'Prime Minister can convene parliament tomorrow if he wants longer session' - Muscat

Labour leader says party whips can meet up to discuss 12-hour session if Prime Minister doesn't want three-hour debate on no-confidence motion.

Labour presented a motion of no-confidence this morning in parliament.
Labour presented a motion of no-confidence this morning in parliament.

Adds government's statement at 6:30pm

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has invited the prime minister to convene parliament tomorrow and debate the Opposition's no-confidence motion, if he wasn't satisfied with the time allotted for the motion to be discussed.

"The motion asks for three hours' debate, which is the same time the prime minister gave for MPs to debate the last motion of confidence," Muscat said.

Earlier today, Labour's deputy leader Anglu Farrugia presented a motion for a vote of no-confidence in government, and a second motion for the adjournment of the parliamentary sitting for Thursday, 19 January at 9am to discuss the motion of no-confidence, and to finish the sitting by 12pm for a vote to be taken.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi dubbed it a 'guillotine' motion for the short time allotted to it.

"If the prime minister wants, both whips can meet and decide to have a sitting tomorrow that runs from 9am to 9pm," he said.

The Office of the Prime Minister said Joseph Muscat's proposal illustrates his eagerness to gain power as soon as possible.

"Joseph Muscat does not want to give his colleagues the opportunity and time to explain the reasons that led to the present situation. Muscat is being disrespectful towards parliament."

The OPM also denied claims made b y Muscat that a money bill was removed from parliaments' agenda. "On the contrary, there are two money bills' on parliament agenda," the statement said.  

In an explanation of his reason to present the motion, Muscat said Gonzi had shown himself trying to cling to power.

"The first reason for this motion is that the prime minister was dragging his feet on calling for a vote of confidence, and tried postponing a money bill during last Thursday's House Business Committee.

"The second reason was Gonzi's decision to go on official business to Qatar, a decision taken this week when the political crisis was already clearly taking place. I cannot understand why the prime minister decided to go abroad and be away on the day parliament reconvened."

On Gonzi's decisions to postpone the money bill vote and go abroad Muscat said "I cannot understand who is guiding the Prime Minister in taking these decisions"

Muscat said his no-confidence motion was in the national interest, and denied having had any contact with backbencher Franco Debono. "We have no contact or direct line with Franco Debono... we never knew of his actions. We never knew what he was going to do and we have no control on his actions," he said referring to the backbencher's withdrawal of support from the government.

When asked whether there has been any contact between the two parties, Muscat was more categorical and denied any contact. He said "There had been no communication between the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party."

Muscat said if the vote of no confidence motion is defeated with the Speaker's casting vote, the situation would still be "untenable for government since a government needs to have a working majority to govern."

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today cancelled his official visit to Tunisia and Qatar, after the Labour Party today presented two motions in parliament calling for a vote of no-confidence in the government.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has confirmed he will present a motion of no-confidence against the government, on TVAM breakfast show today morning.

The prime minister announced he had cancelled his plans today in a visit to the Medserv oil bunkering facility in Birzebbuga. "The second motion is a 'guillotine' motion... this procedure doesn't give the chance to MPs to talk. It is something we haven't seen since the days of the Labour socialist government, by keeping MPs' mouths shut and not give them a chance to speak... I hope this anti-democratic behaviour will be reversed."

