Parliament reconvenes after Christmas recess, Cristina: 'surreal atmosphere'

PN backbencher Franco Debono attends first parliamentary sitting following Christmas recess but sits away from the Prime Minister on the far end of government benches.

File photo: Parliament
File photo: Parliament

Parliament resumed this evening with the majority of MPs from government's side present, as speakers from both sides of the House paid their condolences to Nationalist MP Francis Zammit Dimech over the passing away of his mother.

PQ time was held as usual, with the air seemingly calm despite next week's debate over the Opposition's no-confidence motion in government. Earlier today, both government and opposition agreed that the debate should be held next week between Monday and Wednesday. The vote is to be taken at midday on Thursday.

Backbencher Franco Debono, who arrived in parliament at around 6pm, failed to say whether he welcomed the decision taken by the PN parliamentary group earlier this afternoon, when asked by journalists.

He took a seat at the very far end of the government benches and was welcomed by PN parliamentary group whip David Agius who sat with him for 15 minutes and was seen to go through a number of written parliamentary questions.

It is unknown what the two discussed but both seemed to talk light-heartedly and were later joined by MPs Jesmond Mugliett and Joe Falzon. No ministers were seen looking back or saluting Debono.

Earlier, the PN parliamentary group agreed for the debate to start on Monday with nine hours for its government MPs to debate the motion.

Opening the debate on amendments to the Education Act, Minister Dolores Cristina said that she was addressing the House under a "surreal atmosphere". Many of the MPs left as soon as Cristina started her debate, while Debono left a few minutes earlier.

Meanwhile, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat described the outcome of the PN parliamentary group as "better late than never", when asked by MaltaToday for a reaction. During the past week, the Opposition accused government of delaying tactics and filibustering over how the debate should take place in parliament.

Mhux bil-fors surrejali! Kieku konna f'pajjiz iehor Ewropew, b'daqsxejn misthija, kieku din ilha li irrezenjat talli cahdet lil uliedna scholarships u l-flus fl-Unjoni Ewropeja ! U zgur li surrejali; il-fatt li ma irrezenjatx! Ghandu ragun Franco Debono biex ibiegh!
Mhux bil-fors surrejali! Kieku konna f'pajjiz iehor Ewropew, b'daqsxejn misthija, kieku din ilha li irrezenjat talli cahdet lil uliedna scholarships u l-flus fl-Unjoni Ewropeja ! U zgur li surrejali; il-fatt li ma irrezenjatx! Ghandu ragun Franco Debono biex ibiegh!
Mhux bil-fors surrejali! Kieku konna f'pajjiz iehor Ewropew, b'daqsxejn misthija, kieku din ilha li irrezenjat talli cahdet lil uliedna scholarships u l-flus fl-Unjoni Ewropeja ! U zgur li surrejali; il-fatt li ma irrezenjatx! Ghandu ragun Franco Debono biex ibiegh!
Priscilla Darmenia
@Thorny:- There are supposed to be 35 members on Gonzi’s side but now 1 seems that went to the middle of the road, and 34 members on the opposition’s side. Normally the Speaker always votes in favour of the government when there is an equal vote only. I am not an expert on this subject and stand to be corrected.
Dan Joe Saliba listess bniedem li fil kwistjoni bejn Mintoff u Sant hareg jiftahar li 18 il xahar irrnexilhom iwaqqaw il Gvern?
Dan Joe Saliba listess bniedem li fil kwistjoni bejn Mintoff u Sant hareg jiftahar li 18 il xahar irrnexilhom iwaqqaw il Gvern?
@ Thorny, It is a superfluous question, with all due respect. That question will be answered on Thursday (tomorrow's week) when the vote of no confidence in the Government will be taken. Things will start from there, or maybe, who knows we all be surprised, and there will be a status quo. The question is one, what is Malta's best interest, considering the economic instability most quarters are commenting/complaining about. Thanks to the two sides of the House of Representatives for finally realizing the sooner this motion is settled is better. Yes the Nationalist Party dragged its feet, but who know what was happening behind the scene. Only the result of the vote will tell.
'Surreal" exact words. What did you expect. Members of "your family" call a another "member of your family" a madman, mizbla fl-istorja politika ....and you expect a serene sitting. Anzi very sibtu tifel kwiet. Qed taghmlu minn kollox biex forsi jibla il faxx karroti li qed iddenlu quddiemu. Kemm hu sabieh il poter jew ahjar kemm irendi li tkunu fil-gvern?
Of no mInister will look back or salute Franco Debono. They never had it so good 500 euros increase per week and thanks to Franco some are now reconsidering their mortgage over the purchase of a new farmhouse. If it was not for the 500 euros increase how can a Miniser move from an apartment next door to a cemetery to a posh street some blocks up the road. Halluna tridux.
Luke Camilleri
How many Mps are on Gonzi 's side and how many on the Opposition's side? About time the Speaker call a vote! On whose side is the Speaker?