Franco Debono presents private member’s motion on party financing

Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono this morning presented a private member's motion on party financing

MP Franco Debono walking to parliament last Wednesday evening (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
MP Franco Debono walking to parliament last Wednesday evening (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has presented a private member's motion on party financing, MaltaToday can reveal.

Speaking to MaltaToday, Franco Debono said: "I supervised the drafting of a private member's motion on political parties and party financing. It satisfies all GRECO requirements and goes much beyond," Debono said referring ot the Council of Europe's group of states against corrupion (GRECO) which supervises member states' party financing rules.

Debono said it will obviously need to be refined following consultation with the public and debate in parliament.

"This had been okayed by the Prime Minister months ago," Debono said.

Giving his reasons over the presentation, Debono said government never implemented the Galdes report finalised over 16 years ago. "Despite the years which passed, nothing has been done. Things have taken too long. The PM had made a commitment the law would be in place by the first six months of 2011. This never materialised," Debono said.

"This left me no option but to present the bill. I consider this law to be fundamental for any democracy."

Debono added, "This law is a safeguard against underground networks - if any - which ultimately undermine and corrode the fundamentals of democracy."

The MP had distanced himself from a draft bill the government presented to Greco, raising the alarm over its high thresholds for the disclosure of party donors.

The draft law proposed by the Maltese government will not restrict donations made by political party members, and sets a very high €10,000 ceiling for the publication of the names of other donors.

The Maltese government divulged the contents of its proposed law, regulating the way political parties will declare from where they get their cash, when replying to GRECO's queries on Malta's compliance to a report issued in 2009.

GRECO objected to the distinction made in the new law between party and non-party members and described the €10,000 threshold for the publication of the names of other donors as "critically high".

By way of example, an industrialist or entrepreneur can become a registered member of the party to enjoy an exemption from party financing laws - a loophole that undermines the very essence of a party financing law.

According to GRECO, the proposed law states that contributions or sponsorships to political parties made by non-members of the party exceeding €3,000 will be publicly declared.

The law will also stipulate that the name of the contributor is to be made public if the contribution exceeds €10,000.

"It appears, however, that there are no such rules in respect of donations from party members, which is not in line with GRECO's recommendations, where such a distinction is not made," the report stated.

In a report issued in 2009, GRECO had called on Malta to introduce a general requirement for both political parties and election candidates to disclose all individual donations, including those of a non-monetary nature they receive above a certain value together with the identity of the donors.

