Vince Farrugia used Daphne Caruana Galizia to hit out at Sandro Chetcuti – defence
Vince Farrugia’s lawyer objects to publication of SMS messages; defence claims texts show Farrugia ‘influenced media’ to amplify gravity of injuries.
The SMS messages sent out by GRTU director Vince Farrugia in the wake of his assault show he was in contact with a third party, asking him to influence Malta Independent columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia to undermine his aggressor Sandro Chetcuti in her blog, the defence counsel told the court in the compilation of evidence against Chetcuti.
Lawyer Manwel Mallia was reacting to an objection by Farrugia's legal counsel, who asked the court presiding over the prosecution of Sandro Chetcuti, to ban the publication of his client's SMS text messages in the press.
The text messages, which have been published in MaltaToday, are part of the evidence brought by the defence in the prosecution of former GRTU director Sandro Chetcuti, who is accused with the attempted murder of Farrugia after assaulting him in the Valletta offices of the GRTU.
Dr Chris Busietta, appearing in parte civile for Farrugia, said a newspaper was publishing "irrelevant details" and defying a court order by publishing the text messages.
Chetcuti's defence lawyer Manwel Mallia hit back at Busietta, saying the text messages revealed Vince Farrugia's "manipulative" character.
"Who do you people think you are? Where do you think are in, a communist state? What is your client trying to hide?" Mallia said.
"The text messages show how Vince Farrguia tried to influence the media and amplify a simple case of slight injury into attempted murder," Mallia said.
Mallia added that the texts show Vince Farrugia was in contact with a third party, urging him to instruct Malta Independent columnist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia to hit out at Sandro Chetcuti, himself, and other people.
"This is filth and Vince Farrugia wants to hide from it but he can't hide from it and I won't let him use a GRTU publication to continue his campaign," Mallia said, referring to a recent outburst against Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan in the GRTU's pamphlet.
"I will defend every journalist's right to publish the material Vince Farrugia himself chose to write... this is what you get in a communist state, using power and influence to get your way against people."
Mallia also accused Vince Farrugia of using Caruana Galizia to fuel her blog in using is to "destroy other people and spread venom... so who wants to stop the media now? Is Vince Farrugia regretting it?"
At this point, legal counsel Chris Busietta said Mallia had misunderstood him.
"I have not... you want to stop journalists from revealing who your client is," Mallia retorted. "Did you think Vince Farrugia is privileged?"
Mediatoday managing editor Saviour Balzan has been sued for libel by Farrugia after publishing SMSes presented in court by the defence counsel of Sandro Chetcuti, that call into question the evidence submitted by consultant radiologist Anthony Samuel of the injuries suffered by Farrugia.
The GRTU has also accused MaltaToday of exaggerating "the conspiracy theory" of "well-paid" defence lawyer Emanuel Mallia.
So far, two medical experts appointed by the court have put into doubt the evidence of Samuel as to the type of injuries Farrugia suffered when he was assaulted by Chetcuti at the GRTU offices back in March 2009.