Hundreds of billboards prepped for possible election
Four-hour operation to transport hundreds of PN billboards from field.
Wrapped up in thermal clothing and protective gloves, a number of workers this morning were busy handling a four-hour operation to transport hundreds of PN billboards, which until today were stored in a field in Magħtab.
Early this morning, the heavy blue steel structures were elevated using a crane from a large field just a few metres away from the Magħtab landfill entrance.
Another team of workers shifting the billboards on trailers that will transport the billboard stands to their sites along the country's main thoroughfares.
With an early election looking inevitable for the country, the PN has been preparing itself for a possible campaign. Until last week the Nationalist Party didn't even have the groundwork ready for this campaign, including billboards and more seriously the general election manifesto.
Working round the clock, selected restricted teams are working to address this new political turn. In the past hours the PN has internally agreed on the billboards' text and images to be used in the first two weeks of the election campaign. This particular task has been entrusted to Minister Austin Gatt's team working specifically on the PN strategy for this general election.