Changing our comment moderation policy on

Temporarily suspending our light-touch moderation policy to foster a constructive environment for debate.

MaltaToday has gone up the Alexa rankings to 11th place in the last month.
MaltaToday has gone up the Alexa rankings to 11th place in the last month. has changed its comment moderation policy in anticipation of heightened activity on our comments board.

With the possibility of an early election and the political buzz generated by the recent cabinet reshuffle, we feel that we should temporarily suspend our light-touch moderation policy, to one that employs more careful scrutiny of the comments posted on our stories.

Before explaining any further, a big thank you to our readers: moved up further in the Alexa rankings from 15th to 11th place within just 30 days, consolidating our position as Malta's second-most accessed website with an average 1.1 million page views every day over the last two weeks. In fact in the first half of January the site served over 17 million pages to 486,597 visitors. Thanks again to our readers for choosing us as their trusted news source.

So what's with the new policy?

We feel that the current debate on Malta's political stability and the possibility of early elections merits a more direct control of what gets posted on our comment-boards.

Readers (and not the incorrect term 'bloggers' which is an altogether different type of internet creature) have enjoyed the faculty of posting their comments in real-time. Our light-touch moderation allowed readers to regulate each other by alerting us to possible offensive comments, which were then put to the test of our user guidelines [READ THEM HERE].

We felt our light-touch moderation was the best way of encouraging online debate, as well as allowing a respected tradition on the internet to allow readers to post comments using nicknames rather than their real names.

We are keeping our report abuse function, which sends flagged messages to our editors to review.

Under our new policy, we will be reviewing all comments as fast as possible, but please be patient. We have been engulfed by a wave of comments, and we are trying to moderate the discussion.

We will be especially publishing comments which contribute to the debate - so take this opportunity to put forward posts that add colour to the debate, but keep it civil: we are adopting a zero-tolerance on offensive posts, trolling, and misrepresentation of stories, the people mentioned in the reports, or Mediatoday and its employees.

So remember to be relevant, be aware that what you write may be misunderstood, and to think before you post. The things you say may offend and hurt other people, or be irrelevant to the debate.

Micheal Bonanno
While I agree with the general idea, to me this kills the aim of this section. A live discussion! It also gives a view of censorship much like the ToM. I hope this will be temporary.
Micheal Bonanno
While I agree with the general idea, to me this kills the aim of this section. A live discussion! It also gives a view of censorship much like the ToM. I hope this will be temporary.
Micheal Bonanno
While I agree with the general idea, to me this kills the aim of this section. A live discussion! It also gives a view of censorship much like the ToM. I hope this will be temporary.
Yes, you deserve to go up in the Alexa rankings, and yes, I agree wholeheartedly with your new policy. What readers want are intelligent comments, not nasty and rude insults. May I please strongly suggest that you add a "Like" feature to comments, such as is found on Youtube, where readers can vote UP or vote DOWN the comments submitted.
i've also got mixed feelings about this one... as some others said, real-time posts allow for true debate. the reason i don't type anything on TOM anymore is that it takes ages to be posted and i get no message to let me know when it's actually up and when somebody has commented afterwards. is it that much of a problem to have your users flag posts as they have been doing? i believe that most users here can handle the occasional offensive post without being scandalised or going down to the level of their "aggressors"... just a thought...
F'kelma wahda issa gejna bhat Times of Malta. Meta toqros xi wahda lil gvern sewwa jiccensurawk u ma jgibux il kumment. Inthom kontra tant ic censura u issa se tibdew ticcensurawna. Jien ma naqbilx li jkun hemm kummenti offensivi imma jien inhobb din il gazzetta ghax hija liberali. Issa se nitilfu in naqra cans li kellna biex nesprimu il fehmit taghna. Nispera li ghal linqas igib dan il kumment. Grazzi
Ian George Walker
I think it is a pity, but I can understand your concerns. However, I hope you will keep in mind this quote by Salman Rushdie, ""What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist."
Most trusted news source my foot! Go and tell it to the marines.
1.57 million hits in 17 days is impossible!! You need to read the unique hits , google analytics is the most accurate. You will find that it is far less maybe even less than 100k in 17 days. Alexa stats are also not 100% accurate
Mixed feelings actually. I hope MT does not become a clone of TOM. Otherwise let's see how it goes.
I back up this rethinking. I would opt for the deletion of pen-names, but for the sake of democracy and freedom of expression, I am ready to compromise. As for myself, hope to carry on with my firm opinion, that I say what I feel that needs to be said, under my name. Well done for taking this initiative and hope that the participation of readers expressing their opinions on Malta Today on line will continue on the increase. Healthy debate and civil behavour.
Agreed. S.C.
I think this is a very bad idea. The realtime commenting was, to me, what set MT apart from TOM. To me it would be better to only moderate those posters who are either new, or have proved to be unwilling to stick to the rules.
A good move. Maybe this will prevent the irritating habit of some commentators of using this site as their personal base to insult others.
A good move. Maybe this will prevent the irritating habit of some commentators of using this site as their personal base to insult others.
i heartily welcome these modifications...a change towards better and maturer discussion...
ma naqbilx. jien inhoss li kull kumment jekk ma jkunx fih kliem hazin u attakki personali ghandu jigi ippublikat. nispera li ma nibdewx naraw biss kummenti kontra il gvern u l-partit nazzjonalista.
Luke Camilleri
Like and thank you : )