Saliba used party machinery to push for Polidano’s factory - JPO

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando claims former PN secretary general Joe Saliba favoured a cement factory proposed by construction magnate Charles Polidano at the time when Saliba was employed with Polidano.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando
Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said he is going to support the private member's motion presented by Franco Debono on party financing.

On his Facebook wall, Pullicino Orlando wrote that he will not support Debono's stand on the no-confidence motion, but he will "definitely support his Private Member's motion".

Pullicino Orlando went on to add that he appreciated how "relevant" this legislation was, in respect of Pullicino Orlando's involvement in a campaign against a cement factory proposed by construction magnate Charles Polidano, ic-Caqnu.

During the Eddie Fenech Adami administration, Pullicino Orlando had pushed forward a petition of 10,000 signatures against the cement factory.

"I encountered strong opposition by Joe Saliba who was the PN secretary-general in those days," Pullicino Orlando wrote.

Saliba resigned from his post as PN secretary-general in June 2008 after 11 years at the helm of the Pietà headquarters, having led three successful general election campaigns.

"[Saliba] used all the party machinery to push for the acceptance of the cement factory. I used to wonder why until I got to know that he was employed by Polidano as a 'consultant'."

Pullicino Orlando added that Polidano had "boasted" that he used to pay Saliba "thousands of Euro every month for his 'services'."

Pullicino Orlando, who has called it a day in politics, will be remembered for piloting a private member's bill on divorce despite the Nationalist Party's stand against divorce at the time.




