Updated | Muscat says PL is the underdog

On Xarabank, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat says Labour is the underdog should an election be held now because it has lost six out of the last seven elections.

Muscat said government is unsustainable because it does not have a working majority.
Muscat said government is unsustainable because it does not have a working majority.

Updated with Franco Debono's statement at 9:45pm

"The situation should never have reached this point," said Opposition leader Joseph Muscat on tonight's edition of Xarabank on TVM.

Muscat said "We believe the crisis should be solved next week. Hopefully the two parties will reach an agreement to take the vote of no-confidence on Wednesday, if not the vote will be taken on Thursday."

"I will not tell Lawrence Gonzi or Franco Debono what to do. Franco Debono is not the cause of the political crisis. Debono's parliamentary seat belongs to the people and the onus is on him to respect the people's will," said Muscat  

Asked why he called for a vote of confidence, Muscat said "I told the Prime Minister to take vote of confidence for the sake of the country's stability. Franco Debono should do as his conscience dictates for the sake of the country's well being, as Dom Mintoff did in 1998."

On the similarities between the 1998 political crisis and now, Muscat said "The difference between 1998 and now is that then Prime Minister Alfred Sant took a decision whilst Gonzi is shying away from taking a decision. Sant put the country's interest before that of the party. Gonzi did the same during the Libyan conflict but he has not done so during the recent political crisis."

Muscat said "If government manages to postpone the vote or win the vote of confidence, nonetheless the situation is bad. Gonzi's cancellation of his trip to Tunisia and Qatar was premeditated in order to play the victim. I could have sat on the fence and looked on at the PN's in-fighting. I take the responsibility for the two motions presented this morning."

Muscat said if the people grant him other responsibilities he will be ready to do so. "The real survey is on election day as people change opinions during electoral campaigns." Muscat denied the claim that he is expecting to win the elections easily and said the PL is the underdog in the eventuality of an early election as it lost six out of the last seven elections.

He said he expects to be criticised on the press and internet of being opportunistic and irresponsible for calling a vote of confidence. "There is no good reason to prolong the crisis. I believe that Labour is capable of governing the country better that GonziPN," Muscat said

He added that during the last three years Lawrence Gonzi's government has been afflicted by consecutive problems such as the St John's Cathedral issue and others problems such as the honoraria, BWSC, Arriva and other issues.

"We have a government which is uncertain whether it has a majority in parliament or not. In contrast all Labour MPs signed the divorce bill. This government is unsustainable because it does not have a working majority," he said

Muscat expressed his agreement to Franco Debono's arguments on the separation of the Justice and Home Affairs ministries. "The real reason for the recent political crisis is not Franco Debono but GonziPN's style of leadership."

Asked whether the country needs an election now, he said the country cannot sustain instability. "Gonzi can postpone elections but cannot avoid them." 

Franco Debono, speaking on Xarabank stated he is a victim of a bad political system. He said major constitutional reforms were needed to strengthen the country's democracy.

Debono said "Political parties need to be regulated and the country needs to carry out reforms in broadcasting, the electoral system and party financing for the sake of democracy."

"I have been loyal to the Prime Minister for ten years. I have not called for Gonzi's resignation because of the Cabinet re-shuffle but for democracy." he said. The maverick MP revealed that during the 2004 PN leadership contest he had voted for Gonzi. 

Debono said the PN is the party he loved for many years but it is dragging its feet and creating problems it cannot solve.

PN backbencher Edwin Vassallo invited Debono back to the party and said he would be welcome. Debono retorted by saying that he appreciated the invitation to continue working within the PN but the party should be more sensitive both the people and within the party itself.

Debono also said that he had given his PN a plan on how to tackle the trapping issue with the EU but once again his proposals were ignored. When asked what will happen next week, Debono did not commit himself and invited everybody to follow the parliamentary debate.


