Busuttil says Debono’s comments on Xarabank were ‘heartening’

Labour MEP Edward Scicluna says “solution” within government is welcome as the PL’s only interest is country’s stability.

Simon Busuttil is heartened by Debono's comments while Edward Scicluna says PL is only interested in country's stability
Simon Busuttil is heartened by Debono's comments while Edward Scicluna says PL is only interested in country's stability

Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil said he welcomed Franco Debono's comments on Xarabank yesterday evening, adding his comments "were heartening".

The maverick MP did not commit himself when asked whether he'll be supporting the no confidence motion moved by the Opposition on Friday morning.

Speaking on Radju Malta's 'Ghandi X'Nghid', Busuttil described the motion as a "guillotine", echoing his leader's words.

"Government would then take the responsible steps, if the motion passes," Busuttil said, when asked if elections are iminent. "But Debono's comments gave me hope there could be a solution."

Labour MEP Edward Scicluna, who was also present for the radio show, said if a solution is found to the current crisis would be "well and good" and elections would then take place as scheduled next year.

On Standard&Poor's downgrading of nine European countries, including Malta, Busuttil said Malta is highly affected by what goes on in the member states: "We must look at how these countries are faring as to be able to prepare measures to mitigate these affects."

Scicluna said rating agencies are not giving member states time to sort out their problems: "They're seeking immediate problems and expect countries to reduce their debts in 24 hours..."

He added that not all countries afford to implement austerity measures.

Asked by presenter Andrew Azzopardi whether the Maltese should prepare themselves to see their wages decrease, Busuttil said he was in politics to make sure this doesn't happen. Increase in utility bills guaranteed that pensions and wages do not go down: "We could have decreased utility bills, increased public debt, which at the end would have decreased pensions."

But Scicluna gave another view on the increase in utility bills: "When in mid-2007 government was faced with high deficit, its scapegoat was utility bills."

Busuttil retorted that the 2008 budget had been affected by the global financial crisis, which began in December 2007 and took a sharp downturn in September 2008.

On the budgetary cuts announced over a week ago, Busuttil insisted that government's revision will not affected wages but said that government will be more strict in the areas in which unnecessary spending could be cut: "It is better to cut €40 million from government's spending budget rather than increase tax."

However, Scicluna said government should have been prudent and careful from the beginning, rather than do such an optimistic budget, based on economic growth when it was clear that the international scenario would not provide a 2.3% growth to Malta.

Busuttil said he had expected the Opposition to be more "responsible" and not push for an election, which the country doesn't need, right now: "As government, we are looking at the economic impact which an election could have on the country."

Scicluna said if the situation resolved by itself, the country would go to the elections next year: "But currently, government does not have the support of the majority. It's every prime minister duty to ascertain where he stands in his own government."

Busuttil however insisted Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi should do everything possible to avert the elections: "If you have a revolver pointed to your head you don't tell your attacker to pull the trigger."

Scicluna said the country can't accept to see its Prime Minister out of the country during such times: "It's the Opposition's duty to do all it can as the parliament gives it the duty to do so."

Busuttil said the Prime Minister kept his itinerary until the Opposition moved its vote of no confidence motion, at which point Gonzi cancelled all commitments.