@jgalea. You are claiming that Dr Eddie Fenech Adami was the one who ( you claim ) gave us back democracy after 16 years. I take it you are refering to the same Dr Eddie Fenech Adami, who stepped down from Prime Minister ( to supposedly retire ) and came back as President of Malta !. An unpredented step in world politics i.e until Putin. I think everybody can come up with their own conclusions about this legend of maltese politics.
As much as i would like to see this disastrous government get thrown out, i prefer Gonzi to continue till 2013 when Malta economy is going to collapse then a labour victory is not going to be a landslide but the mother of all landslides.
PS Franco mhux ser iwaqqa il gvern. REBHA ohra ghal gvern taghna. U TELFA ghas socjalisti. Msejkna.
Sur Webmaster, Safejn naf jien bghatt kumment b'riferenza dak li qal jgalea dwar talb biex franco debono jiftah mohhu. Jekk hassejt li l-ahhar zewg sentenzi kienu goffi, stajt iccensurat dawk, mhux il-kumment kollu. Ma jemminx li l-Malta Today thobb ticcensura lill-qarrejja taghha, jkunu fuq ikunu, anki on line. Jekk dan l-item iddahhal taht xi item iehor u ma ndunajtx, niskuza ruhi. Imma ma tantx jien konvint li gara hekk. Insellimlek, Saviour Francis Cachia
Tixtiqni laburist sur Guido! Kieku ghaziltu lil George Abela iva probabilment kont nivvota maghkom. Imma bhal ma qal Evarist Bartolo: Tinbidlu kemm tinbidlu tibqghu l istess. Mortu ghaziltu lil KMB, F. Sant, u Joe M. Ghandom xi haga simili. Kolla losers. Taf x messek qedtli sur Guido? Ghandix ilma id dar. Ghandniex ikel fis supermarkets illum. Ghandniex liberta, u demokrazija illum. Ma ninsa qatt x ghamiltu f tal Barrani, u fl incidenti ir Rabat fl 1987. Dawn ghandu jiftkar il poplu Malti qabel jivvota, u jkompli jeleggi lill PN ghal dejjem. Fejn hi il vjolenza taht il PN? X ghamiltu intom meta kontu (bi sfortuna) fil gvern? XEJN. Jekk tridu tmexxu, inghaqdu maghna :)
Zack Depasquale
Jigri x'jigri fil-parlament nhar il-Hamis, il-Gvern tista tghid spicca. Jekk ma jaghdiex il-vot ta'sfiducja. Dr Gonzi xorta ma' jkollux triq ohra hlief li tisejjah ghal elezjoni.Dan Dr Gonzi ghandi jaghmlu biex ma jibqax maghruf nhalha l-iktar PrimMinistru debboli li qatt kellu dan il-pajjiz. ma jistax ikollok PrimMinistru li jkun rikattat u li ma jafx fejn ikun qieghed.
Notice to all armchair political analysts over here. There is only ONE silver bullet in Franco Debono's gun. A single chance to slay the werewolf...... A miss and it's all over.
Thumbs up FD.We need more politicians like you.
Jien nahseb li Franco ha jilghab karta li biha jista jirrikkata l-gvern. F`dall-vot ta sfiducja nemmen li hu ha jastjeni jew ma jmurx il-parlament bil-kundizzjoni li l-ligi tal-finanzjamenti tal-partiti tghaddi kif iridha hu u mhux x`lest jaccetta l-PN. Jekk dan ma jsehhx hemm jkollu kull skuza biex kull darba jivvota kontra l-gvern ghax kif qal hu stess lil li dan il-gvern ghandu jaqa !!
Jien nahseb li Franco ha jilghab karta li biha jista jirrikkata l-gvern. F`dall-vot ta sfiducja nemmen li hu ha jastjeni jew ma jmurx il-parlament bil-kundizzjoni li l-ligi tal-finanzjamenti tal-partiti tghaddi kif iridha hu u mhux x`lest jaccetta l-PN. Jekk dan ma jsehhx hemm jkollu kull skuza biex kull darba jivvota kontra l-gvern ghax kif qal hu stess lil li dan il-gvern ghandu jaqa !!
@cocco. Boq. Jien ma fhimt xejn minn fuq Madankollu ma tantx niehu ghal li jinkiteb fuq dak is-site!!! Hafna wishful thinking!!!
L-ahwa, ghal min jixtieq jaqta' l-kurzita`, l-elezzjoni mhux se ssir issa - dan qed jghidu FD stess (b'mod indirett) - morru fuq u taraw.