@jgalea. Ifrah la twelidt iblah!!
Prosit malta l-ewwel, l-istess hsieb l ghandna. Hekk irridu nirragunaw f dan il pajjiz zghir u mhux klikka.
Well, Dr. Muscat, we will walk with you...
Sissa FRANCO dejjem zamm kelmtu ..u ma jekk jerga jghamel hekk ikun ragel tal-kelma...ghadu zghir u l-istorja politika tatih gieh ghal-principji demokratuci uli jhaddan. Jibqa integru bi-determinazzjoni li ghandu. Jekk izomm kelmtu ser ikollu iktar minn nofs Malta li japprezzawh jekk ibiddel fehmtu mhux biss jitlef dan ir-rispett imma kif jerga jigi f'idejhom, jergaw jitnejqu bih, jergaw juzawh, jergaw iweghduwh xi cejca u bil-mod il-mod jeqirduh ghax dawn kattivi u MA JAFRUHILEK QATT jekk tikser difrejhom maghhomf, ARa xi gralu Louis galea u john dalli ..sa itturufnawhom barra pajjizna gha xlanqas b'ghajnejhom ma jridu jarawhom u hekk jigrilek int Franco lejn l-italja iqalftuk
In the worst case scenario IF (and i repeat IF) PL looses also this election it would be better for the party to contact a contractor, demolish the HQ and build up a block of flats, as it would mean that after nearly 25 years in opposition the people are rejecting it even after trying to offer valid changes.IF an early election is held and IF PN wins again, then Gonzi would has achieved something that few leaders did... locally no one as far as i know, and i believe PN will remain in power for decades to come. All this is always bound with the ... IF. However as events are unfolding i doubt all this.
nixtieq nghid proset lil Franco Debono.Hu bniedem li ftit ghandna bhalu fil parlament.Jigri x'jigri min hawn il quddiem dan il bniedem gibed is simpatija taz zewg nahat,L-ewwel wiehed tieghi li jien labour.Vera hemm klikka fil PN biex warbuh .Issa qed jilaquh.Zomm il par idejn sodi tieghek ghax dawn zebilhuk u il PM qatt ma waqfhom.PROSIT Franco.
safi78 naqbel mieghek u hekk ghandu jkun. Ghal darba qed nammira wiehed nazzjonalist, ghax kif qed tghid int u kif qal hu li ghal gonzipn il klikka tigi l ewwel. Jien kieku ivvutajtlu nghid almenu hemm wiehed sura u nerga nivvutalu, anzi izjed bill qalb, ghax ir ragel ghandu il gazz.
Bhal issa D.Debono igawdi rispett minn dawk kollha li ghandhom rispett lejn I'd-demokrazija. Min ma jafu li Dan il-pajjiz hu imexxi min klikkek? Familji nazzjonalisti stess jammeru dan. Ma nemmen qatt, ghal kemm ma neskludi xejn, li Dr. Debono izomm kelmtu, ghal interess tal-pajjiz. Min segwa l-Konferenza Generali tal-Partit Laburista, jaf x' Tim ghandu l-PL, li zgur ser jaghmel riformi kbar fil-pajjiz, sabiex nkunu l-aqwa fl-Ewropa. Messagg lil Dr.Debono; Lilna z-zghazagh Tina l-opportunita li nghixu f' pajjiz fejn l-interessi taghna jigu qabel dawk tal-klikka. Grazzi, nibqa nafulek.
@fenea Franco prova jimxi mal linja tal partit kif smajnih jghd il-lejla imma il PN ma mhexiex mal Linja tal Partit stess , fejn huma it-tnaqqis tat -taxxi min35% ghal 25% dak jinteressani jien, fejn huma li wieghed Gonzi lil tat-ttarzna u lil ta L-Airmalta, fejn huma tas sea Malta, fejn huma il pagi ta L-arrive bil buqxiex u tharbit ta rotot, dak qieghed jghid frtanco Debono il Partit wieghed hafna u ma ghamel xejn, Smart city ohra falluta, Debono qed jghamlilkom pjacir issa jekk iwaqqakom ghax jekk issir l-elzjoni sena ohra tkaxkira akbar taqalaw, weghdid firha u gideb sgaccat u b'hekk irvilla ghax kien qed imur ghand ir residenti u kolla jgergru, marru Marsaxlokk u aqta min kien hemm Demartino mela dak min Marsaxlokk, Kollox tkisser taht il Pn anki il Go imbihhed u xaktarx titfa in nies il barra ghax sejra hazin, Fejn huma il jobs hawn mil anqas skont l-istatistiki over 11,200 ifitxu ix-xoghol , part timers dalwaqt jaqbzu li full timers , u barra li hawn madwar xi hames t'elef maqtughajn mir-registru, dan hi l-ekonomijja hawn Malta imfarrka, €4.555 billion dejn u bla risevi, u barra entitajiet ohra bhal Enemalta mimlijien dejn u mhux fuq il kotba tal gvern. Dan hu dizastru mhemmx ghalfejn insemmi izjed ghax hamm hafna izjed
Debono's parliamentary seat belongs to the people and the onus is on him to respect the people's will," said Muscat. sur muscat ghandek ragun u hekk ghandu jghamel franco debono jirrispetta ir rieda tal poplu li ivvutalu u jimixi mal linji tal partit.
Actually Dr. Debono refered Peppi Azzopardi to his previous statements on this matter, i.e. that he would vote against the government. Let's not fall into denial too!!!
Actually Dr. Debono refered Peppi Azzopardi to his previous statements on this matter, i.e. that he would vote against the government. Let's not fall into denial too!!!
ghadek ma fhimt xejn jgalea.
The truth is that both parties will start as underdogs for unless one of them manages to obtain a comfortable majority of seats the current problem of being at the mercy of an individual maverick MP is bound to keep recurring.
ha ha ha ha ha GONZI PN IS DEAD
Fl ahhar ammettejt li qedin minn taht, U MINN TAHT SER TIBQEW LIKE IT OR NOT :) PN WILL WIN LIKE IT OR NOT!!!