L-ELEZZJONI mhix se ssir
Simon Busuttil must be out of touch with Malta. According to the PM before the 2008 elections said that every kien mixi fuq ir rubini thanks to his par idejn sodi. So he increased his salary. Then he removed the bonus a week ago because of the financial crisis. Yet Simon says the crisis started in December 2007. So who is lying? Simon or Lawrence?
Guess who's on facebook's "Members of we are asking for Franco Debono to resign" ?. Yes.. The Honourable PN Member Edwin Vassallo !!. HYPOCRITE !!
Niskanta b'Jeffrey u Jesmond li hallew lil Franco wahdu meta f'qalbhom jafu li Franco ghandu ragun. Dawn it-tnejn x'jahsbu li helsuha hafif mal-partit tal-kattivi. jeffrey stess qal li anke meta ghajjruh TRADITUR fl-istatement, dan sar minn wra darhom. Ahseb u ara la tigis-siegha taghhom kemm ser jaqlwlhom li dawn it-tnejn u Franco iqalftuhom il-barra. jekk tinghaqdu veru li ma tibqawx fil-gvern li ghalikom ma jiswa xejn ghax it-tlieta bqajtu lampa stampa imma it-tlieta li intom ghadkom zar. L-istorja tkun favurikom u tergaw tigu apprezzati ghax iz-zmien favur taghkom. Tuh daqqa tghid lil Franco u l-poplu ikun jafulkom iktar tard.
Busuttil echoes the claim made by simpletons that the country doesn't need an election now. Why not now? Will the USA or France postpone presidential elections because of the bad economic situation? Will the other 19 elections due in Europe this year be postponed? An election may solve the instability within government’s backbench of the last couple of years. Moreover, if an election is held in March, it will be only one year ahead of schedule. Just like in 1996 when Eddie called an early election; but because it suited the PN then, no one said anything. Or the real reason is that government is not yet geared for the power of incumbency exercise that steals electorate votes. Busuttil, as an MEP, should do anything to ensure the integrity of elections and increase public confidence in them.
Busuttil’s comments are not the staff of a future PN leader. By saying that “the global financial crisis which began in December 2007 “ he is putting down Gonzi who repeatedly stated that there was no financial crisis in March 2008, when he increased his salary by €650 weekly.
@ J Galea Tkomplix iddahhak in- nies bik u tuza ir-religjon f'din il- kwistjoni. Ftit tax xhur ilu uzajtu ir-religjon kif qablilkom waqt il- kampanja tar referendum tad divorzju u aqajtu ghan nejk. U int qed titkaza bil-laburisti li jghajjru? Mela qatt ma dhalt fuq il- blogg ta daphne caruana galizia u certu posts fuq il- facebook minn shabkhom tar-religio et patria? Qatta ipokriti, tuzaw ir-religjon kif u meta jaqblilkhom. AMEN.
@jgalea INT MIGNUN XINT Isma Dr Franco Debono ghadu maghna ta u ma ghandekx ghalfejn TITLOB ghal ruhu jew il gvern tieghek ghandu xi haga ohra lesta frasu Ahjar titolbu ghal Pm Dr Gonzi ghalfejn jgalea qedin TIBSAW biex il gvern tieghek JITLOB vot ta FIDUCJA xahar ilu ma TALBUX wara il VROGA li ghamel siehbek Dr Austin Gatt bl-Arriva
Igor P. Shuvalov
Xi hadd hawn taht fettilu jaghmel emfasi fuq il-motto tal-Partit Nazzjonalista (dejjem jekk ma nbidilx) Relio e Patria u tkaza kemm felah dwar dawk li jhaddnu s-socjalizmu. Izda jidher li dan nesa li permezz ta' l-approvazzjoni tad-doument @l_Gheruq Taghna', il-Partit Nazzjonalista ghamel kemm felah biex jipprova juri lill-poplu li huwa m'ghadux dak il-partit konfessjonali (tal-Knisja) u sahansitra wasal(ghax hekk jaqbel) biex jaccetta d-divorzju, bil-possibilta' li jintroduci legislazzjoni li thares id-drittijiet tar-relazzjonijiet bejn l-omosesswali, dawk li mhux mizzewwga, izda jghixu flimkien, ecc. U fuq kollox jista' dan jispjegalna kif minn partitarji b'daqshekk qdusija hareg daqshekk tghajjir personali lejn xi hadd li ma ghamilx bhal nghag ta' bendu, izda semma' lehnu favur id-drittijiet tal-poplu. Mhux ahjar flok noqghodu nzeffnu s-slogans niddiskutu bis-serjeta s-sitwazzjoni mwergha li ghandna quddiemna!