@ jgalea : You cannot be more pathetic if you try!
Sur Joe Muscat, waqajt fin nassa taghna. Tider kemm int immatur, u tfal. Dr. Gonzi dahhlek f butu :)Miskin. Nithassrek. Tista tqis li gejja telfa kolossali alik. Imbad x jigri mill partit socjazlista? I predict 2012 will be the end of the world. YES FOR LEJBIR!!!
Isabelle Borg
Simply looking forward to see Joseph Muscat as our future Prime Minister. That's what leaders are made of.
Hey wow!! Franco must be pleased with the change in tune from many bloggers in various online news papers, who have been condemning him for the past days. It might also be the case that in the next hours we will be hearing a similar change in tune from the PM, who might reconsider his call for Franco to resign. Let's see whether the PM is really interested in keeping the throne of power by bending backwards, yet again, or whether he really has the country's interest at heart and independently of what Franco decided to do, he calls for an election.
Priscilla Darmenia
@Slicer - “The Times” blog is edited. If it is the Editor himself or some other person, he is sure an extension of the PN. I would say that about 98% of my contributions in The Times are never published. These 98% naturally are comments criticizing either Gonzi; some of his ministers or the PN. I appeal to all to do as I did – BOYCOTT THE TIMES COMPLETELY; STOPPED PURCHASING THE PAPER AND STOPPED CONTRIBUTING ON ITS BLOCKS.
Clinton's endorsement was the kiss of death to Gonzi. He went from Regional Leader (what a load of hog wash!) to soon to be another exiled SOB!
franco tinsiex kemm kasbruk u kemm dahqu bik u qalu li int ghandek tirrezneja.bil vot tieghek jirrezneja gonzi;austin, karm mifsud bonnici u il klikka li ghaddwk biz zmien.
Ara dan joseph jivvintom......ma jafx li s-sibt ikun irid naqra biex jixxahxah il-Girgenti ...l-izjed issa forsi ta' l-ahhar.....jekk m'ghandux joqghod tnax il siegha msammar mas-siggu biex forsi lanqas sal-Hadd ma jwassal
@ bejn il linji jekk hemm bzonn hekk naghmlu
Gonz, se tmur il-Parlament jew se tibqa' magħruf bħala CHICKEN?
Min hawn kien sejjer igib l-investiment il-Prim Ministru. Qed jistennewh!!!......http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-16541228
Anette B Cassar
Jergaw jibdew jaraw ghandniex denb.
nippprovaw nikkumentaw fuq it times sintendi kontral GonziPn u qarr ma jgibuhom, biex tara xi klikka dik, niskanta fhiex wasalna fi dlamijiet tas sixties
Issa naraw kemm hu bully Gonzi ! Dr. Muscat issa tah ic-cans li ghada jiltaqa l-parlament u jkollhom 12 il-siegha jiddiskutu l-mozzjoni - 4 darbiet aktar mill-Hamis. Issa taraw kif Gonzi jsib xi skuza ohra biex ma jilqax l-offerta ta' Joseph Muscat halli jibqa jghid li m'ghandhomx hin bizzejjed ghad-diskussjoni, U JINSA LI HU STESS FTIT XHUR ILU KIEN UKOLL TA 3 SIEGHAT HIN FUQ IL-MOZZJONI TA' FIDFUCJA LI KIEN RESSAQ HU STESS !!! Kif nghid bil-Malti: L-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik !Pero ma nkunx sorpriz li lil Franco Debono jdawwruh f'dawn is-sieghat je ftit jiem li gejjin. U dawn lid-deputat laburista Anglu Camilleri - Il-Bedeq- Alla jtih il-glorja tal-genna - kienu ofrewlu LM 150,000 fin-1971 biex jaqsam il-Kamra u jmur mal-PN, se jiddardru jofru ferm aktar minn hekk biex jibqghu JISIRQU lill-poplu Malti sena u 3 xhur ohra ! Eddy Privitera
@bejn il-linji. Very funny. Muscat qed jimxi fil-limiti tad-demokrazija. L-importanti li titnehha l-incertezza u inkomplu mexjin. Jekk ghandha ssir elezzjoni so be it. Min jirbah l-elezzjoni jara kif imexxi bl-ahjar mod lil dan il-pajjiz. Jekk ikun hemm gvern tal-PL zgur li se jkollu bicca xoghol kbira biex isib tarf tal-kobba mhabbla li halla l-pajjiz fih il-PN. Biss kollox jasal bil-mod. Imbaghad minn nahha l-ohra jekk jerga jkun hemm gvern tal-PN m'hemmx x'taghmel, min xarrab il-bakkaljaw ikollu jieklu. The show must go on.
Ejja The Gonz ghandek ic-cans turi li veru ghandek par sodi sejjah il parlament ghal ghada ha naqtawha mill-aktar fiz. Daqt jispiccalek iz-zmien li tiddetta int biss issa zmien id-demokrazija tax-xitwa Maltija
