Anton Attard visited Bondi+ studio to oversee Franco Debono transmission
The CEO of the Public Broadcasting Services admits to have given instructions for last Tuesday’s edition of Bondiplus to be transmitted for almost an hour and a half.
PBS CEO Anton Attard
Sunday newspaper Illum reveals that Anton Attard, the CEO of PBS, gave permission and instructions for Where's Everybody programme Bondiplus to be extended from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 25 minutes when Lou Bondì had on his programme backbencher Franco Debono.
Attard also admitted to having decided when the programme should end - which explained why an exasperated Bondì had seem lost when he thought the programme was going on break and in reality had ended.
The last comment made by Debono on the programme was to tell the presenter he would not be prompted to "repeat words like a parrot".

1. Is it true that the Super 1 cameraperson was employed only after Anton Attard appeared on Inkontri. Is it true that he did not even sit for the interview? meaning this was an appeasing decision to balance out other recruitments?
2. Is it true that (some) people recently employed with PBS had their notice removed?
3. Is it true that a certain editor will soon become a coordinator.

Anette B Cassar •
@sanpawli Dak ghax gurnalizmu fuq kollox ;)

With friends like these who needs enemies, eh, Lou? The kind hearted Anton Attard requested that Lou Bondi's humiliation at the hands of Franco Debono be extended from 45 mins to 1 hr 25 mins!!!! Thank you Mr Attard, ma tafx kemm paxxejtna!

Smajtuha ta l'ahhar: Bondi offered the programme HARDTALK on BBC!!!!
Wara li raw il mod newtrali u gust li mexa bih fil programm meta kellu lil Franco Debono dawn baghtu ghalih biex jibda jippresenta HARDTALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x differenza bejn bondi edwin vassallo.bondi qal dak li hassew in nazzi ghal franco kixfilhom wicchom u e. vassallo ghax hazin anzi hazin tal hazen u psztaz li ma ihalli lill hadd jitkellem qd jibki il biki tal kukkudrilli u beda jistma ta tifel ta l iskola izomlu idu, kwazi beda ihassibni hazin

Goes on to show how neutral is our PBS which is paid from your and my taxes! ------Keep it up PBS! Anton Attard be careful cause BBC are watching you and it would not be surprising that in the coming day they make an offer for your impartiality!!!!

U ghalfejn qed toqghodu tahlu l-ispazju billi tghidu x'qal Peter Darmanin! Dan mhux fil-figolli u r-raffles jifhem. Iva... Darmanin jifhem ukoll fil-mizbli. Bhal dak ir-ruh tajba ta' ziju ta' Gonzi li kien jibghat lil-Laburista ghad-dfin fil-mizbla!

Dalghodu Gonz ghamel appell lill-partitarji biex ma jaqghux fil- personali u fl- insulti. Illum gie rrapportat f'gazzetta li l-ex-tezorier tal- PN, Peter Darmanin qal li "isem Franco Debono tnizzel fil- mizbla tal-istorja politika". Jista xi hadd jinzel izjed fl- abbiss!! Isthi jekk taf Sur Darmanin.

Does this dude pretend to keep his job when things change?
At PBS there are a lot of pners but most of them do there job as required as should be and will be, whilst others go out of their way to please those at Castille and then pretend to be retained.

Criminal mockery of the institutions of the country. Then they want you to pay the TV license to help finance the deceit and brain lobotomy served daily. Remember 'Dardir Malta' anyone?

Dr Debono remember all this when you take your final decision on Thursday .This shows how you were telling the truth about PBS in parliament .

another instant of a different face of gonzi closed circle......HIS MASTER`S VOICE fortunately they are so closed up within themselves that they are not realising the grave damage they are conducting to gonzi pn that it is about time gonzi pn goes back to the opposition to reinvigorate itself away from these people so that gonzi pn goes back to being what it should be pn

Luke Camilleri •
Il-PBS sar ir-REGIM ta' Anton Attard & WE? - Forcina ta' Gonzipn!
Ta min hu il-pappagal Anton Attard? Min qieghed ihaddmu bir-remote control mill OPM? Xi id mohbija?
l'Awtorita tax-Xandir ghandha AWTORITA. , GHAL X'HIEX QEDGHA HEMM?

The day of reckoning is near.

Mhux ta' b'xejn Gonzi u shabu - dik il-"KLIKKA" li semma Franco Debono -hadu hsieb li l-PBS jibdluh f'NET 2 ! MIn jaf x'se jghamlu f'dawn il-granet u ftit gimghat li gejjin jekk Dr. Franco Debono jinqa jsostni l-pozizzjoni c ara li ha - dik li jivvota favur mozzjoni ta' sfifucja f'GonziPN !
Eddy privitera

@ zulu...Jien xorta qrajtu, u fihmt il messagg. Prosit naqbel hafna ma dak li ghedt.Jien inhobb nghejdilhom " OQBRA IMBAJDA ".......Ghax taghhom kollox tajjeb ghax imnebhin min Alla. Tal lejber kollox hazin DEJJEM ghamlu. Specjalment fejn tidhol il vjolenza tal passat.Jekk wiehed kellu ipoggi dak il hazin li ghamlu iz zewg partiti..Naf fiz zgur li il keffa nazzjonalista tmil favur taghha bil bosta.

Onestament ma nafx ghalfejn qed tiskantaw. Qiskom qed taghtuna xi ahbar ta' barra minn hawn - lanqas li ma nafux li l-PBS hu kazin ta' nazzjonalisti li huma mdorrija jaghmlu li jridu biex ipingu lil gonzipon bhala x-xempju tad-dinja. Min jaf jekk tinqaleb il-folja u flokhom jitpoggew gurnalisti b'tendenzi u fehmiet differenti minn tal-lum, kemm jiskandalizzaw ruhhom gonizpn u l-klikka tieghu !!!!


@jgalea. Tghidu talba ghal ruhu ghalfejn? Dak it-talb sa fejn naf jien, ghal min miet tghidu. L-iben il-hali eh? L-iben il-hali taf min hu? Min berbaq flus il-poplu fix-xej, min fotta- IS SEA MALTA, L-AIR MALTA, MIN GHALAQ ID DRYDOCKS, MIN GHAMEL IL-KORRUZZJONI, MIN WIEGHAD 5000 IMPJIEG MA SMART CITY, MINN GAB L-ARRIVA U GHAMEL L-ISBAH FROGA LI SETA QATT GHAMEL. MIN HA 500 EWRO GHAL GO BUTU U LIL POPLU ? 1.60 EWRO U LI MINNHOM TINQATGHALEK IT-TAXXA. Kif ma tisthux tghidu li inthom li themnu fi Kristu? Sa fej maf jien Kristu dejjem gid ghamel, ghalmenu hekk jien mghallem min mindu kont zghir. Kristu fejjaq lil morda, ghallem, tema lil min kien bil-guh, baghta u miet ghalina.
Halluha ir-religjon u thaltuiex mal politika ghax issa qazzistuh lil poplu. Mela ghadna fis-sittinijet jew? Ghax ma tohorgux il bulittini bhal dhari? Nahseb taf x qal Kristu biex tghatu lil Cesare dak li hu tieghu u lill Alla dak li hu tieghu.
Hekk imissu jerga jigi maghkom Franco halli tirrangawh ghal frisk. Ara x garalu John Dalli, Louis Galea, u ohrajn. U ma Franco hemm ohrajn imma mhux ta gazz bhalu, u nammirah fuq hekk. Kuragg FRANCO.