@jgalea you seem to be one of the parrots that Franco alluded to when confronted by Lou Bondi. In your own little mind you have a vision, the PN vision, which criticizes everything that the PL stands for. Are you by chance one of the tens of thousands taking children's allowance? What about maternity and sick leave? Do you know who was the first to gave dignity to the workers? Well considering that socialism is bad, I guess you never availed yourself of these benefits, right? So stop thinking that you can preach from the pulpit about what it right and what is not, about the PN being always right and the PL always wrong. Stop talking about the christian credentials that the PN is supposed to believe in. These same "saints" that you have elected into parliament, gave themselves a hefty rise of 600 Euros per week, behind our backs, while they gave us peanuts, with the excuse that there is a crises out there and that we, the people, have to make sacrifices. Now, St.Lawrence Gonzi, said that he and his merry friends will not be taking this rise for the next two years, because they want to give an example. It seems, that this gesture will also be extended to the public. 40M Euros will be deducted from this year's budget and St. Tonio Fenech, had another vision it seems, cause he is predicting more cuts.
Dr Busuttil; Franco il bierah qall ma nahsibx li Dr Debono qed jilghab bil bocci, naqtu li huwa serju u tal kelma, minkejja li Edwin Vassallo beda jilghaba tal papa jew tat teacher. Nesa Vassallo il kummenti tieghu u ta shabu meta kienu dehlin il konferenza Austin Gatt qall dak huwa l-bieb miftuh li hallejtu, ma ndunajts Edwin li kullhadd ftakar fil bidu tas sebajnijiet meta Borg Olivier gie jibki fuq it TV jghidilna
Nirringrazjak ghazix "thor" tat tghajjir u insulti li ghogbok tiktibli. Xi nghidlek? Grazzi. Il partit socjalista dejjem jghajjar, u juza il vjolenza kien, kontra min jikkoregih, u jiprova jiftahlu ghajnejh. Ma jimpurtax. Nahfirlek, u nitlob ghalik, biex tikkonverti, u tinghaqqad mal familja kbira Nazzjonalista li ghalina l aktar zewg hwejjeg tant gheziez ghalina huma Ir Religjon, u Il Patria :) Habib. Please iftah mohhok. Socialism is bad. Meta jkollok cans, mur aqra l enciklika li kiteb il qaddis Papa Gwanni XXIII fejn jitkellem fuq is socjalizmu, u il hsara li jgib kemm moralment, u kemm fizikament.
@jgalea beqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
Meta tqis li iben Guido ghadu jghati l-appogg lil minn iqabbad il-qahba tal-bidnija biex tikkalpesta lil familtu m'hemmx fejn tassal izjed. Specjalment issa li minn segretarju parlamentari ghamlu ministru. L-inglizi jghidu "Blood is thicker than water" imma f'dan il-kaz ma jghoddx .
@jgalea how puerile, childish, immature and silly can you be. Trust morons like you to involve the church and religion. Your stupid posts are nothing but the result of desperation which I guess comes from the fact that a change in government means a change in your own status of well being financed by the people's tax money.Time for the leeches to get what they deserve.
Hemm biss mohhhom simon busuttil u shabu tal-klikka .... li jaraw b'liema stratagemma se jippruvaw jizguraw li franco debono ma jwahhalulhomx fil-parlament il-gimgha li gejja. Dak l-importanti - li jibqghu ikkakkmati mal-poter, li tal-klikka u tal-qalba jkomplu jahtfu, li jibqa' kollox taht idejhom, li ma jmurx ikollna gvern laburista u ma jkunux jistghu jkomplu jgeddsu ma' dak li ga geddsu mill-1987 sal-lum. Imma dawn taparsi qed jaghmlu dan kollu ghall-pajjiz - b'min jahsbu li qed jitmellhu? Min ghadu jemmen li l-uniku interess taghhom mhux li jkomplu jiddominaw u jsiru aktar b'sahhithom?