LOL keeping MP's mouth shut in socialist days, Lol look who is talking about Democracy GonziPn wants Franco Debono to resign from Parliament, why he did not say these words when Mintoff did it in 1998, hypocrite. Mintoff in 1987 was master of democracy when he arranged who gets the most votes wil be in power and not one minute past when the results of a PN victory, labour stood down, no more bombs since than, no protests and no boycotts, LOL amazing this Gonzinm is
Mela tajba din. The last vote of confidence requested by the PM gave the MPs three hours to debate now the same PM wants more time. Why? what's behind all this? As I said earlier on we have heard enough, get on with it and let us move forward.
Ghidilhom Joseph..u dan ghandna mhux hemm ahseb u ara la tkun prim ministru....u tinsiehx lil franco miskin...ara x'punti qed isemmi uiktibhom fil-manifest...u anke jekk ma jhallukx ghamlu chairman ta xi haga per ezempju 'keep it up in appearances' jew forsi ghamlu chairman tal-pbs biex jurih kif ghandu jkun newtrali lil natalino...
LOL keeping MP's mouth shut in socialist days, Lol look who is talking about Democracy GonziPn wants Franco Debono to resign from Parliament, why he did not say these words when Mintoff did it in 1998, hypocrite. Mintoff in 1987 was master of democracy when he arranged who gets the most votes wil be in power and not one minute past when the results of a PN victory, labour stood down, no more bombs since than, no protests and no boycotts, LOL amazing this Gonzinm is
Il-ballun rega f'saqajk Dr Gonzi. Int il-kowc. Biex thares id-demokrazija minn dawn is-socjalisti, Dr Muscat qallek ghandek 12 -il siegha. Ahtfu c-cans bhal ma tghidilna int biex nahtfu l-opportunitajiet. Ahtfu.
Ma nistax nifhem prim ghala ghandek ghalfejn tohodha kontra l- kap ta l-opozzizjoni ghax presenta mozzjoni ta sfiducja fil konfront tal gvern tieghek kif wkoll kontra l-onorevoli Franco Debono li qal li se jivvota ma l-opozzizjoni.Jekk din il-mozzjoni tghaddi,ma jkollokx triq ohra hlief li ssejjah elezzjoni bikrija skond ir-regolamenti ta demokrazija.Nifhem min naha tieghek li jista jghaddi kas li nqbad fuq sieq wahda imma ghandek ghalfejn tmur quddiem il-poplu b'wiccek il-quddiem waqt il-kampanja elettorali u tghidtlu bix jerga jafdalek tmun tal pajjiz ghax hekk haqqek.Taf ghala??? Ghax taqtek bhal coach ta pajjizna l-qghad naqqas,l-investiment f'kull settur ta l-ekonomija rat zida minkejja l- maltemp li hemm barra min xtuwtna,in-nies li jahdmu bil qlieh zdidu,it-tursiti faru,l-istudenti fl-univesita zdidu wkoll,ghandna sptar state of the art,dahaltilna f'pajjizna servizz ta efficenza kbira fi transport pubbliku grazzi ghal assistent coach tiek Wistin,se tamlilna l-aqwa sistema gewwa l-ewropa fejn tidhol thaddim ta l-estenzjoni tal power station gewwa delimara kif wkoll zdidu l-fjuri fi roundabouts. Ejja nkunu realisti u ma nibqawx nidku bil poplu.Ghandna bzonn li jkolna gvern bil mentalita 'that we are in business and in business,time means money' ghax kull gurnata li tghaddi ghal pajjizna,hija gurnata mohlija.Fejn qedin l-kontabilta u l-efficenza f'dan il-pajjiz??Min huwa politikament responsabli u lil min zammejt responsabli fejn kellna riforma froga dwar transport pubbliku kif wkoll li l-istudenti taghna tilfu programmi finanzjati mil unjoni ewropa fejn kinhemm miss managment kbir fil ministeru ta l-edukazzjoni??? Lil hadd prim ma zammejt!!Dan huwa still hazin ta tmexxija!! Il-mument tal verita tasal ghal kull prim ministru fejn dakinhar il-poplu bl-iktar mod demokratiku jesprimi ruhu meta b'daqqa ta pinna jati ic-certifikat ghal dak kollu li tkun hdimt ghalih inti tul il-legistlatura tieghek bhala mexxej tal pajjiz.Jin nawguralek li f'dan l-ezami igib iktar marki min ta Franco Debono!!!!
Prosit Dr. Muscat. You lead and others follows , from the Opposition benches! Really proud of having you as our future PM. Good luck. All open minded people surely will follow you.