@ Furjaniz.....bhalek nahseb ! Pero ara jghaddilek minn mohhok li Gonzi ha jaghmel bhal Sant. Hemm wisq x `jitilfu,,Gonzi anke it-trab ta ma l-art lest li jilghaq basta jibqa jzomm il-poter,u ifhmni il-poter tahsibx li jkkonsisti f` xi 5 mitt euro zieda fil-paga Kemm hemm aktar minn hekk!! Ezempju car hu li ma nistghax nifhem kif persuna ghada tibda id-dinja u Alla jbierek tbiegh u tibni blokkok ta apartamenti gewwa Wied il-ghajn !!!
@ Furjaniz.....bhalek nahseb ! Pero ara jghaddilek minn mohhok li Gonzi ha jaghmel bhal Sant. Hemm wisq x `jitilfu,,Gonzi anke it-trab ta ma l-art lest li jilghaq basta jibqa jzomm il-poter,u ifhmni il-poter tahsibx li jkkonsisti f` xi 5 mitt euro zieda fil-paga Kemm hemm aktar minn hekk!! Ezempju car hu li ma nistghax nifhem kif persuna ghada tibda id-dinja u Alla jbierek tbiegh u tibni blokkok ta apartamenti gewwa Wied il-ghajn !!!
bir ragun li nghamlu min kollox biex nibqu hemmm.Bir ragun qlajna l-hama u immanuvrajna kontra Alfred Sant.Ghandu ragun Franco jitkellem fuq il finanzjarjament tal partit.Hares lejn il ftit li saru miljunarji u ara ma liema partit qedghin.
It looks like this comedy is coming towards it's end! The way that Beppe Fenech Adami, and other top GonziPN officials attacked, and continue to attack Dr.Franco Debono, even personally, was the last episode in this 4 year drama of a government that should have never ever existed from the start! Let's wait and see what's going to happen on Thursday, although many political analyists have a clear indication about what's going to happen! I hope that the President of the Republic should express his views about the situation, cause until now we haven't heard anything from his office. Dr.Debono stated that he doesn't care anymore about his political career, and with this statement the only way ahead for this tiny island is a GENERAL ELECTION!
@ jgalea.....Ikolli nghejd li int laburist aktar mid Dar Centrali li hemm il Hamrun.Dik li mizbugha hamra.X`dawl qeghed jara Franco ? Jekk jibqa sejjer hekk ser jitfa skoss nazzjonalisti jghamlu il ` ByPass`. Possibbli li ma tafx li il P.L. huwa l-uniku partit li jghejd min fejn gab il finanzi kull sena.....
@jgalea, ghal li jista jkun int qarib ta' Tonio ArseInAll Fenech li jara l-Madonna tibki. X'minghalik qed tiggwadanja b'din il-qdusija tfur minn gewwa widnejk bit-talb u l-panigirki. Ahjar titlob l-Alla jehliesna minn dan il-gvern korrot. Tinsiex x'kien qal siehbek EFA, minn ma jiggielidx il-korruzzjoni huwa korrot ukoll.Il-banalitajit tieghek hsara lir-religjon jghamlu.
@mrcrycrash, If Franco wants to be credible he must stick to his guns and vote against gonzi on the vote of confidence, anything different will be total suicide bioth politically and professionally, which to him is much more important as the political income is sure to go missing for him soon.As regards the private members bill as I can see it if the confidence vote ends up with pm calling elections the bill as presented by Franco would still be on the agenda when a new parliament convenes thus Franco leaves a legacy behind since he will not present himself for elections. Nice one Franco.
@jgalea, ahjar titlob li Lawrence Gonzi jwarrab minn Prim Ministru, tahtru mexxej gdid u b'xi mod tirrangaw ma' Franco u ssalvaw il-Gvern. Ma tarax li t-talb tieghek hu bla sens. Franco tqiesu vavu daqshekk, se jsalva Gvern taht Lawrence Gonzi. Taht haddiehor, hemm cans. U jekk il-Gvern ma jaqax ma jkunx qed jaghmlilna pjacir, ahjar ha jibla l-kanen u zkuk li holoq hu stess u gejjin fuqu minhabba l-eurozone. Jien la jien kontra l-Unjoni Ewropea, la kontra l-Eurozone, minkejja li jien Laburist, imma kontra l-Gvern Nazzjonalista mmexxi minn Lawrence Gonzi,li ma kellux