Sur Guido: Il partit tant mahbub tieghek ghandu track record mill isbah. Min gab f Malta il kwestjonijiet Politiko-Religjuzi kemm tat 30s, u kemm tas 60s? Min ried jaghlaq l isptarijiet tal Knisja, u l iskejjel tal Knisja? Min kien ikasbar isem Monsinjur Arcisqof Gonzi? Min kien jiddihak bir Religjon Nisranija? Il PN dejjem mal valuri Insara mexa, u ghalhekk jirbah, u jkompli jirbah ghal dejjem. Franco jikkonverti, ghax il Bambin ihobbok. Messkom tisthu tinqdew bih biex tahtfu il poter. Ma tinbidlu QATT.
Information has reached maltastar.com of rumours that a meeting will be held later today between three senior PN strategists; Austin Gatt, Joe Saliba and Richard Cachia Caruana and Nationalist MP Franco Debono. While unconfirmed, it is being suggested that Debono will be given a 'prestigious position' possibly in the judicial system in return for his resignation. Analysts suggest that the rumour may simply be a ruse to discredit the outspoken backbencher.
"Busuttil retorted that the 2008 budget had been affected by the global financial crisis, which began in December 2007 and took a sharp downturn in September 2008."......mela lil Gonzi ghejdlu x'il mniefah hadtu dawk il-500 euro zjieda fil-gimgha taghmlu fl-2008 meta int qed tghid li kien hemm krizi finanzjara. Vera Dr Franco jaghmillek il-qalb kif thaddet ghax se jaghtikom taghlima kif imiss.
"Simon Busuttil is heartened by Debono's comments while Edward Scicluna says PL is only interested in country's stability" -- But Dr Debono was quick to give him a reply, as reported by TOM.com! On its perusal Simon's heart must really have sunk!
@ jgalea........AAAAAAAAAAA..AMEN.......Allahares ma ikunx xi wiehed bhalek li kull tant iddahhaqni dahqa.
Yesterday's during 'Xarabank', Edwin Vassallo was absolutely pathetic. He held Franco Debono's hand imploring him to return to the fold when a few hours before Franco Debono was accused of treason (tradiment) by a PN Press Statement of which Edwin Vassallo is part.
Ghaziz Franco. Erga lura mit triq il hazina. Tiftakarha il parabbola tal Iben il Hali? Il Prim Ministru, id deputati, kunsilliera, u il partitarji, iridulek il gid. Kulhadd ihobbok. Qedin nitolbu ghal ruhek. Ikkonverti, u itlob skuza lill PM. Inti Nisrani, f partit Nisrani. Thallix il hazin juzak. Dawk jinqdew bik biex jahtfu il poter, u jreggew l arlogg az zminijiet mudlama, u ta dittatura tas snin 70, u 80. Zomm il motto ta dan il pajjiz (Religio et Patria) f mohhok, u f qalbek. Itlob lill Ispirtu is Santu jdawwallek mohhok, u taghraf it tjubija tal ghaziz Prim Ministru taghna :) Il Bambin ibirkek ibni.
MEP, Mr Simon Busuttil. When the utility bills rocketed, that meant a drastic blow to our wages and salaries. Our standard of liveing has been drastically reduced during the last four years. Do you honestly think that the Maltese worker or pensioners can afford another derease in his spending power or higher taxes?. What the workers need is a drastic increase in his wages or salaries, to boost our spending power, otherwise we will see poverty multiplying. In the sixties under the Nationalist Government, people used to beg for a piece of bread. Are we going back to the sixties in 2012?. How far can you go with €700 per month, or a miserable pension?
I wonder how the punters are betting on the outcome of next week's no confidence vote. With their money at stake punters often have better ears and a sixth sense on what is likely to happen. As I ses it one can bet on three possible outcomes. (i) That FD votes for the opposition's motion of no confidence. (ii) FD runs away from the situation and does not turn up for the sitting and thus in a constitutional way the no confidence vote will not pass (iii) The PN caves in to some of FD's demands just before the sitting and strikes a temporary stalling deal with him to defeat the no confidence vote. Perhaps the MT paper can start an online poll on the likely outcome.