Missirijietna hallewlna proverbju "lil min tafu, tistaqsix ghalih"
@jgalea Allura trisd li joqghod b`halqu maghluq , u jhalli din il-korruzzjoni grassa tibqa` ghaddejja. Il-poplu ghandu dritt ikun jaf min liema gvern konna immexxijien dawn l-ahhar snin halli jkun jista` jiddeciedi.
Ian George Walker
@ Antoine Vella. Wrong, as usual. The Cement Factory affair occurred (according to Saliba himself) in 1998. The Mistra Disco affair was in 2008 - ten years later. And that permit was not approved solely because it was revealed by the LP. So much so that, to limit the damage, Gonzi made a big song and dance about taking MEPA into his own "par idejn sodi".
Hbieb tal-hbieb......u xi dawra bil-boat ma tonqos. Austin ghazel power station tahdem bil-heavy fuel oil ghan-nies tas-south u Joe Saliba ghazel fabbrika tas-siment. Addio l-ambjet u s-sahha tal-bniedem. Min zied lilu nnifs 600 euro fil-gimgha u min ha eluf ta' euro ghas-servizz waqt li l-poplu jbati l-konsegwenzi u jipprova jlahhaq mal-hajja u mal-kontijiet esaggerati tad-dawl u ilma li ghogbu jibghat gonzipn. Nistennew aktar tbazzwier jinkixef sa l-elezzjoni. Par idejn sodi.....nahseb l-idejn sodi ntuzzaw biss maz-zghir. Issa dalwaqt imiss lilna li naghmlu l-kontijiet wara li ilna 4 snin naqilghu fuq rasna, u jghid x' jghid Joe Saliba u Gonzipn.
il -vera jaq tal pn
taf xi tfisser il-kelma mafja sur saliba?
Ma nahsibx li c-Caqnu kien jimpiega lil Saliba biex ikahhal! But earning thousands of Euro every month is still a lot of money. Thares fejn thares f'dan il-Gvern,kollox korruzzjoni u tahwid.
PN is in meltdown. The rats have all left the ship and now it's everybody on his own trying to save his bacon. Soon we shall confirm who forms the lodge running the party.The Party needs to be refounded. It should be us the true Nationalists to investigate those who have abused us and expel them from the Party.
That would have been at about the same time that Pullicino Orlando was "pushing for" his disco at Mistra. Neither project was approved by MEPA, which shows that Saliba or no Saliba, JPO or no JPO, the system of checks and balances set up by the government is effective. In these two cases it certainly worked.
Sur JPO. Dak li ridt hadtu. Issa irrispetta lil haddiehor, u tohloqx aktar problemi. Taf ghax titkellem. Ghax mhux hireg ghal elezzjoni.
@jgalea u xi tghid rigward din , veru partit glorjuz (fil-korruzzjoni)
Prosit sur Saliba .Imbaghad ahna jkollna noqghodu ghall decizjonijiet li jfottulna l hajja taghna .Konplu uruna dawn l-intricci halli aktar nkunu nafu x`jigri minn wara l kwinti.
This country has reached the pits.
This country has reached the pits.
I bet Joe Saliba will now uncover some dirt on the Mistra Disco that JPO cried so many 'tears' over. Many skeletons seem to be coming out of the cupboard recently and my hunch is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. No wonder they are clinging on to power for as long as possible. Some Maltese Politicians have really hit rock bottom!.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Bhalissa qed isir hafna kliem dwar ligi dwar ghajnuna finanzjara lill-Partiti. Issa min jmur jghin lil xi Partit u jibqa' jigi mhallas minn min ihaddmu ha jigi meqjus bhal kontribut finanzjarju lill-partit?
Nisperaw li Saliba iddikjara ghal fini tat-taxxa dawk l-eluf li skont JPO kien jiehu bhala konsulenza. Jew forsi kienu jmorru fil-karus tal-PN? L-ewwel haleb lic-Caqnu issa lil-Zaren. Tajba Saliba!
Anette B Cassar
Din tal misthija minn kull angolu li thares lejha.
Tikkonferma Sur Joe Saliba?
As far as I know Polidano never got a permit for his cement factory. He was certainly less successful than Pullicino Orlando and his Mistra project, of which Pullicino Orlando "of course" knew nothing about. Igri tigi l-elezzjoni ha nehilsu minnek Pullicino Orlando. Anke jekk jitilghu l-Labour, dejjem ahjar minn din ic-corma ta' backbenchers indannati ghax Gonzi ma ghamilkomx ministri. Qed nirreferi ghalik, Pullicino Orlando, il-megalomanjaku Franco Debono u Jesmond Mugliett li dalwaqt ser jircievi email li ma telghax. Fiex gibtuh il-Partit Nazjonalista. Imisskom tisthu!
Min mhux maghna kontra taghna jghid il proverbju. Jew l hemm jew l hawn, iddeciedi.
Bir-rispett kollu, ma narax kif l-eluf ta' liri li kien idaħħal Joe Saliba fil-kont personali tiegħu għandhom x'jaqsmu mal-finanzjament tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Jista' jkun li n-Nazzjonalisti huma korrotti, imma ħadd ma jista' jgħid li l-Partit korrott!
'Pullicino Orlando, who has called it a day in politics, will be remembered for piloting a private member's bill on divorce despite the Nationalist Party's stand against divorce at the time.' Miriam Dalli, Why are you trying to rewrite history. For me JPO will be best remembered for the Mistra scandal and the lies and tears in the 2008 elections. GonziPN will be forever tainted for tricking the Maltese electorate by their manoeuvres over JPO such as transforming him overnight into a journalist and as an innocent victim of the pernicious Sant.
REbellion? Revolt? Conspiraacy? the GonziPN is just spoilt for choice!
Il veru pajjiz jghereq fil-ha--. Veru tal-misthija. Ahleb Wenz ghax l-oppozizzjoni kwieta u il-poplu kuntent.
Isabelle Borg
Kif jista jkun? Mela in-nazzjonalisti jaghmlu dawn l-affarijiet? Dawk kull nhar ta' hadd jmorru l-quddies, ma tarax!
The Pn's back benchers should form their own party; The Democratic Nationalist Party as the late Dr Herbert Ganado did. They will be doing a great service to the honest PN supporters and to Malta in general.
Mhux ahjar tghidilna kif Joe Saliba ghinek tiddefendi ruhhek fuq l-art tal-Mistra?
Ian George Walker
Iż-żejt tiela' f'wiċċ l-ilma, fl-aħħar.
Come on Gonz, everbody's fed up now! Be a man for once and call the bloody election! Stop living in denial!You have broken your party and country to pieces!
With all due respect in favour of government is like as they say: chi tace consente....sorry ta! imma il-poplu qieghed jithawwad issa!