'Government postponing its problem' - Franco Debono

The Nationalist Party says government is willing to discuss no-confidence motion while the Labour Party insists government is delaying time

Backbencher Franco Debono says 'Procrastination is the order of the day' with government
Backbencher Franco Debono says 'Procrastination is the order of the day' with government

Reacting to this evening's meeting of the House Business Committee, PN backbencher Franco Debono said government was postponing its problems.

"Procrastination has been the order of the day ... But this is only postponing the problem," Debono said.

During the meeting, Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici proposed that the debate over the no-confidence motion presented by the Opposition should start next Monday. He however refused to set a time limit, and insisted each MP should be able to say what he or she wanted, without any limitations.

Labour's deputy leader Anglu Farrugia withdrew the procedural motion, after Mifsud Bonnici insisted this should be discussed first.

The procedural motion called for the no-confidence motion to be discussed next Thursday between 9am and 12pm, and afterwards the vote would be taken.

But before the committee concluded its meeting, Opposition whip Joe Mizzi and Farrugia insisted they did not agree with the agenda after no end time was set for the debate. Farrugia told MaltaToday no agreement had been reached over the Parliament's agenda, adding that the procedural motion was still valid.

Farrugia said the Opposition had called for the committee to be suspended.

But in comments to MaltaToday, government whip David Agius said ultimately it is the Leader of the House who sets the agenda, and next Monday the debate on the motion would start.

In a reaction to this evening's meeting, the Nationalist Party said "the meeting confirmed government's will in discussing the no-confidence motion and according to the established rules."

The PN accused the Opposition of "arrogance" and said it tried to stop the debate by limiting the time for just 75 minutes for each side.

On the other hand, the Labour Party accused government of delaying tactics. The PL said the Opposition had offered for an agreement to be reached in which the necessary time would be given for the debate.

"But Lawrence Gonzi's government did not accept and did not want to reach an agreement on when the debate should end and the vote be taken," it said adding that "GonziPN was holding the country hostage with its internal party problems".

The PL accused government of irresponsibility and said its attitude this evening did not tally with comments made by the Prime Minister earlier this week: "The Prime Minister said he wanted to close off the issue this week. Now it is clear that he wants to hold on tight to power, while the country waits."


