PL says Cristina had to bear responsibility for bad decisions

Labour MP Owen Bonnici says Dolores Cristina had to bear responsibility for decisions which resulted in hundreds of students missing out on student exchange programmes.

PL spokesperson Owen Bonnici said Dolores Cristina never bore the responsibility for bad decisions.
PL spokesperson Owen Bonnici said Dolores Cristina never bore the responsibility for bad decisions.

The PL spokesperson on Higher Education, University, Research and Culture, Owen Bonnici said that Family and Education Minister Dolores Cristina had to bear the responsibility of bad decisions that spoiled once and for all the chance for hundreds of tertiary students to experience the Erasmus programme. 

Bonnici said "During the recent cabinet reshuffle, the Prime Minister chose to demote Cristina from the Social Affairs portfolio, a sector which she admitted, was close to her heart and was reconfirmed as Minister of Education. During her term, from May 2010 till November 2011, hundreds of tertiary students were deprived of their once in a lifetime chance to take the opportunity to study under the Erasmus programme."

 "The European funds (Youth in Action and Life Long Learning) in the field of education were suspended due to financial mismanagement under the stewardship of Minister Dolores Cristina."

Bonnici said one of the three public officers who actually bore the responsibility for the Erasmus programme fund mismanagement, harshly criticized Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Minister Dolores Cristina in public and another occupies a comfortable executive position.

"However, Cristina, never bore the responsibility and Lawrence Gonzi acted as if nothing ever happened," Bonnici said. 

Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Owen Bonnici, I appeal to you to join me and come with me again to school to re-learn the Maltese and English languages. We must learn again what the meaning of the word “responsibility” is. It seems that you and I got it wrong as Gonzi and his lot have a different version of the meaning of this word.
Well said Mr Bonnici! It is typical to GonziPN Administration not to shoulder such bad decisions as Arriva's Case, Cirkewwa Quay, Air Malta, Gozo Channel cases and so on and so forth. Now that Mr Debono has really "caught the bull by it horns", the Gonzi PN is trying to all in its forces to destroy him. Your time is UP! You have to go my Gonzi!
Owen you really mean !!!!!!! you are going to make her cry
Jigifieri dolores cristina, miskina, bkiet meta gonzipn dahhlilha skalda zghira lilha wkoll meta ghamel cabinet reshuffle - tghid bkiet meta hi u l-klikka taghha cahhdu lil mijiet ta' studenti milli jiehdu sehem fil-programmi edukattivi tal-Unjoni Ewropea ghal xi sena u nofs shah? - dak iz-zmien bkiet jew haslet idejha hi wkoll ta' dik il-vroma? Tibza' xejn sinjura cristina: anki ghal miss world jasal it-tmiem tar-renju taghha wara sena u nista' nimmagina kemm se tibki minn hawn u ftit iehor meta mhux is-sigurta socjali biss inwarrbulek izda l-portafoll kollu li tak gonzipn f'dawn l-ahhar erba' snin !!!