness in the priests' appeal

Defence lawyer Gianella de Marco will present new evidence and witnesses in the appeal of Fr Godwin Scerri and Fr Carmelo Pulis against their prison sentences. She said court should accept the new list of witnesses as they will provide new evidence which emerged after the court sentence was issued. de Marco added that it is up to the court to then decide whether the evidence is relevant or not.

de Marco was representing Fr Charles Pulis and Fr Godwin Scerri who were last August given jail terms of six and five years respectively for the sexual abuse of minors under their care at the St Joseph Home in Hamrun. They faced accusations by 11 victims, who were then aged between 13 and 16, were resident at St Joseph's Home in Sta Venera in the late1980s when the abuse took place.

de Marco also protested that the accused were only informed of the appeal and the date on 2 January and she did not have enough time to prepare for today's sitting. She also argued that the appeal should be postponed since her legal partner Joe Giglio was abroad and could not be present for today's sitting.

The new witnesses include Pulis' psychiatrist Mark Xuereb and Scerri's three personal doctors apart from the Bondiplus presenter, whom the defence says will confirm "allegations that Lawrence Grech is a liar." de Marco said that Bondi's evidence would confirm Grech's system of conduct.

The defence lawyer said Bondi's blogs can confirm Grech's behaviour traits such as his greed, his penchant to bite the hand that feeds him and his thirst for the limelight.  de Marco said she was not asking for Bondi's opinion but only to confirm the fact that he was lied to by Grech who convinced the other victims to get involved.

In his blog, Bondì had accused Lawrence Grech of lying more than onceon various issues on the relationship between the presenter and the victims. Bondì had for the past eight years represented the sex abuse victims up until last September.

Bondì had said his work with the victims was over once the court had found the priests guilty of the abuse which took place between the early 1980s and 1990s when the victims were aged between 13 and 16, and in their care at the St Joseph Home, which is run by the Missionary Society of St Paul.

"I have no difficulty to confirm under oath what I had written on my blog. The statements made by Lawrence Grech about me at the time were untrue," Bondì said in a statement after the court sitting. "At the same time, this has no bearing on my views on whether the sexual abuse had taken place. I never had and still do not have doubt that it did, as confirmed already by the court."

Judge Scicluna deferred the case to 27 Janauary where the Attorney General's appeal will be presented.The new witnesses will testify at a later stage. Mr Justice Scicluna added that the court accepts the evidence of the four medical doctors, but it will decide whether Lou Bondì can be accepted as a witness at a later stage.

The prosecution argued that if Lou Bondì had to be presented as a witness he would only be expressing his personal opinion about his relationship with Lawrence Grech, one of the victims.

The victim's lawyer Peter Valentino argued that Bondi's evidence would not be relevant to the case as it would not produce any new facts which occurred after the sentence was issued. "If Lou Bondi is brought forward as a witness then I will ask the Archbishop to testify about the reasons why an apology was issued and why the accused were defrocked after the internal investigation which ended up at the Vatican," Valentino said.

The victims' lawyer said Bondi's testimony would only be a journalist's opinion on the disagreement between Lawrence Grech and the journalist himself. Judge Scicluna said that if Bondi is added to the list of witnesses he would only be asked whether he can confirm the contents of his blog posts.  