Dr Debono, why are you blaming the government for not introducing 'wide-ranging constitutional reforms'?For once, at least, blame it on the PL who with the puerile excuse of the lapsus during a vote, reacted by not attending on the constitutional reforms committee. What I wonder is whether you ever expected that a minister cannot make mistakes. If you where a human resouce manager and during the annual or bi-annual performance appraisals you note that some objectives where achieved but you would have to see better achievemnts, would you sack your employee or try to reach agreement for the next appraisals? This how you should argue in Dr Gatt and Dr Mifsud Bonnici who, in you opinion, have not achieved as you would have expected. Everyone agree with you, that certain objectives could have resulted better but you know the beurocratic machinary of the state which neither a minister can over-jump. Sometimes, things jam because of signatures, contracts, petition on contracts, cancellation of contracts, re-starting the procedure, etc. I agree with you that the lack of progress or stagnation kills movers like you. I too want things to be done 'yesterday' if possible but many a times had to bear unbelievable frustrations due to the beurocratic red-tape. Empathy is the magic word, both in your present situation but also in others. Dr Debono, please, let us see the glass, half-full for once!
Kilba ghal poter!!! The only comment all nationalists are capable of putting forward this time round. No more boogie man or violence or hofor to scare with. Il veru waqaw fl abissi tad desperazjoni il povri PN. U jien dejjem ivvutajt PN sakemm Gonzi showed his true colours and proved what a liar he is.
DEMOCRACY=OLIGARCHY The ruin of oligarchy is the ruin of democracy; the same disease magnified and intensified by liberty overmasters democracy —the truth being that the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction; and this is the case not only in the seasons and in vegetable and animal life, but above all in forms of government. True. The excess of liberty, whether in states or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery. Yes, the natural order. And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty? PLATO
DEMOCRACY=OLIGARCHY The ruin of oligarchy is the ruin of democracy; the same disease magnified and intensified by liberty overmasters democracy —the truth being that the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction; and this is the case not only in the seasons and in vegetable and animal life, but above all in forms of government. True. The excess of liberty, whether in states or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery. Yes, the natural order. And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty? PLATO
@man in the street, are you serious? Is this the first time you're here? Dak li jinkiteb hawn iġiegħelek tirremetti bil-ħdura li qed turu intom li qed tippruvaw tinqdew bi Franco tant għandhkom kilba għall-poter...
DEMOCRACY=OLIGARCHY The ruin of oligarchy is the ruin of democracy; the same disease magnified and intensified by liberty overmasters democracy —the truth being that the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction; and this is the case not only in the seasons and in vegetable and animal life, but above all in forms of government. True. The excess of liberty, whether in states or individuals, seems only to pass into excess of slavery. Yes, the natural order. And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty? PLATO
It is a pity there are no serious PN bloggers on this site with whom to hold a constructive debate of some sense, only hysterical maniacs whose brains had better be examined, and quickly too, because their case has become serious. Because to condone such a situation where democracy has been flagrantly thrown to the wind, it is the last confirmation that the PN's credentials as a Christian and Democratic Party have vanished. These screaming and grieved mad bloggers only reflect the current thinking of their party, GonziPN.
Luke Camilleri
Playing for time to plot and ponder! Preparing for a Sunday after mass booster Booster for Gonzi & possibly another "Touch me ! Touch Me!" invite session" by JPO's ex-Coach to send more messages from his XARABANK! ------------------------------------------------------ Xejn ma jsir b'kumbinazzjoni, fejn jithol Peppi Bla Rispetti! .............
@jgalea: qed tara kif intom mqa tinbidlu qatt tilbsu s-sur tan-naghag u minn taht tiqghu ilpup. Xi dnubiet ghamel Dr. Franco Debono li ghandu jitlob mahfra ghalihom? Semmihom, ghidhomlu ghax forsi hu ma jafx bihom. Mela meta Franco Debono qal x'ghandu jsir biex issaltan id-demokrazija gewwa Malta ghamel xi dnub, jew meta qal li min jizbalja ghandu jerfa r-responsabilta u jkun ragel bil-b**d u jirrezenja. F'dawn l-ahhar snin mhux darba jew tnejn messhomm saru rizenji imma s-siggu tal-poter huwa majestuz ma jaffordjawx li jitilfuh,hemm ikkattmati u mqabdin mal-poter iridu jibqghu. Ara kieku sar kif suppost u kif qal tajjeb hafna Dr. Debono, kieku kien hawn ir-rizenji kieku llum Malta m'hawnx din il-krizi u l-insabilita kollha, anke l-PN kieku m'ghandux dan l-inkwiet kollu. Proset Dr. Debono u ftakar dejjem li dawn li darba kienu jghidu li huma shabek (ghax illum iridu jsalbuk) huma nies li ma jinbidlu qatt. Arahom kuntenti li jhallu din l-instabilita gewwa malta li biha jigerrex l-investiment li jkun gej basta jibqghu hemm, jibzghu jmorru ghal vot malajr halli din il-bicca tax-xoghol tinqata malajr kemm jista jkun u jekk jirbhu l-vot good luck to them u jekk le mmorru ghall-elezzjoni jew issir il-bidla tal-leader u Malta tkomli miexja normali. Imma le Gonzi bhalu m'hemmx u hu biss jista jsalvana, hekk jghidu tal-PN. Komplu mela kissru kemm tifilhu ghax f'demmkom ghad hemm jigri dak id-demm ta' dak id-dittatur li darba kien jahkem l-Italja u spicca mdendel rasu l-isfel, kif gibtu lil Malta issa.
Priscilla Darmenia
@ jgalea: In my opinion you are completely detached from reality and like your boss GonziPN you are unable to read the writing on the wall. In a way I also admire you as you are on a sinking ship and you are trying to catch with every straw to try to save yourself and the ship. Unfortunately GonziPN managed to damage the ship so much there I don’t believe there is any chance of survival no matter how much he drags his feet (which he became expert). The decision of the Leader of the House made me more convinced that it is the PN who wants to cling to power and not the PL who are hungry for power.
Priscilla Darmenia
