Updated | PBS says BA decision attacks station's editorial independence

Broadcasting Authority awards PN 10-minute right of reply to answer criticism made by Nationalist MP Franco Debono.

The PN demanded a right of reply for criticism made by Franco Debono in last Tuesday's Bondiplus.
The PN demanded a right of reply for criticism made by Franco Debono in last Tuesday's Bondiplus.

Updated with PBS statement at 6:23pm.

The Public Broadcasting Services has registered its disagreement with two Broadcasting Authority decisions that gave Labour leader Joseph Muscat a right of reply of 15 minutes on Xarabank, and a 10-minute reply for the Nationalist party on next Tuesday's Bondiplus.

PBS said it did not have the opportunity to present its submissions to the BA over the right of reply awarded to Joseph Muscat, which was an own-initiative investigation of the interview Xarabank presenter Peppi Azzopardi had with the Prime Minister.

"The PBS not only disagrees with these two decisions, but sees them as a step back for our country's broadcasting as well as an attack on the station's editorial independence.

"The BA is taking a regressive step by demanding balance in every programme. This does not make journalistic sense. It is a mistake for the authority not to allow interview programmes with one personality, when other editions of these programmes host interviews with people of divergent and opposite viewpoints," the station said in a statement.

"This is what happens in other stations where the right to express an opinion is sacrosanct. And it is a pity that the authority is distancing itself from this model that is adopted in all free countries. The PBS believes the authority has to go back to the practice established over the past years and starts measuring balance and impartiality over the entire schedule of the station."

The Nationalist Party has secured a right of reply from the Broadcasting Authority, to have a 10-minute slot on Bondiplus as a retort to statements made by Franco Debono on the same programme on Tuesday last week.

In its complaint to the Broadcasting Authority, the PN asked the BA for a remedy to the criticism made by backbencher Franco Debono towards the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and the party.

The authority heard submissions from lawyers Karol Aquilina and Frank Psaila, the PN's administrative council president and information director respectively, as well as PBS head of news Natalino Fenech. The sitting was held on Tuesday, 17 January.

The PN's representatives contended that in the extensive interview granted to Franco Debono, the MP made repeated references to the way he was treated by the party and addressed his criticism to the Prime Minister and government ministers without giving the party the opportunity to express its position on Debono's comments.

On its part, the PBS representatives said the PN had not specified which parts of the interview contained this criticism, but that it was ready to consider a right of reply where particular criticism demanded such a remedy.

The PN also announced today it had filed a complaint with One Productions over the last edition of Joe Grima's discussion programme Inkontri, in which the microphone of Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech appeared to be switched off.

"This is an abusive and discriminatory act that creates imbalance in broadcasting and goes against the most elementary principles of democracy and freedom of expression," PN information director Frank Psaila said.

Psaila said that during a break in the programme, Zammit Dimech complained to the programme presenter after having been notified of what was happening by a viewer.

Granting the PN a right of reply to the programme which featured Dr Franco Debono on PBS, is in itself an unconscious admission by the PN that they no longer enjoy the majority of the parliamentary seats, and therefore, not able to govern anymore. By asking the BA for a remedy to the programme in question, the PN are declaring that Franco Debono is no longer a member of the party and is not representing the PN anylonger. And no majority of parliamentary representation = no governablility.
Luke Camilleri
"PBS says"..... by any chance PBS are not Peppi and Bondi 'S are stating by any chance?
Luke Camilleri
Aren't the LP being given a chance to reply so all sides in the House of representatives get their say?
Qrasthom fil-laham il-haj Franco! L-aqwa li l-bieb miftuh!Lol ;)
Joseph Sant
The Broadcasting Authority did not give Joseph Muscat or the PN a right of reply. If the decisions were based on right of reply, by law, such right of reply would have been limited to a maximum of 3 minutes. The time allocated in both cases was much more than that. The BA therefore could only have based it's decision on imbalance where it would not be tied by a time limit. And Where's Everybody?'s boast that they are never found guilty of imbalance totally crumbles!
so the PN have a right to reply against a PN member of parliament on a PN program. Tajba din
Kemm Lou Bondi huwa NAZZJONALIST bill-fjokki rajnih ukoll il-bierah meta intervista lil-Dr. Chris Cardona. Mument minnhom beda jiftahar li mill-UE " GEW ELF MILJUN EWRO MHUX 1 MILJUN KIF KIEN QAL Il-LABOUR" Jekk kien qed jitkellem bis-serjeta, allura Lou lanqas m'ghandu ideja dwar kemm qed inhallsu u kemm qed tiswielna s-shubija fl-UE ! Li kien qal il-Labour dak iz-zmien kien, li meta tnaqqas mil-flus li jigu mil-UE, il-flus li se nibdew inhallsu u telf ta' flus li se jkollna minhabba s-shubija, JIBQA BILANC TA' 1 MILJUN EWRO ! Differenza enormi minn kif qal Lou Bondi ! Pero il-Labour dak in-nhar ma kienx ghadu jaf li se mmorru ferm minn taht ! Nistieden lil Lou Bondi ifittex b'Google fuq: 'OPEN EUROPE and Malta's membership of the EU - cost of membership" halli jqum mill-holma li ghandu dwar il-miljuni mil- UE !!! Eddy Privitera
It seems that programme "Bondi+" backfired for the PN.
This is real interesting. Let the PL administrators note this 10min slot the BA has authorized on Bondi+. Could be a precedent for the future. With regards to the One programme, may I ask, if this falls under the BA jurisdiction.
Mhux hekk, hux, hemm l-iżbilanċ fix-xandir qal il-PN!
kull ma ser jaghmlu joqodu jibkulu biex ma jivvotax kontrihom, xen specjali
Mhux hekk sinjuri ta gonzipn, timmaginawx li ahna li nikkritikawkhom qed naghmlu dnub mejjet? Dak li tghallimt fuqkhom b'dak li taghmlu, triduha tal-innocenti, ilpup liebsin ta hrief.
Mhux hekk sinjuri ta gonzipn, timmaginawx li ahna li nikkritikawkhom qed naghmlu dnub mejjet? Dak li tghallimt fuqkhom b'dak li taghmlu, triduha tal-innocenti, ilpup liebsin ta hrief.
Francis Zammit Dimech should not have even been on Inkontri so by switching of his mic made no difference at all . Whenever he spoke it was a complete load of rubbish . Please PN do not send these kind of people on these programmes because they just remind the viewers of the past and people today are not stupid . One word of advice from a nationalist ....sort yourselves out once and for all and stop dragging your feet with petty excuses . The longer this saga takes the more you are going to lose votes .
Jekk hemm xi hadt li haqqu xi haga minn dan kollu, zgur huwa Franco Debono innifsu ghax missu flok intervistah nazzjonalist pur fuq ix-xandir 'ta l-istat" missu intervistah xi hadt newtrali...Mela anke f'Lou tilef il-fiducja issa l-PN? Jew Lou ikollu xi jghid li hu ma kulhadd jimxi l-istess...iddahkuniex!!
Izjed ma titkelmu fuq ix-xandir izjed qed titilfu voti
PN already had Lou Bondi speaking for them during the FD interview.