Marathon sessions for no-confidence motion

Opposition accuse government of filibustering after procedural withdrawn is suspended.

Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici yesterday got parliamentary agenda set for the no-confidence motion debate to start Monday with no time limits.
Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici yesterday got parliamentary agenda set for the no-confidence motion debate to start Monday with no time limits.

The debate on the no-confidence motion moved by the Opposition will commence next Monday, but it will be a marathon sitting that could see each member of the House take the floor for an hour.

The Opposition yesterday withdrew a procedural motion to debate a no-confidence motion on Thursday for 180 minutes - with an hour and a half for each side of the House - and instead accepted to have the no-confidence motion debated in parliament next Monday.

The procedural motion originally called for the no-confidence motion to be discussed next Thursday between 9am and 12pm, and afterwards the vote would be taken.

However, Opposition whip Joe Mizzi insisted a time should be allocated for each speaker, while Leader of the House Carm Mifsud Bonnici said he was against imposing any time limits to the MPs during their speech.

Before the conclusion of yesterday's House Business Committee, Speaker Michael Frendo called on the whips of the two sides of the House to find "a way forward from where the Leader of the House left".

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono, who is threatening to vote against the government in the no-confidence motion, said the government was only postponing its problems. "Procrastination has been the order of the day... But this is only postponing the problem," Debono said.

Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia told MaltaToday no agreement had been reached over the parliamentary agenda, adding that the procedural motion was still valid.

Farrugia insisted the Opposition had called for the committee to be suspended.

But in comments to MaltaToday, government whip David Agius said ultimately it is the Leader of the House who sets the agenda, and next Monday the debate on the motion would start.

In a reaction to this evening's meeting, the Nationalist Party said "the meeting confirmed government's will in discussing the no-confidence motion and according to the established rules."

The PN accused the Opposition of "arrogance" and said it tried to stop the debate by limiting the time for just 75 minutes for each side.

On the other hand, the Labour Party accused government of delaying tactics. The PL said the Opposition had offered for an agreement to be reached in which the necessary time would be given for the debate.

"But Lawrence Gonzi's government did not accept and did not want to reach an agreement on when the debate should end and the vote be taken," it said adding that "GonziPN was holding the country hostage with its internal party problems".

The PL accused government of irresponsibility and said its attitude this evening did not tally with comments made by the Prime Minister earlier this week: "The Prime Minister said he wanted to close off the issue this week. Now it is clear that he wants to hold on tight to power, while the country waits."

On Friday, Labour MP Anglu Farrugia presented a motion of no-confidence together with a procedural motion which set the day and time for the no-confidence motion to be discussed.

Mifsud Bonnici accused the Opposition of presenting a "guillotine" motion which did not give the MPs enough time to discuss the motion in Parliament.

Farrugia offered Mifsud Bonnici for both sides to discuss how long each MP should speak - "even for 40 hours if you want".

Mizzi also accused Mifsud Bonnici of filibustering over the time awarded to MPs to debate the motion, but called for a suspension of the sitting after Mifsud Bonnici said the no-confidence motion should be discussed on Monday.