@sloot: Demarco is only a strong name associated with Guido. It does not mean that because he is his father’s son he has the capabilities his father had. He did not impress me at all as Parliamentary Secretary moreover being made a leader of the PN and God forbid a Prime Minister of our country.
jgalea xMAHFRA tridu Dr Franco Debono jitolbu lil dak il LAQI li ghandkom Dr Wenzu Gonzi ANZI Dr Franco Debono IMISSU ikollu naqra KURAGG ohra u JIKXEF il HMIEG li hemm fil PN kollha TRIDUHA ta QADDISIN biex imbad ghandkom MIBEDA mil KBAR u lil il PASTAS l-iehor li ghandkom Dr Austin Gatt il leader taghkom Dr Gonzi xejn ma JISTMAH ghax lil media tal PN qalilkom biex tkunu PRUDENTI fi KLIEMKOM biex imbad jigi dan il BLOKKA (Dr Austin Gatt) u Jghajjar lil Dr Franco Debono Mignun AKKA veru mignun Dr Franco Debono ghax LILKOM tal PN u lil siehibkom Lou Bondi GENNINKOM ghax il POWER li Ghandkom dalwqat JISPICCALKOM Mela Kuragg Dr Franco Debono ghax dawk li JAHSBU li HADD ma jista ghalihom DALWAQT IGGENNINHOM
@jgalea so tell me kif inhu temp fuq il qamar, hemm kesha jew bhal hawn, ghax int fil qamar tghix habib,isemmix knisja, hallijha barra, Alla hu ta kulhadt ma nergux nibdew indefsu il knisja fin nofs turiex l injoranza tieghek habib, u iva itlob sewwa taghmel, itlob ghal Franco biex Alla jtih l ghajnuna kollha li ghandu bzonn ghax minhabba il partit tieghek bazikamnet kisser il karriera politrika tieghu, b sagrificcju ghalik u ghalijha. Franco Debono ma ghandux ghalfejn jikonverti....jekk hazin Franco , mela jfisser li parti kbira mil poplu Malti hazin ukoll. Awguri Franco u prosit vera niehu gost nisimek titkellem.
Zack Depasquale
@jgalea ma tantx domt tifrah, kompli dahaqna.
Jeffrey Vella
Ian George Walker
Is jgalea for real? Sometimes I think he is the best satirist we have and is taking us all for a ride. He certainly never fails to bring a smile to my face.
"The PN accused the Opposition of "arrogance" and said it tried to stop the debate by limiting the time for just 75 minutes for each side." - misshom jisthu tal-PL, ma jafux li Gonzi ta 90 minuta for each side f'novembru.... b'min tridu titmejlu!!!! Flimkien kollox possibli!
Dear Franco please please ikkonverti. Issa ghandek gimgha biex tirrifletti dnubietek. Mur qerr, u itlob skuza lil Dr. Gonzi. Il kap taghna ihobbok, u jaccettak b idejh miftuha bhal missier tal parabbola tal Iben il Hali.Thallix lill isbejha Patria taghna taqgha tragikament ghal darb'ohra taht il madmad tar regim socjalist. Regim li anke il Knisja Kattolika ikkritikat. Kun kburi li inti 1) Nisrani, 2) Nazzjonalist. Dawn iz zewg valuri jsawru kull Malti. Jien konvint li inti tikkonverti ruhek, u tivvota ghal gvern taghna :) Il Bambin ibirkek ibni. Malta kollha qeda titlob ghalik bil herqa kollha :)
franco din ijja loba draft. gonzi ilu li tilef il popolarita umbat thalt int biskuza biex issa taparsi min habba fiek jilhaq mario demarco kap u priministru. proset kemm int atttur tajjeb franco
Anette B Cassar
Roger1, No need for them to learn. They already knew how.
Anette B Cassar
Dindu, I think executive of the PN or whichever group it was said it resolves to discuss this at its council late in January. 29th I think. That is the end of next week. So I think we will hear something then. I think the government is going to make it a point to stretch it till then. I can see how Gonzi forgot what he said in 1998 to Dr Sant. After all it was over 13 years ago. However, he has forgotten what he said about urgency of a confidence vote in his government only last November. Hypocrisy or senility. Either way not fit to run our country.
It would be better for PN, way back 2003 joined Malta with the AFRICAN UNION, and have friends like Gaddafi, Ben ALI, Hosni Mubarak, etc.. to teach us how to Govern without your people's will.
I am absolutely amazed at the shennanigins going on here. If Mr F Debono was as prudent as he has been he would realise that the outcome of a No-Confidence Vote instigated by him could result in a tied vote and that when a General Election is called his political career would be finished. Remember that this is exactly what happened before ellsewhere. Electors are not fickle. Ehen they see what that the option is he will be made a scape-goat by them. Malta has had and has seen a continuing upward spiral of Good News in the Economy over the past few years and that is because of sound and prudent long term Governance. Would this be the same with a change of Government? Possibly but not necessarily. If it comes to the crunch and the public trust in economic stability the one thing that is always the case that parties with a strong bias towards labour-style politics are not as careful as those that hold the central ground.
Stefan Mifsud
I was thinking of imploring to DR. Franco Debono to come out publically and state unequivocally what he intends to do once the confidence vote is called in Parliament. The sole reason being that this country needs to get on. As he himself is stating in this evenings' statement. However the thought was immediately scuppered when I recalled what I heard over the internet the actual House Business Committee. Whenever Dr. Franco Debono decides whatever he decides to do GonziPN are going to stretch this saga well beyond its elasticity threshold. I hate to say this therefore that we are not going to see an end to this saga any time soon.
Stefan Mifsud
I was thinking of imploring to DR. Franco Debono to come out publically and state unequivocally what he intends to do once the confidence vote is called in Parliament. The sole reason being that this country needs to get on. As he himself is stating in this evenings' statement. However the thought was immediately scuppered when I recalled what I heard over the internet the actual House Business Committee. Whenever Dr. Franco Debono decides whatever he decides to do GonziPN are going to stretch this saga well beyond its elasticity threshold. I hate to say this therefore that we are not going to see an end to this saga any time soon.
Anette B Cassar
Indeed. However, unfortunately it needs the decision of GonziPN's 35th man in the house. Mr Speaker.
Ian George Walker
If the PN thinks it can prolong the debate indefinetly, it had better study the Standing Orders. Standing Order No 16(1) reads as follows: 16. (1) After a question has been proposed and debated for not less than an hour a Member may claim to move "that the question be now put", and, unless it shall appear to the Chair that such motion is an abuse of the rules of the House, or an infringement of the rights of the minority, the question "That the question be now put" shall be put forthwith and decided without amendment or debate.