Muscat says financial uncertainty cannot be solved by instability

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said whatever happens next week in parliament this government cannot guarantee stability.

Joseph Muscat said the 2012 Budget was 'amateurish'.
Joseph Muscat said the 2012 Budget was 'amateurish'.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said the financial uncertainty which Malta is facing cannot be solved by the current political instability and said "Unfortunately GonziPN has not done anything to end the uncertainty."

Muscat conceded that the downgrade of Malta's credit rating by Standard and Poor's is down to the euro zone crisis irrespectively of which party is in government. However he said a new government led by him "would tackle the financial uncertainty."

"The €40 million budget cuts were ordered by the European Commission and were not government's initiative. This morning Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said government will introduce further cuts. However he did not say which programmes and initiatives will be cut," Muscat said.

Muscat described the 2012 Budget as "amateurish" and said "it was not credible." The Labour leader added "Unfortunately the latest developments confirm the economic forecasts Labour had made,"

Asked who would be Finance Minister under a new Labour government, in a dig at Wikileak's revelations of Gonzi's complaint to the American ambassador of having limited talent in his ranks, Muscat said he was "lucky to have a team full of talent from where to choose from."

In regards to next week's parliamentary vote of no-confidence in government Muscat said "Whatever happens stability is no longer guaranteed by this government. It has been hopping from one crisis to another. We waited for government to present a vote of confidence itself to give Lawrence Gonzi an honourable way out."

Micheal Bonanno
@JGalea. Naqra l-kummenti tieghek nithassrek. Kieku stess intaghzel George Abela, naghmillek imhatra li llum kont tghid l-istess li qieghed tghid fuq Joseph Muscat! Hawn xi hadd li se jahsillek wiccek biex tigi ahjar minnu? Narak jien, qalb tahirqek ghal PL! Ahjar tmorru taraw u tirranga li baqa' mill-frakass fil-Partit taghkom!
jgalea ahjar tikkalma ftit ghax se ttik xi puplusija! Dawn il-kummenti kollha wahda wara l-ohra ma jaghmlux gid lil sahtek. L-ewwelnett, dwar il-faqar: jien persqaz li int u shabek ohra tal-klikka ta' Gonzi ma tafux xi jfisser il-faqar. Tiftakahom il HAMES MITT EWRO ZIEDA FIL-GIMGHA (exempju wiehed dan)? Jew diga' insejtha din. It-tieninett, il-PL zgur li m'ghandux bzonn lilek jew xi le**a*ul iehor ta' GonziPN biex jaghtuh il-pariri dwar min kien ikun l-ahjar mexxej tal-partit. Tinkwieta xejn habib, iz-zmien itina parir - probabbli wisq aktar malajr milli int u shabek kontu qatt jistennew.
Is socjalisti kellom cans tad deheb li jeleggu a true leader. Dr. George Abela. Kieku l MLP kien ikun fil gvern f inqas minn sena. Imma din l opportunita' rameuha fit trash. U ghazlu wihed li huwa the real liability of their party. Peccato. Affari tahhom. Issa tigi l elezjoni, u jlaqtu tkaxkira nobis.
Dan bniedem giddieb. Qal li qeghdin nghixu fil faqar. Fejn qed tarah il faqar? Kulhadd jixtri, u jonfoq!!! Mhux ta b xejn in nies jghidu li ma jafx jitkellem u li hu immatur!!!
GonziPN u l-bella kumpanija ma jifilhux jigdbu aktar: ahna aqwa minn dak u l-iehor, l-instabilita ma tezistix, Franco Debono ipenguh ta mignun, min ihawwad bhal ministru jaghtuh rigal, min jikkritika jaghtuh bi-sieq! Mhux bil-fors instabli f'dan il-pajjiz taht GonziPN jekk bhal ma qal Franco mhux kemm taf taht GonziPN imma in-neputizmu! Dalwaqt jigrirlna bhal Costa Crociera, kemm hu sabih, kemm hu kbir, ahjar minn haddiehor, ma jistax jeghreq, imma jekk ikollok kaptan bla hila xi darba jew ohra fuq skoll se jitfak!