kontroll fuq shabu minkejja s-successi li ftahar bihom. Sur Galea itlob lil Alla jiftah mohh Gonzi mhux Debono. Kemm baqghu mmuffati intom in-Nazzjonalisti. Bil-pjaciri kollha li fehsiebkom taghmlu sakemm tissejjah elezzjoni, anki sa' marzu/gunju 2013, lill-Kastilja ghedulha bye bye. U iktar ma ddumu hemm, il-Labour iktar jaqbillu. Hallu lil Gonzi johodkom ghal elezzjoni issa, mela qed tinsew x'inhu jwissikom l-istategista Agostino Pio Gatt dwar tkaxkira kbir. U Sur galea, avolja ghandek kull dritt, aqtagha din li dejjem ideffes lill-Mulej..mela dan ukoll sar Nazzjonalist, bhall-Madonna ta' Borg in-Nadur?
Ghamel hazin jekk qal hekk fuq Dr. Fenech Adami. Dr. Fenech Adami kien dak li rega tana id demokrazija wara 16 il sena ta dittatura brutali socjalista. Franco ikkonverta, u nhar il Hamis jivvota mal gvern.
mhux talli mhux se jitlob skuza,talli dalghodu ghajjar lil eddie fenech adami rigward il gidba fahxija li ghamel qabel elezzjoni fuq aldred sant.Nahseb ta xejn qed tibki u titlob ghax l elezzjoni maghna
@jalea.mhux talli mhux se jitlob skuza,talli dalghodu ghajjar lil eddie fenech adami rigward il gidba fahxija li ghamel qabel elezzjoni fuq aldred sant.Nahseb ta xejn qed tibki u titlob ghax l elezzjoni maghna
@jalea.mhux talli mhux se jitlob skuza,talli dalghodu ghajjar lil eddie fenech adami rigward il gidba fahxija li ghamel qabel elezzjoni fuq aldred sant.Nahseb ta xejn qed tibki u titlob ghax l elezzjoni maghna
Joseph Pace
Nice one Franco & PN Probable scenario: Vote on thusday passes with Speaker's casting vote, Franco abstaining. Then, this law and maybe a few other tweaks to Justice system done so that Franco keeps PN in power until an October election, by which time enough work is done to try to make PN nicer for an election, Franco gets his name on the Party Financing Law, PN does not present an austerity budget and have a last ditch attempt at another 5 years in Power. "Mahduma Bizzilla"
Joseph Pace
Nice one Franco & PN Probable scenario: Vote on thusday passes with Speaker's casting vote, Franco abstaining. Then, this law and maybe a few other tweaks to Justice system done so that Franco keeps PN in power until an October election, by which time enough work is done to try to make PN nicer for an election, Franco gets his name on the Party Financing Law, PN does not present an austerity budget and have a last ditch attempt at another 5 years in Power. "Mahduma Bizzilla"
Semplici Anton. Franco se jastjeni u jzomm lil gvern ta Gonzi u hu wahdu jibda jikkmanda fil parlament liema ligi tghaddi u li ma tghaddiex. Gonzi jaqbillu jghamel ki kien ghamel Alfred Sant u ixolji il parlament. Pero jekk jghamel hekk ikun hareg ta vavu ghax xorta se jibqa jahdem taht Gonzi.
Franco. Prosit. Qed nara li fl ahhar qied tara id dawl. M'hawnx bhalek :) It talb taghna qied jinstema. Isa issa imiss titlob skuza lill kap taghna Dr. Gonzi, u il partit glorjuz taghna. Kulhadd ihobbok. Ghamilt sew ghamilt din il mozjoni, biex nikxfu il hazen, u il hmieg li hemm fil partit socjalista li huma ikkundannati ghal dejjem fl oppozizjoni.
Jien cert li Joseph lest jibbekkja lil Franco fuq din kif ghamel ma jeffrey fuq id-divorzju
Jien cert li Joseph lest jibbekkja lil Franco fuq din kif ghamel ma jeffrey fuq id-divorzju
Franco.....sometimes you leave me speechless !!!! Why presenting the bill now ? If thursday parlament has to vote on a no confidence motion tabled by the opposition which you yourself said that you are going to support !!! Doesn`t it come to your mind that parlament will first go for the vote of no confidence & if that passes parlament has to wrap up ? Can you please exlpain whts on your mind ?