I am the victim from Canada whom Godwin Scerri perpetrated years of sexual abuse. Naturally, I have been watching the events in Malta unfold from the first stages with interest. I write this with a profound sense of guilt. A guilt that stems from my inability to prevent what has happened to the victims there when I had an opportunity to do so. My mother passed away when I was eight. My father and I never saw eye to eye, as it were, and so when Godwin Scerri came to my school in 1981 and gave me special attention it felt good. This attention developed into what I perceived was friendship that included racquetball, camping trips with youth groups, laundering my clothes, and eventually trips to far away places like New York City and Vancouver. The abuse started off infrequent: forced kissing and touching but quickly developed into far greater crimes. You might ask why one would allow such things to occur to them. It is impossible to adequately explain the extreme dependence a adolescent develops toward a father figure who claims repeatedly to love you. A void is filled even if it does cost you. The manipulation is akin to brainwashing - something I can’t fully fathom to this day. His desires seemed to demand more and more though. Until he insisted upon scheduling what he called “relaxation” each Tuesday and Thursday without fail. I would try to avoid him by not being where I was supposed to be for the rendezvous (usually the rectory) or simply refusing his advances. When this happened he always made sure there was a cost to me. Whether it was negative comments to my father (of my wayward ways and how he, as a priest, will not give up on me), or simply more forward manipulation on his part. The extent of this last point cannot be explained in these few lines. Regardless, the abuse continued. He even documented it in his daily journal. How do I know? He showed me for some inexplicable reason (which is why I made photocopies of his cryptic notes and symbols). I well remember, at age 14, in 1985 when Godwin returned home to Malta on Sabbatical. What relief I felt. Four months of a Godwin-free life where I could return to just being a teenager. Upon his return I ignored his phone calls and ensured I was unavailable to be an alter server; I even had the guts to tell him it would never occur again and to leave me alone. But he managed to win my Dad over with frequent visits and my Dad made me feel tremendously guilty for my rudeness. Somehow, things picked up where they left off. Another one of my repeated efforts to pull away from him was met by his visiting sister lambasting me for my supposed bad manners and lack of appreciation of her supposed well-intentioned brother. The abuse became more intense -even forceful at times. Oddly, I found solace in the chapel at the rectory - a place most unfamiliar to me today. When I encountered someone who finally, after many years, noticed what was taking place, I was comforted in their conviction to help end it. Out of some naive loyalty, I refused to go to the police. Instead I went to the Diocese. They took my information and seemly believed me. They withdrew Godwin and placed him at some undisclosed location for a number of months where I’m told he vehemently denied any wrongdoing. From there, he was re-stationed by the MSSP to a church in Dearborn, Michigan (part of MSSP) - a place I had been many times with Godwin. In frustration, and with the great prodding, I finally went to the police. Charges were laid. And Godwin immediately fled to Malta. I subsequently learned that he was placed in an orphanage. Further frustrated, I wrote an article to the media in Malta in an effort to expose him. I don’t know what happened from there. To the subsequent victims, I am very sorry. Had I handled this properly, you might have escaped the orphanage unaffected. To the superiors of the MSSP. You are culpable. I personally spoke with the former head superior who, equipped with my evidence, gave me the clear impression that he believed me. Your actions, (or lack there-of) led to the ensuing events. To Godwin, you own this shame: you know you are guilty. I know you are guilty and it appears that most everyone else does too. The good you have done in your life has been overshadowed by these stains. An apology would go a long way toward the much-needed healing for those you’ve affected. As for me, I went through years of soul searching, therapy and education to finally defeat my depressed state - a catharsis I feel ever-grateful for. My wife is the single greatest influence that undoubtedly prevented my self-destruction and spurred the meaningful and rewarding life I now enjoy. Why do I write these lines? Because I didn’t when I should have. Because Godwin continues to be unaccountable. Mostly, because I support those victims and hope that some kind of appropriate resolution is found. Sincerely, The second known victim of Godwin Scerri
Can someone confirm whether these two priests are at Corradino Prison or at Mount Carmel Hospital?
It's obvious that Mr Bondi is only interested in one thing i.e. himself. In order to land a media scoop, he portrayed himself as the mentor to the victims of this ordeal and now he is actually prepared to divulge his 'side' of the story to discredit the same persons he set out to 'help' in the fist place. This gentleman's ego is so gross that he is not just sticking to his blogs but he is now actually taking the side of the tormentors to systematically discredit the same victims he vouched to help. Honestly, I really do not know what is more despisable in this ordeal. The convicted pedophiles, the role of the curia, the alledged opportunism of the victims or the egocentric role of a narcissistic media guru.
The victims’ lawyer Partick Valentino can also call Archbishop Cremona to testify on what grounds Godwin Scerri and Charles Pulis were defrocked by the Vatican after the court sentence. Surely if Lou Bondi’s new evidence is allowed so should the archbishop’s.
Luke Camilleri
Ta' min ha jkun il-pappagall din id-darba Lou?