Dr. Busuttil, yes this Debono is a problem for the PN, but is it just Franco??? The real problem is convincing the PN voters now floaters out there, who have seen an arrogant few take full command of the party and run roughshod over every body else. with their fingers in every imaginable pie. Will the MLP be a lot different, some would say??? Frankly not so much at least, not on the short term. So why the change? Frankly many have had just enough and when it comes to closing the small curtain next time around, even a handful will make all the difference.
JPO on Robert Musumeci's FB this morning: "Bongu habib. Taf li jien esperjenzajt dak li esperjenzajt int, sehibna Jesmond, Robert, John Dalli, John Bundy u Jean Pierre. Biex jasslu jattakkaw anke lil Guido, jghajruh traditur, jizzuffjettaw bil-funeral tieghu, tinduna li wasslu fil-qiegh dawn l-individwi."
This is the statement from JPO on facebook. Below was a pic of DCG: "I confess to being heartbroken by the present political situation. It would seem to be an opportune moment for the Nationalist Party to ask itself what it has gained from the orchestrated, vile and unjustified attacks on Guido De Marco, John Dalli, Jesmond Mugliett, Jean Pierre Farrugia, Robert Arrigo, me, John Bundy, Franco Debono, Robert Musumeci......and others, by those posing as paladins of GonziPN in the past five years."
Zack Depasquale
I really don't know why GonziPN exponents are giving false hope to the electorate. One has to be a real fool if he thinks that Onor Debono will join GonziPN and everything returns to normal as if the past 4 weeks never happened. For argument sake, let's say that Onor Debono returns to the fold, and than what? Wait for another outburst,which will happen for sure, will this be a stable government? Maybe someone will illuminate me on this subject.
This is the statement from JPO on facebook. Below was a pic of DCG: "I confess to being heartbroken by the present political situation. It would seem to be an opportune moment for the Nationalist Party to ask itself what it has gained from the orchestrated, vile and unjustified attacks on Guido De Marco, John Dalli, Jesmond Mugliett, Jean Pierre Farrugia, Robert Arrigo, me, John Bundy, Franco Debono, Robert Musumeci......and others, by those posing as paladins of GonziPN in the past five years."
This newsbyte is already obsolete. Franco Debono has already replied to Simon Busuttil harshly denouncing the Gonzi government and asking for his resignation.....or else..... I think the die is already cast and the country shiuld prepare for early elections.
Simon Busuttil, ergajt jien: Wara li ktibt il-kumment t'hawn taht, dhalt fuq The Times u hemm rajt x'qal dalghodu Franco Debono. Ma nafx issa jekk dak li ghadu kif qal Dr. Debono hux se ssibu ukoll ta' konfort jew inkella ta' aktar inkwiet !Ghaqqdu ma dak li kiteb JPO dalghodu u ghandek mera ta' x'hemm jistenna lil Gonzi PN, anke jekk il-vot ta' sfiducja f'GonziPN ma jghaddix! Ara kif jista pajjizna jibqa mmexxi minn din il-klikka ta' nies bla qalb u inkompetentui !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eddy Privitera
Krista Sullivan
Simon Busuttil: l-ewwel punt. Meta konna barra l-UE qatt ma kellna problema bil-credit rating ta' pajjizna. dan qed jigri issa li dhalna f'dik il-genna tal-art li int kont protagonist biex tidhaq bil-Maltin u l- Ghawdxin. Staqsi lil kaccaturi, nassaba, sajjieda, bdiewa, nisa tad-dar, haddiema tal-Air malta etc..etc.. Rigward il-konsolazzjoni li ghandek wara l-programm ta' Xarabank, ara issa tinkunslax bl-attakk ahrax li hareg fuq GonziPN siehbek Jeoffrey Pullicino Orlando xi siegha ilu !!!!! Kif qal tajjeb Dr. Muscat il-bierah, jigri x'jigri nhar il-Hamis, GonziPN qieghed jitmermer U SE JIBQA JITMERMER aktar ma jghaddi zmien ! Eddy Privitera