Franco Debono huwa persuna li jidher li huwa biezel ta veru, u li avolja forsi kien hemm l'issue li seta' jew ma thalliex isir ministru, nemmen li mhux ta' min jitilfu. F'dan il-pajjiz ghandna bzonn nies li jhabirku ghall-pajjiz u mhux joqoghodu b'idejhom fuq zaqqhom jistennew il-bajtra taqa' f'halqhom. Il-Labour jista joffri dar gdida lil dan il-membru parlamentari.
The Opposition has nothing to do. Leave some introductory minutes for the leader, Joseph Muscat, give all the time allocated to her to Franco Debono (PN) and maybe reserve three quarters of an hour for the leader Joseph Muscat to sum up everything and stresses why this motion of no confidence in Gonzi PN Government has been moved. Franco Debono has a lot to say, if he is honest and first and foremost is looking after the nation's best interest not that of the PN or his personally. Hope Franco Debono will not shy away, and confirm what he already said why he is ready to vote with the Labour Oppostion, till Lawrence Gonzi is still at the helm of the Nationalist Party, and maybe add other things which so far has been kept in his sleeves. Franco, the country is calling you. Do not make a fool of yourself. Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi avoid all this debacle/disgrace for your government and party and tender your resignation from leader of the NP before the debate begins next Monday. You and your party stand to gain nothing by procrastinating with your leadership. Give PN some fresh breath and let the legislature goes on as stipulated without an early election being forced on the electorate.
If this is DEMOCRACY, it is a SHAM. I knew that anyway. I DO NOT WANT IT!!
u ghandna speaker tajjeb ghal magni tal karozzi tal linja isthu ja faxxisti issa morru il parlament u ghoqodu hudu b idejn xullxin ghax il bqija ma tistghu taghmlu xejn isthu ja nazzi jekk ghankhom wicc
How ironic !!. Dr.Karm wants to give everyone in the house a chance to express himself on the confidence motion. Lest we forget..... When the Independence Constitution was brought for discussion before Parliament in 1964, a guillotine motion was presented by the PN Government depriving the opposition of the necessary freedom to discuss the Constitution. At that time there were four opposition parties in Parliament. But, to top it all, the Independence Constitution was discussed and approved in just ONE sitting !!. How's that for Democracy?. These people never change.
Il-qawl Malti jghid li "Gemel qed jeghreq anki ma tibna jaqbad". U hekk qed jaghmlu ta' GonziPN. Igebbdu u jgebbdu biex forsi Franco Debono jerga jibdielu u jserahhom. Kemm laghaq Edwin Vassallo fuq it-TV, kemm taptaplu fuq idu lil Franco, biex taparsi jtih parir ta' missier u habib. Franco, dawn doppja faccia, imma int nahseb li ghandek intelligenza bizzejjed biex tasal ghall-konkluzjonijiet tieghek
Dedicated to the great Dr Gonzi and his merry men.
Isnt it obvious that the prime minister is playing for time so hopefully he might win some votes like he does every time an election is due by telling mepa to ok more permits quickly and also give some jobs to those who left the pn. But this time Gonzipn will have to work much harder to gather all his lost sheep.
What a waste of time and taxpayer money. I really feal frustrated that at this moment in time with all our island's problems the goverment is just toying around. If the President Dr.Gorg Abela has the power to do something about the present situation PLEASE do so. If there was somone who had united the majority of the Maltese people it was YOU. Why is it that those comftable enough with their paycheck continuasly keep the majority of us trying week in week out to make ends meet.
Seems the only intention of the government is to use over 30 hours of air time on PBS as advertisement for all the successful records the PN achieved under gonzi. This might help them recover some votes in the coming election. Malta first my foot for the PN they will be using our tax money to do their PR on PBS. Shameful.
It is a sad day for democracy in Malta when you see these antics. We have had two weeks of useles talk, in most cases. Now next Monday we will get 34 representatives on the government side telling us how ungrateful we all are for not appreciating that we live in heaven. They will go through whole lists of so called acheivements and where does it leave us? This country is bleeding, it cries out for justice, equality, meritocracy and a chance for our children to have a real future.
If anyone had any doubts that Gonzi is running scaredd, those doubts must have evaporated yesterday evening when the nerws broke that Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici had set the agenda the discussion on the motion of no confidence in GonziPN by not fixing a time limit for MPs' speeches ! This could mean that ALL PN MPs will take as much time as they want so that the debate drags on and on and on into weeks and months !!!!!! SHADES OF A TOTATILITARIAN GOVERNMENT ! Christian Democrats MY FOOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eddy Privitera
CMB: Int tbozz b'missierek. Mur gib lil nannuk haj! Mhux ahjar terga tmur torqod kif ilek taghmel dawn l-ahhar 4 snin. Btw...taf kif tasal sal-habs ta' Kordin? U very taf ittawwal ghax ir-rapport ta' l-EU fuq il-facilitatjiet korrettivi bhal ta' Kordin qalulek li disaztru kellek il-habs...ZZzzzzz
What a waste of time and tax payer's money. A Parliament of shame. We are not interested in speeches, we heard more than was needed. We, commoners want to get on with our lives, so just call a vote and get over it.
I cannot believe the need for all MPs to speak up on this no confidence motion. This motion was brought up as one of the Government side stated that he does not support the Government. So all that needs to be done is to establish if the Government has the required numbers or not!!! Why is the Government side doing all it can to postpone the inevitable! Be it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday the vote will need to be taken. Or do they have an some devilish plan???? CMB you better speak the truth!!!!
This situation will only result in strife and division among the maltese. I am starting to believe in Dr. Debono's Inner Circle of Evil. I agree that the President should act, even symbolically, to try to bring about a resolution to this problem. The country is now entering a new level of crisis, one which affects Democracy. I think Gonzi is playing a dangerous game which the Maltese people will eventually rue. I never expected this of him!!
The Party winning the next election will be the one willing and seen reliable enough to implement Franco's valid ideas on strengthening democracy - party financing, ministerial non-conflicting divisions of duties, accountability, Parliamentary relevance,sensitivity and responsiveness towards citizens (e.g. transport, power station ). Austin Gatt please note that calling the messenger mad does not help with the crucial non-committed electorate. mm
issa il buffu gonzi madux jinteresah mil stabilita tal pajjis u mil ekonomija, veru bnidem ahdar bhal zijuh
sa lahar iridu jipqaw jerdaw.flahar tal mazzita ha sib iz zbiba gonzi. your time is up.
Kemm kellu u ghad ghandu ragun Franco Debono fuq dan il bassa tinten jismu - Karm Mifsud Bonnici...Familja tal Jaqq
So the carnival ends January 2013?? This is of course ridiculous!!
Well elections were not meant to be held until at least a year from now so this surprise possibility caught the protagonists with their pants down and now they are scrambling to conclude their shady deals or clean up any mess which might be found after the elections.And also as was reported in this site yesterday they are playing for time to identify the disgruntled nationalist voters (yours truly included) to try to convince them to vote PN by seeing to their needs. Time out in my case. Paid through my nose for building permits etc Austin Gatt.How will you see to my favours? Give me back from your 500Euro rise??!!!!!
How ironic !! Dr. Karm wants to give everyone in the house a chance to express himself on the confidence vote. Lest we forget..... When the Independence Constitution was brought for discussion before Parliament in 1964, a guillotine motion was presented by PN Government depriving the opposition of the necessary freedom to discuss the Constitution. At that time there were four parties in opposition. But, to top it all, the Independence Constitution was passed in just ONE sitting !!. How's that for Democracy ?. These people never change.
This in my opinion is motivated by a devilish plan that the PN/Government have. They know that the chances for them to regain power after the next election, which they now realise, will happen soon, are very slim. Their intention is to create as much uncertainty and instability as possible such that the economy will slow down and a new Labour Government will find it more and more difficult to keep to its promises to the electorate and to keep inline with the EU requirements.
If anything it shows that ARROGANCE comes with promotion in the gonzipn tribe.